Tournament 15K ONE DAY EVENT recorded 109 entries and champion is KOCHMAN SEBASTIAN DARIUS, who took home 4100€ 130€ ticket included, and also trophy for the winner!
5:10 2nd - Tamaškovič Vladimír - 2 400€ 130€ ticket included
Kochman raises to 200k and Tamaškovič 3bets to 850k, which Kochman calls. Flop 8-9-T Tamaškovič bets 1M and Kochman calls, turn 4 Tamaškovič goes all in 2,6M and Kochman calls with J-J, Tamaškovič holds kings, but river Q makes straight for Kochman and we get to know new 15K ONE DAY EVENT CHAMPION.
Kochman: J-J
Tamaškovič: K-K
Board: 8-9-T-4-Q
5:05 3rd - Pletwa - 1 565€ 130€ ticket included
Pletwa shoves from BT 435k and Kochman calls with A-2, Pletwa holds Q-T and he hits T on flop but river comes ace and Pletwa ends on 3rd place.
Pletwa: Q-T
Kochman: A-2
Board: T-3-9-6-A
5:00 4th - Kovacs Norbert Lajos - 1 165€ 130€ ticket included
Tamaškovič raises to 200k and Kovacs on BB defends. Flop comes 7-4-9 and Tamaškovič bets 200k, Kovacs goes all in 550k, which Tamaškovič snaps with J-J, Kovacs holds 6-4 and after river ends.
Tamaškovič: J-J
Kovacs: 6-4
Board: 7-4-9-9-T
4:40 5th - Olexak Jozef - 905€ 130€ ticket included
Kochman opens to 160k and Olexak jams 425k, which Kochman snaps with A-9, Olexak holds K-Q, but board did not bring any queen or king and he ends.
Kochman: A-9
Olexak: K-Q
Board: 6-T-4-3-A
4:25 6th - Anna Peter - 725€
Kochman on SB completes and Anna shoves from BB 450k, which Kochman snaps with A-J, Anna holds T-T, flop comes A-K-4 and after blank runout he ends on 6th place.
Kochman: A-J
Anna: T-T
Board: A-K-4-6-K
Level 22: 40000 - 80000 / 80000, avg. 2 725 000 ent.: 6/109
4:10 Double up for Pletwa
Pletwa jams 295k and Anna calls. Pletwa holds K-Q and Anna A-K, Pletwa completes straight on river and doubles.
Pletwa: K-Q
Anna: A-K
Board: J-9-4-2-T
3:55 7th - Igor Kotan - 575€
Kotan jams 230k and Tamaškovič on BB calls with A-7, Kotan holds A-9. Flop come Q-3-2, turn 6, which still holds Kotan in game, but river 7 eliminates him on 7th place.
Kotan: A-9
Tamaškovič: A-7
Board: Q-3-2-6-7
Level 21: 30000 - 60000 / 60000, avg. 1 557 143 ent.: 7/109
3:40 Kovacs also doubles his last 0,5BB
He was in autoallin on SB with his last 30k, where he finds Q-K and Kotan on BB holds J-8. Flop comes 5-Q-6, turn J and river 9 means double for Kovacs.
Kovacs: Q-K
Kotan: J-8
Board: 5-Q-6-J-9
3:35 Olexak doubles
Pletwa opens to 100k and Olexak jams 3bb, which Pletwa calls with A-7, but Olexak holds 9-9 and after river doubles his short.
Pletwa: A-7
Olexak: 9-9
Board: 4-6-2-8-K
3:25 Triple up for Kotan
Kotan jams 255k, Anna repushes 1M and Olexak calls (400k). Kotan holds Ks Ts, Anna J-J and Olexak A-Q. Flop comes 8s 9s Td, turn 6d and river Qs completes Kotan's flush and he triples. Olexak takes 320k sidepot.
Olexak: A-Q
Kotan: Ks Ts
Anna: J-J
Board: 8s 9s Td 6d Qs
Level 20: 25000 - 50000 / 50000, avg. 1 557 143 ent.: 7/109
3:15 8th - Lelito Dawid - 450€
He ended up in preflop all in with A-K against Kochman, who holds aces again and eliminates Lelito on 8th place.
Lelito: A-K
Kochman: A-A
Board: Q-2-3-6-T
3:00 9th - Hervat Zoltan - 355€
Kotan opens to 150k and Hervat jams 160k, Kochman 3bets to 750k, which Kotan calls. Flop 8s Ts 3h Kotan jams 1M effective and Kochman snaps with aces, Kotan holds Q-Q and Hervat Qs Js. Turn Td and river 6d means, that Hervat ends and Kochman takes massive pot.
