Maroš "Majlo" Kráľ is the winner of the november edition of Košice Weekend 20.000€ GTD among 157 entries and took home without deal 4.706€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand and also trophy for winner! After Friday's triumph in the Warm up edition of Košice Weekend, he claims back-to-back victories!
6:44 2. place - Malinski Jan - 2781€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
In very last hand Majlo completes, Malinski jams 3,7m that Majlo snaps with A♥ J♥. Malinski shows pocket sevens but flop A-9-5 gives a lead to Majlo. Turn brings few more outs for Malinski, but blank river ends tournament.
Majlo: A♥ J♥
Malinski: 77
Board: A-9-5-6-4
6:38 We keep going
Malinski moves all in 2,5m with ATo and Majlo called with pocket fours. Flop J-6-2 holds Majlo, turn 2 also but A on the river doubles Malinski.
6:25 Majlo back on chiplead
Several pots for Majlo who has 10M stack.
Level 26: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 7,850,000, ent.: 2/157
6:15 Stacks are still equal
6:00 Malinski in long tank
He raises to 400k and Majlo called. Flop Q♦ T♠ 5♦ was checked, turn 7♦ leads Majlo 400k that gets called and on the river 5♥ bets 1,2m. Malinski gets into 3minute tank and then folds.
Level 25: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 7,850,000, ent.: 2/157
5:45 Nice pot for Malinski
He raises to 300k and Majlo 3bets to 900k that Malinski called. Flop K♥ 7♦ 6♣ cbets Majlo 600k that Malinski called, turn 5♦ same action for 900k and on the river T♥ after check Malinski moves all in and Majlo snap folds. Malinski shows him 77 and stacks are equal.
5:35 Heads up:
Majlo - 9,7M
Malinski - 6M
5:32 3. place - Richard "Husky" Balco - 1818€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Husky moves all in 1,1m from sb with K♦ T♦ and Malinski on bb called with Q♠ J♠. Flop Q♦ 7♦ 4♣ was action, turn J♥ brings more outs for Husky, but river 5♥ eliminates him.
Husky: K♦ T♦
Malinski: Q♠ J♠
Board: Q♦ 7♦ 4♣ J♥ 5♥
5:26 4. place - Kotán Igor - 1374€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Kotán limps and Malinski checks bb. Flop K♠ Q♠ 2♣ Malinski check calls 500k and also all in 1,1m on the turn 8♣ with K♣ 6♣. Kotán shows AJo and after blank river ends.
Kotán: AJo
Malinski: K♣ 6♣
Board: K♠ Q♠ 2♣ 8♣ 5♥
Level 24: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,925,000, ent.: 4/157
5:20 Majlo on huge chiplead
Husky minraises and Majlo defends bb. Floú K-Q-J Majlo check calls cbet 100k, turn 9 also 250k and on the river 3 Husky bets third time 500k that Majlo snaps. Husky shows 44, but Majlo takes pot with T5s and after this hand Majlo rises on 9,2m. Husky has 1,1M, Kotán 1,7M and Malinski 3,6M
5:05 5. place - Renecki Jaroslaw - 1112€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Renecki moves all in 450k with A5s and Husky called with A8o. Flop brings gutshot for Renecki, but turn and river holds Husky.
Husky: A8o
Renecki: A5s
Board: J-4-3-K-7
5:02 6. place - Pala Radoslav - 899€
Pala moves 500k all in from utg with J7o and Majlo on sb called with JTs. Blank board holds Majlo who eliminates another player.
Majlo: JTs
Pala: J7o
Board: K-Q-8-5-K
5:00 7. place - Jozef "Partizán" Olejník - 729€
Partizán ended up in preflop all in for Kotán´s 695k with Q♠ Q♣, but needs to hit 2 outs against red aces. However flop 9♠ 5♠ 3♠ brings flushdraw for him, but turn 3♦ and river T♣ holds Kotán in the tournament and Partizán falls on last 2bb that he invested in next hand with pocket TT. Majlo on blind called with K7s and hits trips on the river.
