Stanislav "Slávik" Agusevich is the winner of the March edition of Košice Weekend 20.000€ GTD among 201 entries and took home without deal 4.021€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand and also trophy for winner! Slávik also adds his second win in the tournament means he will also play for bonus for the 3-time champion in the next tournament!!!
6:36 2. place - Zolnaiová Mária - 2.598€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Heads up didn´t last long and in very last hand Zolnaiová moves all in 3,2m with A3o and Slávik snaps with pocket sevens. After numerical board tournament KW ends.
Slávik: 77
Zolnaiová: A3o
Board: 6-6-5-6-8
Heads up:
Slávik - 16,5m
Zolnaiová - 3,6m
6:33 3. place - Ojrzynski Jakub - 1.820€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Ojrzynski moves all in from the button with A2o and Slávik on bb called with pocket threes. After board without A Ojrzynski ends and we are moving on headsup.
Ojrzynski: A2o
Slávik: 33
Board: Q-8-2-9-T
6:30 Stacks:
Slávik - 13,4M
Ojrzynski - 4M
Zolnaiová - 2,7M
Level 26: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 6,700,000, ent.: 3/201
Break 10 minutes
6:12 4. place - Salamon Wiktor - 1.448€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Slávik minraises utg, Salamon 3bets to 800k and Slávik 4bets to 2,3m that Salamon called. Flop A♦ 5♣ 3♥ cbets Slávik 1,125,000 and Salamon moves all in 3m that Slávik snaps with top two. Salamon holds K♥ Q♥ and after 8♠ on the turn ends and Slávik is monster chipleader.
Slávik: A5o
Salamon: KQs
Board: A-5-3-8-2
6:00 - Martinček Martin - 1.197€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Slávik minraises button and Martinček jams 2,5m from sb that Slávik snaps with AKo and Martinček with TT needs to see blank board. T in the window was perfect for him, but after that A and K. Turn brings another A for Slávik and Martinček won´t be 3times champion today.
Martinček: TT
Slávik: AKo
Board: A-K-T-A-7
Level 25: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 4,020,000, ent.: 5/201
5:47 6. place - Pajunk Jakub - 968€
Martinček minraises, Ojrzynski jams 2,4m effective from sb and Pajunk on bb called. Martinček folds and in showdown Pajunk holds TT, Ojrzynski AQo who hits ace on the flop and eliminates Pajunk from the tournament.
Pajunk: TT
Ojrzynski: AQo
Board: A-J-5-K-3
5:42 7. place - Abrudan Lucian - 753€
Abrudan jams 20bb from sb and Salamon on bb after while called with AJo. Abrudan holds A9o and after board that completes nuts straight ofr Salamon, Abrudan ends.
Abrudan: A9o
Salamon: AJo
Board: K-T-3-4-Q
5:33 Ojrzynski´s 3barrel
He opens from the button and Zolnaiová defends bb. Flop Q♠ J♣ 4♥ Zolnaiová check calls cbet, tur A♣ continues Ojrzynski for 315k that also gets called. On the river 5♠ fires for third time 570k, but this time Zolnaiová folds and Ojrzynski shows K6s.
Level 24: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2,871,429, ent.: 7/201
5:16 9. place - Macko Erik - 462€, 8. place - Vaji Tamas - 586€
Zolnaiová opens from utg to 250k, Vaji called and Pajunk moves all in 630k. Macko was auto all in on bb, Zolnaiová called and also Vaji. On the flop 3-2-2 Zolnaiová jams 1,6m effective that Vaji snaps with 77. Zolnaiová holds 99, Macko 83o and Pajunk AA. After blank runout Pajunk takes main pot, first side pot and Zolnaiová eliminates Vaji.
Vaji: 77
Zolnaiová: 99
Macko: 83o
Pajunk: AA
Board: 3-2-2-J-2
5:15 Short vs Short
Macko moves all in 430k from utg with A6o and Pajunk eith 240k stack on bb called with A7o. After board 9-8-3-4-K Pajunk doubles and Macko falls on last 2bb.
10. place - Dziedzic Jakub - 352€
On the other table was eliminated Dziedzic in 10th place and we are moving on final table.
4:40 11. place - Gruszka Marcin - 352€
Gruszka ended up in preflop all in for 1,6m against Slávik. In showdown holds A♣ K♦ and needs to hit board against JJ under Slávik´s hand. Flop 4♠ 3♣ 2♣ brings more outs for Gruszka, turn T♣ also, but river 4♦ holds Slávik.
