Tournament Player on Tour with 60.000€ GTD recorded 396 entries and champion is home player Hanzen Samuel, who took home after heads up deal 10.711€, 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included and also trophy for the winner!
3:00 Runner up - Jakub "Luman" Witkowski - 8.766€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
In very last hand of the tournament, Luman minraises, Hanzen 3bets to 1,1m, Luman 4bets to 3m and Hanzen moves all in that Luman pays with AQo. Hanzen holds pocket tens, flop K-J-4 brings 2 more outs for Luman, but turn J and river 2 means end of the tournament, because Hanzen had 100k more.
Hanzen: TT
Luman: AQo
Board: K-J-4-K-2
2:40 Deal:
Equal deal - 8.766€ including 100€ ticket, left to play for 1.945€ and trophy.
2:38 Big mistake by Hanzen
Luman completes and Hanzen checks. Flop 7♥ 4♠ 2♣ bets Luman 200k and Hanzen check raises to 650k. Luman after while jams 5m that Hanzen decides to call thinking he has doubles gutshot and called with 85o. Luman holds T7s and after turn 5 and river Q are players even.
Luman: T7s
Hanzen: 85o
Board: 7-4-2-5-Q
Level 30: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 9,900,000, ent.: 2/38
2:25 Luman in long tank
He completes SB and Hanzen raises to 530k. Luman decides for check raise to 1,675,000 and Hanzen announces all in 7,5m effective. Luman after couple of minutes folds his cards.
2:10 NO DEAL!
Luman didn´t agree with the deal.
2:00 Heads up:
Hanzen - 13,675,000
Luman - 6,125,000
Players discuss the deal!
1:58 3. place - Rožok Rastislav - 4.855€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
Hanzen jams 1,6m effective that Rožok pays and shows 55. However Hanzen holds 66 under his hand and after board without 5 we are moving to heads up.
Hanzen: 66
Rožok: 55
Board: 9-7-2-Q-3
1:55 4. place - Zdziechowski Szymon - 3.744€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
Hanzen minraises UTG and Zdziechowski jams 1m that Hanzen pays with K9o, but needs to hit 3outs against A9o. Flop Q-Q-8 changes nothing, after turn J Hanzen asks for T, but river K is also good.
Hanzen: K9o
Zdziechowski: A9o
Board: Q-Q-8-J-K
1:44 One man show
Hanzen is taking pot after pot and players don´t start playing games with him. He has over half of chipcount at the moment.
1:39 5. place - Wasilewski Adam - 2.828€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
Hanzen minraises UTG and Wasilewski jams 1,2m from BB that Hanzen snaps with ATo. Wasilewski holds KQo and after board 9-5-4-2-J ends in the tournament.
Level 29: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 3,960,000, ent.: 5/38
1:30 Without bigger change
Rožok, Wasilewski and Zdziechowski, 3shortstacks are moving all in and Luman with Hanzen can´t find hands to call them.
1:17 Hanzen on chiplead
He minraises UTG and Rožok next to him joined the game. Flop 9♠ 8♦ 3♣ cbets Hanzen 250k that gets called. Turn 5♣ was checked and on the river A♦ bets Hanzen 875k, but Rožok snap folds. Hanzen rises on 8,1m stack, second Luman has 6,5m.
1:06 6. place - Berezowski Jerzy - 2.272€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
Berezowski moves all in 720k from UTG that pays Hanzen on BTN with K♥ J♥. Berezowski was ahead with ATo, flop 6-5-3 changes nothing, turn 4 brings outs for split, but river K eliminates Berezowski.
Berezowski: ATo
Hanzen: KJs
Board: 6-5-3-4-K
1:00 Nice play by Hanzen
Zdziechowski raises BTN to 250k and Hanzen defends BB. Flop A♥ K♠ J♦ cbets Zdziechowski 125k that Hanzen pays. Turn 3♠ same action for 250k and on the river A♠ Zdziechowski bets for third time 650k. Hanzen after while announces all in 2,2m effective and Zdziechowski gets into tank. After that decides for fold and Hanzen shows him Q♥ J♠.
