Matúš "Meety" Gabzdil is the winner of the february edition of Košice Weekend among 201 entries. Tournament was ended by brutal ace high hero call and Meety takes home 4,021€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD and of course a trophy for the winner!
7:00 Runner up - Zakhar Peter - 2,598€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
In very last hand Meety makes an incredible call. After call he raises to 750,000 that Zakhar calls. Flop J♠ 5♠ 3♦ bets Meety 500,000 and after raise to 1,1M he calls. Turn Q♥ Meety check-calls 1,2M and after river J♥ Zakhar jams 5,9M. Meety was thinking for a while but the decides to makes an amazing hero call with ace high, what was enough against Zakhar with T♣ 7♠ and tournament is over.
Zakhar: T♣ 7♠
Meety: A♥ 4♥
Board: J♠ 5♠ 3♦ Q♥ J♥
Level 26: 125,000 - 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 10,050,000, ent.: 2/201
6:45 Heads up:
Meety - 10M
Zakhar - 10M
6:42 3. miesto - Vaji Tamas - 1,820€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
Meety moves all in from small blind effectively 1M with J♥ 5♥ and Vaji calls with A♣ T♥. Flop brings pair for Meety and after blank turn and river tournament moves to heads up.
Meety: J♥ 5♥
Vaji: A♣ T♥
Board: Q♠ 5♣ 3♠ K♥ 9♣
6:40 4. place - Hervát Zoltán - 1,448€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
Hervát in his very last hand in the tournament opens from small blind and Zakhar defends big blind. Flop Q♦ 4♣ 2♣ Hervát cbets 500,000 that Zakhar calls. Turn Q♣ was checked and on the river Q♠ after check Zakhar bet 1M and after all in 1,6M calls with 7♦ 4♦. Hervát shows K♥ 2♠ and ends in the tournament on 4th place. Hervát played this tournament for free thanks to competition on facebook and used this opportunity to win 1,448€!!!
Zakhar: 7♦ 4♦
Hervát: K♥ 2♠
Board: Q♦ 4♣ 2♣ Q♣ Q♠
6:35 Meety on 7,7M stack in few hands
A few winning hands by Meety and he is slowly closing in on Zakhar.
Level 25: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 5,025,000, ent.: 4/201
Break 15 minutes
6:14 Vaji takes from Zakhar
Zakhar opens to 400,000 and Vaji defends big blind. On the flop Q♥ 3♣ 2♣ Vaji decides to lead for 350,000 and after raise to 850,000 Vaji calls. Turn A♥ Vaji jams 1,8M and Zakhar folds his cards.
6:01 5. place - Visan Marin - 1,197€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
Zakhar opens and Visan joins the fame from button. Flop Q♠ 7♠ 2♠ was checked, turn K♣ Zakhar check calls bet 500,000. River 5♦ after check Visan jams and Zakhar calls with K♥ 5♥. Visan shows pocket sixes and ends in the tournament.
Visan: 6♠ 6♥
Zakhar: K♥ 5♥
Board: Q♠ 7♠ 2♠ K♣ 5♣
5:55 River hold Meety
Hervát opens from button to 500,000 and after Meety´s all in 2,3M from big blind Hervát snaps with A♣ K♥. Meety shows Q♠ J♦ and river J♠ holds him in the tournament.
Meety: Q♠ J♦
Hervát: A♣ K♥
Board: 8♥ 8♦ 4♦ T♥ J♠
Level 24: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 4,020,000, ent.: 5/201
5:32 6. place - Balogh Alexandru - 968€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
Balogh opens and Zakhar defends big blind. Flop A♥ Q♠ 3♣ we can see bet and call. On the turn J♠ after second bet Zakhar moves all in with nuts and Balogh calls with A♣ J♦. River is brick and Balogh ends.
Balogh: A♣ J♦
Zakhar: K♦ T♣
Board: A♥ Q♠ 3♣ J♠ 2♣
5:29 7. place - Crisan Eugen - 753€
Crisan jams 1,5M with A♥ J♦ but Hervát finds A♠ Q♦ and calls. After board K♥ T♦ 6♣ T♣ 8♥ Crisan ends in the tournament.
5:23 Vaji doubles
Balogh jams from utg with eights but Vaji finds nines and calls. Flop 9♠ 7♠ 7♦ was perfect for Vaji, turn T♠ brings two outs for Balogh but river K♣ doubles Vaji´s short.
