Flight 1B of tournament GRAND POKER CUP recorded 58 entries and 6 players advanced to the Final Day. Chipleader from this flight is Stanislav Pastor with stack of 583 000.
Another flight 1C is ready for you today at 18:00!
3:23 Bubble boy - Hustler
Hustler jams 143k from HJ and Bak on the CO asks for count and finds the call. After folds Hustler shows ATo and has only three outs against Bak with T-T. Board brings no Ace for Hustler and we know our final 6
Hustler: A-T
Bak: T-T
Board: Q-7-2-2-K
Level 16: 6000 - 12000 / 12000, avg. 414,286, ent.: 7/58
3:07 Dudas out
Ojrzynski openshoves 233k from the CO. Filak gets into tank and clock has been called and he folds in last seconds. However Dudas in the SB goes allin 110k as well and after fold by Hustler on the BB, Ojrzynski shows ATo and Dudas K-K. Flop: Q-J-4 Ojrzynski picks up some additional outs. Turn Kx completes straight for Ojrzynski and River does not pair and Dudas ends and we are on the bubble.
Ojrzynski: A-T
Dudas: K-K
Board: Q-J-4-K-7
2:55 Pastor eliminates Lizanec
Pastor opens 20k from the CO and Lizanec jams hist last 46k from the BTN. After folds Pastor calls. Lizanec shows QJo and has only three outs against Pastor with KJo. Board holds stronger combination and Lizanec ends.
Pastor: K-J
Lizanec: Q-J
Board: K-7-3-J-7
Level 15: 5000 - 10000 / 10000, avg. 322,222, ent.: 9/58
2:46 Jenčík doubles
Jenčík opens 26k form the BTN and Ojrzynski moves allin 400k from the SB. Filak on the BB folds and Jenčík with 185k stack calls after while with T-T. He survives the flip against AQo and doubles.
Jenčík: T-T
Ojrzynski: A-Q
Board: 8-8-9-J-4
2:36 Slavik seat open
He jams his 70k short BvB and Jenčík on the BB calls. Slavik shows QTo and has only three outs against Jenčík with Kc-Qc. Board brings no Ten and we are down to the last table.
Slavik: Q-T
Jenčík: K-Q
Board: 3-9-7-3-6
2:26 Double up for Marton
Ojrzynski opens 16k on the BTN. Bak flats from the SB and Marton on the BB 3bets to 53k. Ojrzynski thinks for a while and decides to jam 600k stack. After Bak's fold, Marton with 200k stack snapcalls with AKo and is flipping against Ojrzynski with T-T. King on the Flop favours Marton and after blank runout doubles
Marton: A-K
Ojrzynski: T-T
Board: K-8-9-5-Q
2:20 Pastor takes from Dudas
Dudas opens to 17k and Pastor flats in position. HU on the Flop: 7h-Jh-3c Dudas cbets 20k and Pastor calls. Turn: Qs Dudas continues for 30k and Pastor calls again. River: As third barrel by Dudas 25k. Pastor snapcalls. Dudas shows Ac-7c but Pastor shows higher two pairs A-Q.
Dudas: Ac-7c
Pastor: A-Q
Board: J-7-3-Q-A
Level 14: 4000 - 8000 / 8000, avg. 290,000, ent.: 10/58
2:09 Novysedlák ends
Filak opens BTN to 12k and Novysedlák on the BB 3bets to 32k. Action back on Filak who 4bet jams 150k eff and Novysedlák snaps with AKo. Filak shows Jd-Td. Filak flops trips and Novysedlák is drawing dead on the turn and we continue in last 10 players.
Novysedlák: A-K
Filak: Jd-Td
Board: T-T-8-6-5
1:59 Čerep out
He jams BvB 10bb and Filak on the BB calls. Čerep shows A5o and was ahead against KTo. However Filak hits his T on the Flop and King on the turn means Čerep ends.
Čerep: A-5
Filak: K-T
Board: T-7-3-K-2
1:56 Jenčík doubles
Lizanec limps CO and Jenčík raises 20k from the BTN which Lizanec calls. Flop: Q-8-9 rainbow Jenčík cbets 40k and Lizanec moves allin 85k eff which Jenčík calls with AQo. Lizanec shows QTo and after blank runout Jenčík doubles.