Kotan: Q-Q
Kochman: A-A
Hervat: Qs Js
Board: 8-T-3-T-6
Level 19: 20000 - 40000 / 40000, avg. 1 362 500 ent.: 9/109
2:40 10th - Peter Bokša - 280€
Kotan opens to 80k and Bokša 3bet shoves 600k, which Kotan calls with aces, Bokša holds As 2s and after river ends on 10th place and we are going on final table.
Kotan: A-A
Bokša: As 2s
Board: J-T-8-5-Q
2:28 Bubble boy - Matúš Čerep
Bokša minraises and Čerep jams 260k, which Bokša calls with 8-8. Čerep holds J-J, but flop comes 9-8-5 and after river he ends on bubble.
Bokša: 8-8
Čerep: J-J
Board: 9-8-5-T-2
2:20 Bokša eliminates Rožok
Rožok opens to 60k and Bokša on BB shoves 350k eff., which Rožok calls with J-J, Bokša holds Ah 8h. Flop comes A-2-9 and after river Rožok is eliminated on 15th place.
Rožok: J-J
Bokša: Ah 8h
Board: A-2-9-T-4
2:10 Kochman vs. Tamaškovič
Tamaškovič opens to 60k and Kochman on BT calls and also Lelito on BB. Flop 4s 9h 3s Lelito with Tamaškovič check and Kochman bets 50k, which only Tamaškovič calls. On turn Th action is repeated and on river Td Kochman bets 80k, which Tamaškovič calls for third time and Kochman shows Kc Tc and wins the pot.
Level 18: 15000 - 30000 / 30000, avg. 726 667 ent.: 15/109
2:00 Lelito vs. Hervat
Hervat raises from SB to 55k and Lelito on BB 3bets to 160k, which Hervat calls. Flop comes Ad 2c 6d, which Lelito cbets to 75k and Hervat folds.
1:40 Lelito takes from Tamaškovič
Lelito opens to 55k and Tamaškovič calls from BT, flop comes 3d Th 4d, which Lelito cbets to 55k and Tamaškovič calls, turn Kd Lelito checks and Tamaškovič bets 100k, which Lelito calls. River Kc Lelito checks again and Tamaškovič also. Lelito shows fullhouse Kh 4h, which is enough to take the pot, because Tamaškovič shows Ad Js.
Tamaškovič: Ad Js
Lelito: Kh 4h
Board: 3d Th 4d Kd Kc
Level 17: 10000 - 25000 / 25000, avg. 681 250 ent.: 16/109
1. 4 100€
2. 2 400€
3. 1 585€
4. 1 165€
5. 905€
6. 725€
7. 575€
8. 450€
9. 355€
10. 280€
11. 230€
1:15 BvB battle
Čerep from SB jams 140k and Dykas from BB calls with 6s 4s, Čerep holds A-2, board held better combination and Čerep doubles.
Čerep: A-2
Dykas: 6s 4s
Board: K-K-3-K-T
1:10 Prebus also ends
Lelito opens to 35k and Prebus jams 300k, which Lelito calls with aces. Prebus holds A-K and after river is eliminated.
Lelito: A-A
Prebus: A-K
Board: 2-2-3-Q-T
1:00 Lovas ends
Bokša minraises and Lovas jams 230k, which Bokša calls with kings, Lovas holds A-7. Board did not bring ace and Lovas ends today.
Lovas: A-7
Bokša: K-K
Board: Q-T-4-5-9
Level 16: 10000 - 20000 / 20000, avg. 519 048 ent.: 21/109
Break 15 minutes
00:30 Hanudel eliminates Novysedlak
Novysedlak openshoves 160k and Hanudel on BB calls with J-J, Novysedlak holds 4-4 and after river Hanudel takes another pot.
Novysedlak: 4-4
Hanudel: J-J
Board: 3-6-K-8-Q
00:15 Queens vs. kings
Hanudel opens to 35k and Rožok 3bets to 100k, Hanudel 4bet jams 220k and Rožok easily calls with queens, but Hanudel holds kings and after river doubles.
