Martin 'Grinder' Hrubý is the winner of the 15K ONE DAY EVENT, which recorded 133 entries and he took home without deal 4.060€ including 175€ ticket on GPC and also trophy for winner!
Runner-up - Bomba Richard - 2391€ including 175€ ticket on GPC
Grinder moves allin and Bomba calls. Grinder shows AJo and Bomba KTo. Board holds Ace high and Bomba ends in second place.
Grinder: A-J
Bomba: K-T
Board: Q-4-7-3-8
Level 28: 150,000 - 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 6,655,000, ent.: 2/133
7:44 Flip for Grinder
Players ended up preflop allin where Grinder openshoves 3.7M and Bomba calls with KQo. Grinder shows 3-3 and his pair holds through board and Grinder retakes the chiplead again.
7:32 Another double for Bomba
Bomba completes and Grinder moves allin 5.12M eff which Bomba calls with T-T. Grinder asks for an A with his A3o. Ace does not come and Grinder falls on 10BB again.
7:28 Few small pots and Grinder retakes the chiplead again.
Level 27: 125,000 - 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 6,655,000, ent.: 2/133
7:06 Grinder doubles
Bomba completes and Grinder moves allin 2.8M which Bomba snaps with ATo. Grinder shows Kh-Jh. He hits his J on the turn and we continue.
Bomba: A-T
Grinder: K-J
Board: Q-2-6-J-5
6:55 Flip for Bomba
Grinder opens to 600k and Bomba announced allin 5.32M which Grinder calls with ATo. Bomba shows 6-6 and he holds through board and Grinder falls on 10BB.
6:50 Pot for Grinder
Bomba completes and Grinder raises to 600k which Bomba calls. Flop: Ah-6s-2d Grinder cbets 300k which Bomba calls. Turn: 2s second barrel for 900k and Bomba calls again. River: Qh third barrel for 1M. Bomba thinks for a while but end up folding and Grinder is taking chiplead.
Level 26: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 6,655,000, ent.: 2/133
6:35 ICM Deal discussion
Grinder: 5.3M
Bomba: 8M
3rd place - Kis Krisztian Mark - 1580 including 175€ ticket on GPC
Kis moves allin from the BTN 2.3M and Grinder on SB calls. Kis shows Qd-5d and has only 3 outs against Grider's Ks-Qs. Kis is drawing dead on the turn and we continue in Slovak headsup.
Kis: Q-5
Grinder: K-Q
Board: K-6-7-A-6
4th place- Borsy Laszlo - 1177€ including 175€ ticket on GPC
Borsy moves allin 800k from the SB and Grinder calls on the BB with 4-4. Borsy shows 6d-2d. He picks gutshot outs on the turn but river pairs the board and he finishes in 4th place.
Borsy: 6-2
Grinder: 4-4
Board: 8-3-9-T-T
6:15 Kis back in game
Borsy opens to 320k and Kis defends BB. Flop: Jh-9h-8c after check Borsy cbets 400k and Kis checkshoves 1.08M which Borsy snapcalls with nuts Qd-Td. However Kis has outs with Kh-5h and he hits his flush on the river and doubles.
Kis: Kh-5h
Borsy: Qd-Td
Board: Jh-9h-8c-7s-Qh
Level 25: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 3,325,000, ent.: 4/133
6:10 Double also for Kis
Grinder shoves from the BTN and Kis calls his last 3bbs with 52o. On the flop he just needs to hit 4x as a gutshot and he does on the turn and still remaining in the game.
Grinder A-8
Kis: 5-2
Board: A-6-3-4-4
6:04 Grinder doubles
Borsy jams BvB on Grinder 850k effektiv which Grinder calls with 8h-8d. Borsy shows 52o. Grinder hits flush on the turn and doubles.
Grinder: 8h-8d
Borsy: 5s-2h
Board: Qs-Jh-7h-9h-2s
5:59 Lucky river
Borsy raises first to act to 350k and and Kis on the BB decides to move allin 1.65M effektiv which Borsy calls with A7o. Kis holds AJo. However Borsy hits his 3 outer on the river and Kis drops to last 1BB.
