The winner of the record-breaking Spring edition of the Košice Weekend is Martin Martinček, who performed the best out of 452 entries after a 5-way deal and takes home a prize of €6,345 from Banco Casino Košice, including a €175 ticket to the GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD and of course the trophy!
9:38 2. Gildein Andrej - 4.989€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
On the last hand of the tournament, Gildein calls and Martincek moves all in 4m effective, which Gildein calls with A6o. Martincek turns over QJo and he hits a J on the flop, which he holds into the river and the tournament is over.
Martinček: QJo
Gildein: A6o
Board: J-5-2-9-4
9:32 Heads up:
Martinček - 16,6m
Gildein - 6m
9:31 3. Sandl Karol - 4.511€ vrátane 175€ tiketu na GPC 100.000€ GTD
Sandl raises the BTN and Martincek jams 6.7m effective. After a while, Sandl calls with AQo and needs to hit the board against Martincek's 99 on the hand. He can't do that, though, and we move to heads up.
Martinček: 99
Sandl: AQo
Board: 8-5-4-K-5
Level 30: 200,000 - 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 7,533,333, ent.: 3/452
9:27 4. Kamenický Juraj - 3.941€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
Martincek min raises and Kamenický sends 10bb with KQs, but Martinček snap calls with AA. A flop of Q-5-5 brings a pair of outs for Kamenicky, but the turn and river don't help.
Martinček: AA
Kamenický: KQs
Board: Q-5-5-6-T
9:13 Martinček doubles up
Kamenický sends 3m effective from SB, which Martinček pays with 77. Kamenický turns over K5o, but Martinček hits a 7 on the flop and doubles up after the blank turn.
Martinček: 77
Kamenický: K5o
Board: A-Q-7-K-5
9:05 5. Mudrák Peter - 2.843€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
Level 29: 150,000 - 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 4,520,000, ent.: 5/452
Break 10 minutes
8:52 Kamenický takes from Gildein
Gildein min raises and Kamenický pays BB. On a flop of 3♦ 2♦ 2♥ he leads 500k and Gildein calls. Turn 6♠ Kamenický check calls 700k, but on the river Q♥ he leads 500k again. Gildein folds after a while.
8:45 Deal!
Gildein - 6,905,000 - 4.989€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
Sandl - 5,455,000 - 4.511€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
Martinček - 4,355,000 - 4.085€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
Kamenický - 4.015.000 - 3.941€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
Mudrák - 1,870,000 - 2.843€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
Left to play for 2.260€ and trophy!
8:36 Deal?
The five players began to debate the deal.
8:35 6. Olah Attila - 1.430€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
This time, Olah didn't spin the last BB and ends the tournament with J9o against Sandel's T3o on the hand, who hits the T on the river.
8:28 Martinček takes from Olah
Olah limps, Martincek pays SB and Gildein checks. Flop 9♣ 4♦ 3♦ bets Olah 250k, which only Martincek pays. The turn 9♥ is no action and on the river 6♦ Martincek asks for 500k. Olah after the tank calls with 88, but Martincek turns over 5♣ 2♣ and takes the pot.
8:17 7. Luman - 1.116€
Luman gets his 600k short into the hand with KQo, but Gildein finds AA under his hand. A flop of K-J-T does bring outs for Luman, but a blank runout knocks him out.
Luman: KQo
Gildein: AA
Board: K-J-T-4-5
8:15 8. Giexa - 876€
Giexa raises UTG and Kamenický defends BB. The flop of A-8-4 cbets Giexa 300k, which Kamenický calls. He leads 600k on turn 9 and Giexa moves all in for 1.5m, which Kamenický calls and turns over A9o. Giexa holds AJs and ends after a 4 on the river.
Giexa: AJs
Kamenický: A9o
Board: A-8-4-9-4
Level 28: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 2,825,000, ent.: 8/452
8:09 Shorts continue to double up
Olah sends in 420k and finds a JJ premium. Martincek calls with Q5s on the BB, but a board of K-J-7-T-4 keeps Olah in the game.
A few hands later, Mudrak raises and Kamenický sends 850k into play, which Mudrak calls with A9s. Kamenický turns over A-Ko and doubles up after a board of J-6-2-A-K as well.