Level 23: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,242,857, ent.: 7/157
4:48 8. place - Happy - 588€
Malinski minrasies and Happy jams 850k with A♠ K♠. Malinski called with pocket sevens and after numerical board Happy ends.
Happy: AKs
Malinski: 77
Board: 9-8-6-8-5
4:44 9. place - Karwanski Andrzej - 471€
Majlo minraises and Karwanski moves all in 700k with pocket sevens. Majlo called with T9s and he managed to hit the board and eliminates Karwanski from the tournament.
Karwanski: 77
Majlo: T9s
Board: K-T-2-4-A
4:12 10. place - Banach Katarzyna - 354€
Banach jams 10bb with AQo and Malinski on bb called with pocket fives. Flop brings set for him and after blank runout we are moving on final table.
Malinski: 55
Banach: AQo
Board: 8-5-2-J-8
Level 22: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,570,000, ent.: 10/157
4:00 11. place - Bodnar Gabor - 354€
Bodnar opens to 150k and Malinski moves all that Bodnar with 1m stack called with pocet jacks. Malinski holds AKo and his ace on the flop. After blank runout Bodnar ends.
Bodnar: JJ
Malinski: AKo
Board: A-4-3-2-K
3:45 12. place - Kies Wojciech - 287€
Kies gets his approx 400k stack into game to Majlo´s open, who called with QJo. Kies holds A♥ 7♥ but Majlo takes a lead after flop, turn brings flushdraw for Kies, but blank river eliminates him.
Kies: A♥ 7♥
Majlo: Q♣ J♠
Board: J♦ 8♥ 7♦ K♥ 3♦
3:39 13. place - Bunyevacz Jeno - 287€
Malinski opens to 200k from button and Bunyevacz jams 700k from bb with A7o. Malinski called with AKo and after flop K-K-2 Bunyevacz ends.
Bunyevacz: A7o
Malinski: AKo
Board: K-K-2-6-T
Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,207,692, ent.: 13/157
Break 10 minutes
14. place - Bural Rastislav - 287€
3:10 15. place - Muc Kacper - 251€
Muc gets his last 175k into game with A9o and Kies called with KTo. Flop A-T-2 was better for Muc, but turn K and river K eliminates him.
Muc: A9o
Kies: KTo
Board: A-T-2-K-K
3:05 16. place - Filak Dariusz - 251€
Filak jams 400k stack from button with A4o and Banach from sb called with pocket eights. Turn brings flushdraw for Filak, but river eliminates him.
Filak: A♠ 4♣
Banach: 88
Board: K♠ J♠ 9♣ 3♠ 6♥
2:58 17. place - Mielniczuk Piotr - 251€
Majlo openshoves 680k from button with A♦ 4♦ and Mielniczuk with 600k on bb snaps with pocket jacks. Flop T♠ 6♦ 2♦ brings flushdraw for Majlo that he completes on the turn and eliminates Mielniczuk.
Mielniczuk: JJ
Majlo: A♦ 4♦
Board: T♠ 6♦ 2♦ 8♦ 6♥
Level 20: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 923,529, ent.: 17/157
2:50 Bubble boy - Jelčs
He jams 145k from utg blindly and shows 95o. Bodnar on blind called with Q9o and after blank board Jelčs ends.
Jelčs: 95o
Bodnar: Q9o
Board: A-8-A-J-J
2:35 Majlo doubles
530k jams from utg with A♠ K♠ and Kies rejams with JJ. Flop brings K for Majlo, who doubles.
Majlo: AKs
Kies: JJ
Board: K-4-2-5-5
Level 19: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 872,222, ent.: 18/157
2:20 Hand for hand
Martinček jams 260k stack and Banach rejams from button with 99. Martinček holds A9o and after board without A ends and we are going on last 2 tables.
Martinček: A9o
Banach: 99
Board: T-8-2-3-Q
2:10 Muc doubles up
Bodnar opens to 75k and Muc jams 260k from sb that Bodnar called with ATo. Muc holds pocket jacks and after numerical board doubles up.
Bodnar: ATo
Muc: JJ
Board: 10-8-5-9-9
2:00 Small flip for Jelčs
Last 6bb gets into game with KJo and Partizán on bb after while called with 44. Flop gives a lead to Jelčs, who doubles after turn or river without 4.