Vaji: 9♣ 9♥
Balogh: 8♠ 8♣
Board: 9♠ 7♠ 7♦ T♠ K♣
5:22 Stacks:
Zakhar - 6M
Meety - 3,5M
Balogh - 2,5M
Visan - 3,6M
Vaji - 680K
Crisan - 1,2M
Hervát - 2,3M
Level 23: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2,871,429, ent.: 7/201
5:14 Cooler
In preflop all in Visan holds aces and Vaji pocket kings. Board brings no help for Vaji and Visan doubles again 1,865,000 stack.
Visan: A♦ A♣
Vaji: K♣ K♦
Board: 8♦ 9♦ 8♣ 5♦ T♣
5:10 Meety vs Visan 1:1
In preflop all in Visan holds jacks and Meety needed to hit the board with K♠ Q♥. Board holds Visan´s pair and he doubles 1M stack.
Visan: J♦ J♥
Meety: K♠ Q♥
Board: 7♦ T♠ 2♥ 2♣ 6♠
5:02 Double seat open
Pataki jams her short with A♣ Q♣ and after call by Zakhar with A♠ K♦ Ivančová calls with her last blind with A♦ J♦. Turn gives lead to Ivančová, but after K♥ on the river Zakhar eliminates both players.
Ivančová: A♦ J♦
Pataki: A♣ Q♣
Zakhar: A♠ K♦
Board: 8♥ 8♣ 6♠ J♠ K♥
8. place - Pataki Alexandra - 586€
9. place - Ivančová Michaela - 462€
4:55 Nice pot for Meety
Visan opens from utg to 375,000 and Meety joins the game from small blind. Flop A♦ 9♠ 2♥ was checked and on the turn 6♦ Meety bets 300,000 that Visan calls. Action was repeated on the river 4♥ for 1M and pot belongs to Meety with A♠ K♠ against queens.
Level 22: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,233,333, ent.: 9/201
4:45 Pot for Hervát
He opens to 200,000 and Visan with Vaji were interested to see the flop K♠ T♦ 9♥ that brings no aciton. On the turn 5♦ leads Visan for 350,000 that called only Hervát. River action was repeated for 500,000 and pot belongs to Hervát with A♦ 8♦ against T♣ 7♣.
4:15 10. place - Orda Kornel - 352€
Orda jams from small blind 700,000 with A♦ 5♥ but Hervát on big blind finds A♣ J♦ and calls. Board brings no help for Orda and we are going on final table.
Hervát: A♣ J♦
Orda: A♦ 5♥
Board: J♥ K♣ 8♥ 3♣ A♠
4:05 In just two hands three players were eliminated and last 10 players are in the tournament.
11. place - Hanzen Samuel - 352€
12. place - Urban Miroslav - 352€
13. place - Bence Turi - 273€
Level 21: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,546,154, ent.:13/201
14. place - Berdis Dávid - 273€
3:50 15. place - Wasťo - 273€
Wasťo jams with A♣ J♠ and needs to hit three outs against Zakhar with A♦ K♦. Flop 8♠ 4♠ 2♠ brings more outs for him but after blank turn and river Wasťo ends.
Wasťo: A♣ J♠
Zakhar: A♦ K♦
Board: 8♠ 4♠ 2♠ Q♦ 4♥
3:42 16. place - Sorin Pater - 273€
Sorin opens to 120,000 and after Visan´s call Meety also calls from big blind. Flop Q♣ 9♣ T♥ after cbet Meety jams and Sorin calls with K♦ Q♥. Meety shows 7♣ 2♣ and needs to hit his draw. Turn 8♠ brings him few more outs and after T♣ on the river Sorin ends.
Meety: 7♣ 2♣
Sorin: K♦ Q♥
Board: Q♣ 9♣ T♥ 8♠ T♣
3:35 Lucky river for Hervát
Three players were all in preflop. Hervát holds Q♦ T♥, Ivančová kings and Zakhar sixes. After board that helps Hervát he triples 165,000 stack and 500,000 side pot belongs to Ivančová.
