Flight 1C of tournament Fifty Grand recorded 59 entries and 6 players advanced it to the Final Day. Chipleader from this flight is Karwanski Andrzej with stack of 864,000.
After three flights there is OVERLAY of 32.000€, what is the best invitation for today´s flights.
First one, Flight 1D starts at 16:00 and Flight 1E Turbo starts at 22:00!
We are looking forward to your participation!
4:08 Bubble boy - Bolek Peter
Bolek moves all in 100,000 from button with A♣ Q♠ and Witkowski calls with Q♣ T♣ from big blind. Flop hits Witkowski one of his three outs and after turn and river without ace the flight is over.
Witkowski: Q♣ T♣
Bolek: A♣ Q♠
Board: T♥ 7♠ 4♦ 6♣ 8♦
4:01 Unlucky Karwanski
He opens and calls Flešár´s 200,000 all in with pocket nines. Flešár shows A♠ 4♠ and needs to hit his three outs, what he does on flop and doubles up.
Flešár: A♠ 4♠
Karwanski: 9♣ 9♥
Board: A♣ 7♥ 3♦ 5♦ 8♥
3:58 Sick runout
Karwanski minraises and Bolek moves all in 105,000. Action on Dragan on big blind, who calls and Karwanski repush approx 800K and Dragan folds. Karwanski holds queens and Bolek needs to hit board with K♥ Q♥. Flop K♦ J♦ T♥ gives Bolek lead, turn Q♦ and Bolek stands up, but river 9♠ means split pot and we continue.
Karwanski: Q♣ Q♠
Bolek: K♥ Q♥
Board: K♦ J♦ T♥ Q♦ 9♠
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 421,429, ent.: 7/59
3:45 Bubble time
Šestina opens to 24,000 and Karwanski joins the and also Nagy from big blind. Flop 8♦ 3♦ 3♣ action on Karwanski who bets 42,000 and Nagy moves all in 135,000. Karwanski calls with queens and Nagy needs to improve with A♥ 8♣. Turn and river brings no help for him and tournament is now on bubble.
Karwanski: Q♥ Q♠
Nagy: A♥ 8♣
Board: 8♦ 3♦ 3♣ 4♣ Q♣
3:33 Three pairs not enough
Happy jams 10 big blinds with T♥ 8♣ but Dragan finds kings and calls. Flop 8♠ 4♥ 4♣ hits Happy pair and also the "third" one on the turn, but it didn´t helps him and ends at the tournament.
Happy: T♥ 8♣
Dragan: K♠ K♦
Board: 8♠ 4♥ 4♣ T♦ 7♦
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 327,778, ent.: 9/59
3:20 Karwanski takes from Happy
Kerky opens to 20,000 and after two calls Karwanski 3bets to 100,000, that Happy calls. Flop A♣ Q♠ 2♦ cbet 45,000 was enough to win this pot.
3:08 Three outs against Kerky
Karwanski jams 132,000 with A♥ J♥ and Kerky calls with queens. Turn brings one of the three outs for Karwanski, who doubles up.
Karwanski: A♥ J♥
Kerky: Q♣ Q♥
Board: K♣ 6♥ 2♣ A♦ 6♠
2:55 Small pot for Šestina
He minraises and after call by Witkowski and Nagy three players were in game on the flop A♠ 5♣ 3♥. Checked to Witkowsko, who bets 20,000 and gets called by Šestina. Turn Q♣ same action for 35,000 and river T♠ was checked. Šestina shows A♦ T♥ what was enough to win this pot.
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 327,778, ent.: 9/59
2:40 Final table
Flešár opens to 20,000 and Komora joins the game from small blind and also Witkowski from big. Flop 5♥ 5♣ 7♦ leads Komora and Witkowski calls. Turn T♣ Komora jams 100,000 with fours, but Witkowski holds 5♠ 3♠ and calls. River K♠ changes nothing and last nine players are in the tournament.
Witkowski: 5♠ 3♠
Komora: 4♠ 4♣
Board: 5♥ 5♣ 7♦ T♣ K♠
2:35 Kerky hits on the river
Bolek jams from button with Q♣ J♣ and Kerky calls with A♦ K♠. Flop J♥ 5♠ 2♦ wasn´t really happy with, turn 9♥ changes nothing but K♥ on the river holds Kerky in tournament.
