Tournament Progressive knockout 30,000 GTD recorded 258 entries and champion is Mate Pasztor, who took home 4 200€ included 120€ ticket on BSOP1, which starts next week on saturday and also trophy for the winner!
1:47 Runner up - Teodor Popovič - 3000€ (120€ BSOP ticket)
Pasztor shoves in next hand and Popovič calls with A-Q, Pasztor holds A-K and we get to know new PKO Champion.
Pasztor: A-K
Popovič: A-Q
Board: 4-6-A-2-5
1:39 Popovič on short
Popovič calls and Pasztor raises to 500k, which Popovič calls. Flop 5-5-8 Pastor cbets 400k, which Popovič calls. Turn T Pasztor continues to 1,7M and Popovič calls. On river 4 he fires third barrel for 3M and Popovič calls with 8-T, but Pasztor holds 3-5.
Popovič: 8-T
Pasztor: 3-5
Board: 5-5-8-T-4
1:22 3. Derda Peter - 1 649€ (120€ BSOP ticket)
Popovič raises to 300k and Derda shoves 2,1 M, which Popovič calls with 8-8. This time Derda holds J-J and Popovič needs help. On 5-6-9 Popovič hopes again for 7, but turn is 8 and river is 6 and that means we are in head up situation.
Popovič: 8-8
Derda: J-J
Board: 5-6-9-8-6
1:16 4. Lender Pavol - 1 254€ (120€ BSOP ticket)
Popovič opens from BT and Lender decides to jam 2 M, that Popovič snaps with J-J. Lender holds a little bit worse combination (T-T). Flop comes 8-9-T, turn 6 and Lender do not want to see 7, but it comes on river and Popovič takes his stack.
Popovič: J-J
Lender: T-T
Board: 8-9-T-6-7
1:06 Stacks:
Popovič - 3,5 M
Derda - 1,9 M
Pasztor - 6,5 M
Lender - 2 M
1:03 Softly
Lender raises from SB to 300k and Pasztor face up folds A-4 offsuit with more than 6,5M stack.
1:00 Cbet enough
Pasztor completes SB, Popovič raises to 200k and Pasztor folds his cards on 4-T-3 flop to 300k bet from Popovič.
Level 28: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 3 225 000, ent.: 4/258
0:50 Slowly
We see more walks and games are mostly ending on flop.
0:28 Popovič double up
He ended in preflop all in for 700k with Pasztor, who holds A-5, but Popovič finds K-K and board without ace doubles Popovič´s stack.
Popovič: K-K
Pasztor: A-5
Board: 9-9-6-4-T
Level 27: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 3 225 000, ent.: 4/258
Break 10 minutes
23:54 5. AGUSEVICH STANISLAV - 1 027 € (120€ BSOP ticket)
Lender from BT limps, Pasztor calls from SB and Slavik on BB raises to 250k, Lender folds and Pasztor goes all in and Slavik calls with A-T. Pasztor holds A-J and after river Slavik is eliminated.
Slavik: A-T
Pasztor: A-J
Board: J-2-6-4-8
BSOP coming soon!
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23:39 Squeezing
Derda starts games with limp, Pasztor on BT and Slavik from SB called too and Popovič on BB decided to go all in and everybody folds. In next game Lender limps, Pasztor limps and Slavik decided to raise to 250k and everyone folds to his raise.
Level 26: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 2 580 000, ent.: 5/258
23:11 Bluff
Pasztor opens from BT to 125k and Slavik with Popovič on blinds wanted to see the flop, which is Q♣ 9♦ 9♠, where Pasztor cbets 150k and Slavik calls. Turn A♠ Pasztor continues to 250k and Slavik calls again. River K♠ Pasztor bets for the third time 500k and Slavik tanks. After some time he folds and Pasztor shows bluf 5♣ 4♦.
22:52 6. Meszaros Lazslo - 846€ (120€ BSOP ticket)
He opens to 150k and Derda 3 bets to 500k and Meszaros jams and Derda calls with A-K. Meszaros holds T-T, which are good on 9-5-5 flop, turn 5 is still good for Meszaros, but river ace ends his journey.