Hanudel: K-K
Rozok: Q-Q
Board: 3c Jh 4h 7h Td
Level 15: 8000 - 16000 / 16000, avg. 454 167 ent.: 24/109
00:00 Slavik ends
He openshoves 162k and Hervat repushes 230k. Slavik holds 8-8 and Hervat Q-Q. Board did not bring eight and Slavik ends today.
Hervat: Q-Q
Slavik: 8-8
Board: A-K-2-4-6
23:45 Big pot for Kotan
Fecko opens to 25k and Kotan from SB 3bets to 106k. Fecko decided to 4bet jam 350k and Kotan calls with Ad Td, Fecko holds Kh Js. Board held better combination and 700k pot went to Kotan.
Fecko: Kh Js
Kotan: Ad Td
Board: 6h 3c 2h 5s 6c
Level 14: 6000 - 12000 / 12000, avg. 389 286 ent.: 27/109
23:30 Kapalka doubles
He jams 149k and Pletwa repushes 230k with 9-9, Kapalka holds A-Q and he managed flip better and doubles.
Kapalka: A-Q
Pletwa: 9-9
Board: Ah 2s 4s 6d 7d
23:15 Triple up for Stasz
On flop 4h Kh Jh Tamaškovič bets 25k, Skuba calls and Stasz jams 111k, which Tamaškovič with Skuba call. Turn Tc Tamaškovič bets 200k and Skuba after some time call. River 9s Tamaškovič bets 100k and Skuba folds Ah 9c. Stasz shows flush Th 3h and Tamaškovič takes sidepot with aces.
Stasz: 3h Th
Tamaškovič: A-A
Board: 4h Kh Jh Tc 9s
Level 13: 5000 - 10000 / 10000, avg. 311 429 ent.: 35/109
23:00 Lucky runout for Bokša
Okonski jams 135k and Bokša on BB calls with A-Q, but Okonski holds aces. Flop 5c 6h Kh did not change anything, but turn Jd brings more outs for Bokša and river Td completes his straight and Bokša eliminates Okonski.
Okonski: A-A
Bokša: A-Q
Board: 5c 6h Kh Jd Td
22:45 Trips enough
Jarosz opens to 16k, which Skuba calls from BT. Flop 8c 7c Tc Skuba calls 12k cbet, turn Jh Skuba calls again 17k and on river Th Jarosz fires third barrel to 40k, which Skuba snaps with K-T, which is enough to take the pot.
Level 12: 4000 - 8000 / 8000, avg. 265 854 ent.: 41/109
22:35 Hervat doubles
Prebus opens to 12k, Pletwa calls and Hervat jams 100k, Prebus repushes 250k and Pletwa folds. Hervat holds aces and Prebus kings. Flop comes Td Ac 2d, turn Jc brings some outs for Prebus, but river 8c means that Hervat doubles.
Hervat: A-A
Prebus: K-K
Board: Td Ac 2d Jc 8c
22:25 Porczak ends
After limp Kochman jams 130k, Porczak goes all in 100k and Rami also (100k). Kochman with Rami hold kings and Porczak queens. Board Js 2s Td 7c Ah eliminates Porczak.
Kochman: K-K
Rami: K-K
Porczak: Q-Q
Board: Js 2s Td 7c Ah
Level 11: 3000 - 6000 / 6000, avg. 236 957 ent.: 46/109
Break 30 minutes
21:30 Hanudel triples
After limp from Panek, Hanudel jams 45k, Szatmari calls and Panek also. Board is checked till river, Hanudel shows kings and triples up.
Hanudel: K-K
Panek: Ad 2d
Szatmari: Qc Tc
Board: 8d 3s Jh Jd 7d
21:15 Hanzy doubles
Hanzy opens to 10k and four other player join the game. Flop Tc 6c 3s Hanzy jams 51k and only Skuba calls. Hanzy shows K-K and Skuba K-Q. On turn 7d Skuba's got 0% and Hanzy doubles.
Hanzy: K-K
Skuba: K-Q
Board: Tc 6c 3s 7d Ts
Level 10: 2500 - 5000 / 5000, avg. 226 667 ent.: 45/102
21:00 Mihalo out
Lovas opens to 13,5k and Mihalo on BB jams 90k, which Lovas calls with J-J. Mihalo holds 9-9, but board did not bring nine and he ends also today.