Into third, Olah again, who sends 690k from the BTN with ATo and Luman an BB calls with QTo. Board 6-4-3-8-7 doubles Olah again.
7:55 BvB
Sandl minraises and Luman pays on BB. Flop A♣ T♣ 8♥ Sandl checks and Luman bets 200k, which Sandl calls. The turn 8♥ was no action and on the river 7♥ Sandl asks for 350k. Luman calls after a while, but Sandl turns over A5o, which is enough to win.
Level 27: 100,000 - 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 2,825,000, ent.: 8/452
7:44 Olah continues
He invested his last blind in the autoallin on the BB with J2o, and the river kept him in the game against Sandl's 66 on the hand. Board: 7-3-2-T-2
7:25 10. Ilanovský Miloslav - 554€, 9. Mihalo Juraj - 692€
Ilanovsky sends in 485k with J8o and Martincek calls with K8o on the BB. After a board with no J, Ilanovsky is out before the final table. At the same time, on the second table, Mihalo sends in a 950k stack with AA, but on hot run playing Sandl calls with 66 and hits a 6 right on the flop. So after the blank turn and river, we start FT in 8s.
7:18 11. Emodi Štefan - 554€
Emodi opens to 250k and Sandl jams 1.5m effective, which Emodi calls with 55. Sandl turns over AKo and after a board of Q-J-6-Q-6 Emodi is out of the tournament.
7:15 Luman doubles
Luman sends 10bb toMudrak´s open with AJo, who decides to call with QTo. The flop of A-T-8 brings a hit for both players, but the turn and river didn´t improve Mudrak's hand.
7:12 12. Goenczi Tamas - 452€
Goenczi sends in a stack of about 850k with K♠ Q♦ and Mihalo, with a stack of 475k, calls with KK. A flop of Q♥ 8♠ 4♠ brings outs for Goenczi, the turn J♠ also flushdraw, but the river K♣ sends him short, which he loses on the next hand to the BB.
Goenczi: K♠ Q♦
Mihalo: KK
Board: Q♥ 8♠ 4♠ J♠ K♣
7:05 13. Nowak Wojciech - 452€
Nowak sends 10bb from the CO and Sandl repushes the BTN. In the showdown, Nowak holds JTs and needs help from the board against AQo. He doesn't get any help and ends in the tournament.
Nowak: JTs
Sandl: AQo
Board: K-5-2-Q-7
HOLLYWOOD PARTY is set and ready on 27.03.2025. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!.
Level 26: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 1,738,462, ent. 13/452
6:50 14. Gorszczyk Dariusz - 452€
Gorszczyk gets last 3bb into game with J7s, but didn´t find help on the board against KQs under Giexa´s hand.
6:47 Double also for Ilanovský
1,3m stack gets Ilanovský in the game with KK and his opponent was Mudrák with smaller pair of nines. Blank board doubles Ilanovský´s stack.
6:45 Sandl doubles
Nowak openshoves and Sandl with a stack of 1.2m snaps and turns AA. Nowak holds AQo and after an unchanging board Sandl doubles up.
Sandl: AA
Nowak: AQo
Board: K-5-4-6-8
6:40 BvB
Olah sends 4bb from the SB with A8o and Goenczi on the BB calls with J9o. The flop brings a striaghtdraw for Goenczi, but the turn and river keep Olah in the game.
Olah: A8o
Goenczi: J9o
Board: T-8-5-A-K
6:35 Gorszczyk crashed
He sends his 1.2m stack into the hand with 99, but Kamenický finds KK on the BB. The flop brings a set for Kamenicky and Gorszczyk falls to a short.
Gorszczyk: 99
Kamenický: KK
Board: A-K-J-7-5
Level 25: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 1,614,286, ent.: 14/452
Break 5 minutes
6:18 15. Micko Tomáš - 378€
Martincek min raises and Micko sends 400k from the BB, which Martincek calls with JTo. Micko turns over AJs, but Martincek hits a T on the river.
Martinček: JTo
Micko: AJs
Board: K-5-2-3-T
6:14 16. Jurczak Lukasz - 378€
Emodi minraises and Jurczak jams 500k stack with AJo. Emodi pays with AQo and after Q on the flop and blank turn Jurczak ends.