Jelčs: KJo
Partizán: 44
Board: K-T-9-2-8
1:52 Bvb
Polanski moves all in 330k from sb with 95o and Pala on bb called with KQo. Flop A-Q-T was bad for Polanski, who ends after blank runout.
Polanski: 95o
Pala: KQo
Board: A-Q-T-6-4
Level 18: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 747,619, ent.: 21/157
1:33 Pala doubles
Bunyevacz opens from ep and Pala from sb jams 355k that Bunyevacz called with A♠ T♠. Pala holds K♣ Q♣ and takes a lead after king on the flop. Turn and river changes nothing and Pala continues in the tournament.
Pala: KQs
Bunyevacz: ATs
Board: K-J-6-3-9
1:28 Mariňák ends
He openshoves 230k with AJo, but Majlo next to him rejams with AKo and after board without J eliminates Mariňák.
Mariňák: AJo
Majlo: AKo
Board: T-8-3-4-2
1:20 Flip for Happy
Pala minraises and Happy jams 10bb that Pala called with A♦ 9♦. Happy holds sixes and after board that completes him straight doubles up.
Happy: 66
Pala: A9
Board: 8-7-4-3-5
Level 17: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 628,000, ent.: 25/157
1:13 3-way
Bodnár, Bural a Topoly ended up in preflop all in. Topoly holds A♥ K♥, Bodnár 22 and Bural finds aces. After blank board Bural triples 145k and Topoly doubles remaining 210k.
Topoly: A♥ K♥
Bural: AA
Bodnár: 22
Board: 3♦ 3♥ 4♠ 8♥ 8♣
1:03 Pot for Martinček
Bodnár opens from utg1 to 50k that called just Martinček from sb. Flop A♣ 8♣ 2♦ Martinček check calls cbet 35k, same action on the turn 5♦ for 100k and river A♥ was checked. In showdown Martinček holds A♦ J♦, what was enough to take this pot.
0:55 Bvb
Mielniczek from sb moves all in 235k and Bujnak on bb snaps with K♥ K♠. Mielniczek holds A♣ J♦ and needs to hit three outs, but flop 9♦ 8♦ 5♦ brings more outs for him, and after 7♦ on the turn and blank river doubles up.
Mielniczek: A♣ J♦
Bujnak: K♥ K♠
Board: 9♦ 8♦ 5♦ 7♦ Q♣
Level 16: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 560,714, ent.: 28/157
Break 15 minutes
0:14 Majlo still alive
31k gets into game from utg and gets called by Partizán and also Kotán on bb. Flop Q-5-2 leads Kotán 150k and Partizán folds his cards. In showdown Kotán holds Q2s, Majlo 77, who hits his two outs on the turn and after 2 on the river continues.
Majlo: 77
Kotán: Q2s
Board: Q-5-2-7-2
0:08 Flip for Mariňák
Ondkanin opens to 35k and Mariňák jams approx 150K with AKo. Ondkanin with same stack after while called with pocket eights and needs to see blank board. Flop J-T-5 brings outs for Mariňák and after K on the turn takes a lead. Blank river eliminates Ondkanin from tournament.
Ondkanin: 88
Mariňák: AKo
Board: J-T-5-K-6
Level 15: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 506,452, ent.: 31/157
23:52 Martinček´s 3barrel
He opens from utg to 25k that called Topoly and Muc on blinds. Flop K♦ Q♥ J♠ cbets 27k that only Muc called, turn 4♦ same action for 45k and on the river T♥ Martinček asks for 30k, but Muc folds his cards.
23:40 3-way all in
Ivančová limps CO, Slávik from button shoves approx 180k and Filak from sb rejams 202k. Ivančová who covered both of them called with A♥ Q♥ and was ahead against K♣ J♣ and A♦ 9♠. Flop gives a lead to Filak, turn to Ivančová, but river brings nuts for Filak, who takes this pot.
Filak: K♣ J♣
Ivančová: A♥ Q♥
Slávik: A9o
Board: K♦ T♣ 6♠ A♣ 4♣
GPC vol.2 comming soon!!!
