Matej Kepic is the winner of the october edition of Košice Weekend 20K GTD among 197 entries and took home without deal 4.000€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand and also trophy for winner!
06:00 Runner up - Baloghova Janette - 2 455€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Baloghova jams 5m and Kepo calls with A-2, Baloghova holds pocket fours, Kepo hits ace on the river and we get to know new Košice Weekend champion.
Baloghova: 4-4
Kepo: A-2
Board: J-3-8-3-A
05:40 3rd place - Bokša Peter - 1 680€ + 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Bokša was in autoallin with 5-4 against Kepo's Q-T, flop Kepo hits queen, turn 5 brings some hope for Pipo, but river K ends his road on 3rd place.
Pipo: 5-4
Kepo: Q-T
Board: Q-K-6-5-K
05:25 4th place - Okonski Mieszko - 1 310€ + 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Baloghova jams 1,5m and Mieszko on BB calls with Ac 4c, Baloghova holds pocket fives and after river eliminates Okonski.
Baloghova: 5-5
Okonski: Ac 4c
Board: 8-8-3-6-K
05:15 5th place - Kotan Igor - 1 061€ + 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Kotan jams 600k, Kepo repushes 900k eff. and Pipo on BB calls with A-K, Kotan holds pocket sevens and Kepo A-3, flop 2-5-Q brings gutshot for Kepo, but save turn and river for Pipo doubles his stack and Kotan ends on 5th place.
Kotan: 7-7
Pipo: A-K
Kepo: A-3
Board: Q-2-5-A-9
05:00 6th place - Madej Piotr - 964€
Madej openshoves 865k and Kepo on BB calls with A-Q, Madej holds K-J, flop A-7-7 is bad for Madej and after river ends on 6th place.
Madej: K-J
Kepo: A-Q
Board: A-7-7-6-2
04:50 7th place - Porczak Andrzej - 749€
Porczak jams 1,7m and Kepo repushes again, this time with A-Q, Porczak holds A-K, flop A-4-3 changes nothing, but queen on turn and blank river ends Porczak's journey.
Porczak: A-K
Kepo: A-Q
Board: A-3-4-Q-9
Level 25: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 3 283 333, ent.: 7/197
04:35 8th place - Wasilewski Adam - 583€
He jams 700k and Kepo on Sb repushes with pocket tens, Wasilewski holds pocket fives and after river ends on 8th place.
Kepo: T-T
Wasilewski: 5-5
Board: A-K-3-Q-4
04:20 Double for Baloghova
Baloghova raises from SB to 285k and Wasilewski calls, flop Q-9-9 Balogohva jams 1,3m and Wasilewski calls with Q-8, Baloghova held A-Q and after river doubles.
Baloghova: A-Q
Wasilewski: Q-8
Board: Q-9-9-7-6
Level 24: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2 462 500, ent.: 8/197
04:00 Double for Wasilewski
Kotan opens to 250k, Wasilewski jams 1,1m and Kepo repushes 9m, in showdown Wasilewski holds aces and Kepo kings, board did not bring and Wasilewski doubles, after game Pipo said that he folded jacks.
Wasilewski: A-A
Kepo: K-K
Board: 4-8-2-9-6
Level 23: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2 462 500, ent.: 8/197
03:50 Nice pot for Kotan
Kepo raises to 180k and Pipo 3bets to 565k, Kotan on BT cold calls and Kepo calls too. Flop Q-8-8 after check by Kepo and Pipo, Kotan bets 500k and both players fold.
03:35 Kotan vs. Pipo
Pipo minraises and Kotan defends, flop 9-9-2 Pipo cbets to 100k and Kotan checkraises to 300k, which Pipo calls, turn T Kotan continues to 500k and Pipo calls, river J Kotan jams 900k and Pipo snaps with Q-9. Kotan holds same hand and they split the spot.
Pipo: Q-9
Kotan: Q-9
Board: 9-9-2-T-J
Level 22: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2 462 500, ent.: 8/197
03:20 9th place - Milan Mihalo - 460€
He ended up in preflop all in with Ah 4h with Kepo, who holds A-Q. Flop brings four, but queen also and after river Milan ends on 9th place.
Mihalo: Ah 4h
Kepo: A-Q
Board: Q-6-4-2-3
03:05 10th place - Sloma Julian - 350€
Kepo raises BvB to 120k and Sloma jams 800k, which Kepo easily calls with kings, Sloma hold 9-8o and after river ends.