Ivančová: K♦ K♠
Hervát: Q♦ T♥
Zakhar: 6♦ 6♠
Board: Q♣ J♦ J♣ 9♦ Q♠
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3:30 Stacks:
Meety - 3,3M
Urban - 2,1M
Visan - 2,4M
Pataki - 1,1M
Zakhar - 2,7M
Berdis - 650K
Level 20: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,256,250, ent.: 16/201
Break 15 minutes
2:57 River hold Visan in the game
In blind vs blind Vaji completes and Visan checks big blind. On the flop K♣ J♦ 9♥ players moves all in after raises and Visan needs to hit with K♦ T♣ against K♠ 9♠. Turn 2♣ changes nothing but river J♠ doubles Visan´s 900,000 stack.
Visan: K♦ T♣
Vaji: K♠ 9♠
Board: K♣ J♦ 9♥ 2♣ J♠
17. place - Bacso Ján - 221€
18. place - Slowik Konrad - 221€
19. place - Kloc Adam - 221€
2:40 Crisan continues with double
This time he finds aces for 450,000 against Urban´s AQ. After blank board Crisan doubles on almost avg stack.
Crisan: A♦ A♥
Urban: A♣ Q♥
Board: 6♦ 6♥ 3♥ 9♣ K♦
20. place - Meszáros Lászlo - 221€
Level 19: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,005,000, ent.: 20/201
2:33 Baloghová ends on the bubble
She jams 100,000 with pocket tens and against Hervát with K♣ J♣ she needed to hold the board. Flop brings king and after blank turn and river Baloghová ends.
Baloghová: T♠ T♦
Hervát: K♣ J♣
Board: K♦ 9♠ 7♣ Q♣ 5♥
2:30 Double after double
First one was Kloc with his 80,000 stack. His pair of deuces holds board against K5. Second one was Crisan, who doubles two times in a row. In first hand with 55 against A8 on Pataki´s hand and second with 88 against Urban´s AQ.
Last double was for Balogh, who finds aces against Zakhar´s AQ and after blank board Balogh doubles 555,000 stack.
2:13 Tournament is now on hand for hand after Bajzat eliminaton
Level 18: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 913,636, ent.: 22/201
1:56 Meety takes from Meszáros
Meety minraises from utg and Meszáros was the only one who calls in the position. Flop A♣ 9♠ 6♥ Meety cbets 50,000 that Meszáros calls. Turn T♣ continues Meety 180,000 and Meszáros decides to raise to 450,000 but after Meety´s all in Meszáros folds his cards and nice pot belongs to Meety.
1:48 Drab lost unluckily
260,000 stack jams from utg with A♠ K♦ and Zakhar rejams from button with A♦ Q♦. Flop T♠ 4♦ 2♥ changes nothing, but queen on the turne gives Zakhar lead. River is brick and Drab ends.
Drab: A♠ K♦
Zakhar. A♦ Q♦
Board: T♠ 4♦ 2♥ Q♠ 9♠
1:40 Three outs for Visan
He jams his 360,000 stack with A♠ 8♠ but Smuczer on blind finds queens and calls. After flop A♦ 5♠ 4♠ Smuczer needs to hit one outer to win that he wasn´t able to and Visan doubles up.
Visan: A♠ 8♠
Smuczer: Q♣ Q♥
Board: A♦ 5♠ 4♠ 2♥ 4♦
Level 17: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 804,000, ent.: 25/201
1:25 Cooler
Macko opens and after Pataki´s 3bet Macko was interested to see the flop A♣ K♦ T♥, where after cbet Macko jams approx 700,000 that Pataki snaps with aces. Macko shows tens and after blank turn and river Pataki takes 1,8M pot.
Pataki: A♦ A♥
Macko: T♦ T♠
Board: A♣ K♦ T♥ 6♠ 9♠
1:20 Pataki eliminates
Plesniarski jams from button 225,000 with A♦ 7♦ and Pataki calls from big blind with A♥ T♣. After blank board Plesniarski ends.
Pataki: A♥ T♣
Plesniarski: A♦ 7♦
Board: Q♦ J♣ 9♥ 2♥ 3♣
1:07 3-way all in
Hanudeľ jams from utg 330,000, Crisan right next to him rejams 455,000 and third one was Slowik who calls. In showdown we can see same combination under Slowik and Crisan´s hand AKoff and Hanudeľ with A♦ J♠ needs to hit three outs. Board brings no help for him and Slowik split his stack with Crisan.
Crisan: A♠ K♦
Slowik: A♣ K♠
Hanudeľ: A♦ J♠
Board: 8♥ 3♣ 2♣ 9♥ 7♠
February filled with poker in Banco Casino Košice!!!
