Flight 1D of tournament PLAYER ON TOUR recorded 63 entries and 6 players advanced to the Final Day. Chipleader from this flight is Andrzej "Luman" Witkowski with stack of 910,000.
Last chance to enter the tournament is tomorrow in Hyper Turbo flight from 11:00! FINAL DAY STARTS AT 16:00!
23:25 Bubble boy - Mazurek
Last 114k gets into game from UTG with K4s and Luman pays with 66. After blank board flight ends.
23:10 Bubble time
Majlo gets his 50k into game on BB with 74o and his opponent was Mazurek with K♣ 8♣. Flop Q♣ 9♣ 6♣ means we are on bubble.
23:00 Majlo again on short
He openshoves 180k from CO and Nedza on BB with 108k stack pays with 6♥ 4♥. Majlo holds 99 but flop 8♦ 7♥ 3♥ brings many outs for NEdza. Turn 8♣ changes nothing, but river Q♥ holds Nedza in the tournament.
Nedza: 6♥ 4♥
Majlo: 99
Board: 8♦ 7♥ 3♥ 8♣ Q♥
On 26.12. get ready for the Štefánska Party!
During this night you can all look forward to rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
There is plenty to look forward to, you are all warmly welcome.
Level 19: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 393,750, ent.: 8/63
Break 10 minutes
22:40 Immortal
Luman minraises and Majlo moves all in 120k that Luman pays with ATo. Majlo holds A9s, but Luman flopped nuts K-Q-J, but turn T means split.
22:35 Majlo back in game
From 4k made 4up do 16k, then again to 64k and in next hand on BB gets 48k into game with 7♥ 7♦. Halon holds KK and after flop K♥ 4♥ 2♥ Majlo needs to hit flush. Turn 9♠ changes nothing, but after 8♥ on the river is Majlo back in the game.
22:25 Majlo on less than 1BB
He ended up in preflop all in for approx 10bb with AK against Kies with KJ. Kies hits his 3 outs on the board and Majlo falls on 4k stack.
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 393,750, ent.: 8/63
22:15 Finds value bet
Halon completes SB and Majlo on BB raises to 40k that gets called. Flop 9♣ 7♥ 4♣ Halon check calls. Turn ♦ was without action and on the river 4♥ Halon asks for 128k. Majlo thinks for a while and called, but mucks cards when Halon shows J9o.
22:10 Aces in right time
Majlo raise UTG and Mazurek jams 85k that Majlo calls with 98s. Mazurek holds AA, but flop J-7-K brings few outs for Majlo. However blank runout holds Mazurek in teh tournament.
21:55 Kotán seat open
He starts the game with raise to 45k from MP and Luman after while from BB jams 290k effective that Kotán pays with AKs. Luman holds 99 and holds through board J-T-4-2-4
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 350,000, ent.: 9/63
1E Level 9: 1k - 2k, avg. 92k, ent.: 66/122
21:44 Kotán sits back
Kedzierski raises to 22k and Kotán from SB jams 135k that Kedzierski pays with A♥ T♥ and needs to hit board against 99 under Kotán´s hand. Flop K♥ T♠ 7♠ gives him a lead, but turn 9♥ back to Kotán. River 3♠ changes nothing and Kotán continues.
Kotán: 99
Kedzierski: A♥ T♥
Board: K♥ T♠ 7♠ 9♥ 3♠
21:40 Halon doubles up
Luman opens to 25k and after call Halon moves all in 225k from SB. Luman rejams and after fold shows AQo. Halon however finds KK under his hand and doubles up after board without A.
Halon: KK
Luman: AQo
Board: T-9-6-2-7
21:26 Last table
Futoma openshoves BTN for 186k that Luman after while pays on SB and shows 66. Futoma holds A8o and after blank board we are moving on last table.
Futoma: A8o
Luman: 66
Board: T-4-2-7-J
21:20 Bvb
Mazurek raises from SB and Majlo on BB pays. Flop J♠ 9♠ 5♠ cbets Mazurek 25k that Majlo pays. Turn 4♦ after check Majlo bets and Mazurek check shoves 150k effective that Majlo snap calls and shows flush Q♠ 3♠. Mazurek holds A♣ J♦, so Majlo doubles his stack.
Mazurek: AJo
Majlo: Q♠ 3♠
Board: J♠ 9♠ 5♠ 4♦ 2♥
CHRISTMAS PARTY is set and ready on 19.12.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 315,000 ent.: 10/63
1E Level 8: 800 - 1600, avg. 81k, ent.: 69/113
21:10 Meety won´t advance
Nedza minraises CO and Meety moves all in 120k that Nedza snaps with AKo. Meety holds pair 22, but ace on the flop and blank river eliminates him.