Sloma: 9-8o
Kepo: K-K
Board: A-K-8-2-3
03:00 11th place - Motola Roei - 350€
Motola jams 550k and Pipo calls with aces, Motola holds pocket fours and after blank board ends.
Motola: 4-4
Pipo: A-A
Board: J-7-2-Q-T
02:50 12th place - Agusevich Stanislav - 350€
Kepo minraises and Slavik jams 670k with Ah Jh and Kepo calls with pocket sixes, flop Q-T-9 brings more outs for Slavik, but turn 9 and river 7 eliminates him on 12th place.
Kepo: 6-6
Slavik: Ah Jh
Board: Q-T-9-9-7
Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1 790 909, ent.: 13/197
Break 15 minutes
02:30 13th place - Sykora Radovan - 272€
02:25 14th place - Major Istvan - 272€
02:20 15th place - Vasile Dan Olariu - 272€
Kepo BvB jams with A-J and Vasile calls with Kd 5d with his 300k stack, board A-7-7-J-2 decided, that Vasile ends on 15th place.
Kepo: A-J
Vasile: K-5
Board: A-7-7-J-2
02:10 16th place - Ionut Alexandru - 272€
Ionut jams 500k and Okonski repushes 2,5m, in showdown Ionut holds pocket fives and Okonski pocket sevens, flop 9-6-7 bring seto for Okonski and gutshot for Ionut, turn A changes nothing and river 5 also.
Ionut: 5-5
Okonski: 7-7
Board: 9-6-7-A-5
Level 20: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1 231 250, ent.: 16/197
02:00 17th place - Gulyas Bela - 220€
Gulyas openshoves 400k and Mihalo repushes 1m with pocket jacks, Gulyas holds A-9, he hits ace on flop, but Mihalo also hits jack and after river Gulyas ends.
Gulyas: A-9
Mihalo: J-J
Board: A-J-5-A-7
02:50 18th place - Karwanski Krzysztof - 220€
Kepo minraises and Karwanski jams from BB 600k, which Kepo calls with A-Q, Karwanski holds pocket fives, flop T-T-7 favours Karwanski, but another seven on turn counterfeits his pocket pair and after river J Kepo wins pot with ace high and eliminates Karwanski.
Karwanski: 5-5
Kepo: A-Q
Board: T-T-7-7-J
02:40 19th place - Bis Mateusz Jan - 220€
Bis jams 160k and Major with Sykora call, flop 9c Kc Tc Major bets 100k, which Sykora calls, turn 3d same action happened but for 150k and on river 2c Sykora leads 400k and Major folds, Sykora shows Js Td and Bis As 2s.
Bis: As 2s
Sykora: Js Td
Board: 9c Kc Tc 3d 2c
02:30 20th place - Čerep Matúš - 220€
Kepo minraises and Čerep from BB jams 700k, Kepo thinks for a while and calls with J-J, Čerep holds A-K, but he couldn't hit ace or king and he ends on 20th place.
Kepo: J-J
Čerep: A-K
Board: 6-3-T-8-Q
02:20 Bubble boy - Sudimak Emil
Pipo minraises and Sudimak jams from BB 400k with A-T, Pipo holds pocket tens and after river all remaining players are ITM.
Pipo: T-T
Sudimak: A-T
Board: 8-4-8-Q-9
Level 19: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 938 095, ent.: 21/197
02:10 Pot for Sykora
Bis opens to 60k and Sykora from MP calls, flop Th 4h Js Bis cbets to 75k and Sykora raises to 175k, which Bis calls, turn Jh Sykora continues to 130k, Bis calls, river 3c is checked by both, Bis shows Tc 8c, but Sykora wins pot with K-J.
Sykora: K-J
Bis: Tc 8c
Board: Th 4h Js Jh 3c
01:50 Abrudan out
Abrudan jams from BT 400k and Čerep on BB calls with A-T, Abrudan holds A-8, but board did not bring eight and he ends.
Abrudan: A-8
Čerep: A-T
Board: J-5-Q-Q-7
Level 18: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 757 692, ent.: 26/197
01:35 Pipo doubles again
This time he opens to to 60k and Sztaba jams 500k from BB with A-Q, Pipo calls and holds pocket jacks and needs to manage the flip, flop 8-8-5 is good for Pipo and turn J confirms his win against Sztaba.