Mihalo: 9-9
Lovas: J-J
Board: 5-3-4-T-A
20:45 Bokša's hot run
In first game he ended up in preflop all in with Struzik, where Bokša holds aces and Struzik queens. After river Bokša doubles his 77,5k stack. In next game Olah openshoves 20k, which Bokša and Hanudel call. On flop 5-5-2 Bokša jams 120k and Hanudel folds. Bokša holds 6-6 and Olah K-Q. Runout without queen or kings means, that Olah ends.
Bokša: A-A
Struzik: Q-Q
Board: K-T-K-2-6
Bokša: 6-6
Olah: K-Q
Board: 5-5-2-9-6
Level 9: 2500 - 5000 / 5000, avg. 190 000 ent.: 50/95
20:30 Hanudel doubles
He openshoves 35k and Kosior repushes 160k. In showdown Hanudel holds Qh 7h and Kosior As Td. Board brings queen and after runout without ace Hanudel doubles.
Hanudel: Qh 7h
Kosior: As Td
Board: 4c 3h Qc 2c 9h
20:25 Kratochvil out
Mihalo opens to 10k, Porczak calls and Kratochvil jams 35k, which Mihalo with Porczak call. Flop 4h 8s Tc is checked, turn 9h Porczak jams 60k, Mihalo folds. Kratochvil shows Ah Th, but Porczak got straight with Qs Js and after river 2d Kratochvil ends.
Kratochvil: Ah Th
Porczak: Qs Js
Board: 4h 8s Tc 9h 2d
20:15 Pot for Fecko
Fecko opens to 8k, Hervat calls and also Kosior with Struzik on blinds. Flop Qh 9c 7h is checked by everyone, turn Jc Hervat bets 27k and Fecko checkraises to 75k. Hervat thinks for a while and folds.
Level 8: 2000 - 4000 / 4000, avg. 169 811 ent.: 53/90
20:00 Straightflush
Baloghova minraises and Skuba calls. Flop Ts Ad 8s Baloghova continues to 7k, which Skuba calls. Turn Qs the same action happened, but for 10k. River 2d Baloghova bets 8k and Skuba raises to 30k. After some time Baloghova calls and Skuba shows straighflush Js 9s.
19:50 Kerky takes from Lovas
Lovas opens from BT to 6k and Kerky defends. Flop Kc Kh 2s Lovas cbets 7,5k, which Kerky calls. Turn Tc Kerky leads to 15k, which Lovas snaps. River Jh Kerky jams 40k and Lovas instantly folds.
19:40 Meszaros eliminated
He minraises and Pletwa on BB 3bets to 20,5k, Meszaros goes all in 90k and Pletwa snaps with Q-Q. Meszaros shows A-T and after blank board he needs to go for reentry.
Meszaros: A-T
Pletwa: Q-Q
Board: 7-5-2-8-3
Level 7: 1500 - 3000 / 3000, avg. 155 555 ent.: 54/84
19:30 Panek defends successfully
Struzik opens to 6k and after call from BT Panek defends BB. Flop Ad 7c Kc Panek checkcalls 9k, turn 7d is checked by both and on river 9s Struzik bets 16k, Panek checkraises to 55k, which Struzik snaps. Panek shows two pair Ah 9h and wins, because Struzik mucks.
19:15 Bokša goes in tank
He opens to 6,5k and Pošivak on SB 3bets to 16k, which Bokša calls. Flop 9s 3c 8s Posivak cbets 16k and Bokša calls. Turn 5c Pošivak jams 70k and Bokša goes in tank. After some time he called time on himself and after it he folded 9h 6h and he made a good fold, because Posivak shows pocket kings.
Level 6: 1000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 144,444 ent.: 54/78
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Banco Casino Košice has prepared favorite FIFTY GRAND tournament, which begins next week and you can also look forward on KOŠICE WEEKEND 20K, which will start at the end of july!
Break 30 minutes
18:30 Bokša eliminates Hervath
Hervath jams 20,1k and Bokša on SB repushes and Flesar on BB folds. Hervath shows Ad Jc and Bokša pocket queens. Board did not bring three outs for Hervath and he needs to go for reentry.
Hervath: Ad Jc
Bokša: Qh Qd
Board: 7c 5d 3d 2c Kc
18:15 Split pot vol.2
Furin opens to 4,5k and four other player call. Flop is 6c 7c 5c, which is checked by everyone. Turn 4d Olexak bets 15k and only Kovacs calls. River 8d Kovacs bets 15k and Olexak checkshoves 32k, which Kovacs snaps with Jc Ts, Olexak shows Jd 8h and both split the pot.