Level 27: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,300,000, ent.: 6/38
Break 10 minutes
0:46 Both shorts double
Berezowski jams 410k from UTG with K9s and doubles against Luman´s Q3o from BB after board A-K-6-8-3 and in next hand Wasilewski jams 1,180,000 with KQs and Luman on SB pays with 88. Flop T-9-9 increases outf for Wasilewski, who doubles after T on the river.
0:42 Aces to muck
Berezowski minraises CO and Hanzen defends BB. Flop K-T-5 cbets Berezowski 200k that Hanzen pays. Turn 2 continues Berezowski for 550k and Hanzen check shoves 1,785,000 that Berezowski snaps and shows AA. However Hanzen holds K2o and after 2 on the river celebrates double. Berezowski falls on 400k stack.
Berezowski: AA
Hanzen: K2o
Board: K-T-5-2-2
0:33 Luman takes from Hanzen
Hanzen minraises BTN and Luman defends BB. Flop 6♥ 5♦ 4♦ was without action, turn 9♣ Luman leads for 225k that Hanzen pays and river 8♠ same action for 350k. Luman shows straight 9♠ 7♠ and Hanzen sadly TT.
0:30 7. place - Giexa - 1.850€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
Giexa moves all in 725k from BTN and Rožok on BB snaps with 4♥ 4♦. Giexa with A♣ 7♣ needs to hit board, but wasn´t happy with flop 9♥ 5♠ 3♥. Turn J♥ brings also flushdraw for Rožok and after 6♥ on t he river Giexa ends.
Giexa: A♣ 7♣
Rožok: 4♥ 4♦
board: 9♥ 5♠ 3♥ J♥ 6♥
0:25 8. place - Futoma Karol - 1.466€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
Futoma minraises MP and Luman next to him 3bets to 500k. Futoma announces all in and Luman asks for a count. 1,7m stack Luman after few seconds pays and shows QQ. Futoma holds TT and after flop Q-8-7 needs runner runner, turn 6 brings him 4outs, but river eliminates him.
Futoma: TT
Luman: QQ
Board: Q-8-7-6-K
0:20 Stacks:
Giexa - 1m
Hanzen - 3,3m
Rožok - 1,9m
Futoma - 1,7m
Luman - 6,5m
Berezowski - 2,4m
Zdziechowski - 2m
Wasilewski - 1,2m
CHRISTMAS PARTY is set and ready on 19.12.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
Level 26: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,475,000, ent.: 8/38
23:47 Rožok back on stack
In next hand Berezowski minraises and Rožok defends BB. On the flop K-8-7 leadshoves 310k that Berezowski pays with ATo. Rožok holds K4o and after runout T, K doubles up on 1,060,000 stack. In next hand Hanzen minraises BTN and Rožok moves all in. After folds is back on 1,4m stack.
23:45 Flip for Zdziechowski
Rožok opens to 175k from UTG and Zdziechowski jams 1,180,000 that Rožok snaps and shows A♠ K♠. Zdziechowski holds 9♥ 9♦ and flop J♥ 6♥ 2♥ was very good for him. Turn 3♠ and also rivet T♦ changes nothing and Rožok falls on 500k stack.
Rožok: A♠ K♠
Zdziechowski: 9♥ 9♦
Board: J♥ 6♥ 2♥ 3♠ T♦
23:35 9. place - Rubi Attila - 1.122€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
Luman minraises UTG, Rubi on UTG1 3bets to 410k. Action back on Luman, who 4bets to 925k and Rubi jams approx 1,7m that Luman snaps and shows AA. Rubi holds JJ and after A on the turn ends.
Rubi: JJ
Luman: AA
Board: T-T-7-A-T
Level 26: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,200,000, ent.: 9/38
23:15 Action in very first hand of FT
Hanzen minraise BTN and Futoma defends BB. Flop Q♣ T♦ 3♣ cbets Hanzen 80k and Futoma decides for check raise to 275k. Hanzen thinks for a moment and 3bets to 600k. Futoma reaches for chips and decides for 4bet to 925k that convinced Hanzen for fold.