Jenčík: A-Q
Lizanec: Q-T
Board: Q-8-9-5-7
SPANISH PARTY is set and ready on 29.09.2023. Great party with rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
Level 13: 3000 - 6000 / 6000, avg. 223,077, ent.: 13/58
BREAK 10 minutes
1:34 Big flip for Lizanec
Hustler opens BTN to 11k. Janoszki on the SB 3bets to 32.5k and Lizanec on the BB instajams 175k. Hustler folds and Janoszki thinks 2min but finds a call with 9-9 and is flipping against Lizanec with Ah-Kh. Lizanec flops top two pairs and after runout without 9 makes big double and Janoszki falls on short.
Lizanec: Ah-Kh
Janoszki: 9-9
Board: A-K-J-7-7
1:23 Lizanec mixing the strategy
Janoszki opens BTN 13.5k and Lizanec calls SB. Jančík on the BB moves allin around 80k and after fold by Janoszki, Lizanec thinks for a while and face up folds Ah-Qh. Jenčík shows him 2h.
1:18 Magda out
Bak opens CO to 10.5k and Magda on the SB and also Hustler on the BB calls. Flop: 4-5-8 rainbow all 3 players check. Turn: 6x after check, Hustler bets 16k. Bak calls and Magda moves allin 28k which both players call. River: Qx Hustler checks and Bak asks for another 30k and Hustler quickly folds. Magda shows set of 5-5 however Bak holds A-7 as a straight and Magda ends.
Bak: A-7
Magda: 5-5
Board: 4-5-8-6-Q
1:07 Sabol out
Sabol jams his last 6bb and Lizanec calls from the SB. Sabol shows AQo and Lizanec Td-6d. Flop: K-Q-9 was pretty safe for Sabol however run run trips for Lizanec eliminates Sabol.
Sabol: A-Q
Lizanec: Td-6d
Board: K-Q-9-T-T
Level 12: 2500 - 5000 / 5000, avg. 193,333, ent.: 15/58
0:55 Ojrzynski eliminates Stupár
Stupár opens 8k, Novysedlák on the SB calls and Ojrzynski on the BB 3bets to 32k which only Stupár calls. Flop: T-6-3 rainbow Ojrzynski cbets 36k and Stupár calls. Turn: 7x now Ojrzynski slows down and checks. Action on Stupár who decides to go allin 145k. Ojrzynski thinks some time but end up calling. Stupár shows 8-8 and Ojrzynski holds a little bit higher pair. River: 2x means Ojrzynski eliminates Stupár and takes big pot.
Ojrzynski: 9-9
Stupár: 8-8
Board: T-6-3-7-2
0:50 3-way allin
Sabol opens to 8k and Magda 3bets to 25k. Janoszki on the BTN moves allin 60k. Action on Sabol who rejams 80k. Magda covered them calls as well. Janoszki shows Ac-Kc, Sabol: Ad-As and Magda: Jh-Jd. Flop: Th-9c-4h was safe for A-A. Turn 5c opens flushdraw for Janoszki and River: 6c completes nuts flush for Janoszki and he triples. Small sidepot belongs to Sabol and Magda falls on short.
Janoszki: Ac-Kc
Sabol: Ad-As
Magda: Jd-Jh
Board: Th-9c-4h-5c-6c
0:43 Kotán ends
He jams his last 25k from the BTN and Čerep on the BB calls. Kotán shows A7o but Čerep holds a little better combination A8o. Board holds A8 and Kotán ends.
Kotán: A-7
Čerep: A-8
Board: 9-6-4-6-8
Level 11: 2000 - 4000 / 4000, avg. 170,588, ent.: 17/58
0:20 Unlucky river for Čerep
Szoke opens to 7.5k and Čerep 3bets to 20k which Szoke calls. Flop: 9-7-3 rainbow Szoke leadshoves 50k and Čerep snaps with A-A. Szoke shows K-K. Safe turn however River comes K and Szoke doubles on the river.
Čerep: A-A
Szoke: K-K
Board: 9-7-3-5-K
0:15 Another double for Hustler
Kotán opens HJ to 10k and after call by Pastor on the CO, Hustler jams 74.5k. Kotán folds and Pastor asks for count but end up calling with AQo and has only three outs against Hustler with AKo. Board holds stronger combination and Hustler makes 2 quick doubles after break.