Slávik: JJ
Gruszka: A♣ K♦
Board: 4♠ 3♣ 2♣ T♣ 4♦
Level 23: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 1,827,273, ent.: 11/201
4:33 12. place - Šadera Milan - 352€
Šadera jams approx 750k from sb with AJo and Gruszka with 20k more called with KQo. Flop brings king for Gruszka and after turn and river without A Śadera ends.
Šadera: AJo
Gruszka: KQo
Board: K-8-4-2-4
4:30 13. place - Zurawski Janusz - 273€
Zurawski ended up in preflop all in for 1,6m with pocket nines, but Vaji finds KK under his hand. After board without 9 Vaji takes huge pot.
Vaji: KK
Zurawski: 99
Board: T-3-3-Q-Q
14. place - Kotán Igor - 273€
15. place - Penc Oskar - 273€
4:22 16. place - Turčik Marián - 273€
He moves all in 425k from the button with 54s and Martinček on bb called with KQo. Flop brings Q for Martinček and after blank turn Turčik ends.
Turčik: 54s
Martinček: KQo
Board: Q-J-3-9-2
4:18 Two outs for Zolnaiová
She ended up in preflop all in for 735k with pocket jacks and Abrudan holds pocket kings. However flop brings set for Zolnaiová, who doubles after turn or river wihtout K.
Zolnaiová: JJ
Abrudan: KK
Board: A-J-2-9-7
4:15 17. place - Kovacs Lajos - 221€
Salamon raises to 175k and Kovacs in position joined. Flop 9-3-2 was checked, turn 2 after check Kovacs bets 150k that gets paid. River 9 Kovacs moves all in 530k that Salamon also called with 77, and was ahead against AJs.
Salamon: 77
Kovacs: AJs
Board: 9-3-2-2-9
4:10 18. place - Vester Ján - 221€
Vester limps and Šadera moves all in 450k that Vester called with QJo. Šadera holds 77 and survived through board A-K-4-3-A. After that hand Vester falls on last 1bb that he invested on bb and in the tournament ends.
Level 22: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg.1,116,667, ent.: 18/201
Break 10 minutes
19. place - Mariňák Slavo - 221€
20. place - Husky - 221€
Husky invested last few blinds on bb with KQo, but against Vestera´s AJs needs to hit board. Ace high board was last one for Husky in the tournament.
Husky: KQo
Vestera: AJs
Board: 9-8-2-4-A
3:37 Bubble boy - Malinski
He jams last 2bb with K8s and Abrudan called with QQ. After board without K Malinski ends on the bubble.
Malinski: K8s
Abrudan: QQ
Board: J-7-3-A-5
3:30 Flip for Vaji
Zolnaiová opens to 125k and Vaji moves all in 485k that Zolnaiová snaps with AKo. Vaji holds 22, turn brings flushdraw for Zolnaiová, but river holds Vaji in the tournament.
Vaji: 22
Zolnaiová: A♦ K♣
Board: Q♦ 9♠ 8♦ 3♦ 6♠
Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 957,143, ent.: 21/201
3:17 Zolnaiová doubles
Vaji opens to 150k that called Zolnaiová and also Abrudan. On the flop K♣ K♦ 5♣ cbets Vaji 150k and Zolnaiová moves all in 325k that Vaji snaps with KTo. However Zolnaiová holds AKs and after turn 6 and river A doubles up.
Zolnaiová: AKs
Vaji: KTo
Board: K-K-5-6-A
3:09 Hand for Hand
Gruszka minraises and Pošivák jams 10bb with pocket fours. Gruszka called with AQo and after queen we are playing hfh.
Gruszka: AQo
Pošivák: 44
Board: J-7-6-J-Q
3:00 Finally action
After Dziedzic´s minraise Zajac 3bet jams 345k. Action on Slávik, who rejams over 1m and Dziedzic folds. In showdown Zajac holds TT, but Slávik KK and after K on the flop eliminates Zajac from the tournament.
Zajac: TT
Slávik: KK
Board: K-6-3-J-T
Level 20: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 873,912, ent.: 23/201
2:40 Three outs for Zolnaiová
She 3bet jams 320k and Abrudan from the button rejams. After folds Abrudan shows AKs and Zolnaiová KQo, but queen on the flop gives her a lead. After turn and river without A Zolnaiová doubles up.