Jurczak: AJo
Emodi: AQo
Board: Q-7-2-6-3
6:10 17. Jarosz Tomasz - 378€
Jarosz announces all in 750k stack with TT, but Luman finds AA under his hand and calls. After an ace high flop, Jarosz is not helped by a T on the river.
Jarosz: TT
Luman: AA
Board: A-K-3-3-T
6:07 18. Radošinský Miroslav - 378€
Goenczi sends in a 480k stack from MP with pair 33 and Radosinsky with a stack of 465k calls with AQo. He hits a Q on the flop, but it also brings a 3, which means a seat open after a blank runout.
Radošinský: AQo
Goenczi: 33
Board: Q-J-3-7-7
6:02 19. Tobias Jozef - 323€
Tobias got his 600k stack into play with KJs and his opponent was Kamenicky on BB with a 350k stack, which he called with AJo. After an A on the turn Tobias falls to a short, which he loses on the next hand.
6:00 20. Figlar Martin - 323€
Figlar sends his 480k into Gildein's opener from UTG, who calls with A8. Figlar turns over K8s, but ends in the tournament after board without any help.
Figlar: K8s
Gildein: A8o
Board: T-T-6-2-4
5:50 21. Stanczyk Dawid - 323€
Stanczyk sends his 425k into the opener of Gorszczyk, who snap calls with KK. Stanczyk turns over KQo and is out of the tournament after a K high board.
Stanczyk: KQo
Gorszczyk: KK
Board: T-3-2-K-T
Level 24: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,076,190, ent.: 21/452
22. Varadi Csaba - 323€
5:40 River holds Luman in the tournament
The 415k stack sends into play from HJ, which pays Goenczi from CO with AJo. Luman turns over A8o, but manages to hit an 8 on the river.
Luman: A8o
Goenczi: AJo
Board: K-K-7-T-8
23. Panek Michal - 323€
5:33 Gorszczyk doubles
Luman opens the BTN and Gorszczyk sends a stack of 515k from the BB into the pot, which Luman calls with ATo. Gorszczyk turns over QQ and doubles up after a board without A.
Gorszczyk: QQ
Luman: ATo
Board: 9-3-5-5-6
5:26 24. Zielinski Jakub - 323€
Zielinski sends in 375k from UTG, Emodi calls, but Mihalo repushes 780k from the BTN on the very next hand, which Emodi calls. In the showdown, Zielinski holds K7o, Emodi KQo and Mihalo AKo, who rises to a 2m stack after a board of A-J-3-2-8.
Zielinski: K7o
Mihalo: AKo
Emodi: KQo
Board: A-J-3-2-8
5:25 BvB
Mihalo sends a 360k stack from the SB with A8o and Gildein on the BB calls with T9s. A flop of 7-6-6 brings a couple of extra outs for Gildein, but the turn 2 and river 3 keep Mihalo in the tournament.
Mihalo: A8o
Gildein: T9s
Board: 6-6-7-2-3
Level 23: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 941,667,, ent.: 24/452
5:15 Value bluff
Gildein opens CO and Martincek 3bets from the BTN, which Gildein calls. Flop Q♦ 5♥ 4♣ cbets Martincek 135k, which Gildein calls. The turn 6♠ was no action, but on the river K♥ after the check Martincek bets 400k. Gildein calls after a while and Martincek, saying "you win", turns over A♦ 4♦, but that's enough for Gildein who turns over 22.
25. Grzyb Pawel - 277€
5:05 26. Meszaros Laszlo - 277€
Meszaros got his 250k stack in play with K♥ Q♥ and his opponent was Kamenický, who called with A♥ T♥. A flop of J-J-5 changes nothing, after the turn A Meszaros needs to see the river T, but the J knocks him out.
Meszaros: KQs
Kamenický: ATs
Board: J-J-5-A-J
5:04 27. Kis Krisztian - 277€
Kis opens and Martincek sends 800k effective with AQ from the BB. Kis calls and turns over the TT. A flop of J-J-3 holds him, but the turn A and the blank river knock him out of the tournament.