Olexak: Jd 8h
Kovacs: Jc Ts
Board: 6c 7c 5c 4d 8d
Level 5: 1000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 124,000, ent.: 50/62
18:00 Split pot
Pletwa opens to 3,5k and 5 other players join. Flop Tc 8d 2s Pletwa cbets 5k and Jelinski, Szatmari and Lukac continues on turn 7d, wherer all players check. River 9h Pletwa bets again and this time 15k, Jelinski with Szatmari call. Pletwa shows straight with Ac Js, Jelinski mucks and Szatmari Jh 8c and both players split the pot fairly.
Pletwa: Ac Js
Szatmari: Jh 8c
Board: Tc 8d 2s 7d 9h
17:50 Cbet enough
Skuba opens to 6k, Rožok, Jarosz and Derda call. Flop 8s Kh 4h Skuba cbets to 12k and this bet convinced others to fold their cards. Skuba shows A-K.
17:40 Leadshove
Grodek opens to 4k, Fecko calls and Flesar on BT 3bets to 16k, which only Fecko calls and on flop 6c 7c Jh he leadshoves 44,5k, Flesar takes some time and folds.
Level 4: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 114,000, ent.: 51/58
17:30 Flip
After two limps Anna raises to 3,5k, Kotan calls and Flesar jams 22k. The action is on Kotan, who calls with pocket threes, Flesar shows Ad Tc, but after board without help for Flesar, he needs to go for reentry.
Flesar: Ad Tc
Kotan: 3c 3d
Board: 4d 5c 5s 9c 8h
17:20 Flush vs. flush
Ivancova limps, Dykas done the same and Stasz raises to 2,5k. Anna on BT 3bets to 8k, which Ivancova with Stasz call. Flop 5c 8c 4h Anna cbets 15k, which only Ivancova calls. Turn Kc both players check and on river Qc Ivancova bets 25k and Anna snaps. Ivancova shows ace high flush and wins. Anna shows jack of clubs.
Ivancova: Ac 5d
Anna: Jc ?
Board: 5c 8c 4h Kc Qc
Level 3: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 106,122, ent.: 49/52
For more information follow Banco Casino Košice Web
17:05 Anna wins another pot
This time Anna opens to 2,5k and Kotan 3bets to 8k, Stasz coldcalls on BB and Anna calls also. Flop 5d Ks 6s Kotan bets 8k, which only Anna calls, turn 8s slows action and both players check. On river 8h action is repeated, Kotan shows pocket jacks, which is not enough against set of sixes on Anna's hand.
Anna: 6c 6h
Kotan: Js Jh
Board: 5d Ks 6s 8s 8h
16:55 Anna takes from Kerky
Kerky minraises and Ivancova, Sartet, Anna and Flesar wanted to see flop, which is Qd Kd 7c, where Kerky bets 6k and only Anna calls. Turn 8c Kerky fires second barrel to 15k and Anna snaps. River 6d Kerky checks and Anna bets 15k, which Kerky snapcalls, Anna shows flush Td 9d and takes the pot.
16:45 Okonski vs. Prebus vol.2
Okonski opens to 2,5k and Prebus with Stelmach call. On Js Td Tc flop, Okonski checkcalls 5k bet from Prebus and on turn 3h Prebus bets 7k, Okonski goes in 15sec tank and folds.
Level 2: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 37/37
16:30 Pot for Dykas
Dykas starts game with 2,2k openraise and Szatmari with Pletwa call. Nowinski on SB decided to raise to 4,4k, which every player call. Flop is Ah 5c 6s, where Nowinski bets 5k and Dykas with Szatmari continues on turn, which is Th, where everyone checks. River 6h Nowinski bets 10k, Dykas calls and also instantly shows Ad Qc, which is enough, because Nowinski mucks.
16:20 Big pot in first hand
Okonski raises to 2k, Prebus on BT calls and Lelito on BB defends. Flop comes Ac 9d 7d, which Prebus bets 3k, Lelito calls and Okonski checkraises to 8k, which only Prebus calls. Turn 8s Okonski checkcalls 16k and on river 6h Okonski checkcalls again 11k, Prebus shows 4c 3c and Okonski takes pot with set of nines.
Prebus: 4c 3c
Okonski: 9-9
Board: Ac 9d 7d 8s 6h
16:15 Tournament started!
15K ONE DAY EVENT just started! Watch live report who's gonna be champion!
Level 1: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 20/20
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