Kerky: A♦ K♠
Bolek: Q♣ J♣
Board: J♥ 5♠ 2♦ 9♥ K♥
January filled with poker in Banco Casino Košice!!!
January continues with Fifty Grand and favorite Košice Weekend returns! This amazing month will be wrapped up with new event Thirty Grand - Mystery Bounty!
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 295,000, ent.: 10/59
2:10 Prabucki eliminates on 11th place
Prabucki was card dead for a good while and after he finds J♦ 9♣ moves all in with his 6bb stack, but Šestina finds kings and calls. King on the flop ends his journey through a tournament.
2:05 Bajza also eliminated
Bajza jams his short with pocket fours, but Dragan finds pocket sevens and calls. Board without four eliminates Bajza.
Bajza: 4♦ 4♥
Dragan: 7♦ 7♥
Board: 2♦ 3♣ 9♠ T♣ 5♦
1:58 Bacso ends
He opens to 15,000 and calls 3bet from Šestina to 38,000. Flop J♦ T♥ 5♠ Bacso push 60,000 with T♣ 9♣ and needs to improve against queens. Turn Q♣ brings him straigh draw but river A♥ was his last card in today´s flight.
Bacso: T♣ 9♣
Šestina: Q♠ Q♥
Board: J♦ T♥ 5♠ Q♣ A♥
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 226,923, ent.: 13/59
Break 15 minutes
1:25 Dream flop for Kerky
Ilavský opens to 20,000 and Kerky was interested to see the flop. Q♥ J♣ 9♣ and Ilavský moves all in with queens, but needs to improve against Kerky´s K♣ T♣. Turn and river brings no help for him and ends at the tournament.
Kerky: K♣ T♣
Ilavský: Q♣ Q♠
Board: Q♥ J♣ 9♣ K♥ 2♦
1:20 Double up for Nagy
He 3bets Kerky´s open from button to 36,500 and Kerky calls. Flop K♣ 6♣ 2♣ Kerky calls cbet 35,000 and also all in on the turn T♠ for 61,000. Kerky shows A♦ 6♦ but needs to improve against A♣ K♥. River is blank and Nagy doubles up.
Nagy: A♣ K♥
Kerky: A♦ 6♦
Board: K♣ 6♣ 2♣ T♠ 2♥
1:14 Soul read
Witkowski opens from button and Flešár defends big blind. Flop 5♣ 5♠ 2♥ brings no action but on turn 7♠ bets Flešár 10,000, that Witkowski calls. River 6♦ continues Flešár for 25,000 and Witkowski takes his time. After a while he decided to call with king high, what was enough to win this pot.
1:10 Three outs for Komora
After his limp Bacso raises from blind to 25,000 and Komora jams 71,000 with A♠ J♦. Against pocket queens he needs to hit three outs what he is doing on flop A♥ 7♣ 2♦ and after blank turn and river doubles his stack.
Komora: A♠ J♦
Bacso: Q♦ Q♥
Board: A♥ 7♣ 2♦ 4♦ 2♠
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 210,714, ent.: 14/59
0:55 Classic flip in favor of Bajzat
Smolen jams with AK and Bajzat repush with pocket queens. Flop brings king but also queen and after blank turn and river Smolen ends.
Smolen: A♦ K♣
Bajzat: Q♣ Q♠
Board: K♦ Q♠ 7♥ 2♣ 6♦
January filled with poker in Banco Casino Košice!!!
January continues with Fifty Grand and favorite Košice Weekend returns! This amazing month will be wrapped up with new event Thirty Grand - Mystery Bounty!
0:45 Decent pot for Bacso
He opens to 25,000 from button after two limps and Komora was the only one who called. Flop 7♥ 6♦ 4♦ leads for 20,000 and Bacso calls. Turn A♥ Komora check calls bet 40,000 and also on river 6♣ for 20,000. Bacso shows A♦ Q♣ what was enough to win this pot.
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 184,375, ent.: 16/59
0:35 Šestina hits nuts
Šestina minraises and Slavik with 20bb stack 3bets to 16,000, which Šestina calls. Flop Q♣ 8♦ 4♦ cbets Slavik 8,000 and Šestina calls. Turn 7♣ Slavik jams and gets snapcalled with 6♥ 5♥ and ist drawing dead with pocket kings.