Level 14: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 392,500, ent.: 40/157
23:25 Pala sets a trap
He limps and Tamaškovič moves all in 145k that Pala snaps with aces. Tamaškovič holds KQo and after turn it´s clear that he ends.
Tamaškovič: KQo
Pala: AA
Board: 8-2-3-9-9
23:20 Big flip for Pala
Stasieczek opens to 22k and Pala 3bets jams 320k. Action back on Stasieczek, who after while called with 300k stack and shows JJ. Pala holds AQo and takes a lead after Q on the flop. Turn brings another one for him and after river eliminates Stasieczek.
Stasieczek: JJ
Pala: AQo
Board: Q-T-3-Q-T
23:10 Stefano triples up
Stefano moves 52k all in from UTG that called Cvir with Tamaškovič on blinds. Flop Q♠ 6♠ 2♦ Tamaškovič bets 55k and Cvir folds his cards. In showdown Tamaškovič holds A♠ 7♠, Stefano top set and after blank runout continues in the tournament.
Stefano: QQ
Tamaškovič: A♠ 7♠
Board: Q♠ 6♠ 2♦ 8♥ 3♥
Level 13: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 334,043, ent.: 47/157
22:48 Cooler on the flop..
Haľko opens from hj and Banach K. 3bets from bb that Haľko called. On the flop A-J-9 Banach gets her 260k stack into game that Haľko snaps with JJ, but Banach holds AA and doubles up.
Banach: AA
Haľko: JJ
Board: A-J-9-9-6
22:40 Ivančová doubles
Martinček minraises and Ivančová jams 74k that Martinček called with Q♦ J♦. Ivančová shows AQo and after blank board continues in the tournament.
Martinček: QJs
Ivančová: AQo
Board: 6-5-2-T-7
FIFTY GRAND is set on 23.11. - 26.11.2023!!!
Level 12: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 285,455, ent.: 55/157
22:30 3-way all in
Sloma gets his 50k short into game, Panek rejams 265k with pocket kings and Malinski with 300k stack called with pocket queens. Flop was safe for Panek, but Q on the turn and blank river eliminates 2players.
Sloma: 22
Panek: KK
Malinski: QQ
Board: A-3-9-Q-6
22:20 Big pot for Kies
He starts the game with 13k raise, Tobias 3bets to 40k and after call by Vanyo from bb, Kies also joined. Flop T♦ 4♦ 3♠ cbets Tobias 32k, Vanyo called and Kies jams 245k that only Vanyo called and shows K♣ 3♣. Kies holds draw 9♦ 8♦ and after 7♦ on the turn takes nice pot.
Kies: 9♦ 8♦
Vanyo: K3s
Board: T♦ 4♦ 3♠ 7♦ 3♥
1. 4706€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
2. 2781€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
3. 1818€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
4. 1374€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
5. 1112€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
6. 899€
7. 729€
8. 588€
9. 471€
10. - 11. 354€
12. - 14. 287€
15. - 17. 251€
Level 11: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 245,313, ent.: 64/157
Break 30 minutes
21:25 Filak´s 3barrel
For minraise were 4 players in the game. Flop K♣ 9♣ 2♦ bets Filak on CO 17k that only Cvir called, turn J♦ same action for 27k and on the river J♣ after third barrel 75k Cvir folds his cards.
21:10 Big pot for Hencz
Hencz, Benedyk and Baloghová were in the game on the flop T♠ 7♣ 2♣, where these three players gets their stacks into game. Baloghová holds 77, Benedyk draw A♣ 6♣ and Hencz shows pocket JJ. Turn J gives him a lead and after blank river Hencz takes 500k pot and eliminates 2 players.
Hencz: JJ
Baloghová: 77
Benedyk: A♣ 6♣
Board: T♠ 7♣ 2♣ J♥ Q♥
Level 10: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 219,403, ent.: 67/147
20:55 Ondkanin triples
Vallus opens to 11,5k and after call Ondkanin 3bet jams 47k. Action on Warhol who rejams 55k that Vallus called with pocket eights. Warhol holds J♦ 8♦ and Ondkanin aces, who triples after blank board and Warhol takes small side pot.
