Cash Game High Hand Jackpot - specialty for cash game players!
Banco Casino is introducing the new HIGH HAND JACKPOT, in which we will distribute thousands of Euros to cash game players! Get combinations of Poker, Straight Flush or Royal Flush and Banco Casino will reward you!

Banco Casino is introducing the new HIGH HAND JACKPOT, in which we will distribute thousands of Euros to cash game players! Get combinations of Poker, Straight Flush or Royal Flush and Banco Casino will reward you!
The High Hand Jackpot will always guarantee a minimum of 500€!
Every week, Banco Casino publishes how much will be played in each week - watch the casino's social networks, where you find out all the essentials.
Any player who creates a combination of Poker (Quads), Straight Flush or Royal Flush while playing No Limit Hold'em or Pot Limit Omaha will receive an instant reward, depending on the jackpot amount!
High Hand Jackpot:
Royal Flush = 50% of the jackpot value
Straight Flush = 30% of the jackpot value
Poker (quads) = 10% of the jackpot value
Conditions for winning the jackpot:
1. The player must use both cards from his hand.
2. There must be at least two players in the game.
3. Whenever (flop, turn, river) a player shows a combination to win the High Hand Jackpot, he wins the appropriate reward.
4. For Texas Hold'em, the full jackpot applies, for Pot Limit Omaha it is 50% of the current value