After three days of play, it is already clear that more than the guaranteed €30,000 will be up to play for, because at this moment we are registering 337 entries!!!
From 11:00, the poker community has the last chance to advance among the elite 34 players who have already secured their advancement during the previous days. All finalists will present themselves at the poker tables from 16:00!
Flight 1C recorded 156 entries and 16 players advanced to the Final Day. New Chipleader of the tournament is Mariňák Slavomír with stack of 1.260.000!!!
2:27 Bubble boy - Pabian Ján
He moves all in from utg approx 150k with K2o and Nyerges finds AKo. After board without 2 Flight 1C ends.
Board: 7-J-4-Q-9
2:25 Short doubles again
This time Fedor who openshoves 167k with pocket sixes and Luman on bb called with KQo, but Fedor survived board A-A-3-8-4 and flight continues.
Level 19: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 458,824, ent.: 17/156
2:20 Stefano doubles
He openshoves 184k with pocket tens and Taker called with A♥ K♣. Flop Q♥ 9♣ 4♣ was safe for Stefano, turn 3♣ brings outs for Taker, but river J♥ holds Stefano.
2:18 Topoly takes pot
Luman minraises utg1 and 5 players were in the game. Flop Q♥ 8♠ 4♣ was checked, turn 6♠ bets Olah from sb 26k, Luman called and Topoly moves all in 129k that called just Olah with A♠ 4♠. Topoly holds 8♥ 6♥ and after 2♥ on the river wins this pot.
2:10 Bubble time
Sýkora limps, Mariňák from sb raises to 38k that Sýkora called. Flop J♣ 6♠ 2♦ cbets Mariňák 55k that gets called, turn 7♦ continues fro 75k and Sýkora moves all in 310k that Mariňák snaps with 77. Sýkora holds 55 and ends.
Sýkora: 55
Mariňák: 77
Board: J-6-2-7-5
1:54 Szabadka ends
Lukáč raises from CO and Szabadka moves all in 200k from button that Lukáč snaps with TT. Szabadka holds A3o and after board without A ends.
Szabadka: A3o
Lukáč: TT
Board: K-8-5-J-5
Grand Poker Cup starts on 22.01.2024!
Tournament with 100.000€ GTD and buyin 175€!
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 410,526, ent.: 19/156
Turbo Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000, avg. 136,957, ent.: 23/63
1:44 BvB
Pabian raises to 31k from sb and Kovacs on bb pays. Flop 5-3-2 cbets Pabia 27k that Kovacs called, but on the turn 4 after second barrel 55k Kovacs jams 150k and Pabian snapfolds his cards.
1:24 Taker in tank
Mlodzinski opens to 25k, Stefano called and Taker 3bets to 90k that Mlodzinski called. Flop J♣ 6♥ 3♦ cbets Taker 55k and Mlodzinski check raises to 150k that Taker after while called. Turn Q♥ Mlodzinski jams 365k and Taker gets into long tank and after that folds his cards.
1:20 "Brick" river
Partizán moves all in last 86k with AJo and gets called by Luman with pair of 22. Flop A-6-5 gives a lead to Partizán, turn brings flushdraw for Luman and 2 on the turn eliminates Partizán from the tournament.
Partizán: AJo
Luman: 22
Board: A-6-5-T-2
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 389,058, ent.: 20/156
1:07 Back to back for Slota
In first hand Luman minraises and after call Slota moves all in 145k from sb that Luman called with KJo. Slota holds AKs and after board Q-7-4-T-Q doubles up.
In second one Jar openshoves from utg1 approx 110k with A8o and Slota on sb finds AKo again. After king on the turn takes another pot and Jar ends in the tournament.
Board: 7-2-2-K-7
1:00 Three outs this time for Luman
He shoves 10bb from the button with KJo and Topoly on sb finds AKo and calls. However J on the flop gives a lead to Luman, who doubles his short.
0:57 Spot of the tournament
Lukáč starts the game with minraise that joined Olesik, Kovacs and also Mariňák from sb. Flop Q♠ T♠ 5♠ bets Olesik 20k that called Kovacs and also Mariňák. Turn Q♦ was checked to Kovacs, who bets 20k, Mariňák called and Olesik moves all in 243k that Kovacs snaps. Mariňák with 325k stack after while rejams that Kovacs also called and shows AQs. Olesik holds nuts flush A♠ 4♠, but Mariňák holds full house with TT under his hand. River 7♣ changes nothing and Mariňák takes huge pot!