Sztaba: A-Q
Pipo: J-J
Board: 8-8-5-J-K
01:15 Osada falls on last blinds
Osada opens and Pipo jams 225k, which Osada calls with K-J, but Pipo holds A-K and after board without jack Osada ends.
Osada: K-J
Pipo: A-K
Board: 3-2-3-T-9
Level 17: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 679 310, ent.: 29/197
01:00 BvB
Wasilewski jams BvB 145k and Stefano on BB calls with deuces. Wasilewski holds 3-2 and hits his one of three outs on flop and Stefano falls on last blinds.
Wasilewski: 2-3
Stefano: 2-2
Board: A-3-6-K-Q
00:45 Penc ends
Kotan minraises and Penc jams from BB 350k, which Kotan snaps with queens, Penc needs help with pocket tens on his hand, but board held queens and Penc ends.
Penc: T-T
Kotan: Q-Q
Board: 6-A-8-6-4
Level 16: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 615 625, ent.: 37/197
Break 15 minutes
00:30 Good fold
Gulyas opens to 32k and Abrudan raises to 100k from SB. Action is back on Gulyas, who 4bets to 327k, Abrudan thinks for minute and half and folds and he is doing good, cause Gulyas faceup shows pocket aces.
00:15 Pot for Kepo
Porczak opens to 35k and Kepo from UTG+1 calls, flop Ah Ts 4s Porczak cbets to 40k and Kepo calls, turn 5d after check Kepo bets 75k, which Porczak calls and on river 2s Kepo bets 125k, Porczak goes in tank and faceup folds ace.
Level 15: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 532 432, ent.: 37/197
00:00 Kapalka ends
Porczak raises to 27k and Kapalka jams 220k, which Porczak snaps with kings, Kapalka holds pocket nines, flop 8c Tc 5s still favours Porczak, turn 4c opens flushdraw for Kapalka, but river 3d did not help Kapalka and he ends.
Porczak: K-K
Kapalka: 9s 9c
Board: 8c Tc 5s 4c 3d
23:45 Aces cracked
Major limps, Kotan limps and Trembecki jams 120k from BT, Bragiel repushes from SB 200k and Major calls with pocket eights. Trembecki holds Q-7 and Bragiel aces, flop brings eight and after river Trembecki with Bragiel are eliminated.
Trembecki: Q-7
Bragiel: A-A
Major: 8-8
Board: 8-9-K-2-4
Level 14: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 437 778, ent.: 45/197
23:30 Pot for Baloghova
Slavik opens from BT to 22k, Pipo on SB calls and Baloghova defends. Flop Ac Js Td Slavik cbets to 15k and both players continues, turn 8s is checked by everyone and on River Qd Baloghova bets 20k, that only Pipo calls with two pair Q-J, but Baloghova holds straight with Kd 2d and takes the pot.
Pipo: Q-J
Baloghova: Kd 2d
Board: Ac Js Td 8s Qd
23:15 Sykora eliminates
Traian with Sykora went all in preflop for 30bb, where Traian held pocket eights and Sykora queens, board did not bring eight and Traian ends.
Traian: 8-8
Sykora: Q-Q
Board: J-T-T-T-2
Level 13: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 358 182, ent.: 55/197
23:00 Derda ends
Razvan opens and Derda jams 94k, Penc repushes 126k and Razvan folds. Derda holds A-K and he needs to manage flip against sixes, which is not happening and he ends.
Derda: A-K
Penc: 6-6
Board: 9-4-2-9-3
22:45 Cooler
Abrudan opens to 17k and Partizan defends, flop Tc Ks 4s Abrudan cbets to 21k and Partizan checkraises to 50k, which Abrudan calls, turn Qc Partizan jams 220k and Abrudan snaps with A-J, Partizan holds set of fours and needs to pair the board, however that is not happening on river and he ends.
Partizan: 4-4
Abrudan: A-J
Board: Tc Ks 4s Qc 6c
Level 12: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 312 698, ent.: 63/197
22:30 Varga will not record success for second time
In first game Panek starts game with limp a Varga jams 54k, which Panek calls with pocket tens, Varga holds K-9 and hits king on flop and after river doubles. In second game Panek starts game again with limp, Varga jams again, but this time 129k and Ionut Sipos rejams 300k and Panek calls wtih his 100k stack too. Varga holds again K-9, Ionut A-7 and Panek A-K, Ionut hits seven on flop and after river eliminates both Varga and Panek.