Slavik: K♣ K♦
Šestina: 6♥ 5♥
Board: Q♣ 8♦ 4♦ 7♣ 6♠
0:20 Šmida won´t advance
Witkowski opens to 6,500 and Šmida jams from button his 19 big blind stack. Decision on Šestina on small blind, who calls with and after fold by Witkowski, Šmida needs to hit three outs with A♦ 3♦ against A♠ Q♥. Board brings no help for him and ends.
Šmida: A♦ 3♦
Šestina: A♠ Q♥
Board: T♦ 8♠ 5♥ K♥ 6♠
0:12 Hvizdoš eliminated
He jams his 37,500 with pocket sevens and Karwanski calls with A♥ Q♥. Turn hit Karwanski queen and last 18 players are in the tournament.
Hvizdoš: 7♣ 7♥
Karwanski: A♥ Q♥
Board: J♦ 4♦ 3♥ Q♦ 5♦
0:07 6 players advance to the Final Day!
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 155,263, ent.: 19/59
Break 30 minutes
23:35 River holds Bacso in game
Bacso jams his 33,000 stack with Q♦ J♣ and Tateno calls with A♠ 7♦. Turn brings many outs for Bacso and river is one of them so he doubles up.
Bacso: Q♦ J♣
Tateno: A♠ 7♦
Board: T♠ 8♦ 6♦ 5♦ 9♠
23:25 Double seat open
For minraise were four players on the flop T♠ 2♠ 3♦, where Hudáček jams 17,500, Sirilla calls with same stack and Karwanski on big blind calls also with two pairs. Turn and river holds his combination and eliminates two players.
Hudáček: K♣ T♣
Sirilla: 9♦ 9♠
Karwanski: T♥ 3♣
Board: T♠ 2♠ 3♦ Q♠ 8♥
23:15 Drawing dead
Dragan was in game against Sirotňák on the flop T♦ T♥ 9♦, where Sirotňák moves all in with Q♦ 7♦ and gets called with A♦ T♣, so he needs to hit his flushdraw. Turn brings A♥ what means, that Sirotňák can´t win anymore and ends.
Sirotňák: Q♦ 7♦
Dragan: A♦ T♣
Board: T♦ T♥ 9♦ A♥ J♥
23:07 Last level to enter the tournament!
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 107,692, ent.: 26/56
22:50 Slavik needs to use reentry
After limp by Komora Slavik moves all in from button with approx 15 big blinds with A♥ 6♠. Action on Komora, who calls with A♠ Q♦ and after blank board Slavik needs to use reentry.
Slavik: A♥ 6♠
Komora: A♠ Q♦
Board: J♥ T♥ 8♣ 5♣ 9♥
January filled with poker in Banco Casino Košice!!!
January continues with Fifty Grand and favorite Košice Weekend returns! This amazing month will be wrapped up with new event Thirty Grand - Mystery Bounty!
22:39 Nagy jams
Šmida opens to 4,500 and after call Nagy 3bets from big blind to 14,500 and both of his opponents called. Flop K♣ J♣ T♥ Nagy moves all in 45,000 and after folds Nagy takes the pot.
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 101,923, ent.: 26/53
22:22 Tamaškovič for reentry
After Happy´s limp Tamaškovič raises from big blind to 7,300, that Happy calls. Flop T♥ 4♣ 2♠ cbets for 12,000 and gets called. Turn J♦ Tamaškovič jamms remaining 35,000 with Q♣ T♣, but Happy holds deuces under his hand and obviously calls. River changes nothing and Tamaškovič has to use reentry, if he wants to advance from today´s flight.
Tamaškovič: Q♣ T♣
Happy: 2♣ 2♥
Board: T♥ 4♣ 2♠ J♦ T♥
22:18 Pot for Šmida
Tomko opens to 4,000 and Šmida defends big blind. Šmida calls bet on the flop 7♣ 5♦ 4♦ and also on turn 7♣ for 7,000. River 4♣ decides to lead for 12,000 and Tomko face up fold Q♦ J♦. Šmida shows him 5♣ and takes the pot.
22:10 No help for Neveloš
Neveloš was in game against Breuer on the flop A♦ 6♥ 2♠, where Neveloš moves all in with his draw 5♥ 3♥ and gets called with A♠ Q♣. No help for Neveloš on turn neither on river means seat open.