22:58 10. place - Zis Dušan - 840€
Zis gets also his 150k short into game from SB with premium hand JJ and Luman on BB pays with 64s. Flop J-7-5 brings set, but outs for Luman, turn 8 gives a lead to Luman and after blank river we are moving on final table.
22:55 11. place - Sventek Dominik - 840€
Sventek gets his last 150k into game on BB with A3o and his opponent was again Luman with K9o. Flop 7-7-4 holds Sventek, but turn K and river 9 eliminates him.
22:40 Big flip
In preflop all in for 1,485,000 ended up Luman on BTN against Sventek from BB. In showdown holds Luman QQ and Sventek with AKo needs to hit board. However numerical one holds Luman in the tournament and Sventek falls on 200k stack.
Luman: QQ
Sventek: AKo
Board: T-8-4-6-2
Master od Disaster vol III. in January. The tournament with a €40,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €110 will take place from 16.01. - 19.01.2025!
Level 25: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,800,000, ent.: 11/396
22:19 12. place - Pletwa - 642€
Giexa jams 465k from CO and Pletwa on BB with 300k stack pays and shows AKo. Giexa holds K9o and hits his 3outs on the flop that holds till river.
Giexa: K9o
Pletwa: AKo
Board: J-9-7-3-6
22:15 BvB
Giexa jams 670k effective from SB and Berezowski on BB snaps with QQ. Giexa holds T9o, hits T on the flop but turn and river didn´t improve his combination.
Giexa: T9o
Berezowski: QQ
Board: T-8-3-A-6
22:03 Flip for Rožok
Luman opens to 105k, Sventek 3bets to 250k and Rožok jams 505k from BB that Sventek pays with AQo. Rožok holds TT after board K-4-2-7-6 continues in the tournament with double stack.
22:00 13. place - Hustler - 642€
Zdziechowski openshoves 15bb from UTG and Hustler on BB pays with 260k stack and shows KQo. However Zdziechowski holds AA and Hustler ends after blank board.
Hanzen - 4,2m
Futoma - 2,3m
Zis - 2,1m
Sventek - 1,8m
Luman - 1,7m
Giexa - 1m
Pletwa - 700k
Level 24: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,523,077, ent.: 13/38
Break 20 minutes
21:26 Hustler still in the game
120k jams from UTG that pays Hanzen from SB with QQ. Hustler needs big help with 96s after flop Q-7-A. Turn T brings him 4 outs that he hits on the river and continues in the tournament.
Hustler: 96s
Hanzen: QQ
Board: A-Q-7-T-8
21:24 14. place - Priadková Lucia - 642€
Luman raises EP and Priadková moves all in approx 600k that Luman pays and shows TT. Priadková holds lower pair 99 and ends after board without 9.
Priadková: 99
Luman: TT
Board: K-6-3-Q-2
21:19 Big double for Rubi
He starts the game with raise to 105k from UTG1, Hustler from BB makes 3bet and Rubi jams 990k that Hustler snaps with KK under his hand. Rubi holds A♣ T♣ and wasn´t happy with K♣ in the window. However flop K♣ J♣ 7♣ brings him nuts flush that holds till river and Hustler falls on last 2bb.
Hustler: KK
Rubi: A♣ T♣
Board: K♣ J♣ 7♣ 6♠ Q♠
15. place - Skalski Michal - 546€
21:05 Classic flip
Giexa raises to 85k and after call by Pletwa, Zdziechowski jams 620k effective from BB that Giexa pays. After fold shows AKo and needs to hit against QQ under Giexa´s hand. However Q high board holds Giexa in the tournament.
Giexa: QQ
Zdziechowski: AKo
Board: 8-4-4-6-Q
20:58 16. place - Padowski Konrad - 546€
Zis opens from UTG1 and Padowski defends BB. On the flop Q-J-2 Padowski leadshoves 120k that Zis pays with pair of sevens. Padowski holds Q5o, but 7 on the turn eliminates him.