Mariňák: TT
Kovacs: AQs
Olesik: A♠ 4♠
Board: Q♠ T♠ 5♠ Q♦ 7♣
0:50 Bad timing
Topoly openshoves from the button with QJo and Jar on sb with 108k stack finds pocket aces. After blank turn Jar doubles his stack.
Jar: AA
Topoly: QJo
Board: 6-7-8-3-2
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 300,000, ent.: 26/156
Turbo Level 10: 1,500 - 3,000, avg. 105,172, ent.: 29/61
0:40 Right call by Kovacs
He starts the game with minraise and Flešár 3bets to 50k that Kovacs pays. Flop Q♦ 8♣ 2♥ cbets Flešár 50k that Kovacs called and on the turn 4♠ Flešár jams 160k. Kovacs thinks for a while and called with pocket nines and was ahead against K8o. River A changes nothing and Flešár ends.
Flešár: K8o
Kovacs: 99
Board: Q-8-2-4-A
0:35 Safe checkback
After 16k open and call by Kovacs, Lukáč 3bets from sb to 58k that only Kovacs called. Flop A♦ T♣ 3♥ cbets Lukáč 34k that gets called, but turn 5♠ and also river 2♦ was checked. In showdown Lukáč holds pocket queens, but Kováč A♣ Q♣.
0:28 Another three outs
This time for Strycharz, who openshoves 58k from CO with QJo and Luman on the button rejams with AQo. Flop brings J for Strycharz who doubles up.
Strycharz: QJo
Luman: AQo
Board: J-9-2-3-3
0:20 Three outs for Topoly
Jar minraises from utg and Topoly on bb moves all in 50k that Jar called wiht ATs. Topoly holds JTs and needs to hit 3 outs, what he does on the turn and continues in the tournament.
Topoly: JTs
Jar: ATs
Board: K-5-3-J-6
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 260,000, ent.: 30/156
Turbo Level 8: 800 - 1600, avg. 81,818, ent.: 33/54
0:13 Teliatnykov ends
He ended up in preflop all in with ATo against Olesik, who finds AKo. Flop 7-5-2 changes nothing, but after K on the turn Teliatnykov ends.
Teliatnykov: ATo
Olesik: AKo
Board: 7-5-2-K-6
OLDIES PARTY is set and ready on 26.01.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants and also an attractive tournament is ready for you!
0:08 Flip for Taker
He ended up in preflop all in for 180k with AK against Sudimák´s pocket jacks. Flop brings king for Taker, who eliminates Sudimák after blank runout.
Taker: AK
Sudimák: JJ
Board: K-8-2-4-9
0:00 Second barrel convinced
Filak opens to 16k from utg that called Partizán and also Luman. Flop 7♠ 6♦ 4♦ cbets Filak 28k that called just Luman, turn 5♣ continues Filak for 55k and Luman gets into long tank. After that he folds and Filak shows him KK.
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 222,857, ent.: 35/156
Turbo Level 6: 500 - 1000, avg.72k, ent.: 35/51
Break 15 minutes
23:22 3-way all in
Struzik opens to 13k, Mihalo 3bet shoves approx 100k and Sýkora rejams 174k stack. Action back on Struzik, who after while called and shows AKo. Mihalo holds AJo and Sýkorá who hits set on the flop, turn brings few outs for Mihalo, but river holds Sýkora.
Sýkora: 77
Mihalo: AJo
Struzik: AKo
Board: T-7-2-8-6
23:18 Zielony hits 3 outs on the turn
Four players joined the game for 2bb, on the flop K-J-8 leads Erdelyi 20k and after folds Zielony moves all in 68,5k that gets called by K♠ 8♠. Zielony shows KQs and hits queen on the turn. After blank river Zielony doubles up.