Varga: K-9
Panek: A-K
Ionut: A-7
Board: 7-6-J-J-5
22:15 Hustler ends
Hustler opens from CO to 15k and Kotan defends. Flop Ks 8h 9c Kotan leads 15k and Hustler calls, on turn Tc after Kotan's check Hustler bets 75k, Kotan jams 160k and Hustler calls, he holds pocket jacks and Kotan K-J, river 9d changes nothing and Hustler ends tonight.
Kotan: K-J
Hustler: J-J
Board: Ks 8h 9c Tc 9d
Level 11: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 234 524, ent.: 84/197
Break 30 minutes
FIFTY GRAND is set on 23.11. - 26.11.2013!!!
21:20 Zakhar ends
Duško limps, Kies too and Porczak raises to 25k, which Zakhar on CO cold calls. After cbet on 8d 5c 7d Zakhar jams 75k, which Porczak snaps with nines, Zakhar holds flushdraw with Kd 3d, but he didnt hit king or his flush and after river ends.
Porczak: 9-9
Zakhar: Kd 3d
Board: 8d 5c 7d 8s 6s
Level 10: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 226 829, ent.: 82/186
21:05 Best flop for Rubi
Sirotnak opens to 12k and Rubi clicks to 25k, Sirotnak 4bets to 62k and Rubi calls. Flop Tc Qs Td Sirotnak cbets to 36k and Rubi jams 130k, which Sirotnak snaps with kings. Rubi holds trips with Jh Th and after river eliminates Sirotnak.
Sirotnak: K-K
Rubi: Jh Th
Board: T-T-Q-Q-7
20:50 Lender shoves his starting stack
After he reentered the tournament he jams his starting stack and Gulyas on BB calls with A-Q. Lender holds A-9 and after river he has to go for reentry, if he wants to suceed tonight.
Gulyas: A-Q
Lender: A-9
Board: Jc Qs Td Qh 7s
Level 9: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 202 353, ent.: 85/172
20:35 Taker also ends
Osada raises from BT to 12k and Taker on BB 3bets to 40k, Osada thinks for a while and jams 200k eff., which Taker calls with pocket queens, but Osada holds aces and after river Taker ends.
Taker: Q-Q
Osada: A-A
Board: Kc 4c 3h Th Ad
20:20 Sirotnak ends
Sirotnak opens to 10k, Okonski calls and Porczak from SB 3bets to 35k, which only Sirotnak calls, flop 9h 8d Jc Porczak cbets to 50k and Sirotnak jams 120k, which Porczak snaps with aces, Sirotnak holds queens and after river ends.
Sirotnak: Q-Q
Porczak: A-A
Board: 9h 8d Jc Ks 4c
Level 8: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 168 817, ent.: 93/157
ONE DAY EVENT 15K GTD will take place on 4.11.2023!
20:05 3way all in
Gulyas, Balogh and Madej put all their chips behind the line preflop, where Balogh with his last 10k holds Kd Ts, Madej Ac Qd and Gulyas Ks Js, flop 5d 8c Qs is good for Madej, but spicy turn As brings more outs for Gulyas and on river 4s he completes his nut flush and takes 200k pot.
Gulyas: Ks Js
Balogh: Kd Ts
Madej: Ac Qd
Board: 5d 8c Qs As 4s
19:50 Karwanski jams
Karwanski jams his last 28k and Sykora calls with Ts 8d and is behind against Ah 3h on Karwanski's hand. After river Karwanski doubles his short.
Karwanski: Ah 3h
Sykora: Ts 8d
Board: Qd 3c 2h 7s Qs
Level 7: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 141 748, ent.: 103/146
GPC vol.2 comming soon!!!
19:35 Slow roll
Ionut Sipos raises to 6,5k and Razvan 3bets to 30k, action is back on Ionut, who after one and half minute 4bet jams 160k and Razvan takes time. After minute calls with kings and is in front against pocket queens on Ionut's hand and after river doubles.
Ionut Sipos: Q-Q
Razvan: K-K
Board: 7h 9d 6s 9c 5d
19:20 Pot for Cvir
After limp from Zanony, Pipo raises to 10k and Cvir cold calls right behind him and Zanony folds, flop Ah 5s 7c Pipo cbets 8,5k, turn 8h Pipo continues to 13k and Cvir raises to 39k, which Pipo calls, river 3s after check Cvir jams 80k and Pipo folds.