Kis: TT
Martinček: AQo
Board: J-J-3-A-6
28. Zis Dušan - 277€
4:59 Martinček gets paid
Figlar raises MP and Martincek defends BB. Flop 6♥ 5♦ 3♥ Martincek leads 75k, which Figlar calls. The turn J♣ was no action, but on the river 5♣ Martincek asks for 250k. Figlar thinks for a long time and decides to call, but Martincek turns over 7♠ 5♠ and takes a nice pot.
29. Nowak Damian - 277€
4:50 30. Horváth Ondrej - 277€
Horvath gets his 175k stack into play from the SB with pair 66 and Panek calls with KQo on the BB. He hits K on the flop, which he holds into the river.
Horváth: 66
Panek: KQo
Board: K-J-3-3-4
31. Porczak Andrzej - 277€
This month will be closed by the new PKO One Day Event with a guarantee of €20,000 and a buy-in of €100+10!
Level 22: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 729,032, ent.: 31/452
32. Sarafin Miroslaw - 240€
33. Kapalka Krystian - 240€
34. Szepesi Tibor - 240€
35. Mackovič Marko - 240€
36. Vudmaska Matúš - 240€
4:30 37. Haľko Marek - 240€
Tobias opens the BTN and Halko sends a 300k stack from the BB, which Tobias calls with AQo. Halko turns over 44, but Tobias hits A on the turn.
Haľko: 44
Tobias: AQo
Board: K-J-8-A-5
4:28 39. Salamon Wiktor - 240€, 38. Kosla Damian - 240€
Nowak min raises, Kosla 3bets to 160k, Salamon sends in the last 50k on the BB, and Nowak moves all in for 600k effective. Kosla calls with JJ after a while, but Nowak turns AA. Salamon holds A4s and after a blank board, the two players are eliminated.
Salamon: A4s
Kosla: JJ
Nowak: AA
Board: 7-6-6-6-8
4:20 Gorszczyk doubles
Emodi min raises and Gorszczyk sends in his 225k stack, which Emodi calls with A9s. But Gorszczyk turns over Q-Q and continues the tournament after a board with no A's.
Gorszczyk: QQ
Emodi: A9s
Board: K-8-4-3-3
40. Ariburnu Wiktor - 212€
Level 21: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 565,000, ent.: 40/452
Break 10 minutes
41. Madar Ondrej - 212€
42. Jankovčin Marián - 212€
43. Humenik Samuel - 212€
44. Radvanský Lukáš - 212€
45. Bogucki Robert - 212€
46. Shvidok Serhii - 212€
47. Kucsma Florian - 212€
4:00 Bubble boy - Gocek
Gildein min-raises and Gocek sends 79k to the BB, which Gildein calls with 65o. Gocek turns over AKo and after a K in the window things look good, but the flop brings two 5's at the same time which knocks Gocek out on the bubble.
3:55 BvB
Radvansky sends 195k effective from the SB with A♥J♥ and Panek calls with A♣Q♣ on the BB. After a flop of 9♣ 5♣ 3♣ Panek doubles up.
3:45 Emodi takes from Varadi
Varadi min raises and Emodi 3bets to 110k, which Varadi calls. A flop of T♥ 7♥ 6♦ cbets Emodi 100k and Varadi check raises to 200k, which Emodi calls. The turn 9♠ but even the river 5♥ was no action, Varadi turns over ATo, but Emodi QQs.
3:38 Hand for Hand
After two shorts are eliminated, the tournament moves into the hand for hand phase.
Level 20: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 452,000, ent.: 50/452
3:25 Never easy
After four limps, Martincek sends 300k effective from the BB, which Morimoto decides to call with 55. Martincek holds TT, whose flop of A-J-3 holds, but turn 4 brings a pair of extra outs for Morimoto. The river 6, however, means seat open.
Morimoto: 55
Martinček: TT
Board: A-J-3-4-6
3:10 Gildein defended
Gocek min raises MP and Gilden calls on BB. Flop K♦ 6♣ 5♣ cbets Gocek 1bb, which Gildein calls, turn 8♠ same action for 50k, but on the river Q♣ Gildein leads 123k. Gocek calls after a while, but mucks his cards when Gildein turns over a flush T♣ 4♣.
GPC vol VI. in May. The tournament with a €100,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €175 will take place from 19.05. - 25.05.2025!