Borsy: A-7
Kis: A-J
5th place - Matúš 'Meety' Gabzdil - 956€ including 175€ ticket on GPC
Meety jams 1.31M and Bomba calls. After folds Meety shows A4s but Bomba holds better AQo. Meety is drawing dead on the turn and he finishes in 5th place.
Meety: A-4
Bomba: A-Q
Board: K-6-K-Q-J
Level 24: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2,660,000, ent.: 5/133
6th place - Jarosz Tomasz Maksymilian - 767€
Grinder opens and Jarosz on the BB with only 1BB behind calls with Qs-6s. Grinder shows 6-6 and board without Q means we are down to 5 players.
Grinder: 6-6
Jarosz: Q-6
Board: A-3-4-3-J
5:17 Big double for Bomba
Grinder open 210k on the BTN and Gabzdil on SB moves allin. Bomba on the BB with 2.3M stack announced call and after Grinder's fold Meety shows A3o and Bomba Q-Q. Board holds Bomba and he takes the chiplead.
Bomba: Q-Q
Meety: A-3
Board: 4-7-7-4-4
7th place - Stanislav 'Slavik' Agusevich - 625€
He jams his 5bb short and Grinder on BB calls with Ks-Js. Slavik is ahead with A8o, however Grinder hits top pair on the flop and it holds through board and Slavik ends in 7th place.
Grinder: K-J
Slavik: A-8
Board: J-8-7-3-J
8th place - Meszaros Laszlo - 505€
Meszaros raises to 300k and Kis on the BB announced allin 900effektiv which Meszaros calls with 6-6 and he is behind against Kis with Q-Q. Board brings no 6 and Meszaros ends.
Meszaros: 6-6
Kis: Q-Q
Board: J-4-2-7-5
5:04 Bomba doubles through Slavik
BvB Bomba moves allin 1.04M and Slavik on the BB snapcalls with T-T. Bomba shows A6o. He picks up gutshot outs on the flop and turn 4 completes straight for Bomba and he doubles.
Bomba: A-6
Slavik: T-T
Board: 3-5-7-4-T
Level 23: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 1,662,500, ent.: 8/133
4:49 Action flop
Slavik opens to 160k and Meszaros calls on the SB and also Meety on BB. Flop: 8c-5s-4c after Meszaros check Meety decides to lead 210k and after Slavik fold Meszaros chekraises to 1M and Meety quickly announced allin 1.68M which Meszaros snaps with set 5-5. However Meety holds 67o as flopped straight. Board does not paired after turn and river and Meety doubles.
4:45 Meety vs Meszaros
Meety opens UTG to 160k and Meszaros defends BB. Flop: Kd-5h-4s after check Meety cbets 150k. Meszaros decides to checkraise to 350k which Meety calls after while. Turn: 3x Meszaros slows down and checks, Meety checks as well. River: Qx and both players check again. Meszaros shows AKo and takes the pot.
4:40 Bomba doubles through Meety
Meety opens CO to 160k and Bomba decides to move allin 625k. Meety asks for count but end up calling with K5s. Bomba with 9-9 holds through numeric board and doubles.
Bomba: 9-9
Meety: K-5
Board: 6-6-4-5-6
Level 22: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,662,500, ent.: 8/133
4:24 Multiway
Meetyopens to 125k and Nowak flats, also Kis on CO, Borsy on the BTN and Meszaros on the BB. Flop: 9s-3s-5c after checks Nowak bets 250k which Kis calls. Borsy decides to move allin 810k which Nowak with 630k stack calls. kis takes som time but end up folding. Nowak shows A-A and Borsy with K9o needs to hit which he does on the turn and after blank river eliminates Nowak in 9th place for 397€.
Nowak: A-A
Borsy: K-9
Board: 9-3-5-K-7
4:17 Trappy
Borsy opents UTG to 200k and Grinder right after him with 730k stack calls. HU on the Flop: Kd-Kc-Jh Borsy cbets 200k and Grinder calls. Turn 8d now Borsy checks and Grinder moves allin 330k which Borsy calls with 9c-7c. Grinder shows A-A and completes fullhouse on the River: Ac and doubles.
Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,477,778, ent.: 9/133
3:45 Borsy takes something back
In another table Borsy jams 600k and Slavik rejams 2.7M. After folds Borsy shows KTs and has just 3 outs against Slavik who holds AKo. Borsy hits his ten on the flop and doubles.
Slavik: A-K
Borsy: K-T
Board: Q-T-4-4-5
10. miesto - Hanzen Samuel - 306€
BvB Jarosz puts Hanzen allin 10bb effektiv and Hanzen decides to call with K9o and was behinds against Jarosz with A6o. Flop brings gutshot outs for Hanzen, however bricks runouts means Hanzend ends in 10th place.
Hanzen: K-9
Jarosz: A-6
Board: Q-T-3-4-5
3:36 Another double for Slavik
BvB situation where Borsy raises 200k form SB and Slavik moves allin 1.25M which Borsy snaps with 2d-2h. Slavik shows As-Ts. Slavik hits A on the flop and it holds through runout and he doubles again.
Slavik: As-Ts
Borsy: 2-2
Board: A-8-8-K-4
3:30 Slavik hits 3 outs
Kis opens on the BTN and Slavik moves allin 600k from the BB which Kis snaps with AQo. Slavik has A2o. However he hits his deuce on the flop and doubles.
Slavik: A-2
Kis: A-Q
Board: T-2-5-T-9
11th place - Ojrzynski Jakub Krzystof - 306€
He jams BvB his last 9bb and Borsy on the BB calls. Ojrzynski shows Q7o and Borsy A9o. Board holds A high and Ojrzynski ends in 11th place.
Ojrzynski: Q-7
Borsy: A-9
Board: K-8-4-5-3
Level 20: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,209,091, ent.: 11/133
3:11 Chipleaders battle
Meety opens to 80k and Jarosz on the SB decides to 3bet to 165k which Meety calls. Flop: Td-2h-As Jarosz cbets 150k which Meety calls. Turn: 9h same action for 300k. River: 3h and Jarosz with third barrel 300k. However Meety decides to move allin 1.2M effektiv. Jarosz thinks for a while but end up folding.
2:54 Hanzen doubles through Grinder
Hanzen openjams 575k and Grinder on the SB rejams 900k. In showdown Hanzen has 8-8 and is flipping against Grinder who has AKo. However Hanzen hits top set on the flop and completes fullhouse on the turn which means he doubles.
Hanzen: 8-8
Grinder: A-K
Board: 8-2-3-2-6
12th place - Kapalka Krystian - 248€
13th place - Sorin Pater - 248€
He openjams 10bb from the BTN and Borsy on the BB calls. Sorin shows KJo and needs to hit against Bursy with Ad-7d. Numeric board means Sorin ends.
Sorin: K-J
Borsy: A-7
Board: 4-5-T-T-T
Level 19: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,023,077, ent.: 13/133
2:26 Very first hand
Kis opens and Debreceni moves allin with his last 4bbs which Kis calls. Debreceni shows QTs and Kis 52o. Safe flop and turn for Debreceni, however river comes 5x which means every players are ITM.
Debreceni: Q-T
Kis: 5-2
Board: J-9-3-7-5
21:19 Slavik eliminates
Slavik raises 120k(150k behind) and Kuz on the BTN moves allin 250k which Slavik calls. Kuz shows As-8s and Slavik Qh-Jh. Slavik flops top pair on the flop however Kuz has flushdraw but does not hit after runout and we are now playing hand for hand phase.
Slavik: Qh-Jh
Kuz: As-8s
Board: Jc-9s-4s-3h-Jd
2:06 Double for Grinder
Crisan opens to 75k and Grinder on SB decides to move allin 575k which Crisan snaps with J-J. However Grinder shows K-K and after board without J makes big double up.
Crisan: J-J
Grinder: K-K
Board: Q-T-T-6-4
Level 18: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 738,889, ent.: 18/133
1:55 Cooler
Meety opens BTN to 50k and Jarosz on the SB moves 3bet allin 735k which Meety snaps. Jarosz shows Q-Q however Meety holds a bit higher pair K-K and board without Qx means Meety eliminates Jarosz and he moves to almost 2M stack.