Zolnaiová: KQo
Abrudan: AKs
Board: Q-4-4-7-9
Banco Casino Košice has prepared PLAYER ON TOUR 50.000€ GTD in april for only 100€ buy-in!
Level 19: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 873,919, ent.: 23/201
2:10 Three outs for Sadera
He openshoves 300k with A8 on Martinček on bb snaps with AQ. However 8 in the window and board without Q doubles Sadera´s stack.
Martinček: AQ
Sadera: A8
Board: 8-4-2-K-9
2:05 Defended successfully
Kovacs minraises and Martinček defends bb. He called 3x 60k barrels through board 7-4-3-9-T with 42s what was enough against AKo.
1:58 Gábor ends
Martinček with 11bb minraises utg and Gábor on bb moves last 4bb into game with T9o. Martinček holds KQo and after blank board eliminates Gábor.
Gábor: T9o
Martinček: KQo
Board: A-J-8-A-5
Level 18: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 744,444, ent.: 27/201
1:43 Another runner runner for Slávik
He minraises HJ and Teren from button moves all in approx 280k that Slávik snaps with A♣ K♣. Teren shows pocket nines and hits set on the flop A♠ 5♠ 9♠, but turn 3♠ and river K♠ means split pot.
Slávik: AKc
Teren: 99
Board: A♠ 9♠ 5♠ 3♠ K♠
1:32 Malinski triples his short
Kotán minraises, Sztaba from sb called and Malinski on bb moves all in 135k that both players called. Flop 9♠ 5♠ 2♠ wash checked, turn T♠ bets Kotán 100k and Sztaba folds his cards. Kotán shows Q♣ J♠, but Malinski nuts A♠ 9♥ and triples up.
Malinski: A♠ 9♥
Kotán: Q♣ J♠
Board: 9♠ 5♠ 2♠ T♠ 3♥
Level 17: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 670,000, ent.: 30/201
BRAZIL PARTY is set and ready on 06.04.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
1:15 Some stacks:
Wasťo - 600k
Kovacs - 1M
Vaji - 1M
Macko - 500k
Dziedzic - 600k
1:05 Abrudan vs Martinček
After 2 limps Martinček raises to 85k that called just Abrudan. Flop 8♥ 6♥ 6♠ cbets Martinček 65k that Abrudan check calls, turn J♥ slows the action and on the river 3♠ Abrudan bets 120k. Martinček thinks for a while but then folds his cards.
Level 16: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 574,286, ent.: 35/201
Break 15 minutes
0:20 Pot for Pošivák
Barnutiu opens to 40k and 4players were in the game. On the flop 9♠ 8♣ 7♠ Zurawski from bb leads 50k that only Pošivák called, turn Q♠ same action for 50k and on the river T♣ Pošivák leads 325k. Zurawski thinks for a while but folds 98o and Pošivák shows KJo.
0:10 There are still two players in the tournament with a chance to win 3 times KW
Martinček with approx 530k stack and also Čerep, who holds 720k in front of him.
VEĽKONOČNÁ NÁDIELKA is set and ready on 30.03.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
Level 15: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 515,385, ent.: 39/201
0:00 River for Martinček
Gluszak limps and Martinček raises to 40k that Gluszak called. On the flop A♦ 9♠ 2♦ Gluszak leadshoves 110k that Martinček snaps with K♦ Q♦. Gluszak holds A8o and was ahead. Turn 2♥ changes nothing but after 3♦ on the river Martinček celebrates.
Martinček: K♦ Q♦
Gluszak: A8o
Board: A♦ 8♠ 2♦ 2♥ 3♦
23:50 Kovacs doubles up
Husky opens to 25k and 4 players were in the game. Flop A-J-9 Husky cbets 30k and Kovacs jams 114k that Husky after while called with KK. Kovacs holds J9s and after blanlk runout continues in the tournament.
Kovacs: J9s
Husky: KK
Board: A-J-9-3-7
23:45 Classic flip
Sorin gets his 93k stack into game with AKs and Wasťo on blind finds QQ and called. Flop K-J-T gives a lead to Sorin, who doubles after turn T and river 5.
Sorin: AKs
Wasťo: QQ
Board: K-J-T-T-5
23:38 Runner runner
3 players ended up in preflop all in. Derda with 100k stack holds K♦ 3♦, Slávik with 156k A♣ J♣ and Pidany, who covered both of them holds pocket aces. After flop Q-5-4 was Pidany a big favorite, but turn K and river T brings nuts for Slávik.