February countinues with favorite Košice Weekend! Also Polish Poker Weekend will take place from 15.02. - 19.02 and this amazing month will be wrapped up with event Thirty Grand - Mystery Bounty!
Level 16: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 648,387, ent.: 31/201
0:54 Slowik takes some time
He opens to 80,000 and Kazmiruk defends big blind. Flop Q♠ J♠ 7♣ cbets Slowik 150,000 and Kazmiruk moves all in 370,000. Slowik counts his stack but after while calls with pocket aces. Kazmiruk shows A♥ Q♣ and after blank turn and river ends.
Slowik: A♦ A♣
Kazmiruk: A♥ Q♣
Board: Q♠ J♠ 7♣ K♣ 8♣
0:45 Baloghová also eliminates
After her limp Bajzat jams from big blind 245,000 with Q♥ 7♥ and needs to hit the board against K♣ J♣. That he wasn´t able to and ends in the tournament.
Baloghová: K♣ J♣
Bajzat: Q♥ 7♥
Board: J♦ T♣ 6♣ 5♦ K♦
0:38 Macko eliminates
After open from Szoke, Macko 3bets to 120,000 that his opponent calls. Flop K♠ 2♠ 3♣ was checked but on the turn 2♦ bets Macko 100,000 that Szoke calls. River Q♥ Macko jams effectively 200,000 that Szoke calls with pocket jacks but Macko shows queens and eliminates Szoke.
Szoke: J♦ J♣
Macko: Q♠ Q♦
Board: K♠ 2♠ 3♣ 2♦ Q♥
Level 15: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 478,571, ent.: 42/201
Break 15 minutes
0:10 Time for Rožok
After his open Wasťo was interested to see the flop Q♠ 4♠ 3♣ where he calls cbet. Turn 2♦ after second bet 50,000 Wasťo jams for 159,000 and Rožok was thinking for a while. Time for him but he couldn´t find a fold with A♠ Q♣ and calls. Wasťo shows set of threes and after 4♦ on the river he doubles up.
Wasťo: 3♦ 3♠
Rožok: A♠ Q♣
Board: Q♠ 4♠ 3♣ 2♦ 4♦
0:05 Kormos triple up
He jams his 60,000 short from CO with A♦ K♦ and gets called by Meety with Q♣ T♦ and also Vaji with A♥ T♥. After board that brings trips for Kormos he makes triple up and continues in the tournament.
Kormos: A♦ K♦
Meety: Q♣ T♦
Vaji: A♥ T♥
Board: K♣ K♠ 4♦ 9♥ 3♣
23:55 Visan eliminates
Grochowina jams his short with A♦ 3♥ and Visan on big blind calls with T♥ 9♠. Flop 8♣ 8♠ 4♥ changes nothing but turn T♠ gives lead to Visan. River is blank and Grochowina ends in the tournament.
Grochowina: A♦ 3♥
Visan: T♥ 9♠
Board: 8♣ 8♠ 4♥ T♠ 8♥
Level 14: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 418,750, ent.: 48/201
23:40 Nice pot for Vaji
Sýkora opens from utg to 24,000 and Vaji joins the game from small blind. Flop K♦ T♠ 6♠ Vaji calls cbet 35,000 and also second barrel 50,000 on the turn 6♥. River A♥ Vaji decides to lead for 60,000 that Sýkora calls. Vaji shows K♠ J♠ what was enough to win this pot.
23:32 Slowik vs Berdis
After Slowik´s limp Berdis raises to 40,000 that Slowik calls. Flop J♦ 8♥ 4♠ Slowik also calls cbet 30,000, turn T♦ was checked and on the river 9♠ Berdis bets again 115,000. Slowik calls after couple of time with 8♦ 7♦ what was enought against A♠ 9♦.
Berdis: A♠ 9♦
Slowik: 8♦ 7♦
Board: J♦ 8♥ 4♠ T♦ 9♠
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23:25 Bence takes from Slávik
Slávik opens to 24,000 and calls 3bet by Bence from big blind to 80,000. Flop K♥ 8♦ 7♦ brings no action but on the turn Q♠ Bence bets 75,000 that Slávik calls. River 5♥ was checked and pot belongs to Bence with A♦ K♦.
Level 13: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 352,632, ent.: 57/201
23:05 Bad timing
Lachowski jams his 90,000 with K♦ Q♥ but Popiolek on blind finds aces and calls. After blank board Lachowski ends at the tournament.