Warhol: J8s
Vallus: 88
Ondkanin: AA
Board: K-K-6-T-T
20:45 Stefano ends
After 12k open and call by Husky, Stefano from bb moves all in 70k that only Husky with AQo called. Stefano holds AJo and after board without J ends for this time.
Husky: AQo
Stefano: AJo
Board: 7-5-2-A-6
20:37 Three outs for Major
He ended up in preflop all in for 47k with AQo against Martinček´s pocket kings. However flop brings ace and after board without K Major doubles up.
Major: AQo
Martinček: KK
Board: A-Q-6-3-4
PRAVEK PARTY is set and ready on 24.11.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
Level 9: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 187,500, ent.: 72//135
20:30 Pot for Happy
Zolnai gets hit 34,5k stack into game that called Happy and also Kresz. Flop Q♠ 8♠ 6♦ bets Kresz 30k that Happy called, who leads 40k on the turn Q♣, but Kresz folds his cards. In showdown Happy holds TT, Zolnai 6♠ 4♠, who ends after blank river.
Happy: TT
Zolnai: 6♠ 4♠
Board: Q♠ 8♠ 4♦ Q♣ 5♣
20:22 Hencz takes on the turn
After limp Filak raises to 12k that called another 3 players. Flop A♦ T♦ 3♥ cbets Filak 16k that called Hencz with Hervát. Turn 6♥ was checked to Henz, who bets 30k what convinced opponents to fold.
20:10 Safe play
Filak opens to 8,5k and after call Martinček 3bets to 32k that Filak called. Flop 8♣ 6♠ 4♦ was checked and also turn 3♠ and river Q♥. In showdown Filak holds ATo, but pot takes Martinček with AKo.
Level 8: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 166,667, ent.: 78/130
19:55 Big flip
Bunyevacz opens to 7k, Taker from sb 3bets to 29k and Bunyevacz 4bets jams 167k that Taker called with A♥ K♥. Bunyevacz holds pocket eights and after board without help for Taker, Bunyevacz doubles up.
Bunyevacz: 88
Taker: A♥ K♥
Board: Q♦ 4♥ 3♦ 2♥ 7♦
19:50 Martinček gets paid
Martinček opens from utg and three players were in the game. Flop K♦ 7♥ 3♠ was checked, turn 8♠ Žako leads 5k and Martinček raises to 15k that called Benedyk and also Žako. River A♣ Žako leads again 15k and this time Martinček raises to 60k. Benedyk folds and Žako after while called. Martinček holds set of kings, what was enough to take this pot.
19:40 Double for Ivančová
She was in game against Polanski on the flop A♠ K♥ 3♠, where after bet 16k Ivančová moves all in 72k that Polanski called with combo draw J♠ T♠. Ivančová holds AKo and after blank turn and K on the river doubles up.
Ivančová: AKo
Polanski: J♠ T♠
Board: A♠ K♥ 3♠ 6♦ K♦
GPC vol.2 comming soon!!!
Level 7: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 153,165, ent.: 79/121
19:30 Two outs for Taker
He was in game against Hajduk on the flop 2-2-4, where Taker bets 12,5k and Hajdu jams 82k that Taker called with pocket tens. Hajduk holds pocket queens, turn 9 was safe for him, but T on the river eliminates him.
Taker: TT
Hajduk: QQ
Board: 2-2-4-9-T
19:20 When you have, you have it
After limp Martinček raises to 8,5k from utg1 and Pošivák from bb 3bets to 25,5k that Martinček calls. Flop Q♥ 4♥ 2♦ cbets Pošivák 15k that gets called and on the turn 5♦ Pošivák jams 66k effective that Martinček also called with Q♠ T♠. Pošivák holds A♦ K♦ and after blank river falls on short.
Pošivák: A♦ K♦
Martinček: Q♠ T♠
Board: Q♥ 4♥ 2♦ 5♦ J♥
Level 6: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 141,333, ent.: 75/106
Break 30 minutes
18:25 Ceranko finds fold
Four players were in the game on the flop Q♠ T♦ 5♥, where Ceranko leads for 6k and Jelinski in position raises to 15,5k that only Ceranko called. Turn 3♠ Ceranko leads for 30k and Jelinski jams 60k. Ceranko thinks for a minute and decides to fold his cards.