Meszaros: T-T
Derda: A-K
Board: 9-5-5-5-A
Level 25: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 2 150 000, ent.: 6/258
22:46 Pasztor takes from Popovič
On flop A-Q-J Popovič leads 100k, which Pasztor calls, turn 3 Popovič checks and Pasztor bets 150k, which is called by Popovič. River 4 Pasztor bets again 175k, that convinced Popovič to fold. Pasztor face up shows T-8.
Bounties on players:
Slavik - 405€
Lender - 465€
Derda - 700€
Meszaros - 405€
Popovič - 495€
Pasztor - 500€
22:33 7. Sandl Karol - 691€
Sandl shoves his short with A-T and Lender on SB calls with A-Q. After river Lender takes another bounty.
Sandl: A-T
Lender: A-Q
Board: 9-8-T-J-4
22:26 9. Bednár Štefan - 450€, 8. Jankovcin Marian - 550€
Lender opens from UTG and Bednar shoves and Lender calls witk K-K. Bednar holds Q-Q and after board without Q he ends today.
Lender: K-K
Bednar: Q-Q
Board: A-2-5-7-4
Jankovcin ended up in preflop all in against Popovič. Popovič holds A-K and Jankovcin J-J. Board did not bring any help for Jankovčin and Popovič enlarges his stack and bounty.
Popovič: A-K
Jankovcin: J-J
Board: A-K-3-2-9
21:57 11. Minarik Vladimir - 367€, 10. Kuruc Štefan - 367€
Minarik shoves from BT 240k and Steve on SB repushes 900k. Derda on BB calls too with A-3 of diamonds. Steve holds Q-8 of clubs and Minarik A-Q. Flop is 6-3-3, which gives Derda lead, turn A and river 5 eliminates Minarik with Steve and we are going on final table.
Derda: A-3
Minarik: A-Q
SteveDPH: Q-8
Board: 3-6-3-A-5
21:52 12. Popiolek Rafal Pawelk - 293€
Popiolek shoves from CO around 400k and Derda behind him calls with Q-Q. Popiolek needs to hit his 3 outs with K-J. Flop 7-3-3 is safe for Derda, turn A and river J eliminates Popiolek from tournament.
Popiolek: K-J
Derda: Q-Q
Board: 7-3-3-A-J
21:49 Minarik takes from Steve
Minarik shoves his last 2bb with J-4 and Steve calls with A-Q, flop 9-8-3 is good for Steve, turn 7 and river T doubles Minarik.
Minarik: J-4
Steve: A-Q
Board: 9-8-3-7-T
Level 24: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1 075 000, ent.: 12/258
Break 15 minutes.
21:33 Shorts are doubling
Steve goes all in with K-Q and Minarik calls with K-8, after board without 8, Steve doubles his stack. On the other table Sandl shoves from UTG 210k and Bednar from BB calls with 8-5, but Bednar needs help against Sandl´s 7-7, after river Sandl doubles.
Minarik: K-8
Steve: K-Q
Board: 4-9-3-T-A
Sandl: 7-7
Bendar: 8-5
Board: J-3-2-4-7
21:25 Safe play
Games are ending mostly preflop or on flop and we are waiting for bigger games.
21:02 SteveDPH doubles
He openshoves from BT 255k, Popiolek takes time, but folds after 1,5 minute. Action is on Derda, who snaps with 9-8. Steve holds K-3 of hearts and after river he doubles.
SteveDPH: K-3
Derda: 9-8
Board: A-K-3-T-4
Level 23: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1 075 000, ent.: 12/258
20:35 Bad luck for SteveDPH
Pasztor opens to 50k and Minarik from SB jams 460k and Steve on BB repushes. Pasztor calls with T-T after some time. Minarik shows 9-9 and Steve holds rockets. Flop 4-9-3 is bad for Steve, turn 6 brings him flushdraw, but river 6 means, that Minarik triples up, and Steve takes 900k side pot.
Minarik: 9-9
SteveDPH: A-A
Pasztor: T-T
Board: 4-9-3-6-6
20:27 13. Hervat Zoltan - 293€
3 players were in limped pot on K-8-9 flop, where Popovič bets 35k, Hervat raises to 100k, Popovič 3bets to 300k and Hervat jams 685k with K-8, but Popovič holds set of nines and eliminates Hervat after river.
Hervat: K-8
Popovič: 9-9
Board: K-8-9-7-T
20:17 14. Bartko Ľubomír - 230€
Bartko from SB shoves around 200k and Teo on BB calls with K-J, Bartko holds 8-6. Flop A-T-6 is good for Bartko, but turn Q is bad card for him and after river 3 he ends on 14th place.