Lachowski: K♦ Q♥
Popiolek: A♦ A♣
Board: T♥ 7♥ 6♣ 7♦ 7♠
22:55 Good decision by Drab
He opens and calls 3bet from Popovič to 60,000. Flop 9♠ 4♠ 3♦ Popovič jams 132,000 and after while Drab calls with pocket fives. Popovič shows A♣ Q♠ and after blank turn and river Popovič ends.
Popovič: A♣ Q♠
Drab: 5♦ 5♠
Board: 9♠ 4♠ 3♦ 4♦ K♦
Level 12: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 300,000, ent.: 67/201
22:40 Hustler ends
He jams 60,000 with A♣ 4♥ and Balghová rejams with pocket nines. Visan on big blind also joins the game with A♦ 7♦ and after board that holds Baloghová´s combination Hustler ends and Baloghová almost triples up.
Hustler: A♣ 4♥
Baloghová: 9♣ 9♥
Visan: A♦ 7♦
Board: T♠ 2♦ 2♣ 3♣ 6♣
22:30 Double seat open
Ferkel jams 100,000 with J♦ 6♣ and Bele rejams 120,000 with aces. Action on Drab on big blind who calls with pockets eights and after flop Q♣ 8♥ 5♦ and blank turn and river two players are eliminated and Drab takes nic pot.
Drab: 8♣ 8♠
Bele: A♣ A♦
Ferkel: J♦ 6♣
Board: Q♣ 8♥ 5♦ 9♠ 4♣
22:20 PAYOUT
1. 4,021€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
2. 2,598€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
3. 1,820€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
4. 1,448€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
5. 1,197€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
6. 968€ 130€ ticket included on tournament Polish Poker Weekend 50.000€ GTD
7. 753€
8. 586€
9. 462€
10.-12. 352€
13.-16. 273€
17.-20. 221€
Level 11: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 251,250, ent.: 80/201
Break 30 minutes
21:44 Nice pot for Pataki
Three players were in the game for 15,000. Flop Q♠ J♣ 7♣ brings no action and on the turn T♠ leads Juhasz 12,000. Oláh calls and Pataki raises to 61,000 that calls only Juhasz. River K♣ Juhasz leads again for 55,000 and Pataki was in tough spot. After while she decides to call with K♥ 9♠ and takes the pot against Q♦ T♦ on Juhasz hand.
Juhasz: Q♦ T♦
Pataki: K♥ 9♠
Board: Q♠ J♣ 7♣ T♠ K♣
21:28 Double seat open
On the flop Q♣ T♥ 7♦ three players were all in. Kalináč and Hudák holds same combination KJoff and Sýkora holds Q♦ 3♦. Turn and river holds his combination and eliminates two players.
Board: Q♣ T♥ 7♦ 5♥ T♠
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21:21 Last level to register!!
Level 10: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 227,711, ent.: 83/189
21:10 Rožok also ends
After open to 10,500 and two calls Sorin jams from blind with pocket tens. Rožok on button decides to call with T♦ 9♥ and after board without help for him he needs to use reentry.
Rožok: T♦ 9♥
Sorin: T♥ T♣
Board: K♥ 7♣ 4♥ 5♦ 8♠
21:05 Wasťo eliminates
He opens to 11,000 and after all in 52,500 by Surdyk Wasťo calls with deuces. Surdyk shows A♥ 5♠ and after blank board Wasťo eliminates his opponent.
Surdyk: A♥ 5♠
Wasťo: 2♦ 2♥
Board: K♦ 6♦ 9♠ 4♥ 7♥
20:55 Flip in favor of Grochowina
Crisan jams from button 70,000 with deuces and Grochowina calls with A♦ 9♣. Flop giver Grochowina a lead and after blank turn and river Crisan ends.
Crisan: 2♦ 2♠
Grochowina: A♦ 9♣
Board: J♥ 9♥ 3♥ 9♦ K♦
February filled with poker in Banco Casino Košice!!!
February countinues with favorite Košice Weekend! Also Polish Poker Weekend will take place from 15.02. - 19.02 and this amazing month will be wrapped up with event Thirty Grand - Mystery Bounty!
Level 9: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 192,473, ent.: 93/179
20:40 Three outs for Bajzat
He needed to hit three outs with A♣ Q♦ against pocket kings on Hanudeľ´s hand. Flop brings one of them and after turn and river that completes flush for Bajzat he doubles 110,000.