Meety: K-K
Jarosz: Q-Q
Board: A-T-9-7-9
1:50 Three outs for Jarosz
He jams 340k and Sirotnak on the BB snapcalls with K-K. Jarosz shows A5o. However Ace on the window means Jarsz doubles and Sirotnak drops to last 3bbs which he lost in next hand and is eliminated.
Sirotňák: K-K
Jarosz: A-5
Board: A-3-3-4-7
Tournament schedule for next week in BANCO Casino Košice
Level 17: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 665,000, ent.: 20/133
1:14 Čverha ends
He openjams 160k and Sirotňák on the BB thinks for a while and decides to call and shows ATo. Čverha shows 6-6. On the Flop Sirotňák picks up even mroe outs and he hits his straight on the turn and after brick river Čverha ends.
Čverha: 6-6
Sirotňák: A-T
Board: K-K-J-Q-T
1:08 Ace on the river
Beri moves allin his last 10bb and Borsy on the BTN rejams 900k. After folds Beri shows 6-6 and needs to hold against Borsy's A-K. However river comes an A and Beri ends.
Beri: 6-6
Borsy: A-K
Board: 7-8-3-3-A
1:00 Double elimination for Kis
Kis opens to 40k and Stefano moves allin his last 100k. Action on Horkay and he decides to 4bet to 200k. After folds Kis puts Horkay allin around 550k. Horkay calls and show Q-Q, Stefano has 9-9 but Kis holds the highest pair K-K. Board holds K-K which means Kis eliminates 2 players and righ now he is chipleading the tournament.
Kis: K-K
Stefano: 9-9
Horkay: Q-Q
Board: 5-6-7-5-5
Level 16: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 511,538, ent.: 26/133
BREAK 15 minutes
0:28 Meety doubles
BvB situation where Ojrzynski completes and Meety from the BB raises to 44k which Ojrzynski calls. Flop: 9d-7s-3s after check Meety cbets 52k, Ojrzynski decides to put Meety allin 280k effektiv which Meety snpas with Jc-Jd. Ojrzynski shows Tc-9d and and after blank runout Meety doubles.
Meety: J-J
Ojrzynski: T-9
Board: 9-7-3-A-8
0:20 Sirotňák hits on the river
Čverha opens UTG to 32k and Baloghová and also Sirotnak on the BB calls. Flop: 8d-4d-5s after check Baloghova bets 35k which both players call. Turn: 4s after checks Baloghova continues for 55k. However Sirotnak announces allin 183k and after Čverha's fold Baloghová pays and flips Ah-8h. Sirotnak shows Ad-5d and he hits his 5 on the river and completes fullhouse which doubles his stack.
Sirotňák: Ad-5d
Baloghová: Ah-8h
Board: 8d-4d-5s-4s-5h
ROCK 'n' ROLL PARTY is set and ready on 15.09.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
Level 15: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 492,593, ent.: 27/133
0:03 Nice call by Hanzen
In BvB situation Kapalka completes SB and Hanzen checks. Flop: Qs-Jd-8s both players check. Turn: 3h after check by Kapalka, Hanzen bets 25k which Kapalka calls. River: 5s after check Hanzen bets again 57k. Action on Kapalka who decides to go allin 157k effektiv. Hanzen thinks for a while but end up calling with Jh-Ts and makes the correct call against Kapalka's As-Kd.
Hanzen: Jh-Ts
Kapalka: As-Kd
Board: Qs-Jd-8s-3h-5s
23:57 3-way allin
Gruszka UTG opens 30k, Kuz sitting right behind him decides to 3bet allin 230k. Borsy on the SB announced call and Urban on the BB with his last 27k also moves allin. Gruszka folds and Kuz shows J-J, Gursy, Borsy 7-7 and Urban Q-6. Board holds J-J, Urban ends and Kuz makes more than double up.