Slávik: AJs
Derda: K3s
Pidany: AA
Board: Q-5-4-K-T
Level 14: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 402,000, ent.: 50/201
23:23 Stefano ends
He openshoves 86k with premium hand A♣ K♣ and Baca rejams with pocket tens. Numerical board holds pair combination and Stefano ends in the tournament.
Stefano: AKs
Baca: TT
Board: 9-8-2-9-7
23:10 Disgusting runout
Ondkanin ended up in preflop all in with A♠ T♦ against Balogh, who shows also A♣ T♥. Flop Q♠ 6♠ 2♥ brings backdoor for Ondkanin, turn 9♠ brings him flushdraw and after 6♠ on the river Balogh ends.
Balogh: A♣ T♥
Ondkanin: A♠ T♦
Board: Q♠ 6♠ 2♥ 9♠ 6♠
Level 13: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 352,632, ent.: 57/201
22:55 Three outs on the river
Patrik openshoves 106k with AJo and Balogh next to him called with AQo. Flop T-9-6 changes nothing, turn 6 brings outs for split but J on the river doubles Patrik´s stack,
Patrik: AJo
Balogh: AQo
Board: T-9-6-6-J
22:48 Majlo seat open
Majlo gets his 10bb stack into game with AQo and against TT under Zurawski´s hand. However board without Majlo eliminates him from the tournament.
Majlo: AQo
Zurawski: TT
Board: K-6-2-J-9
SAINT PATRICK´S PARTY is set and ready on 15.03.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
Level 12: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 314,063, ent.: 64/201
1. 4.021€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
2. 2.598€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
3. 1.820€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
4. 1.448€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
5. 1.197€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
6. 968€
7. 753€
8. 586€
9. 462€
10. - 12. 352€
13. - 16. 273€
17. - 20. 221€
22:20 3-way
Husky minraises, Ilona called and Slávik moves all in 88k from sb that both called. Flop Q♠ 9♦ 4♦ bets Husky 65k that Ilona called and on the turn 5♣ Husky jams 220k effective that Ilona also called with K♦ 2♦. Husky holds AQo and Slávik aces, who triples after blank river and Husky takes big side pot.
Husky: AQo
Ilona: K♦ 2♦
Slávik: AA
Board: Q♠ 9♦ 4♦ 5♣ T♥
22:08 Oláh seat open
He starts the game with 15k raise and after 2 calls Macko 3bets from bb to 66k that only Oláh called. Flop Q-T-6 cbets Macko 75k and Oláh insta jams 185k. Macko thinks for a while and called with pocket kings, Oláh holds KTs and after blank runout ends.
Oláh: KTs
Macko: KK
Board: Q-T-6-J-J
Level 11: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 245,122, ent.: 82/201
Break 30 minutes
21:23 Big double up
Ikri was in game against Zakhar on the flop Q-4-4, where Ikri called Zakhar´s cbet and on the turn 6 after 30k bet Ikri jams 192,5k that Zakhar snaps with AA. Ikri shows trips with A4o and after T on the river makes a big double up.
Ikri: A4o
Zakhar: AA
Board: Q-4-4-6-T
21:15 Flip for Patrik
After 11k raise Patrik moves all in approx 70k and Bartko rejams over 100k stack. After folds in showdown holds AKo and Patrik pocket jacks. After numerical board Patrik doubles up.
Patrik: JJ
Bartko: AKo
Board: 9-8-3-3-8
Level 10: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 226,582, ent.: 79/179
20:50 3-way all in
Šandor openshoves 70,5k with A♣ 8♣, Patrik next to him with 57,5k stack called with AJo and Bartko with 70k also called with AJo. After board without 8 Bartko and Patrik split main pot.
Šandor: A8s
Patrik: AJo
Bartko: AJo
Board: A-T-2-Q-7
20:35 River killer
Mikloš openshoves approx 10bb with AJs and Majoroš with 37k called with A9o. After nine on the river Majoroš doubles up nad Mikloš falls on ultrashort.
Mikloš: AJs
Majoroš: A9o
Board: 7-5-3-5-9
Level 9: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 194,253, ent.: 87/169
20:22 Derda survived
He 3bets to 35k from bb that called Urban from the button. On the flop K♦ 6♥ 5♦ Derda moves all in 67k that Urban snaps with 9♦ 8♦. Derda holds pocket tens and holds till river.