Meety: 22
Nedza AKo
Board: A-9-3-8-T
21:05 Kedzierski takes preflop
He starts the game with minraise from EP and after call by Kies and Kratochvíl, Nedza from BB 3bets to 65k. Kadzierski decides for 4bet jam 235k that convinced everyone to fold.
20:59 Koper ends
He openshoves from MP 115k with K♣ J♣ and Luman next to him rejams AKo. Board without any help eliminates Koper from the tournament.
Koper KJs
Luman: AKo
Board: 6-3-4-9-3
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 225,000, ent.: 14/63
1E Level 7: 600 - 1,200, avg. 74k, ent.: 71/106
20:45 Never easy
Wasilewski openshoves 48k and Kies next to him rejams. In showdown holds Wasilewski A♣ 9♣ and needs big help against AA under Kies´s hand. Flop Q♦ 9♦ 7♣ brings him hope, turn 6♣ also flushdraw, but river 6♥ eliminates him.
Kies: AA
Wasilewski: A♣ 9♣
Board: Q♦ 9♦ 7♣ 6♣ 6♥
20:25 Two flips for Kies
In first one for 36k stack holds Kies 88 against Ondkanin´s AQo. Board K-6-3-2-5 doubles Kies´s stack, who ended up in preflop all in again with pair 66 and his opponent was Hrubý, who had also AQo. After board J-5-4-2-J is Kies back in the game.
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 210,000, ent.: 15/63
1E Level 6: 500 - 1k, avg. 65k, ent.: 72/95
Break 10 minutes
Master od Disaster vol III. in January. The tournament with a €40,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €110 will take place from 16.01. - 19.01.2025!
19:50 Majlo vs Kotán
Majlo minraises MP that pays Kotán from SB. On the flop 4♣ 3♣ 3♦ leads Kotán 10k that Majlo pays. Turn 7♣ bets Kotán again 10k, but this time Majlo raises to 35k. Kotán decides for reraise to 70k and Majlo quickly folds.
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 196,876, ent.: 16/63
19:25 Last 2 tables
Meety minraises and Šmida moves all in 37,5k with A5o. Meety called with JTo and eliminates Šmida after flop 9-8-7.
19:15 3-way all in
Giexa openshoves 44k with A♦ 7♦ Futoma rejams approx 100k and Salamon with 36k stack called with 76o. Futoma holds pair of eights and after blank board Futoma eliminates 2 players.
Futom: 88
Giexa: A7s
Salamon: 76o
Board: 5-3-2-3-Q
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 150,000, ent.: 21/63
1E Level 5: 400 - 800, avg. 64k, ent.: 59/76
18:55 Topoly on flight 1E
Kratochvíl raises to 7k and Koper moves all in 57k. Topoly with 55k stack pays and after folds shows ATo. However Koper holds AKo and board without T sends Topoly on second flight.
Topoly: ATo
Koper: AKo
Board: Q-4-2-9-6
18:45 Kotán eliminates
Zolnaiová minraises and after call by Kotán, Nowak from from BB moves all in 38,5k. Zolnaiová folds, but Kotán pays and turns over TT. Nowak holds AJo and after blank board ends in the tournament.
Nowak: AJo
Kotán: TT
Board: 9-8-4-Q-5
18:35 6 players advance from flight 1D!
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 116,667, ent.: 27/63
1E Level 4: 300 - 600, avg. 62k, ent.: 49/61
Break 30 minutes
17:45 Cbet convinced
Kedzierski minraises BTN, Zolnaiová 3bets to 12k from SB and Kedzierski after while decides for 4bet to 29k that Zolnaiová pays. Flop A♦ K♥ Q♦ cbets Kedzierski for 18k and Zolnaiová gets into long tank. After that she was convinced that fold is the best option.
17:35 Kis for reentry
Halon minraises BTN and Kis from BB jams 40k. Halon thinks for a moment and called with QTo. Kis holds A3o, but flop 9-8-7 increases outs for Halon. Turn 6 gives him a lead and after A on the river Kis needs to use reentry.
Kis: A3o
Halon: QTo
Board: 9-8-7-6-A
Upcoming events
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 96,667, ent.: 30/58
1E Level 2: 200 - 400, avg. 50k, ent.: 42/42
17:23 Big flip
Zolnaiová minraises CO, Haľko pays on BTN, Luman from SB 3bets to 16k and Nedza from BB moves all in 70k. Luman was the only one who after while pays and shows JJ. Nedza holds AKo, flop 7-6-5 was safe for Luman, but turn A and blank river means double up for Nedza.