Kuz: J-J
Urban: Q-6
Borsy: 7-7
Board: 3-5-5-T-9
23:47 Big one for Debreceni
Debreceni opens to 26k, Baloghova calls, Sirotňák on SB calls and also Sznajder on the BB. Flop: 2c-Ts-Jd Debreceni cbets 46k and Baloghová with Sznajder calls. Turn: 8s Debreceni continues for 66k and again, Baloghova with Sznajder calls. River: Js all 3 players check. Sznajder shows Ac-Qd, Debreceni Qh-Jh and Baloghová mucks which means Debreceni takes the pot with trips.
Level 14: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 415,625, ent.: 32/133
23:35 Nice pot without showdown
Beri opens to 25k and Borsy decides to 3bet from the CO to 63k. Urban on the BTN thinks for a while and flats. Beri also calls so 3-way on the Flop: J-9-3 rainbow where Borsy cbets 83k, Urban folds and Beri decides to checkraise allin 350k. Borsy thinks for a while but end up folding his hand.
23:18 Always comming
3 players went allin preflop where Pok holds J-J, Leško: As-Qs and Grinder 7-7. Flop comes set for Grinder and he makes quads on the turn which means he eliminates 2 players.
Grinder: 7-7
Pok: J-J
Leško: As-Qs
Board: T-7-3-7-2
Level 13: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 350,000, ent.: 38/133
23:05 Slavik eliminates
Koryl jams 66k from the HJ and Slavik on the BTN calls. Blinds folds and Koryl shows Qs-Js and was flipping against Slavik who holds 7d-7h. Safe board for Slavik and he eliminates Koryl.
Slavik: 7d-7h
Koryl: Qs-Js
Board: Ah-3h-3d-Ac-2h
22:57 2 outer for Hanzen
He jams his 95k into's Kapalka open and Kapalka snapcalls and shows AA. Hanzen with TT standing out on the flop however he hits set on the turn and continues in the tournament.
Hanzen: T-T
Kapalka: A-A
Board: K-7-8-T-5
1. 4.060€ including 175€ ticket on GPC
2. 2.391€ including 175€ ticket on GPC
3. 1.580€ including 175€ ticket on GPC
4. 1.177€ including 175€ ticket on GPC
5. 956€ including 175€ ticket on GPC
6. 767€
7. 625€
8. 505€
9. 397€
10. - 11. 306€
12. - 13. 248€
22:40 Ojrzynski with double elimination
On the Flop: Jx-9x-8x 3 players were allin where Ojrzynski who covered the both holds AJo, Derda(60k): KTo and Popovič(200k) Ts-8s. Derda was favourite on the turn however river comes another J which means Ojrzynski eliminates 2 players in one hand.
Ojrzynski: A-J
Popovič: Ts-8s
Derda: K-T
Board: J-9-8-K-J
Level 12: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 289,130, ent.: 46/133
22:34 Grinder eliminates
After 3 limps Grinder moves allin 107k form the BB. Glonczi first to act decides to call with his 42k stack. Both other players folds. Grinder shows A7o and was flipping against 2-2. Gridner hits A on the flop and board without deuce means he eliminates Glonczi.
Glonczi: 2-2
Grinder: A-7
Board: A-Q-9-K-4
22:23 Čerep ends
He jams his 10bb short into Sznajder's open and gets snapcall from Sznajder. Čerep shows AKo but Sznajder has the best strating combination and after safe board he eliminates Čerep.
Čerep: A-K
Sznajder: A-A
Board: 2-6-J-6-3
22:21 Kapalka doubles
Sloma opens 16k and Kapalka decides to 3bet to 45k. Action back on Sloma who 4bet jams 200k effektiv. Kapalka snapcalls with K-K and needs to dodge 3 outs against As-Ks. However Sloma flops flushdraw and picks up more outs. Turn and river bricks out and Kapalka makes nice double.
Kapalka: K-K
Sloma: As-Ks
Board: 6s-2s-3c-6h-Jh
Level 11: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 255,769, ent.: 52/133
BREAK 30 minutes
21:22 Gruszka eliminates
Mrzyglod opens to 25k and Gruszka on the BTN who covered all the rest players decides to move allin. Action on Mrzyglod who calls with his 90k and shows 9c-8c. Gruszka shows J-J. On the flop Mrzyglod picks up some outs but turn and the river wasnt one of them and Mrzyglod ends.