Level 19: 10,000 - 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 403,571, ent.: 56/452
2:50 Takáč doubles
Takáč openshows 135k from UTG1 and Onda repushes. He turns over 77 in the showdown, but Takac has found KK. The turn does bring a few extra outs for Onda, but the river doubles Takáč.
Takáč: KK
Onda: 77
Board: A-9-5-8-9
2:45 Double seat open
Kepo sends in a 90k stack with KQo, Nagy rejams150k with AQo from the SB, but Goenczi, sitting on BB, calls and turns over JJ. So after a J high board, Goenczi knocks out a pair of players.
Goenczi: JJ
Kepo: KQo
Nagy: AQo
Board: 9-6-3-3-J
2:35 Bragiel seat open
He sends his 163k stack all in, and Tobias from MP repushes 223k. In the showdown, Bragiel holds 66, but Tobias has found J-J, which means a seat open after a board without 6.
Bragiel: 66
Tobias: JJ
Board: T-9-3-4-7
Level 18: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 332,353, ent.: 68/452
2:20 Without fear
Humenik min-raises and after a call, Gocek 3bets to 75k. After a while, Humenik sends 162k over the line, which Gocek calls with AKo. But Humenik has found AA and doubles up after a numerical board.
Humeník: AA
Gocek: AKo
Board: T-9-7-5-3
2:10 2 in a row for Mudrák
After two limps, Mudrak raises to 27k and Stolarik, sitting next to him, sends in 200k. Mudrak calls with A-Qo and hits Aon the flop against QQ under Stolarik´s, which holds till the river. Board: A-T-5-6-K. On the next hand, Mudrak raises to 23k and Szilagyi sends 83k from the blind with ATo. Mudrak calls with AKo this time and after a flop of A-K-3 and the blank turn, he eliminates the next player.
Level 17: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 282,500, ent.: 80/452
Break 10 minutes
1:35 Double also for Martinček
He found himself playing against Jarosz in a 4bet spot for 70k. A flop of K♦ 8♦ 3♦ cbet 40k, Jarosz raises to 100k and Martincek sends in a 185k stack, which Jarosz calls with A♣ Q♦. Martincek turns over top set and doubles his stack after a runout J♥, 7♠.
Martinček: KK
Jarosz: A♣ Q♦
Board: K♦ 8♦ 3♦ J♥ 7♠
VEĽKONOČNÁ NÁDIELKA is set and ready on 19.04.2025. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!.
1:25 Mihalo doubles
After Bragiel's opener, Mihalo sends his 76k stack into play from the SB, which Bragiel snap calls and turns over J-J. But Mihalo flips KK, flop 5-3-2 is safe for Mihalo, turn 4 brings the outs to split, but after a T on the river Mihalo celebrates the double up.
Mihalo: KK
Bragiel: JJ
Board: 5-3-2-4-T
Level 16: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 245,652, ent.: 92/452
1:05 Shvidok crashed
After the preflop raises, Shvidok found himself in preflop all in for 136k against Adamski. He turns KK in the showdown, but Adamski finds AA under his hand. After an unassisted board, Shvidok falls to short.
Shvidok: KK
Adamski: AA
Board: 8-7-3-Q-2
0:55 Flip for Kamenicky
After Redei limps, Kamenicky raises and Redei limpshoves 88k effective, which Kamenicky calls with pair 88. Redei turns ATo, flopping K-Q-2 gives him a couple of extra outs, but a turn 4 and river 6 keep Kamenicky in the tournament.
Kamenický: 88
Redei: ATo
Board: K-Q-2-4-6
Level 15: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 196,522, ent.: 115/452
0:40 Nice pot for Kis
Kis just started the hand with a min-raise and Chrobak 3bets to 29k. Kucsma coldcalls from the BB and Kis calls. Flop K♠ 7♠ 6♥ is no action, turn 6♦ leads Kucsma 35k, which is called only by Kis. River K♦ Kucsma slows down, which Kis takes advantage of and bets 35k. Kucsma thinks for a moment, but throws his cards away.