Derda: TT
Urban: 9♦ 8♦
Board: K♦ 6♥ 5♦ A♠ 5♥
20:10 Flip for starting stack
Mihalo M. opens to 10k and after call Baca 3bets to 40k from sb. Action back on Mihalo who jams 25bb with K♦ Q♦ and Baca called with pocket nines. Board completes straight for Baca who eliminates Mihalo from the tournament.
Mihalo: KQs
Baca: 99
Board: T-7-6-J-8
Level 8: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 169,072, ent.: 97/164
19:43 Move all in and I will call. Okay ALL IN
Pipo raises to 7k from utg and 4 players were in the game. Flop Q-5-5 Pipo cbets 12k and after folds was action on Martinček. Pipo told him to move all in and he will call, so Martinček jams 54k effective that Pipo snaps with QJo. However Martinček shows quads and eliminates Pipo.
Pipo: QJo
Martinček: 55
Board: Q-5-5-T-3
19:40 Straight flush
Mihalo minraises from utg and after 3x call Pusinka from bb moves all in 31,5k. Mihalo rejams and after folds shows A♦ Q♣. Pusinka holds A5o, but after turn it´s clear that Pusinka ends and river brings also straighflush for Mihalo.
Mihalo: A♦ Q♣
Pusinka: A5o
Board: J♣ 8♣ 4♣ T♣ 9♣
19:35 Big pot for Husky
He was in game against Žako in 4bet spot for 62k. On the flop Q♣ T♠ 4♥ Husky checks and Žako moves all in 110k that Husky snaps and shows KK. Žako holds AQo and after blank runout is Žako eliminated.
Žako: AQo
Husky: KK
Board: Q-T-4-7-8
Level 7: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 155,670, ent.: 97/151
GTD €50,000
- BI: €100
- 15-19 May 2024
- STACK: 50,000
- BI per team = €200 + €25 fee
- Number of players in the team = 5
- Team battle will take place on Friday 17.05.2024
- Team battle evaluation on Saturday 18/05/2024 during dinner break on flight 1E
- Team registration at
- Registration must include: team name, club name, players' names + phone contact + email, captain's name
- Team battle is played in two rounds. The first round starts at 20:00, the second round at 23:00.
- Each round has 5 disciplines:
1. Tournament of captains (first round NLHE, second round PLO)
2. PLO
3. Pineapple
4. KO (extra point for each eliminated player)
5. Turbo NLHE
Prize distribution for winning teams: 1-10 teams = 1st place 70%, 2nd place = 30% of PP 10 or more teams: 1st place = 50%, 2nd place = 30%, 3rd place = 20% of PP.
SCORING: - Number of participating teams = number of points: first eliminated player = 1 point, winner of the tournament = number of points = number of teams in the tournament
19:15 Cbet convinced
After 2 limps Urban raises from the button to 11k. Action on Porczak, who 3bets from sb to 38k that Urban called. On the flop J-7-2 Porzcak cbets 25k and Urban gets into long tank. After that decides to fold and Porczak takes pot on the flop.
19:10 BvB
Mihalo raises to 8k from sb and Kovacs on bb defends. Flop A-K-T Mihalo cbets 5k that gets called, turn Q Mihalo slows down and check calls 10k bet. River 5 same action for 10k and Kovacs holds 99, but Mihalo 2 pairs AQo and takes pot.
Mihalo: AQo
Kovacs: 99
Board: A-K-T-Q-5
Level 6: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 146,939, ent.: 98/144
Break 30 minutes
18:22 Cestický still in the game
He jams last 16,3k and gets 3 calls. On the flop 7-4-3 bets Oláh 30k that Vanyo called and on the turn 4 Oláh jams 80k effective but Vanyo folds his cards. Oláh holds 97s but Cestický full house with 77 and takes pot.
Cestický: 77
Oláh: 97s
Board: 7-4-3-4-J
18:15 Double for Tirpák
6 players were in the game for 1bb and on the flop 6♦ 5♦ 2♠ Tirpák gets his 64k stack into game against Berdis from bb, who holds top two 65o. Tirpák holds flushdraw with T♦ 9♦ that he completes on the turn and after blank river Berdis falls on last few blinds.