Mrzyglod: 8c-9c
Gruszka: J-J
21:18 Limped pot
Illona limps, Hanzen completes SB and Kis ob the BB checks. Flop: 6c-2h-9h after checks Illona bets 15k which only Kis calls. Turn: Qc same action for 30k. River: 8d and now Kis decides to lead 75k. Illona clicks to 150k. Kis quickly calls. Illona shows As-6s which is not enought against two pairs 9d-2d.
Level 10: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 223,636, ent.: 55/123
21:00 10% bet enough
After limp by Kovacs, Slavik on the BTN raises to 15k which Borsy on the SB and also Kovacs calls. Flop: Qc-Jh-4h all players check. Turn: Qh after checks Slavik delay cbets 20k which only Borsy calls. River: Js and now after check Slavik bets just 10k which was enough because Borsy faceup folds 5h-5s.
20:50 Zanony out
Sloma raises to 10k and Kis decides to 3bet to 31k. Action on Zanony on the SB who jams 70k. Sloma decides to 4bet jam 240k effektiv. Kis thinks for a while but end up folding. Zanony shows 8-8 and was behind against Sloma with T-T. Board brings no 8 and Zanony is eliminated.
Zanony: 8-8
Sloma: T-T
Board: A-6-4-2-T
Level 9: 2500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 200,000, ent.: 59/118
20:38 Nice pot for Hanzen
After limp by Vojta, Hanzen raises to 14k and Szoke on the BB and also Vojta calls. Flop: As-Kd-9h all players check. Turn: 2h Szoke decides to bet 11k and both players call. River: Jc after checks now Hanzen bets 50k which convinced both players to fold and he takes the pot without showdown.
20:23 Banas doubles
Banas opens to 12k and Tamaškovič defends on the BB. Flop: Qs-Ts-Tc after check Banas cbets 10k and Tamaškovič calls. Turn: Ac both players check. River: 7c Tamaškovič decides to bet 15k. Banas decides to moves allin 80k which Tamaškovič quickly calls with Kd-Jc but was behinds against fullhouse Ah-Th which holds Banas.
Banas: Ah-Th
Tamaškovič: Kd-Jc
Board: Qs-Ts-Tc-Ac-7c
Level 8: 2000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 177,778, ent.: 63/112
20:03 Mihaľo also ends
Pok on the BTN raises to 6.5k and Mihaľo decides to move allin 54k from the SB. Pok snapcalls and shows Kd-Jd. Mihaľo with 5-5. Flop brings openended for Pok and he hits nuts on the river and eliminates Mihaľo.
Pok: Kd-Jd
Mihaľo: 5-5
Board: Q-T-7-3-A
19:59 Vaškovič out
After limp by Kondratenko Vaškovič jams 27k. Illona on SB calls and Kondratenko also joins the game. Flop: A-4-6 Illona bets 25k and Kondratenko folds. In showdown Illona shows 8-8 and was ahead against Vaškovič with K9o. Board brings no pair for Vaškovič and he ends.
Illona: 8-8
Vaškovič: K-9
Board: A-4-6-T-7
19:47 Kotán eliminates Majlo
Mihaľo raises to 6k and Kotán flats. Action on Majlo who jams 54k. Mihaľo folds and Kotán asks for count and end up calling. Majlo shows 5-5 and was behinds against Kotán's 8-8. Board brings no 5 and Majlo needs to use re-entry.
Level 7: 1000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 152,941, ent.: 68/104
19:29 Szoke takes from Posivak
Hanzen raises to 5k and Posivak, Horkay Soma and Szoke calls. Flop: 2c-9c-6c after check Posivak bets 10k which Horkay and Szoke calls. Turn: Jc after checks Szoke is betting 12k which only Posivak calls. River: Qs after check Szoke continues for 18k and posivak calls again. Szoke shows Ac-Ts as nuts flush and takes the pot.
Level 6: 1000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 144,068, ent.: 59/85
BREAK 30 minutes
18:33 Varga doubles
Glowacz raises to 5k and Sus calls. Action on Varga who 3bets to 25k which only Glowacz calls. Flop: K-Q-3 Varga cbets 25k and Glowacz decides to raise to 50k which Varga calls. Turn: 2x and Glowacz moves allin 70k effektiv and Varga calls with KTo and was ahead against ATo. River bricks and Varga doubles his 160k and Glowacz falls on last 5bbs.