18:10 Lucky river
After 2 limps Vallus raises from bb to 9k that two players called. Flop A♣ 6♥ 2♥ cbets Vallus 7k that only Panek called, turn A♠ same action for 8,5k and on the river Q♦ bets Vallus 30k, that Panek snaps with A♥ 7♥, however Vallus holds pocket queens and takes this pot.
Vallus: QQ
Panek: A♥ 7♥
Board: A♣ 6♥ 2♥ A♠ Q♦
FIFTY GRAND is set on 23.11. - 26.11.2023!!!
Level 5: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 125,000, ent.: 76/95
17:55 Majlo´s 3barrel
He opens from utg and Emodi with Urban joined the game. Flop T♦ 8♣ 7♣ cbets Majlo 5k that both players called, turn 8♠ continues for 21k that only Emodi called and on the river 6♣ Majlo bets 32k. Emodi thinks for a while and called, but Majlo holds J♣ 9♣ and takes pot.
17:44 Cooler
After series of raises Polanski ended up in preflop all in against Major, who shows pocket kings. However Polanski holds aces and after ace high flop Major ends for this time.
Major: KK
Polanski: AA
Board: A-5-2-4-8
17:38 Stackoff on the turn
Tobias was in game against Meszáros on the turn 6♣ 3♣ 2♣ 7♠, where Tobias bets 16k and Meszáros from bb check shoves 80k that Tobias snaps with J high flush. Meszáros holds 2 pairs, but after blank river needs to use reentry.
Tobias: J♣ T♣
Meszáros: 6♥ 2♥
Board: 6♣ 3♣ 2♣ 7♠ 8♥
Level 4: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 118,056, ent.: 72/85
17:22 Flešár eliminates
Four players were on the turn A♥ K♣ 8♠ Q♥, where Berdis bets 12k, Kresz called and Flešár from blind check raises to 34k. Berdis folds after while and Kresz jams 90k that Flešár snaps with nuts. Kresz holds set of 88 and after blank river needs to use reentry.
Flešár: JTo
Kresz: 88
Board: A-K-8-Q-7
17:10 Smaller one for Happy
He raises from utg and Partizán with Kis on blinds called. Flop 4♥ 4♠ 2♠ cbets Happy 5,5k and after call, Kis check raises to 16k that only Happy after while called. Turn Q♥ slows the action and river J♦ was also checked, where Happy shows pocket sevens, what was enough to win this pot.
Level 3: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 116,667, ent.: 60/70
16:45 Nuts
Samborski was in game against Limper on the turn 6♣ 3♣ 5♥ T♣, where pot was already 30k and Samborski bets 12,5k that Limper called. River 2♠ leads Limper 25k and called Samborski´s all in 76k with 64o, but Samborski holds nuts and doubles up.
Samborski: A♣ J♣
Limper: 64o
Board: 6♣ 3♣ 5♥ T♣ 2♠
16:40 Popiolek asks for little value
He starts the game with 2,5k raise and 4 players were in. Flop Q♣ 9♦ 8♦ cbets for 5,2k that only Stefano called, turn 3♠ was checked and on the river 6♠ bets Popiolek again 5,2k. Stefano thinks for a while and called, but Popiolek holds set of nines and takes pot.
PRAVEK PARTY is set and ready on 24.11.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
Level 2: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 108,163, ent.: 49/53
16:20 Nobody wanted him
Vanyo starts the game with 3,5k from ep and Ikri next to him 3bets to 8k that called Ivančová in position, Kerky on bb and also Vanyo. Flop K♠ 7♥ 6♠ was checked, turn 5♦ also and on the river 6♦ bets Vanyo 25,5k, what was enough to take this pot.
16:10 Early registrations...
Kis, Jelinski, Ilona, Stefano, Panek or two-time champion Meszáros are in the game.
16:05 Tournament started!
Floormanager Stano started the november edition of Košice Weekend. Watch live report who´s gonna be next champion.
Level 1: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 30/30
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