Berdis: 65o
Tirpák: T♦ 9♦
Board: 6♦ 5♦ 2♠ 2♦ 7♥
18:10 Stupár vs Ojrzynski
Ojrzynski raises to 4,5k and Stupár defends bb. Flop Q♣ T♥ 4♥ cbets Ojrzynski 5,7k that gets called, but on the turn 5♣ after second barrel 14k Stupár check raises to 43k. Ojrzynski thinks for a while and decides to call. River K♠ Stupár jams 90k effective and after wihile Ojrzynski folds his cards.
Banco Casino Košice has prepared PLAYER ON TOUR 50.000€ GTD in april for only 100€ buy-in!
Level 5: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 127,368, ent.: 95/121
17:48 6bet jam
After series of raises Salamon preflop 6bet jams 92k with AKo and Luman with pocket kings called. After board without ace Luman sends Salamon for reentry.
Salamon: AKo
Luman: KK
Board: T-9-2-4-Q
17:45 Pipo in da House
Pipo raises from CO nad Mariňák from sb 3bets to 9k that Pipo called. Flop Q♦ 7♣ 6♥ Pipo calls 6,5k cbet, on the turn 3♦ after check Pipo bets 15,5k and takes his first pot tonight, after Mariňák folds AKo.
17:35 Drawing dead
After 3,5k raise and 3x call Vanyo from bb 3bets to 14,5k. Action on Sorin, who 4bet jams 53k stack that Vanyo called and shows A♥ Q♠. Sorin holds A♠ K♠ and was ahead, but flop Q♥ 8♥ 4♥ and 3♥ on the turn sends him for reentry.
Sorin: AKs
Vanyo: A♥ Q♠
Board: Q♥ 8♥ 4♥ 3♥ 6♥
Level 4: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 110,870, ent.: 92/102
17:20 Bad turn for Urban
Baca opens from utg and Stupár with Urban joined the game. Flop A-Q-8 cbets Baca 4k, Stupár called and Urban check raises to 30k that only Baca called. Turn A Urban slows down and after 15k bet snap folds his Q8.
17:14 Martinček eliminates
After limp Martinček opens to 4,5k and Swieca next to him 3bet jams 45k stack. Action back on Martinček who called with AKo and was ahead against A9o under Swieca´s hand. After board that completes nuts straight for Martinček, Swieca needs to use reentry.
Swieca: A9o
Martinček: AKo
Board: J-J-8-T-Q
17:05 Mazurek´s 3barrel
After 2,5k raise Mazurek 3bets to 6,5k from the HJ that flats Bufet from the button. Heads up on the flop J♥ 9♠ 5♣, where Mazurek cbets 4k that gets paid, turn K♥ same action for 11k and on the river K♦ Mazurek jams 40k effective. Bufet thinks for a while and then folds his cards.
Level 3: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 105,952, ent.: 84/89
16:48 Carny gets paid
After 2 limps Grudzien raises to 4,5k from the button that only Carny pays. Flop Q-J-J cbets Grudzien 7k that gets called, turn 4 bets by mistake just 5k and Carny decides for minraise that gets called. River T and bet 25k that Grudzien also called, but Carny holds full house J4s and takes nice pot.
16:40 4bet spot
Three players Kovacs, Barnutiu and Mihalo were in the game for 19k what was the prize which was set by Mihalo. On the flop Q♦ 6♣ 4♣ Mihalo cbets 23k that only Barnutiu from bb called. turn 6♥ after check Mihalo continues with 70k all in, Barnutiu thinks for a while and then decides to fold his cards.
GPC vol3. coming soon!
Level 2: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 103,175, ent.: 63/65
16:17 First bigger one
After limp Vanyo raises to 3,5k from the button and after call, Wasťo from bb 3bets to 15k that only Vanyo called. Flop K-Q-T Wasťo cbets 5,5k and Vanyo raises to 15k that gets called. Turn 2 bets Vanyo 25k leaving 25k behind that Wasťo also called. River A slows the action and Wasťo shows top two AKo and takes pot against QTo under Vanyo´s hand.
Vanyo: QTo
Wasťo: AKo
Board: K-Q-T-2-A
16:05 From the beginning...
Sorin, Popiolek, Mazurek, Abrudan, Gruszka, Gorz, Barnutiu and many others.
16:00 Tournament started!
March edition of Kosice Weekend just started! Watch the live report who´s gonna be the champion.
Level 1: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 45/45
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