Nedza: AKo
Luman: JJ
Board: 7-6-5-A-6
17:18 Ondkanin eliminates
After limp by Sninský, Ondkanin raises to 4,6k and 4 players were in the game. Flop Q♠ T♥ 9♣ cbets Ondkanin 5,1k and after folds, Sninský jams 22,7k that Ondkanin pays with KQo. Sninský holds J9o and needs to use reentry after blank turn and river.
Ondkanin: KQo
Sninský: J9o
Board: Q-T-9-6-6
17:10 Pot for Haľko
After open and call by Nedza, Nowak 3bets to 13k that called Haľko from blind and also Nedza. On the flop K♥ Q♥ 5♣ Haľko leadshoves 15k that after fold Nowak pays with A♥ J♣. Haľko shows QTo and after blank runout almost triples his stack.
Haľko: QTo
Nowak: AJo
Board: K-Q-5-J-2
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 80,000, ent.: 35/56
1E Level 1: 100 - 300, avg. 50k, ent.: 23/23
17:00 3bet pot for Zmuda
He raises BTN to 3,5k and after call by SB, Wasilewski from BB 3bets to 10,5k that only Zmuda pays. Flop Q♥ 7♠ 4♦ cbets Wasilewski for 11k that gets called and on the turn 2♣ after check Zmuda tries to take pot with bet of 15k. Wasilewski thinks for a moment and decides for fold.
16:45 Mazurek crashed
After series of raises Ondkanin and Mazurek ended up in preflop all in for 50k. In showdown holds Mazurek QQ, but Ondkanin finds AA under his hand. After board without Q Ondkanin celebrates double.
Ondkanin: AA
Mazurek: QQ
Board: J-T-5-7-K
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 71,053, ent.: 38/54
16:25 Flip for Koper
He ended up in preflop all in for 32k with AQs and his opponent was Anna, who holds pair of jacks. Flop 4-3-2 brings extra outs for Koper, who completes straight on the turn 5. River T changes nothing and Anna needs to use reentry.
Anna: JJ
Koper: AQs
Board: 4-3-2-5-T
THREE KINGSS SPECIAL in January. The tournament with a €15,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €120 will take place 04.01.2025!
16:15 Zolnaiová eliminates
After 3k open and call by Zolnaiová from SB, Olko from BB moves all in 28,6k that after fold Zolnaiová pays with 77. Olko holds AQo and needs to hit board, but numerical one sends him for reentry.
Olko: AQo
Zolnaiová: 77
Board: T-6-5-8-2
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 60,256, ent.: 39/47
15:50 River for Scibor
After open, Scibor moves all in 18,3k from BTN and Luman from SB rejams. After folds in showdown holds Scibor ATo and needs to hit board against 88 under Luman´s hand. Floo 7-5-4 holds Luman, turn 3 also, but river A doubles Scibor´s stack.
Scibor: ATo
Luman: 88
Board: 7-5-4-3-A
15:40 Flešár takes on the turn
Flešár, who yesterday finished in second place in the EPT Prague side event for €13,000, but today he is already fighting in Banco Casino Košice, starts the game with 2,5k raise from UTG and after 2x call, Nowak from BB 3bets to 11k that only Flešár pays. Flop A♣ K♥ 2♠ was without action and on the turn 3♠ after another check, Flešár took advantage of it and moves all in 28,5k. Nowak sadly face up folds JJ and Flešár shows him A♠ 5♠.
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 60,256, ent.: 39/47
Break 30 minutes
Before Christmas, one of the highlights of the month will be the Košice Weekend X-mas Edition, which on 21.12.2024 will bring an increased €30,000 guarantee with an unchanged €100 buy-in
14:55 Filipowski wasn´t happy with runout
Majda minraises and Filipowski next to him 3bets to 5k. Šmida from BB coldcalled and also Majda. Flop 8♦ 6♣ 3♣ cbets Filipowski 7k that pays only Šmida. Turn K♣ slows the action and on the river Q♣ Šmida leads for 12,5k. Filipowski thinks for a minute and sadly folds.
14:40 Good decision
Rožok opens from EP and Szalankiewicz defends BB. Flop Q♦ J♣ 2♣ Rožok cbets 3,2k that gets called. Turn A♠ continues for 7,5k that Szalankiewicz after while also pays. River 8♦ and after check gets Rožok into tank, after minute decides for check and made good decision because Szalankiewicz sadly shows nuts KTo.