Hustler: A-K
Pastor: A-Q
Board: T-8-5-K-4
0:09 Couple allins
In first allin Hustler jams his 11bb and gets called by Janoszki. Hustler with A8o hits his Ace on the flop and doubles against Janoszki with 7-7. In the other table Dudas with T-T eliminates Kis who jams 12bb with A8o.
6 players will advance to FINAL DAY!
Level 10: 1500 - 3000 / 3000, avg. 138,095, ent.: 21/58
BREAK 30 minutes
23:17 Macko out
He opens EP to 6.5k and Dudas moves allin around 70k. Action on Macko who decides to call with 65k stack with Qh-8h. Dudas shows J-J. Board holds Jacks and Macko ends.
Macko: Qh-8h
Dudas: J-J
Board: A-9-4-5-2
23:12 Bokša almost triple
Jančík opens to 6.5k and Sabol 3bets to 20k. Bokša on the SB moves allin 24.2k and after Jančík's rejam (85k) Sabol folds. Bokša shows K-K and Jančík AKo. Board without Ace means Bokša almost triples his stack.
Bokša: K-K
Jančík: A-K
Board: J-3-7-J-8
Level 10: 1000 - 2500 / 2500, avg. 131,818, ent.: 22/58
23:01 Sick call
Pastor raises to 6k and Janoszki flats IP. HU on the Flop: Qs-Jd-5s Pastor cbets 6k and Janoszki raises to 21k which Pastor calls. Turn: 7h Janoszki continues for 35k and Pastor pays again after while. River: Jc after check Janoszki moves allin 153k eff. Pastor thinks 2min and makes a herocall with Ah-Kc and its good against Janoszki with Ac-Td
Janoszki: Ac-Td
Pastor: Ah-Kc
Board: Qs-Jd-5s-7h-Jc
22:50 Stupár takes from Pastor
Stupár opens UTG 4k and Pastor on the BTN 3bets to 12k which Stupár calls. Flop: Ks-7s-6s both players check. Turn: 4s Stupár checkcalls 6k. River: Jd Pastor bets again 17k and Stupár snapcall. Pastor shows Ah-Qh and Stupár takes the pot with Js-8c
Stupár: Js-8c
Pastor: Ah-Qh
Board: Ks-7s-6s-4s-Jd
22:40 Rollercoaster
Kis opens to 4k and F.Hrubý moves allin 24k which Kis calls with Ks-9s and was behind against Hrubý with Ah-Kh. Flop comes 9 high. Turn Ace favours Hrubý again however River comes another 9 and Hrubý sadly ends.
Hrubý: Ah-Kh
Kis: Ks-9s
Board: 9c-6c-3h-Ac-9d
Level 9: 1000 - 2000 / 2000, avg. 116,667, ent.: 24/56
22:17 Cooler
Bokša limps UTG and M.Petrič raises to 4.5k. Novysedlák on the BB 3bets to 11k. Action on Petrič who 4bets to 24.5k. Novysedlák instajams 80k eff which Petrič calls with K-K. However Novysedlák holds A-A. Both players had set on the turn. One outer does not come on the River and Petrič is eliminated.
Petrič: K-K
Novysedlák: A-A
Board: A-Q-6-K-7
22:10 Ojrzynski eliminates Petrov
Ojrzynski opens CO to 3.2k and Petrov jams 38k from the SB. Ojrzynski takes some time but end up calling with ATo and is ahead against Petrov with As-7s. On the Turn Petrov picks up some chop outs but river wasnt one of them and Petrov ends.
Ojrzynski: A-T
Petrov: As-7s
Board: K-8-9-A-6
In the very last weekend of the September Banco Casino prepared another Košice Weekend 20.000€ GTD!
Level 8: 800 - 1600 / 1600, avg. 98,214, ent.: 28/55
21:55 Bokša out
M.Petrič opens to 2.5k and Bokša calls on the SB. HU on the Flop: Tc-7c-3d where Petrič cbets 2k which Bokša calls. Turn: Js Petrič continues for 7k and Bokša checkraises allin which Petrič calls with set T-T. Bokša shows open ended KQo. River pairs Jc which completes Petrič fullhouse and Bokša is eliminated.
Petrič: T-T
Bokša: K-Q
Board: Tc-7c-3d-Js-Jc
21:44 Another one for Stupár
He raises to 2.5k and after call by Hudáček and F.Hrubý, B.Petrič moves allin 27k. Stupár who covered everyone rejams and after folds he flips 8-8 against AJo in Petrič's hand. Stupár hits top set on the flop and after blank runout increasing his stack.