Varga: K-T
Glowacz: A-T
Board: K-Q-3-2-4
18:22 Flip for Hanzen
BvB situation where Berdis completes and Hanzen on the BB raises to 6.5k. Berdis limpshoves 47k and Hanzen calls with ATs and he hits his T on the flop against Berdis's 8-8 and after blank runout eliminates Berdis.
Hanzen: ATs
Berdis: 88
Board. T-2-3-4-K
Level 5: 100 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 133,333, ent.: 57/76
18:09 Nice pot for Mihaľo
After limp he raises to 5k and went 4-way on the Flop: 7d-7s-9h where Popovič decides to lead 6.5k which Pok and also Mihaľo calls. Turn: 4h Popovič continues for 10k and only Mihaľo calls. River: 5c now Popovič checks. Mihaľo bets 30k, Popovič takes some time but end up calling. Mihaľo shows Kh-7h and Popovič mucks.
18:04 Jarosz vs Beri
Beri raises to 3.5k and Jarosz on the SB 3bets to 10.5k which Beri calls. Flop: Kc-5h-4h Jarosz cbets 7k which Beri calls. Turn: Ad now Jarosz check and Beri bets 18k which Jarosz calls. River: Ad both players check and Jarosz wins the pot with Jh-Js
17:45 Varga takes from Macheta
Macheta opens to 3.2k and Varga on the BTN 3bets to 9k which Macheta calls. Flop: Kc-5h-3h both players check. On the Turn: Qh Macheta decides to lead 10k which Varga calls. River: 5s and after checks Macheta shows Ad-Jh but Varga takes the pot with Td-Tc.
Level 4: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 119,298, ent.: 57/68
Tournament with 100.000€ GTD and 175€ buyin will take place 13.09. - 17.09.2023!!!
17:33 Meszaros eliminates Sciranka
Sciranka opens to 2.5k and Meszaros decides to 3bet to 8k. Action back on Sciranka who jams 15k and Meszaros of course calls with Ac-Kc. Sciranka doesnt hit his 3 outs with KTo and he must use re-entry.
17:29 Second barrel convinced
After limp J.Mihaľo raises to 4k and went 4-way on the Flop: Ac-Js-4s where Mihaľo cbets 4k which Ojrzynski and Pok calls. Turn: Qd after checks Mihaľo continues for 18k which convinced both players to fold.
Level 3: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 112,963, ent.: 54/61
16:50 Koryl hits against Varga
Koryl starts the hand with limp and Varga raises to 5k which only Koryl calls. Flop: T-4-5 Varga cbets 5k and Koryl jams on Varga 40k effektiv which Varga snaps with J-J. Koryl with 6-7 has straightdraw. On the turn he picks up even more outs and river completes him straight and eliminates Varga.
Varga: J-J
Koryl: 6-7
Board: T-4-5-6-3
16:46 First elimination
Czarnocki opens to 2.5k and Debreceni defends BB. On the Flop: A-3-3 rainbow Czarnocki cbets 2.5k and Debreceni calls. On the Turn: Kx Debreceni decides to lead 6.5k and Czarnocki reraises to 23.5k. Action back on Debreceni who puts his opponent allin 100k effektiv. Czarnocki thinks for a while but end up calling and was far behind against trips and needs to hit his 2 outer on the river which he doesnt and he is our first elimination today.
Czarnocki: ATo
Debreceni: 73o
Board: A-3-3-K-2
Level 2: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 49/49
16:26 Power poker
Vaškovič opens to 2k and Nowak decides to 3bet to 7k, which Gajda on the SB and also Vaškovič calls. Flop: J-2-2 rainbow after check by Gajda, Vaškovič bets 4k which Nowak calls. Action back on Gajda who checkraises to 50k and both other players quickly folds.
16:10 Satellite winners
Varga, Hanzen and Gajdoš advanced from the satellite and will play tournament with discount.
Level 1: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 22/22
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