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 55,714, ent.: 35/39
14:25 Runner runner
Kies starts the game with minraise, Sloma on BTN 3bets to 4,1k and Action on Mazurek, who 4bets to 10k from SB. Kies cold calls and Sloma 5bets to 32,5k. Mazurek gets into long tank and announces all in 52,4k, Kies with 46,3k stack pays and also Sloma, who covered both of them. In showdown holds Sloma KK, Mazurek AQo and Kies 4♣ 3♣. After flop K-8-6 was Sloma big favorite, after turn J Mazurek asks for T that brings river and Mazurek takes big pot.
Mazurek: AQo
Sloma: KK
Kies: 43s
Board: K-8-6-J-T
14:18 Flešár´s 3barrel
He starts the game with 1,5k raise that paid Zolnaiová in position and Nowak on BB. Flop J♥ 6♥ 5♣ cbets Flešár 3k that pays only Zolnaiová. Turn Q♣ continues Flešár for 6,5k that gets called and same action on the river 4♣ for 10k. Flešár shows two pairs 6♠ 5♠ what was enough to win this pot.
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 53,030, ent.: 33/35
14:00 Meety didn´t convince
5 players were in the game on the flop K♥ 8♦ 5♣ that was checked. turn 8♥ Majda leads from BB 1,5k that pays Meety, Sciranka and also Sirotňák. River K♦ and after check Meety overbets 16k that Sciranka next to him pays and after folds Meety shows missed draw 7♦ 6♦. Sciranka shows 98o and takes nice pot.
13:50 Šmida doubles up
Four players were on the flop Q♥ 9♦ 5♠ and pot was 10k. Prize to see the turn J♦ was 5k that set Šmida and gets called by Ojrzynski and also Tamaškovič. There Šmida continues for 20k that pays Tamaškovič and on the river 2♠ jams remaining 22,4k that Tamaškovič also pays and shows KQo. However Šmida turns over set of fives and doubles up.
Šmida: 55
Tamaškovič: KQo
Board: Q-9-5-J-2
13:40 Never easy
Salamon gets his 15k stack into game and his opponent was Rožok, who called with pocket sevens. Salamon finds AA under his hand, but wasn´t happy with flop 8-6-5. However turn 8 and river T holds him in the tournament.
Rožok: 77
Salamon: AA
Board: 8-6-5-8-T
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 50,000, ent.: 27/27
13:30 Second barrel convinced
Flešár opens to 1k that pays Sirotňák and Nowak on BB. Flop Q♠ 8♠ 6♣ cbets Flešár 2,1k that pays only Sitorňák in position. Turn 4♥ continues for 4,5k that convinced Sirotňák, who folds after while.
13:15 Nowak back on stack
Majda raises BTN to 1,2k and Nowak from SB 3bets to 3,1k that Majda pays. Flop 8♣ 6♣ 5♦ cbets Nowak 3k, Majda raises to 8k and Nowak moves all in 16k that Majda pays and shows A8o. Nowak holds T9s and after 7 on the turn doubles up.
Nowak: T9s
Majda: A8o
Board: 8-6-5-7-Q
GPC vol V. in January. The tournament with a €100,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €175 will take place from 20.01. - 26.01.2025!
13:05 New players...
Kies, Kotán, Horváth, Scibor, Tamaškovič or Tociková will try to advance from flight 1D.
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 20/20
12:50 First bigger pot
Flešár starst the game with raise to 700 from UTG, Strycharz from BTN 3bets to 2,1k and Nowak from BB decides for 4bet to 6,5k. Flešár folds, but Strycharz pays. Flop A♥ 7♥ 3♠ cbets Nowak 2,5k that gets called and action was repeated for 5,2k on the turn 8♦ and also for 16,5k on the river 5♥. Nowak angrily shows K♥ K♣ and Strycharz takes pot with A♣ Q♠.
Strycharz: A♣ Q♠
Nowak: K♥ K♣
Board: A♥ 7♥ 3♠ 8♦ 5♥
12:35 From the beginning just 5 players...
Flešár, Koper, Nowak, Sciranka and Strycharz.
12:30 Another game day ahead of us!
Today we play 3 flights. First one flight 1D, from 17:00 flight 1E and from 22:00 flight 1E turbo.
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 5/5
Check our social media for new daily information about PROMO events and actions in Banco Casino Košice.
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If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:
Adress: Hlavná 1, Košice
Phone number cash manager: 0918 100 100
Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
Reception: +421 552 850 333

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