Banco Casino Košice has prepared the third edition of the Player On Tour tournament. This tournament will take place from 07.04. - 13.04.2025 and will carry a guarantee of €66.000
1. 9.141€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
2. 5.821€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
3. 3.413€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
4. 2.426€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
5. 1.836€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
6. 1.430€ including 175€ ticket on GPC vol. VI. 100.000€ GTD
7. 1.116€
8. 876€
9. 692€
10. - 11. 554€
12. - 14. 452€
15. - 18. 378€
19. - 24. 323€
25. - 31. 277€
32. - 39. 240€
40. - 47. 212€
Level 14: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 169,925, ent.: 133/452
0:18 Zis takes on the flop
Mydlo raises to 7k and after a call from Zis, Takac 3bets to 28k from the SB. Rožok on the BB calls along with Mydlo and Zis. Flop K-T-T Takáč cbets 16k and after a call from Rozok, sends Zis over the line with a 147k stack. Takáč thinks for a while longer, but folds and so does Rozok. Zis turns over T8s.
0:02 Kicker problem
Stanczyk raises UTG1, and Happy in position and BB join the action. A flop of A-7-2 cbet Stanczyk 14k, which was called only by Happy. But on turn 9 after a second bet of 20k, Happy sends a 40k stack over the line, which Stanczyk calls and turns AKo. Happy holds ATo and ends after a K on the river.
Stanczyk: AKo
Happy: ATo
Board: A-7-2-9-K
Level 13: 1,000 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 141,250, ent.: 160/452
Break 30 minutes
23:15 Almost great fold
Kis raises the BTN and Szabo defends the BB. Flop A-Q-7 Kis cbets low, which Szabo called. On turn 6 Szabo leads 10k and Kis raises to 25k, which Szabo calls. On the river 6 Szabo again leads 32k, but Kis moves all in 110k effective. Szabo takes a long time to convince himself to fold, but eventually calls with A6o, but Kis turns over QQ and sends Szabo for a reentry.
Szabo: A6o
Kis: QQ
Board: A-Q-7-6-6
23:05 3-way all in
Wasťo sends in his 7k short and after two calls, Hanzen 3bets to 35k from the BTN. Tohati from the BB sends in 72k, which Hanzen calls with ATo after the fold. Tohati turns over QQ and Wasťo K4o. After an unchanging board, Tohati takes the pot and Wasťo ends.
Wasťo: K4o
Hanzen: ATo
Tohati: QQ
Board: 6-6-3-T-7
VIETNAMESE PARTY is set and ready on 24.04.2025. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!.
Level 12: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 130,449, ent.: 157/408
22:40 3-way action
Mackovic min-raises and after a call by Berenyi, Nehila 3bets to 12k, which both players call. A flop of 9♣ 3♥ 4♦ cbets Nehila 14k, which again they both call. On the turn 2♥ Nehila continued with a bet of 25k and after Mackovic calls, Berenyi calls with a stack of 18k. On the river 8♦, Mackovic opts for a leadshove of about 50k and Nehila calls with QQ. But Mackovic turns over 9♥ 8♥ and takes the pot.
Nehila: QQ
Berenyi: 75s
Mackovič: 9♥ 8♥
Board: 9♣ 3♥ 4♦ 2♥ 8♦
22:30 River eliminates Stefano
Bragiel opened the hand with a raise to 5.5k, which brought five players to the game. A flop of T♥ 6♦ 2♥ was checked to Stefano who bets 8k, which was matched only by Zis on the SB. On the turn 4♣ Stefano already sends all in 15k and Zis calls with 9♥ 4♥. Stefano turns over the JTo, but the river 3♥ sends him for a reentry.
Zis: 9♥ 4♥
Stefano: JTo
Board: T♥ 6♦ 2♥ 4♣ 3♥
Level 11: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 111,538, ent.: 169/377
22:05 Kis eliminates
After two limps, Kis raises to 10k on the BTN and Szczepanek decides for a limp raise to 25k, which Kis calls after a while. The flop A-3-3 is no action, but on the turn T Szczepanek sends a 70k stack over the line, which Kis snaps and turns ATo. Szczepanek holds AKo and ends after a blank river.
Kis: ATo
Szczepanek: AKo
Board: A-3-3-T-4
21:55 Flip for Cadar
After Kotan's opener, Cadar sends his 35.5k stack into play, which Kotan calls and turns over AKo. He needs to hit the board against Cadar's 88 on the hand, but he can't, so Cadar continues in the tournament.