Zielony: KQs
Erdelyi: K8s
Board: K-J-8-Q-7
23:04 Fedor takes on the turn
Flešár starts the game with 12k raise and 4 players were in. Flop J♠ 8♠ 4♥ cbets Flešár 27k that called Fedor and also Szabadka. Turn K♣ checked to Fedor, who jams 81,5k what convined players to fold.
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 190,244, ent.: 41/156
Turbo Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 64,516, ent.: 31/40
22:42 Money card
Kovacs opens to 9k and after call Szebeni 3bets to 32,5k that only Kovacs called. Flop K♣ J♥ 7♠ cbets Szebeni for the same prize that gets called and on the turn Q♦ moves all in 66,5k with set of queens. However Kovacs holds nuts ATs and after 5 on the river doubles up.
Szebeni: QQ
Kovacs: ATs
Board: K-J-7-Q-5
ANGELS and DEVILS PARTY is set and ready on 02.02.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants and also an attractive tournament is ready for you!
22:35 Kratochvíl defended
Oláh starts the game with raise from utg that joined Erdely and also Kratochvíl on bb. Flop A♦ A♥ 5♦ cbets Oláh 11k that both players called, turn J♠ was checked and on the river 7♦ leads Kratochvíl 35k. Oláh folds and also Erdely after while and pot belongs to Kratochvíl.
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 173,333, ent.: 45/156
Guaranteed prizepool broken!
22:17 Jelen crashed
Partizán minraises and Jelen next to him moves all in. Action back on Partizán who snaps and shows pocket aces. Jelen holds pair of fives and after board without 5 Partizán doubles 48k stack.
Partizán: AA
Jelen: 55
Board: Q-7-6-7-8
22:14 Kings to muck
Ivančová opens to 10k that called Mihalo from sb. Flop 7♣ 6♠ 4♦ cbets Ivančová 10k that Mihalo called, turn 7♥ slows the action and on the river 5♠ leads Mihalo 27k that Ivančová called with pocket kings. However Mihalo holds J♠ 8♠ and takes pot.
Ivančová: KK
Mihalo: J♠ 8♠
Board: 7♣ 6♠ 4♦ 7♥ 5♠
22:08 Mlodzinski eliminates
He starts the game with 7k raise and after call Orosz 3bets to 25k leaving 25k behind. Action back on Mlodzinski who moves all in that Orosz called with K♠ J♠. Mlodzinski holds AQo and after blank board eliminates Orosz from the tournament.
Orosz: KJs
Mlodzinski: AQo
Board: 7-3-4-8-8
22:05 Turbo Flight just started!
22:00 16 players advance to Final day!
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 139,286, ent.: 56/156
Break 30 minutes
You can fight for this beautiful trophy next week! Complete program of the GPC tournament below!!
21:19 Lucky river for Loy
Smola opens from utg and Loy joined the game from the button. On the flop 7-4-2 after 7k cbet Loy raises to 25k and Smola moves all in that Loy called with 73s. Smola holds QQ, turn A changes nothing but river 7 means approx 170k pot for Loy.
Loy: 73s
Smola: QQ
Board: 7-4-2-A-7
21:10 BvB
Mlodzinski raises to 7k from sb and Varga from bb moves all in 32k. Mlodzinski takes some time and called with A4o and was ahead against JTo. After board without any help Varga needs to use reentry.
Varga: JTo
Mlodzinski: A4o
Board: 9-6-9-2-9
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 115,625, ent.: 64/148
20:49 Successful flip for Strycharz
After 5k raise and call Strycharz moves all in 37k with pocket eights. Mudrák decides to call with QJo, but flop 8-6-3 and blank turn holds Strycharz in the tournament.
Strycharz: 88
Mudrák: QJo
Board: 8-6-3-7-2
20:42 Kings hold
Jar ended up in preflop all in for 37,7k with pocket kings against Mudrák´s A♣ 9♣. Flop 5-6-7 brings few more outs for Mudrák, but blank turn and river doubles Jar´s stack.
Jar: KK
Mudrák: A9s
Board: 5-6-7-2-J
20:35 Tamaškovič doubles up
Slota opens from utg and Tamaškovič 3bets to 16k from sb that gets called. On the flop K-4-3 Tamaškovič gets 37k stack behind the line with AKs and Slota holds pocket tens. After runout without T Tamaškovič doubles.