Padowski: Q5o
Zis: 77
Board: Q-J-2-7-4
20:50 17. place - Nedza Dariusz - 546€
Nedza jams 440k from SB with T8s and Sventek on BB pays with 77. After board without help for Nedza are last 16 players in the tournament and that means REDRAW.
Nedza: T8s
Sventek: 77
Board: Q-6-2-9-Q
20:48 Flip for Pletwa
Hustler jams 475k effective from BTN and Pletwa on SB pays with pair of sevens. Hustler holds AQo, but blank board holds Pletwa in the tournament.
Pletwa: 77
Hustler: AQo
Board: 6-6-3-J-3
Level 23: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,164,706, ent..: 17/38
20:38 18. place - Kim Hyun - 474€
Hanzen minraise UTG and Kim joined the game in position. Flop A♦ Q♠ 3♥ cbets Hanzen 45k and Kim raises to 140k that Hanzen pays. On the turn J♥ after check Kim jams 600k stack that Hanzen snaps and shows A♥ K♦. Kim holds K♣ J♣ and after 5♥ on the river ends and Hanzen rises on huge chiplead with 4M stack.
Kim: KJs
Hanzen: AKo
Board: A-Q-3-J-5
19. place - Jelinski Artur - 474€
20:35 Futoma tests
He minraises BTN and Zis defends BB. Flop T♥ 6♦ 2♥ cbets Futoma for 45k and Zis decides for check raise to 145k. Futoma thinks for a while and reraises to 245k. Zis gets also into tank and with words "you beat my ten" folds his cards.
20:15 Wasilewski hits 3outs
He starts the game with minraise from EP and Hanzen defends BB. Flop A♥ Q♥ 2♠ cbets Wasilewski 75k that Hanzen pays. Turn 8♥ same action for 150k, but river 5♠ was without action. Hanzen shows AJo, but Wasilewski takes pot with A8s.
THREE KINGSS SPECIAL in January. The tournament with a €15,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €120 will take place 04.01.2025!
Level 22: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1,042,105, ent.: 19/38
20:05 Pot for Rožok
Nedza raises to 55k CO that pays Sventek on BTN, Rožok on SB and also Giexa on BB. Flop 9♠ 7♥ 5♥ Rožok leads for 40k that pays Giexa and also Sventek. Turn 9♦ slows the action and on the river 7♦ after check, Giexa bets 105k. Sventek folds, but Rožok after minute called. Giexa shows missed draw A♥ 6♥ and Rožok Takes pot with 55 under his hand.
19:55 Gets through
Futoma raises BTN and Zis defends BB. Flop A♥ 8♥ 7♦ cbets Futoma 35k and Zis decides for check raise to 115k that Futoma pays. Turn K♠ continues for 150k that Futoma also called and on the river 5♠ bets Zis 350k. Futoma gets into long tank and decides for fold. Zis shows him T♥ 9♦ and takes nice pot.
19:45 20. place - Karwanski Krzysztof - 474€
Karwanski gets his 250k stack into game with ATo and his opponent was Pletwa, who called with pair of 88. He hits set on the flop that eliminates Karwanski from the tournament.
Karwanski: ATo
Pletwa: 88
Board: 8-3-2-Q-2
21. place - Osada Dominik - 474€
19:42 Cooler
After series of raises Hustler and Nedza ended up in preflop all in. In showdown holds Nedza A♠ K♠, but Hustler finds aces under his hand. Flop 6-3-2 was safe for Hustler, who doubles 590k stack after J on the turn.
Hustler: AA
Nedza: AKs
Board: 6-3-2-J-4
19:40 22. place - Kratochvíl Karel 414€
Kratochvíl starts the game with raise from EP nad Futoma defends BB. Flop A♦ K♦ 3♠ Futoma check calls cbet, also second barrel on the turn 9♣ and on the river T♣ Kratochvíl jams 410k stack. Futoma thinks for few minutes and called with A9o. Kratochvíl shows Q♦ 5♦ and ends in the tournament.