Bartko: 8-6
Popovič: K-J
Board: A-T-6-Q-3
Level 22: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 921 000, ent.: 14/258
20:07 Sandl takes from Lender
Sandl opens and Lender defends BB. Flop T♣ 5♥ Q♥ Lender leads to 50k and Sandl jams, Lender snapcalls with J♥ T♥ and Sandl holds Q♣ K♣. Turn 9♠ and river 3♦ enlarges Sandl´s stack.
Sandl: Q♣ K♣
Lender: J♥ T♥
Board: T♣ 5♥ Q♥ 9♠ 3♦
19:40 Minarik doubles
He shoves from BT his last 13bb and Bednar from SB calls with T-7. Flop 4-8-9 brings him som hope, but after turn 3 and river 5 he doubles Minarik´s stack.
Minarik: A-9
Bednar: T-7
Board: 4-8-9-3-5
Level 21: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 921 000, ent.: 14/258
Kuruc - 1,2 M
Slavik - 1,9 M
Pasztor - 2,8 M
Meszaros - 1,8 M
Slavik - 405€
Lender Pavol - 345€
Meszaros Laszlo - 405€
Minarik Vladimir - 405€
Bednar Stefan - 245€
Sandl Karol - 185€
Jankovcin Marian - 200€
Bartko Ľubomír - 220€
Popovic Teodor - 220€
Pasztor Mate - 315€
Hervat Zoltan - 125€
Kuruc Štefan - 230€
Popiolek Rafal Pawelk - 170€
Derda Peter - 315€
Break 30 min.
18:57 SteveDPH defends successfully
Lender opens to 40k and three other players were on the flop, which is K-3-3 rainbow, that was checked, turn 8 Steve leads 88k and Lender with Pasztor call. River K Steve bets 125k and Lender with Pasztor calls, Steve shows K-J and that is enough to take the pot.
18:50 15. Lovas Viktor - 230€
On flop A-T-K Lovas leadshoves 320k with K-Q and Slavik calls with A-J. Turn and river did not bring any help for him and he ends today.
Slavik: A-J
Lovas: K-Q
Board: A-T-K-4-2
18:44 16. Witkowski Jakub Andrzej - 230€
Slavik opens and Witkowski jams 170k, which Slavik calls with A-Q and is ahead of A-T on Witkowski´s hand. Flop J-T-3 gives Witkowski lead, but turn K is not good for him and after river he is eliminated.
Slavik: A-Q
Witkowski: A-T
Board: J-T-3-K-A
18:29 17. Gluszak Piotr Marcin - 230€
He ended up in preflop all in with his 300k stack with A-J against Pasztor, who holds A-Q and after river Gluszak is eliminated and we are on last two tables.
Pasztor: A-Q
Gluszak: A-J
Board: A-2-6-T-2
Level 20: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 678 947, ent.: 19/258
18:09 18. Šmida Ľubomír - 187€
Slavik opens, Meszaros behind him calls and Šmida with 250€ bounty on him decides to jam 450k, Slavik folds and Meszaros calls with 8-8 and Šmida holds 7-7. After river Meszaros takes his entire stack and bounty.
Šmida: 7-7
Meszaros: 8-8
Board: 6-5-4-A-9
18:00 Gluszak doubles
Sandl opens and Gluszak jams 220k. Sandl tanks for 2 minutes and calls with A-K of spades, Gluszak holds 7-7 and after board without king or ace Sandl doubles Gluszak.
Sandl: A-K
Gluszak: 7-7
Board: 9-2-6-Q-3
17:52 Slavik doubles Hervat
Slavik opens to 25k and Hervat jams 190k, which Slavik calls with K-Q. Hervat holds A-8 and after river he doubles his stack.
Slavik: K-Q
Hervat: A-8
Board: 9-9-3-6-6
17:44 19. Kotán Igor - 187€
After he lost 6-6 to 7-7 against Hervat, he goes all in with K♥ T♥ on A♥ K♦ 3♥, where Slavik easily calls with aces, after turn K♣ and river 4♣ he ends up on 19th place.