Bajzat: A♣ Q♦
Hanudeľ: K♣ K♥
Board: A♦ T♠ 9♦ J♦ T♦
20:30 Mihalo ends
He jams 15 big blinds stack with pocket nines and Chrobák called with A♦ T♣. Flop brings ten for Chrobák and after blank turn and river Mihalo ends at the tournament.
Mihalo: 9♣ 9♠
Chrobák: A♦ T♣
Board: T♠ 2♦ Q♦ 4♠ 3♣
20:24 Chernyshenko double up
Lovaš opens to 12,000 and after two calls Chernyshenko jams 82,500 with K♦ Q♥. Lovaš rejams with A♦ J♥, but flop brings two pairs for Chernyshenko and after blank turn and river Chernyshenko doubles up.
Chernyshenko: K♦ Q♥
Lovaš: A♦ J♥
Board: K♣ Q♣ J♦ 8♥ 4♥
Level 8: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 163,551, ent.: 107/175
20:12 Royal flush
Bak opens from button and Stefano defends big blind. Flop K♠ Q♣ T♠ after cbet Stefano check raises and Bak calls. Turn T♥ brings no action, but on the river Q♠ we can see all in and call. Bak shows Q♦ T♦, but Stefano shows royal flush and doubles up.
Stefano: A♠ J♠
Bak: Q♦ T♦
Board: K♠ Q♣ T♠ T♥ Q♠
20:04 Rožok ends
Three players were on the flop J♣ 9♠ 3♠, where Horváth bets 30,000 and gets called by both of his opponents. Turn 5♠ after checks Rožok jams 45,000 and Horváth calls with set of threes. Rožok shows K♣ J♠ and after blank river needs to use reentry.
Rožok: K♣ J♠
Horváth: 3♥ 3♦
Board: J♣ 9♠ 3♠ 5♠ 8♣
19:55 Drawing dead
Fron opens from early position and Kuremszki defends big blind. Flop 8♥ 5♦ 3♦ after couple of raises players were all in. Fron shows set of fives and Kuremszki holds flushdraw with Q♦ 2♦. Turn 8♦ bring him his draw, but completes full house for Fron and after blank river Kuremszki ends.
Kuremszki: Q♦ 2♦
Fron: 5♠ 5♣
Board: 8♥ 5♦ 3♦ 8♦ J♣
Level 7: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 140,367, ent.: 109/153
19:40 Action flop
Kotán opens from early position to 11,500 that Stefano calls from small blind and also Meety defends big blind. Flop J♠ 8♦ 7♥ cbets Kotán for 35,000 and after Stefano´s raise to 72,000 Meety jams 112,500 that both of his opponents called. Meety holds 9♥ 6♥, Kotán aces and Stefano top set. Turn brings straight for Meety and after river without pairing Meety triples up and Kotán ends.
Kotán: A♦ A♣
Meety: 9♥ 6♥
Stefano: J♣ J♦
Board: J♠ 8♦ 7♥ 5♥ 2♥
19:32 Berdis vs Drab
Drab opens from HJ to 5,500 and after 3bet by Berdis from big blind to 21,000 Drab calls. Flop K♣ 7♣ 7♠ Drab calls cbet 11,000, turn 7♦ slows the action and on the river 8♥ Berdis bets 26,000. After while Drab calls and Berdis takes the pot with pocket queens.
19:22 Pot for Drab
Three players were on the flop 7♥ 6♥ 2♠, where Drab in position bets 10,000 that called Smuczer on small blind, who leads the turn 9♠ for 17,000 and Drab calls. River 4♥ action was repeatead also for 17,000 and Smuczer shows 7♠ 5♠. but pot belongs to Drab with K♥ 9♦.
Drab: K♥ 9♦
Smuczer: 7♠ 5♠
Board: 7♥ 6♥ 2♠ 9♠ 4♥
Level 6: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 132,710, ent.: 107/142
Break 30 minutes
18:37 Pot for Mihalo
After his open three players were on the flop 8♣ 7♠ 4♥, where Mihalo cbets 5,000 and gets raised by Barnutiu to 11,000 that Mihalo calls. Turn J♥ brings no action and on the river J♦ Mihalo bets 35,000 that Barnutiu calls. Mihalo shows T♣ 9♣ what was enough to win this pot.