Stupár: 8-8
Petrič: A-J
Board: 8-5-6-3-7
21:41 Double for Stupár
Petrič opens EP 2.5k, Stupár flats and also Pastor on the BTN and Janoszki on the BB. Flop: Qh-7s-8s after checks Stupár bets 3.5k. Pastor on the BTN raises to 8k and after folds Stupár calls. Turn: 2d and Pastor jams 55k eff. Stupár thinks for a while but end up calling and he is ahead with Kc-Qs against Pastor with Qc-Jc. No Jack on the river means Stupár doubles.
Stupár: Kc-Qs
Pastor: Qc-Jc
Board: Qh-7s-8s-2d-Ts
Level 7: 600 - 1200 / 1200, avg. 91,379, ent.: 29/53
Winner of the GRAND POKER CUP will take home also this beautiful trophy
21:24 Janoszki doubles through Kis
Janoszki opens to 2.2k, Stupár flats and also kis on the BTN. Flop: 5d-7d-Js after checks Kis bets 4k and Janoszki checkraises to 11k which Kis calls. Turn: As Janoszki continues for 16k and Kis announces allin 75k eff. Janoszki thinks some time but decides to call with Kc-Kh. Kis shows 6s-4s as a combodraw. River comes Kd which means Janoszki doubles and Kis falls on short.
Kis: 6s-4s
Janoszki: Kc-Kh
Board: 5d-7d-Js-As-Kd
21:10 Pot for B.Petrič
Magda limps and Petrič raises to 2.5k which Bokša IP and Magda calls. Flop: Qc-8d-2h Petrič cbets 4.5k which both players call. Turn: Th all 3 players check. River: 3h and Magda now bets 5.5k. Petrič snapcalls and Bokša folds. Magda shows Qs-Jc however Petrič shows Kd-Kc and takes the pot.
Magda: Qs-Jc
Petrič: Kd-Kc
Board: Qc-8d-2h-Th-3h
Level 6: 500 - 1000 / 1000, avg. 80,00, ent.: 30/48
BREAK 30 minutes
20:32 Big game
Stupár opens to 1.6k and after call by Happy, Kis on the BTN decides to 3bet to 5.5k. Pastor on the SB cold calls and also Stupár and Happy joins the game. Flop: Ts-9c-3d Pastor decides to lead 6k, Happy calls and Kis raises to 21k which only Pastor calls. Turn: 3h after check, Kis continues for 36k. Pastor thinks some time and checkraises allin 124k. Kis get into tank but after few minutes finds the fold and Pastor takes the pot.
20:16 Macko double up
He raisesto 1.6k and after call by Kotán and Filak, Varga 3bets to 8.4k from the SB. Macko and Filak calls. 3-way on the Flop: 8s-Td-6c Varga cbets 10.5k and Macko moves allin 24.5k. Filak folds, Varga asks for count and decides to call with Kc-Jc. Macko shows As-Qc and after blank runout Macko doubles with Ace high.
Varga: Kc-Jc
Macko: As-Qc
Board: 8s-Td-6c-4h-6h
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 74,194, ent.: 31/46
20:03 Hustler eliminates
Hudáček raises to 2k. Dudas and Pastor flats. Hustler on the SB 3bets to 10.7k which only Dudas calls. Flop: 6d-7c-3d Hustler cbets 17k and Dudas moves allin 40k which Hustler snaps. Dudas shows 8c-8h and Hustler Ad-Kd. Hustler hits nuts flush on the turn and eliminates Dudas.
Dudas: 8c-8h
Hustler: Ad-Kd
Board: 6d-7c-3d-2d-Ts
19:59 Seven deuce again
Pastor raises to 1.7k. Stupár on the BTN calls and also both blinds Dudas and Kis. Flop: Ts-5c-6c after checks Stupár bets 3k which Dudas and Pastor calls. Turn: 8c everyone checks. River: 6d action checked on Stupár who bets 6.4k and both players fold. Stupár shows 7s-2s to the table.