Kotán: K♥ T♥
Slavik: A♠ A♣
Board: A♥ K♦ 3♥ K♣ 4♣
Level 19: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 678 947, ent.: 19/258
17:32 20. Poreba Krystian Tomasz - 187€
Game started with Lovas´s open to 30k, which Poreba with Derda called. Flop K♦ K♥ 4♥ is checked by every player. Turn 5♠ Lovas bets 30k, Poreba calls and Derda decides to raise to 130k. After one and half minute Poreba jams 500k and Derda snaps with K♣ T♥. Poreba holds 6♣ 6♦ and after river J♥ Derda ends his journey today.
Derda: K♣ T♥
Poreba: 6♣ 6♦
Board: K♦ K♥ 4♥ 5♠ J♥
17:22 21. Varga Tomáš - 187€
Kerpo openshoves his short and Pasztor calls from SB with 6-6. Kerpo is holding A-J and needs to manage flip. Flop 6-8-9 is not good for him, turn T gives him some hope, but after river 4 he is eliminated.
Kerpo: A-J
Pasztor: 6-6
17:17 Turn and river killed the action
Lovas opens to 30k and Pasztor calls. Flop A♦ T♦ Q♥ Lovas check calls 30k, turn K♠ is checked by both and river J♠ also. Lovas shows T-T and Pasztor A-Q and they split the pot.
Lovas: T-T
Pasztor: A-Q
Board: A♦ T♦ Q♥ K♠ J♠
Level 18: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 12 751 000, ent.: 21/258
17:00 22. Gawel Szymon Eligiusz - 158€
Bartko raises and Gawel calls, Popiolek decides to go all in, Bartko folds and Gawel calls with A-K. Popiolek holds Q-Q and finds himself in flip situation. Flop 3-3-3 is good for him and after turn 4 and river 6 he eliminates Gawel.
Gawel: A-K
Popiolek: Q-Q
Board: 3-3-3-4-6
16:55 23. Jonas Ilona - 158€
On 7-3-3-9 she goes all in on turn with 5-5 and is called by Jankovcin, who holds J-7. After river without 5 she is out of the tournament.
Jonas: 5-5
Jankovcin: J-7
Board: 7-3-3-9-2
16:43 24. Slowik Konrad - 158€
Slowik after limp and raise jams 150k and Šmida calls with Q-Q. Slowik holds A-Q and needs to hit, but after blank runout he ends.
Slowik: A-Q
Šmida: Q-Q
Board: T-2-8-4-K
16:36 Meszaros vs. Šmida
Meszaros opens to 16k and Minarik with Šmida call. Flop K♣ J♣ Q♠ Meszaros cbets to 23k, which only Šmida calls. Turn 5♣ Meszaros continues to 25k and Šmida calls again. River 6♥ Meszaros bets 150k and after while Šmida calls again. Meszaros shows T♣ 9♣ and it is enough against Šmida´s K♦ J♥.
Meszaros: T♣ 9♣
Šmida: K♦ J♥
Board: K♣ J♣ Q♠ 5♣ 6♥
Level 17: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 12 751 000, ent.: 24/258
25. Dudzinski Sebastian Krystian - 158€
He puts all his chips behind the line on A-3-9 flop, where Pasztor called with A-Q. Dudzinski holds A-5 and after turn 2 and river 2 he ends today.
Dudzinski: A-5
Pasztor: A-Q
Board: A-3-9-2-2
26. Martinček Martin - 158€
Meszaros opens to 13k and Martinček 3bets to 36k, which Meszaros calls. Flop 5-T-6 Martinček cbets 30k, Meszaros checkraises to 110k and Martinček jams 285k with A-T, but is worse against Meszaros´s J-J. Turn and river without ace means he is eliminated today.
Martinček: A-T
Meszaros: J-J
Board: 5-T-6-6-Q
Level 16: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 12 751 000, ent.: 26/258
1. 2880€ + 120€ BSOP#1
2. 2880€ + 120€ BSOP#1
3. 1529€ + 120€ BSOP#1
4. 1134€ + 120€ BSOP#1
5. 907€ + 120€ BSOP#1
6. 726€ + 120€ BSOP#1
7. 691€
8. 550€
9. 450€
10. 367€
11. 367€
12. - 13. 293€
14. - 17. 230€
18. - 21. 187€
22. - 26. 158€
How to "hit" the Bad Beat Jackpot?
In cashgame, if you lose at least poker of eights into better combination, the jackpot is YOURS!
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