Flight 1D zaplo celkom 125 hráčov a spoznali sme tak trinástku postupujúcich. Chipleadrom sa po úpornom snažení stl Laszlo Marthy so stackom 1,026,000. Flight 1E prilákal 41 postupujúcich a spoznáme tak kvarteto postupujúcich. Dnes na nás čaká najsilnejší deň a tri flighty. Flight 1F začína o 12:00, flight 1G o 17:00 a flight 1H Turbo o 22:00. V týchto chvíľach je overlay viac ako 90,000€ a tak určite bude o čo hrať. Tešíme sa na Vás !
Chipcounts 1D:
2:00 Kevin double up and bubbleboy is Jozef Vladár
Kevin shoves his 107,000 with Ax Jx and ran into a pocket queens held by Shmuel Vizner. Board Jx 7x 6x Jx Jx held Kevin in game. On next table Jozef Vladár got his 228,000 behind the line with Ax 9x against Artur Pietruk and after board 7x Qx 2x Jx 3x Vladár was last eliminated from flight 1D !
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 416,667, ent.: 15/125, 1E ent.: 16/41, HR ent.: 3/32
1:45 Pampurík eliminated
On the flop Jh 9s Tc Artur bets 35,000 and Pampurík after short while shoves for 240,000. Artur snapcalls with Kc Qc and Pampurík tabled pocket eights. Turn Ax and river 6c couldnt help to Pampurík. We are looking for last two eliminations of flight 1D !
1:30 Matej Maceják busto
Vizner opens to 30,000, Maceják shoves for about 200,000, on other side of table Massimo calls all in and Vizner folded. Maceják held Ax Qx and Massimo found pocket sixes. After board 9x 8x 4x 2x 5x Maceják got almost nothing left and last couple of chips was lost in next hand.
Level 19: 10,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 347,222, ent.: 18/125, HR ent.: 3/32, 1E ent.: 18/40
1:10 Pampurík shoves
Pampurík shoves last 67,000 . Marthy and Ercegovic in blinds folded without any resistance and Zdenko took blinds and ante without any showdown.
1:05 Tomasz Bukowski double up
Bukowski got his short in with pocket jacks against Pampurík with Ax 2x. Board Xx Xx Ax Jx Xx brought a double up for polish player.
Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 312,500, ent.: 20/125, HR ent.: 4/32, 1E ent.: 23/37
00:45 Kevin jams
At first it was folded to Kevin in the button and he shoves for around 100,000. Wesselman and Tapia didn´t found hands to call with. Few hands later Mravík opens to 27,000 and Kevin rejams 127,000. Mravík folded and tournament with significnatly slower rhytm will continue without elimination.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 284,091, ent.: 22/125
Break 15 min
23:50 Kevin double up
Kevin got his 67,000 in with Kx Tx against Mravík with pocket nines. Board Qx Jx 8x 3x Kx saved Kevin from elimination.
Banco Casino Masters will be back in august !
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 260,417, ent.: 24/125, HR ent.: 19/27, 1E ent.: 7/32
23:30 Richard Eller tanking
On the turn 4d 5d Ad 6x pot was 104,000 and Ivan Antala bets 100,000. Eller was tanking for some time and gave up on his hand.
Highroller Final Table:
23:15 Wesselman putting pressure on Kevin
Pot was 55,000 and on the river Tx Tx 4x 4x 5x Wesselman bets 10,000. Kevin asked few questions, but after not getting answer he folded his hand.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 231,481, ent.: 27/125, HR ent.: 8/32, 1E ent.: 17/22
22:55 Tomasz Bukowski double up
Tomasz shoves his 47,000 from button with Ad 8d and his opponent calls from blinds with As Qs. Board 8d 2d 9s 3s 8h saved Bukowski.
22:45 Edmondo with a win
Fabio Muhr opens to 12,000 from button and Edmond defends. On the flop Ad 7d 6h Fabio bets 12,000 and Edmond pays again. Turn 9h and river 2d were checked through and Edmond shows 7x 8x. Fabio toss the cards into the muck.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 223,214, ent.: 28/125, Hr ent.: 10/32, 1E ent.: 13/14
22:30 Turboflight started while ago
Flight 1E – Turbo has shortened levels to 15 minutes and is well-tailored for lovers of quicker tournament structures !
22:20 Max Izet eliminated
Max opens to 10,000, Pampurík calls and Vladár 3-bets to 30,000. Max shoves for 62,000, Pampurik folds and Vladár calls with Ax Kx. Max tabled pocket tens and after board As Kx 5x 2x 6x has to give it up in flight 1D.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 152,439, ent.: 41/125, HR ent.: 10/32
Break 15 min
21:45 Johann Strau double up
Johan got his 58,000 in with Ax Jx against pocket eights held by Martin Motyka. Board 4x 7x 3x Jx 7x brought a double up for Johann.
21:35 David Kusza backraising
David limps from Ep, Zsolt Zanati raises to 15,000, Záborský calls and Kusza shoves around 100,000. Both opponents folded and David shows them Ax Kx.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 113,208, ent.: 53/120, HR ent.: 20/31
20:50 Flip
Joseph got his 15 bb in with pocket sevens against Kx Qx of his swedish opponent. After Qx on the turn is Joseph eliminated.