Tamaškovič: AKs
Slota: TT
Board: K-4-3-5-3
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 70/140
20:22 Stefano triples
He opens from CO, Zolnaiová 3bets from the button that called Smola from bb and also Stefano. On the flop 9-4-4 every player gets his stack behind the line. In showdown Zolnaiová holds QQ, Smola AA and Stefano trips with A4o, who triples 50k stack and Smola doubles remaining 12k through Zolnaiová.
Zolnaiová: QQ
Smola: AA
Stefano: A4o
Board: 9-4-4-8-T
20:15 Aces cracked
After series of raises Banas ended up in preflop all in against Plata with pocket aces. Plata holds pocket queens but hits one of his outs on the flop. Turn and river without A sends Banas for reentry.
Banas: AA
Plata: QQ
Board: Q-7-4-9-7
20:05 Double seat open
Orosz puts straddle 4k, Nyerges called and Zolik moves all in 20k. Action back on Orosz who blindly rejams 50k stack that Nyerges also called with KQo. Orosz holds J4s, Zolik A4o. Board was king high and Nyerges eliminates 2 players.
Nyerges: KQo
Orosz: J4s
Zolik: A4o
Board: K-5-3-J-8
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 85,256, ent.: 78/133
19:45 Another one
Kis opens from utg and 4 players were in the game. Flop 8♠ 4♦ 2♦ cbets Kis 8,5k and Jarosz from the button minraises to 17k that Kis called. Turn A♦ was checked and also 9♥, Kis shows 8♣ 7♣ but Jarosz set of nines and takes pot.
Jarosz: 99
Kis: 8♣ 7♣
Board: 8♠ 4♦ 2♦ A♦ 9♥
ARMY PARTY is set and ready on 16.02.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants and also an attractive tournament is ready for you!
19:35 Safe play...
Olah opens from CO and Zielony next to him 3bets to 7k that called Karwanski on bb and also Olah. Flop A♥ K♠ 4♣ was checked, turn 6♥ bets Olah 7k that only Zielony called and on the river 5♥ was action repeated for 15k. Olah holds 7♦ 6♦, but Zielony top two A♣ K♣ and takes pot.
Zielony: A♣ K♣
Olah: 7♦ 6♦
Board: A♥ K♠ 4♣ 6♥ 5♥
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 79,870, ent.: 77/123
19:25 Runner runner
Nyerges openshoves 22k from the button with AQo and Luman on bb called with K♥ Q♥. Flop J-5-5 was safe for Nyerges, but runner runner straight sends him for reentry.
Luman: KQs
Nyerges: AQo
Board: J-5-5-A-T
19:14 Topoly takes from Derda
After 2,2k open Topoly 3bets to 5,7k that called just Derda in position. Flop 8♠ 8♦ 6♠ Topoly check calls 15k, turn 9♣ was checked and on the river Q♠ bets Topoly 15k that Derda called. Topoly shows pocket kings what was enough to take this pot.
19:07 3-way all in
Zolik opens to 2,5k, Glowacz moves all in 4,6k that called Topoly and Zolik rejams 25k. Topoly after while called also this all in and shows A♠ T♠, Glowacz holds QTo and Zolik AQo, who was best preflop and also after river.
Zolik: AQo
Topoly: ATs
Glowacz: QTo
Board: K-Q-9-6-7
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 74,359, ent.: 78/116
Break 30 minutes
18:20 Luman eliminates
After open and call Luman 3bets to 10k that called Makovetskyy and also Zelasko, who leadshoves 12,5k on the flop 9♦ 5♠ 2♦. Luman called and after fold shows A♥ K♥, Zelasko holds 9♠ 8♠, but K♣ on the turn and blank river sends him for reentry.
Luman: AKs
Zelasko: 98s
Board: 9-5-2-K-3
18:12 Middle pair enough
After limp by Lakatoš, Mihalo raises to 2,8k that called another 3 players. Flop K♥ 4♣ 3♦ cbets Mihalo 4,5k, Sýkora behind him minraises to 9k that called just Lakatoš, who was interested to see the turn 5♥ that was check and also river J♥. In showdown Lakatoš holds 6♣ 5♣ what was enough to win this pot.