Cadar: 88
Kotán: AKo
Board: J-T-3-6-J
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 102,312, ent.: 173/354
21:40 Action flop
Frenchko started the game with a raise on UTG, which was joined by Kis and Szczepanek. On a flop of A♣ T♠ 9♦ after a cbet, Kis raises to 25k and Szczepanek sends a 192k stack behind the line. Frenchko with a stack of 86.5k calls and Kis, with a similar stack to Szczepanek, folds A9o after long tank. Szczepanek turns over T9s, but Frenchko is ahead with ATs. So after a K turn and a river 5, Frenchko takes a nice pot.
Frenchko: ATs
Szczepanek: T9s
Board: A-T-9-K-5
21:30 3-way all in
Debreceni opens the BTN and after a call by Szanto from the SB, Micko 3bets to 15k on the BB. Debreceni sends 47.5k over the line, Szanto calls after a while with a stack of 31k, and so does Micko, who covered both. In the showdown, Micko holds AKo, Debreceni AQs and Szanto KQo. After a Q high board, Debreceni celebrates almost triple up.
Debreceni: AQs
Szanto: KQo
Micko: AKo
Board: Q-3-2-3-J
HOLLYWOOD PARTY is set and ready on 27.03.2025. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!.
Level 9: 1,000 - 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 90,541, ent.: 185/335
Break 40 minutes
20:30 Sikora doubles
Sikora opened with a min-raise and Roman 3bets to 7.2k. Action folds back to Sikora, who moves all in for 47.7k, which Roman snaps and turns AKo. But Sikora holds KK and doubles up after a board with no A.
Sikora: KK
Roman: AKo
Board: T-4-4-J-6
Guarantee broken! Currently 300entries in the tournament! How many entries will be produced? Watch the live report!
20:15 Right timing
After three limps, Presalovic raises to 11.2k from the BB and after Hudacek called, Tohati sends a 20.3k stack over the line, which is called by both opponents. The flop of Q-T-7 was no action, but on the turn T Presalovic bets 30k and Hudacek folds. Presalovic turns over AQo, but Tohati trips T9o and triples up after a blank river.
Presalovič: AQo
Tohati: T9o
Board: Q-T-7-T-6
Level 8: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 81,667, ent.: 180/294
20:00 Max value
Sloma starts the hand with a raise to 2.2k and after five calls, the 6 players looked to flop T♠ 9♠ 3♠. That was without action, which only started on the turn 7♣, where Selepko bets 3.3k. Fafara, Flesar, and Sloma all called. The river Q♣ action repeated for 6.6k and Selepko turned over a straight J♥ 8♥, which was enough to win.
19:50 Three outs for Orosz
He found himself up against Zolnaiova in the preflop all in for 55k. In the showdown, Orosz holds AKs, but needs to hit 3outs against KK under Zolnaiova's hand. He manages to do that right on the flop, and after the turn and river with no K, he knocks out Zolnaiova.
Zolnaiová: KK
Orosz: AKs
Board: A-7-6-3-A
Banco Casino Košice has prepared the third edition of the Player On Tour tournament. This tournament will take place from 07.04. - 13.04.2025 and will carry a guarantee of €66.000
Level 7: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 73,077, ent.: 182/266
19:30 Cbet enough
After five limps, Salamon decided to squeeze to 7k from the BTN, but received calls from Nowak, Sikora, Roman and Baranski. On a flop of J♠ 9♦ 5♠ after the checks, Salamon cbets 25k and all his opponents quickly fulds.
19:20 Sick river
On the turn, Q-6-4-2 were Abrudan and Marinak in the game and after raises, the players found themselves all in for 44.5k. In the showdown, Mariňák turns over set 44, but gets up off his chair, when Abrudan turns over set 66. But the river 4 keeps Mariňák in the tournament.
Mariňák: 44
Abrudan: 66
Board: Q-6-4-2-4
Level 6: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 67,647, ent.: 187/253
19:00 Eros takes on the turn
In the 3bet 8k spot, Eros, Kegye and Tohati were in the game. A flop of J♥ 7♦ 7♥ cbets Eros 10k, which was only matched by Tohati after a while. On the turn the K♦, however, Eros is already all in for 28k effective, which convinces Tohati to fold.