20:40 Edmondo with nice pot
On the river Tx 8x Tx 7x 8x pot was around 45,000 and Edmondo bets 20,000. Boris Urosevic needed long time but decided to fold his hand
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 100,882, ent.: 59/118, HR ent.: 19/28
20:10 Tiny pot for Laszlo Marthy
On the flop Kx Tx Qx Laszlo with Shmuel checks and pot was about 10,000. On the turn 7x Laszlo bets 3,000 and Shmuel calls. On the river Qs Laszlo bets 5,000, but Shmuel folded quietly.
Level 9: 1,000 - 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 88,095, ent.: 63/111, HR ent.: 20/27
Break 15 min
19:30 Harald Redl double up
Harald got his 29,000 in with Qx Jx against Massimo with Kx Tx. Board 9x 8x Qx 8x 9X held for Harald this time.
19:15 Aren eliminated
On the flop 7c 3c Jd pot was about 8,000 and Aren shoves around 30,000. Juraj Kováčik reshoves bit more and three more players folded. Aren shows Kx Jx, Kováčik set of threes and after turn Qx and river 8x Aren is eliminated for now.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 76,273, ent.: 66/102
19:00 3-way all in
Harald Redl got his 68,000 in against Urosevic and Gutten. Gutten covered both and held pocket tens, Redl was shortest stack with Ax 2x and Boris found pocket kings. Board Qx 2x 7x 6x 9x didn´t brought any surprises, Harald is eliminated, Gutten got strong hit and Urosevic is climbing up significantly.
18:45 Johann Strau took a nice multiway pot
On the turn Jx 2x 9x 9x pot was over 10,000 and Strau bets 5,200, Lenhart and Gross calls. On the river 9x all three players checks and Strau shows Kx Jx, Lenhart Qx 8x and Gross mucks.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 68,657, ent.: 67/92
18:25 Miro Juriš loosing again
Častvan got his 35,700 in with pocket eights against Juriš with Ax Qx. After runout Tx 2x 2x Kx 2x Juriš took another hit and Častvan took full double up.
18:15 King high more than enough for Mario Lenhart
After few limps Redl raises to 6,000 and three opponents called. On the flop 5x 3x 8x there was no action, on the turn 3x Harald checks, Strau bets 5,500, Lenhart with Gross calls and Redl surprisingly folded. On the river Ac all three players checks again, Strau tabled Js Ts, Lenhard Kx Qx and Gross mucked his hand.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 64,925, ent.: 67/87, HR ent.: 17/17
18:00 Cicko elimiantes Juriš
Cicko opens to 3,500 and Juriš reshoves about 25,000 with pocket eights. Cicko comfortably calls with pocket jacks and after board As 7s 2d 9s 6d is Miro busted.
17:45 Pampurík took off Kajan
On the river 9d 3d 6c Ts 9c Kajan bets 4,000 into a pot of about 6,000. Pampurík calls and Tomáš shows pocket fives. Pampurík win the pot with his Kx 9x.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 58,333, ent.: 66/77, HR ent.: 16/16
Break 30 min
16:55 Small pot for Andrej
On the flop Kx Qx 5x there is 7,200 in the middle and all three players checks. On the turn As Andrej bets 2,300, Vettas folded and Dušan Rapo calls. On the river 6c both checks and Andrej tables Ax Jx. Rapo mucked.
16:40 Highroller starting in 20 minutes !
One day event with a buy in of 550€ and 20,000€ GTD are waiting for you to start shortly !
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg.54,839, ent.: 62/68
16:30 Simple c-bet is enough for Dmytro Kozyrev
On the turn 7x 5x 3x Jx Kozyrev bets 5,000 into a pot of about 10,000. Pampurík instantly folded.
16:15 Edmondo double up
On the river 5s 7h 4s Kh 8s pot was about 20,000 and Edmondo was asking few questions towards Ivan Antala. After short while Ed shoves for 19,300 and Ivan snapcalls. Edmondo held 9c 6c and Ivan tabled Kx Jx that was not good enough.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 50,893, ent.: 56/57
16:00 Tomasz Bukowski with a set
On the turn Qc 4s 6s Ah pot was around 8,000, Bukowski bets 3,500, two players folds and Ercegovic made the call. On the river Jh Bukowski bets 6,500, Ercegovic calls again and Tomasz tables pocket fours for a set. Ercegovic mucks very quickly.
15:45 Massimo took the pot this time
On the flop 9d 9s 5c pot was around 12,000 and all six players checks. On the turn 8s Edmondo bets 8,000 and only Massimo calls. River Ts brought two checks and Massimo shows pocket sixes. Edmondo mucks his hand.
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 45/45
15:30 Massimo Pulpito in tank mode
Masimo with two other opponents agreed on 2,200 preflop. On the flop Qc 6h 2s Tomi Slezinger bets 3,500, Hohr calls and Pulpito raises to 8,000. Both opponents calls and on the turn 7s Tomi shoves for around 40,000. Hohr folded quickly but Massimo needed more than three minutes to think and after that someone from table called for a clock. Massimo folded his hand in first half of his countdown.
15:10 These players are already playing
Juriš, Častvan, Bartáloš, Pampurík, Ziegerhofer and others
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 28/28
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2
Multiple qualification: 2x = 450€, 3x = 900€
All players qualified for Final Day are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Summer Cup 250,000€ GTD:
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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