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18:22 Correct call by Crisan
On the board A♣ 7♦ 2♥ 9♦ K♥ pot was already 70,000 and Sedlák moves all in effectively 60,000. Crisan takes some time but decides to call with A♦ T♠ and after Sedlák shows bluff Q♦ J♦ Crisan doubles his stack.
Crisan: A♦ T♠
Sedlák: Q♦ J♦
Board: A♣ 7♦ 2♥ 9♦ K♥
Level 5: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 120,000, ent.: 100/120
18:05 3-way all in
After two limps Kerpo opens to 6,000 that calls Opalenyk from small blind. Action on Urban, who jams 27,300 and after call by Kerpo, Opalenyk rejams 70,000 effectively. Kerpo takes some time but decides to call with K♠ 2♠. Urban holds K♦ 4♣ and Opalenyk pocket sevens. Flop brings flushdraw for Kerpo that he hits on the river and takes nice pot.
Kerpo: K♠ 2♠
Urban: K♦ 4♣
Opalenyk: 7♣ 7♥
Board: J♠ 8♥ 4♠ A♥ A♠
17:55 Pot for Balogh
After his open Sirilla 3bets from button to 17,000 that Balogh calls to see the flop Q♥ 9♣ 7♦ where action was checked. Turn 2♦ after check Sirilla bets 10,000 and gets called. River K♥ decides Balogh lead for 25,000 what was enough to win this game because Sirilla folds his cards.
Level 4: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 111,458, ent.: 96/107
17:40 Split pot
Four players were on the flop A♦ K♦ 4♠ where Jelinski cbets 5,500 and two opponents called. Turn 2♠ continues Jelinski for 10,000 that called only Bolek, who calls also bet on the river 15,600. Jelinski shows A♥ T♣ and Bolek holds the same combination that means split pot.
17:28 Meety vs Slowik
Meety opens from utg to 3,000 and three players were on the flop 9♠ 6♠ 4♣. Meety cbets 3,600 and gets raised to 10,600 by Slowik that he called. Turn 5♠ brings no action but on the river 3♦ Meety fires 42,000. Slowik takes some time but decides to fold and pot belongs to Meety.
17:20 Two outs for Tamasi
He opens to 4,500 and after call Keresteš 3bets from big blind to 24,000. Action on Tamasi who jams 106,000 and Keresteš snaps with pocket aces. Tamasi holds kings and wasn´t very happy with showdown, but king on the flop gives him a lead and after turn and river withou ace Tamasi doubles.
Tamasi: K♥ K♠
Keresteš: A♦ A♥
Board: K♦ 3♥ 2♦ J♥ T♠
Level 3: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 105,747, ent.: 87/92
17:05 Nuts on the turn not enough
Macko was in game against Barnutiu on the turn Q♦ J♥ 4♦ 9♥, where he holds K♦ T♦ and Barnutiu shows K♥ 7♥ and needs to hit the river. That helps him and Barnutiu doubles 40,000 stack.
Macko: K♦ T♦
Barnutiu: K♥ 7♥
Board: Q♦ J♥ 4♦ 9♥ T♥
16:58 Without fear
Ilona opens to 2,500 and after two calls Smuczer 3bets from small blind to 15,000 that called Ilona and also Popiolek on the button. Flop 4♣ 3♥ 2♣ Smuczer jams for 45,000 but his opponents fold their cards and Smuczer shows them 9♥ 7♥.
16:48 First seat open
Opalenyk needed a huge help with pocket queens against aces on Wasťo´s hand to remain in the tournament. Unfortunately board brings no help for him and Opalenyk is first who is eliminated.
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16:47 New players...
Abrudan, Barnutiu, Bence, Stefano, Sorin and Koryl are also in the tournament.
Level 2: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 84/84
16:33 Bajzat jams
He was in the game against Kovacs N. on the flop 3♣ 4♥ 9♦ where Bajzat cbets and gets called. Turn J♣ action was repeated for 15,000 and on the river A♥ Bajzat jams approx 55,000 but Kovacs folds his cards and Bajzat takes the pot.
16:20 Early registrations
Canalas, Crisan, Hervát, Deak, Ilona, Nagy and also Viktor Lovaš the winner of the january edition of Košice Weekend are already in the tournament.
16:15 Tournament started!
Floormanager Lukáš starts today´s tournament. Who´s gonna become the champion? Watch the live report.
16:00 Satellite winners
Ondkanin, Kalináč, Stosil, Faith and Chernyshenko will play Košice Weekend with discount.
Level 1: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 47/47
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