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 66,234, ent.: 77/102
17:56 Flip for Ambri
He starts the game with 1,2k raise, Gruszka 3bets to 3k and after 2 calls Ambri 4bet jams 27k. Gruszka rejams and after folds shows pocket tens. Ambri holds AJo and hits J on the flop that holds till river.
Ambri: AJo
Gruszka: TT
Board: J-6-6-7-Q
17:52 Gets through
For 1bb were 5 players on the flop A♠ Q♦ T♠, where Macko on the button bets 2,5k and four players continue. Turn 6♥ bets Macko again 6k, but this time called just Smola, who leads 17k on the river 2♠. Macko takes some time and folds, Smola shows him K♥ 7♣ and takes pot with king high.
17:38 Second barrel convinced
Four players were in the game for 1,5k on the flop 6♣ 4♦ 2♠. Zelasko cbets 2,5k and after call by Major, Toth raises to 6,1k that both Zelasko and Major called. On the turn 9♠ after checks Toth bets 9,5k and his opponents quickly fold their cards.
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 58,451, ent.: 71/83
17:20 Stackoff on the turn
On the turn T♠ T♣ 6♠ 3♠ were Lakatoš and Loy in the game, pot was approx 10k and players ended up in all in. Loy holds trips with J♥ T♥, but needs to improve against Q♠ 8♠ under Lakatoš´s hand. However river 4♠ holds Lakatoš, who doubles 39k stack.
Lakatoš: Q♠ 8♠
Loy: J♥ T♥
Board: T♠ T♣ 6♠ 3♠ 4♠
17:10 Macko gave up
Three players were on the flop A♦ J♣ 7♦, where Pasieka cbets 1k and Macko from bb check raises to 3k that gets called. Turn 7♠ continues Macko for 6k that gets also called, but river Q♥ Macko slows down and checks. Pasieka also and takes pot with AKo, what was enough against K♦ 5♦.
Macko: K♦ 5♦
Pasieka: AKo
Board: A♦ J♣ 7♦ 7♠ Q♥
17:00 Never easy
After series of raises Tamaškovič gets his 38k stack into game preflop with pocket kings and Strycharz called with smaller pair of queens. Turn brings flushdraw for Strycharz, but river doubles Tamaškovič´s stack.
Tamaškovič: KK
Strycharz: Q♠ Q♣
Board: A♠ T♠ 7♣ 4♠ 3♥
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 56,154, ent.: 65/73
16:40 Value bluff
After open 1,1k and call Falowski 3bets to 3,8k that called just Szebeni. Flop T♥ 7♣ 3♠ cbets Falowski 3,5k that Szebeni called, turn 8♠ same action for 11k and on the river 5♣ Falowski moves all in 27,2k. Szebeni after while called and Falowski shows K♠ 7♠ thinking that he lost, but Szebeni shows pocket sixes and Falowski doubles up.
Falowski: K♠ 7♠
Szebeni: 66
Board: T-7-3-8-5
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 51,020, ent.: 49/50
16:20 Pot for Mariňák
After limp by Jaroszewski, Mariňák raises to 1,1k and four players were in the game. Flop A♥ 6♦ 6♠ cbets Mariňák 2,5k that called Ondkanin and also Jaroszewski, who leads 1,5k on the turn 9♣. Mariňák wasn´t happy with that amount and raises to 6k that only Jaroszewki called. River 7♥ Jaroszewski leads again 2k, this time Mariňák just called and shows AKo. Jaroszewki holds K9o so pot belongs to Mariňák.
Grand Poker Cup starts on 22.01.2024!
Tournament with 100.000€ GTD and buyin 175€!
16:05 Players at the beginning
Except for home players like Ivančová, Tamaškovič or Mariňák are also players like Luman, Derda, Gruszka or Jarosz in the tournament.
16:00 Another game day ahead of us
Today we will play two flights. 1C with regular length levels and 1D Turbo with a length of 15 minutes that starts at 22:00!
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 28/28
Check our social media for new daily information about PROMO events and actions in Banco Casino Košice.
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If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:
Adress: Hlavná 1, Košice
Phone number cash manager: 0918 100 100
Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
Reception: +421 552 850 333

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