18:50 Bluff catch
Kosla opened the hand with a raise to 1.4k and after a call, Flešar 3bets to 5.6k, which was called only by Kosla. A flop of K♦ 4♣ 3♦ Kosla called a cbet of 7.6k, but the turn 2♣ and the river K♥ were checked. Kosla sadly turns over trips K♠ J♠, which was enough to win.
This month will be closed by the new PKO One Day Event with a guarantee of €20,000 and a buy-in of €100+10!
Level 5: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 62,983, ent.: 181/228
Break 40 minutes
17:40 Kicker problem
Ivan and Czeladzki were on the flop T-7-2. After a series of raises, the players decided to get their starting stacks over the line. In the showdown, Czeladzki holds QTo, but needs to improve his hand against the KTs under Ivan's hand. The turn 6 but even the river 3 doesn't help him and Ivan doubles his 48k stack.
Czeladzki: QTo
Ivan: KTs
Board: T-7-2-6-3
17:35 Szczepanski takes from Ondkanin
Ondkanin opened the hand with a raise to 1k, which involved 6 players. A flop of K♦ T♦ 4♥ cbets Ondkanin 2.2k and after two calls, Szczepanski from the SB check raises to 13k. Ondkanin calls the only one and they look to the turn 9♥. Here Szczepanski followed up with a bet of 10k, which Ondkanin called again. The river Q♠ and third barrel 30k, but Ondkanin face up folded K♥ Q♥.
Level 4: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 56,061. ent.: 165/185
17:15 Split pot
Debreceni raises CO, and Dobi on BTN and Ivan on BB join the action. A flop of 9♦ 4♦ 4♠ cbet Debreceni 700 and Dobi raises to 2k. Ivan is the only one to call on the turn with A♠ where Dobi moves all in for 10k. Ivan calls and turns over trips 42s. Dobi holds 54o under his hand, which means a split after the 7♥ river.
Dobi: 54o
Ivan: 42s
Board: 9-4-4-A-7
GPC vol VI. in May. The tournament with a €100,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €175 will take place from 19.05. - 25.05.2025!
17:05 Cooler
After the opener for 1.2k and a call, Kegye 3bets in position for 3.5k, which Renecki called on the BB and so did Zabilansky. A flop of T-8-7 cbets Kegye 4k and after a fold, Zabilansky check raises to 11k. Kegye sends all in 45k effective, which Zabilansky calls with 87o, but Kegye turns TT. This leaves Zabilansky to take advantage of the reentry after an 8-J runout.
Zabilanský: 87o
Kegye: TT
Board: T-8-7-8-J
Level 3: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 53,082, ent.: 146/155
16:45 Second barrel convinced
After an 800 opener and two calls, Jarosz 3-bets to 3.5k, which is called by Urban and Tocikova. A flop of T♠ 7♣ 5♣ cbets Jarosz 8k, which was called only by Urban. On the turn Q♥ Jarosz continued with a second bet of 20k, sending Urban into a long decison, but eventually decides to fold.
16:30 New players..
Baji, Berezowski, Bragiel, Cadar, Chrobak, Svitanko, Luman, Derda or Kapalka also in the tournament.
Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 52,193, ent.: 114/119
16:25 Nuts vs 2nuts
Three players got into the game for 500. A flop of J♦ 4♠ 2♥ was no action, the turn 5♠ leads Szanto 500k, which was called only by Abrudan. The river 9♥ continued with Szanto betting 2.5k, but Abrudan raises to 7.5k. Szanto reraises to 17.5k, which Abrudan calls with A♠3♠, but Szanto turns over the nuts 63o.
16:15 Nice pot for Szczepanski
Several players were on the flop K-3-2, but only Ferko and Szczepanski continued for 2k on turn 5. Here Ferko opted for a 3k lead, but Szczepanski raises to 10k, which Ferko called. The river 4 slows down the action though and Ferko turns KTo, but Szczepanski holds 2pairs of K3s and takes the pot.
16:05 Players on start....
Abrudan, Debreceni, Dobi, Goenczi, Jarosz, Kies, Ojrzynski, Renecki, Sznajder and many more.
16:00 Tournament started!
Spring edition of Kosice Weekene with increased GTD 30.000€ just started!
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 52/52
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