Kratochvíl: Q♦ 5♦
Futoma: A9o
Board: A♦ K♦ 3♠ 9♣ T♣
19:38 23. place - Dziedzic Jakub - 414€
Dziedzic ended up in preflop all in against Sventek in BVB confronation for 450k. In showdown holds Dziedzic 77, but Sventek finds KK under his hand. Flop 6-4-3 brings few more outs for Dziedzic, but turn 6 and river 6 eliminates him.
Dziedzic: 77
Sventek: KK
Board: 6-4-3-6-6
19:30 Kratochvíl doubles up
Rubi limps EP and Kratochvíl from SB moves all in 365k that Rubi after while pays with KQo. Kratochvíl holds AJo, but flop Q-T-8 gives a lead to Rubi. Turn K completes nuts for Kratochvíl, who doubles up after A on the river.
Kratochvíl: AJo
Rubi: KQo
Board: Q-T-8-K-A
The oldest tournament series in Slovakia, Košice Weekend, will bring an increased €30,000 guarantee with an unchanged €100 buy-in. Tournament will be played this Saturday, 21.12.2024, from 16:00!
Level 21: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 860,870, ent.: 23/38
24. place - Roman Filip - 414€
19:10 25. place - Kedzierski Jakub - 414€
Kedzierski minraises MP, Hanzen from SB 3bets to 155k and Kedzierski jams 450k that Hanzen pays with pair of nines. Kedzierski holds smaller pair 77 and after 9 on the flop ends in the tournament and Hanzen increases chiplead.
Hanzen: 99
Kedzierski: 77
Board: K-Q-9-2-6
19:05 26. place - Halon Daniel - 414€
Zdziechowski from SB jams 200k effective that Halon pays with K♣ T♣ and was ahead against T♥ 7♦ under Zdziechowski´s hand. However flop J♦ 6♦ 4♦ brings flushdraw for Zdziechowski that he completes on the river.
Zdziechowski: T♥ 7♦
Halon: K♣ T♣
Board: J♦ 6♦ 4♦ 8♣ 2♦
19:00 Osada doubles up
Berezowski raises UTG that pays Kedzierski on BTN and also Osada on BB, who leadshoves 260k on the flop J♥ 9♣ 6♥. Berezowski pays and Kedzierski after long tank decides for fold. Osada holds K♥ 9♥ and needs to improve against TT under Berezowski´s hand that he does on the turn K♦ and after river 5♠ celebrates double.
Berezowski: TT
Osada: K♥ 9♥
Board: J♥ 9♣ 6♥ K♦ 5♠
18:55 27. place - Minarík Vladimír - 366€
Minarík moves all in 225k with AKo and gets called by Nedza on BB with pair of tens. Flop Q-J-6 brings 2more outs for Minarík, but turn 2 and river 7 didn´t help him.
Minarík: AKo
Nedza: TT
Board: Q-J-6-2-7
18:50 28. place - Koper Szymon - 366€
Zdziechowski opens to 45k from EP and Koper from BB moves all in 330k that Zdziechowski pays and shows AQo. Koper holds A9o and increases his outs after flop J-T-8, however turn 2 and also river 5 eliminates him.
Zdziechowski: AQo
Koper: A9o
Board: J-T-8-2-5
Level 20: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 707,143, ent.: 28/38
Break 30 minutes
18:10 29. place - Kot Kamil - 366€
Hanzen minraise BTN and Kot from BB moves all in 300k that Hanzen pays with AJo. Kot holds 97o and after flop A-8-2 needs runner runner. Turn 7 brings him hope, but river 5 eliminates him and Hanzen rises on 1,9M stack!
Hanzen: AJo
Kot: 97o
Board: A-8-2-7-5
18:00 Three outs for Rubi
He moves all in 135k from BTN with T6o and gets called by A6s under Futoma´s hand. Flop K-Q-2 holds Futoma, but turn T gives a lead to Rubi, who doubles after Q on the river.
Futoma: A6s
Rubi: T6o
Board: K-Q-2-T-Q
17:57 30. place - Topoly Milan - 366€
Topoly moves all in 140k from SB and on BB pays Padowski with A8o. Topoly holds KQo, but board didn´t help him and ends.