19:44 Triple for Happy
After limp Čerep raises to 2k, Novysedlák on the BTN calls and Happy from the SB moves allin 10k which Čerep and also Novysedlák calls. Flop: Jd-3c-4h Čerep bets 10k and Novysedlák calls. Turn: 4c another bet from Čerep 23k. Novysedlák folds and Happy shows As-Qh and was behind against Čerep with Kc-Jc. However River comes offsuit Qs which means Happy triples and Čerep takes sidepot.
Happy: As-Qh
Čerep: Kc-Jc
Board: Jd-3c-4h-4c-Qs
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 64,286, ent.: 28/36
19:30 Multiway action
Sabol opens to 1.2k, Sciranka, Szoke and Majlo calls. Lovas on the BB 3bets to 5.5k and all players calls. Flop: 9c-3s-2d Lovas cbets 8k and everyone calls. Turn: Kd after checks Szoke on the BTN moves allin 26k. Majlo in the SB goes allin 22k as well and after folds Majlo shows 5d-6d as a combodraw and Szoke top two Ks-9s. River bricks out and Majlo needs to use re-entry.
Majlo: 5d-6d
Szoke: Ks-9s
Board: 9c-3s-2d-Kd-Tc
19:11 Kotán eliminates
Hanzel opens to 1.2k, Kotán on the BTN calls and also Nowinski on the SB. 3-way on the Flop: Ts-8s-9d Hanzel cbets 2.2k and both players call. Turn: 9c Hanzel continues for 3.5k and again both players call. Action River: Qs where after checks Kotán decides to bet 10.5k. Nowinski checkshoves 25k and after fold by Hanzel, Kotán snapcalls. Nowinski shows nuts flush As-2s however Kotán holds 9h-8c as a fullhouse and eliminates Nowinski.
Kotán: 9h-8c
Nowinski: As-2s
Board: Ts-8s-9d-9c-Qs
Autumn Weekend in Banco Casino Košice!
Banco Casino Košice has prepared Autumn Weekend in september! Tournament Autumn Friday with 5.000€ GTD and just 50€ buyin will take place on on friday, 22.09.2023 and Autumn Special with 10.000€ GTD with also 50€ buyin will take place on 23.09.2023 !
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 51,667, ent.: 30/31
18:56 Pot for Tobias
Stupár raises 900 and 5 players joins the game. Flop: Ks-Ts-6d Tobias decides to lead 1.6k from the BB and only Pastor calls. Turn: 4d same action for 3.5k. River: 6h third bet from Tobias 5.5k and Pastor calls again. Tobias shows KQo and wins the pot against Pastor who shows Kc-7c
18:47 Seven deuce
Szoke limps BTN and Majlo raises to 1.5k form the SB. Lovas on the BB and also Szoke calls. Flop: 8c-7s-2h Majlo checks and Lovas bets 1.5k which only Majlo calls. Turn: As and Lovas continues for 2.1k. Majlo checkraises to 7.5k. Lovas decides to re-raise to 15k which convinced Majlo to fold. Lovas shows the table 7d-2d as a flopped 2 pairs.
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 22/22
18:35 Big one for Pastor
Kis opens to 700 and Pastor 3bets to 2.5k. Hudáček on the BTN cold calls and Kis calls as well. Flop: 2c-Tc-7s Pastor cbets 3.5k and only Hudáček calls. Turn: Ad Pastor continues for 8k and Hudáček calls. River: 3h third barrel from Pastor 20k and Hudáček calls again. Pastor shows set T-T and takes nice pot.
18:27 Without showdown
Majlo raises 800, Macko on the BTN calls and also Szoke on the BB. Flop: Js-9c-3d Szoke decides to lead 1.6k which both players call. Turn: Jc Szoke continues 2.2k and only Majlo calls. River: Qs Szoke with third bet 2.7k. Majlo decides to raise to 17.5k and Szoke folds after while.
18:13 River for Sabol
He raises 800 and Majlo defends BB. Flop: Ts-2c-3h Sabol cbets 1k and Majlo decides to checkraise to 2.8k which Sabol pays. Turn: 2s slows the action and also River: 9c. Majlo shows 3s-7s but Sabol hits river with Ah-9h and takes the pot.
18:07 Satellite winners
Nowinski, Bolek, and Sabol advanced from the satellite today.
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 10/10
18:05 Flight 1B started!
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Adress: Hlavná 1, Košice
Phone number cash manager: 0918 100 100
Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
Reception: +421 552 850 333

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