Level 6: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 129 293, ent.: 99/128
Break 40 minutes
18:15 Pot for Kuruc
After two limps, Horvath Krizstianne raises to 6,5k, Kuruc and limpers call, flop Js Th 9h Kotan leads to 15k, Horvath calls and Kuruc raises to 45k, that only Kotan calls, turn 6c Kuruc jams 60k eff., after some time Kotan folds.
18:00 Lucky river
Augustyn opens to 4,5k and Ilona with Urban call, flop 9s As 6d Augustyn cbets to 7k and Ilona raises to 15k, which Augustyn calls, turn 7d Ilona continues to 25k, which Augustyn calls, river 8s same action happened, Ilona shows two pair with A-8, but Augustyn completes straight on river with A-5 and wins the pot.
Augustyn: A-5
Ilona: A-8
Board: 9s As 6d 7d 8s
Level 5: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 132 222, ent.: 89/119
17:45 Zero on turn
Kapellakis limps, and Urban raises to 6k, Kapalka on BT calls and also Kapellakis, flop Ac 2h 3h Urban cbets to 8k and Kapellakis raises to 23k, which Urban calls, turn Ah Kapellakis bets 25k and Urban jams 70k, which Kapellakis snaps with A-3, unfortunetaly Urban holds 6h 8h and after river he has to go for reentry.
Kapellakis: A-3
Urban: 8h 6h
Board: Ac 2h 3h Ah 4c
17:30 Leadshove
Gyenes opens to 5,2k and Tobias 3bets to 18,5k, Gyenes responds with 4bet to 50k and Tobias goes in tank. After minute he calls with his 110k stack and on Tc 6c 4h he leadshoves 60k and Gyenes easily snaps with aces and after river Tobias ends.
Tobias: 9-9
Gyenes: A-A
Board: T-6-4-8-K
Level 4: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 116 854, ent.: 89/104
17:15 Varga for reentry
Varga with Ondkanin put their chips behind the line on 8-7-2 flop, where Varga holds pocket nines and Ondkanin aces, turn and river did not bring outs for Varga and he needs to go for reentry.
Varga: 9-9
Ondkanin: A-A
Board: 8-7-2-K-Q
17:00 Karwanski jams from BB
Ilona limps and Karwanski on BB jams 45k, which Ilona calls with Kh 7h, but Karwanski holds pocket tens and after river doubles.
Ilona: Kh 7h
Karwanski: T-T
Board: Q-7-A-8-Q
Level 3: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 107 595, ent.: 79/85
16:45 Stupar doubles
Szoke opens to 4k and Stupar defends, flop 7s 2c Js Szoke cbets to 5k and Stupar calls, turn Td Szoke continues to 7k and Stupar responds with checkraise to 19k, which Szoke calls, river 6s Stupar jams 40k and Szoke snaps with black aces, but Stupar holds flush with 9s 8s and doubles.
Stupar: 8s 9s
Szoke: Ac As
Board: 7s 2c Js Td 6s
16:30 Big game
Augustyn opens to 2,5k, Ilona with Withowski calls and Kis on BT decided to 3bet to 11,5k, which Ilona with Witkowski call, flop 8d 8c 2h Kis cbets 13k, Ilona calls and Witkowski raises to 40k, which both call, turn 4d Witkowski jams 70k and Kis goes in tank. After two minutes folds his hand and Ilona snaps with Ks 2d, but is behind against pocket fives on Witkowski's hand, river Qh changes nothing and Witkowski eliminates Ilona.
Ilona: Ks 2d
Witkowski: 5s 5h
Board: 8d 8c 2h 4d Qh
Level 2: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 101 471, ent.: 68/69
PRAVEK PARTY is set and ready on 24.11.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
16:15 Spicy flop
Gyenes opens to 3,5k and Ivancova calls, flop 9c 6c 7c Gyenes cbets strongly 12k and Ivancova calls, turn Ts Gyenes continues to 25k and Ivancova goes in tank and after minute folds.
16:10 Unsuccessful bluff
Urban opens to 3,8k from BT and Derda on SB calls, flop 8c 5d Jh Derda leads to 5k and Urban calls, turn Kh is checked by both and on river 5h after check Urban bets 15,3k, which Derda snaps with Js 9h and beats Urban's 6s 3d.
Urban: 6s 3d
Derda: Js 9h
Board: 8c 5d Jh Kh 5h
Level 1: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 34/34
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