Topoly: KQo
Padowski: A8o
Board: 5-2-2-5-J
17:54 31. place - Major Istvan - 366€
Kot jams 60k effective from SB with AJs and Major on BB pays with K3s. Board without help eliminates Major from the tournament.
Board: 8-6-2-J-2
32. place - Slusarczyk Mateusz - 366€
17:45 Nice call by Kratochvíl
Halon starts the game with raise from UTG and Kratochvíl defends BB. Flop K♠ 9♦ 2♣ cbets Halon 18k that Kratochvíl pays. Turn 3♣ same action for 72k and on the river 6♥ Halon jams 225k effective. Kratochvíl gets into tank and decides to call with Q♠ 9♠, what was enough against QJo under Halon´s hand and Kratochvíl doubles up.
Kratochvíl: Q9s
Halon: QJo
Board: K-9-2-3-6
Level 19: 8,000 -16,000 / 16,000, avg. 618,750, ent.: 32/38
33. place - Steško Martin - 330€
17:35 34. place - Kerekes Krisztian - 330€
Kerekes opens from UTG1 to 25k and Priadková from BB 3bets to 85k. Kerekes jams 145k stack that Priadková pays with A♦ K♦. Kerekes holds Q♠ J♠ and after numerical board ends.
Priadková: AKs
Kerekes: QJs
Board: 7-6-2-4-6
35. place - Kies Wojciech - 330€
17:10 36. place - Gawel Szymon - 330€
Gawel moves all in 90k from BTN and Karwanski on SB rejams. In showdown holds Gawel KJs, but Karwanski finds AKo and after ace on the flop Gawel ends in the tournaent.
Gawel: KJs
Karwanski: AKo
Board: A-5-5-5-J
37. place - Manitou - 330€
GPC vol V. in January. The tournament with a €100,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €175 will take place from 20.01. - 26.01.2025!
Level 18: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 535,135, ent.: 37/38
16:55 Nice pot for Hanzen
Kot starts the game with raise from UTG and Hanzen defends BB. Flop Q♦ 7♦ T♣ cbets Kot 20k and Hanzen decides for check raise to 64k that gets called. Turn 2♥ continues Hanzen for 117k that Kot pays and also third bet 175k on the river J♠. Hanzen shows 2pairs T7o and Kot sends his cards to muck.
16:45 38. place - Macko Erik - 330€
Dziedzic raises from CO and Macko defends BB. On the flop A-K-Q players ended up in all in for 160k what was Macko´s stack. In showdown holds Macko AJo, but Dziedzic nuts JTo and after turn or river without T, Macko ends in the tournament.
Macko: AJo
Dziedzic: JTo
Board: A-K-Q-3-A
16:20 Pot for Nedza
He starts the game with minraise from CO and Sventek from BTN 3bets to 50k that Nedza pays. Flop T♦ 5♥ 3♣ cbets Sventek 33k that Nedza pays, but on the turn 2♣ after second barrel 50k Nedza check shoves 201k. Sventek thinks for a while, but decides for fold.
1. 12.000€ 100€ ticket on Košice weekend 30.000€ GTD included
2. 7.477€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
3. 4.855€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
4. 3.744€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
5. 2.828€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
6. 2.272€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
7. 1.850€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
8. 1.466€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
9. 1.122€ 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD included
10. - 11. 840€
12. - 14. 642€
15. - 17. 546€
18. - 21.474€
22. - 26. 414€
27. - 32. 366€
33. - 38. 330€
Level 17: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 521,053, ent.: 38/38
16:10 Split pot
Dziedzic starts the game with minraise from UTG, Pletwa from BTN 3bets to 36k and Nedza from SB moves all in 142k. After fold Pletwa pays and shows AJo and was ahead against ATo under Nedza´s hand. However after board A-K-2-4-2 players split this pot.
16:00 Final Day started!
Floormanager Lukáš announced all basic informations. 38 players left from 396 entries. Who´s gonna be the champion? Read the live report! 14 minutes left to play from level 16.
Level 16: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 521,053 ent.: 38/38
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Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
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