Neveloľ: 5♥ 3♥
Breuer: A♠ Q♣
Board: A♦ 6♥ 2♠ 7♦ 9♠
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 87,037, ent.: 27/47
21:50 Kings at the right time
Macko opens to 2,800 and after to calls moves Ilavský all in 11,000 with pocket kings and Prabucki from small blind calls with pocket jacks. Board holds stronger pair and Ilavský made practically triple up.
Ilavský: K♦ K♥
Prabucki: J♦ J♥
Board: 5♣ 3♥ 3♦ 2♠ T♠
21:40 Csaba sets a trap
After limp by Ivancová Csaba also limpes and Flešár raises to 5,800, Ivancová calls and Csaba jamms his 34,000 stack. Flešár folds after while and Ivanocová calls with pocket sevens, but Csaba holds aces and after blank board doubles his stack.
Ivancová: 7♦ 7♣
Csaba: A♦ A♥
Board: K♣ 9♣ 8♠ 9♦ 9♠
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,667, ent.: 33/44
21:22 Aces cracked
Hvizdoš opens to 3,000 and Breuer 3bets to 8,000 that Hvizdoš calls. Flop K♣ 7♠ 2♥ we can see all in and call and Breuer with aces needs to hit two outs againts set of sevens. Turn and river brings no help for Breuer and Hvizdoš doubles to 70,000 stack.
Hvizdoš: 7♦ 7♥
Breuer: A♦ A♠
Board: K♣ 7♠ 2♥ Q♣ T♠
January filled with poker in Banco Casino Košice!!!
January continues with Fifty Grand and favorite Košice Weekend returns! This amazing month will be wrapped up with new event Thirty Grand - Mystery Bounty!
21:10 Witkowski vs Rožok vol.2
Rožok minraises from button and after call from sb Witkowski 3bets to 11,000, that Rožok calls. Flop A♦ K♣ T♠ cbets Witkowski for 10,000 and Rožok calls leaving 12,000 behind. Turn 5♥ moves Witkowski all in with A♥ 6♠ and gets called by J♥ 8♦. River is blank and Rožok has to use reentry.
Rožok: J♥ 8♦
Witkowski: A♥ 6♠
Board: A♦ K♣ T♠ 5♥ 8♦
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 65,625, ent.: 32/42
Break 30 minutes
20:22 Double also for Rožok
After series of folds Rožok jamms his 15 blinds stack from button with Q♠ 9♠ and Witkowski finds A♣ K♣ on big blind. Flop brings top pair for Rožok and after turn or river with no help for Witkowski Rožok continues in tournament.
Rožok: Q♠ 9♠
Witkowski: A♣ K♣
Board: 9♣ 6♥ 2♠ 5♦ Q♣
20:11 Happy doubles up
Flešár opens from HJ and three players were on the flop Q♠ 8♥ 6♠. Flešár cbets for 4,500 and Happy decides to jamms 14,500 with K♠ 8♣ and gets called by Flešár with 3♠ 2♠, who needs to hit flushdraw. Turn and river brings no help for Flešár and Happy doubles up.
Happy: K♠ 8♣
Flešár: 3♠ 2♠
Board: Q♠ 8♥ 6♠ J♥ 9♦
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 62,069, ent.: 29/36
19:55 River holds Šmida in the game
On the turn J♠ 5♠ 7♥ 3♠ there were three players and pot was alreday 20,000. Šmida moves all in his 12,300 and Bacso called with pocket kings. Šmida shows A♠ 5♣ and needs to improve on the river, who helps him and Šmida is almost back on starting stack.
Šmida: A♠ 5♣
Bacso: K♣ K♠
Board: J♠ 5♠ 7♥ 3♠ Q♠
SNOW WINTER PARTY is set and ready on 20.01.2023. Great winter party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
19:33 Kerky seat open
After two limps Kerky raises from small blind and three players were interested to see the flop Q♦ 3♦ 4♣, where two players called Kerky´s cbet 5,000. Turn T♣ Kerky moves all in 18,000 and both of his opponents called. River 7♥ was checked around and pot belongs to Komora with set of fours.
Kerky: K♣ Q♣
Sirilla: K♦ K♥
Komora: 4♦ 4♥
Board: Q♦ 6♣ 3♦ T♣ 7♥
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 62,963, ent.: 27/34
19:30 Cooler
Three players were on the flop A♣ 8♦ 3♥ in 3bet spot and flop was checked around. Turn T♥ leads Tomko for 7,000 and Huslter raises to 19,000. Action on Flešár, who moves all in and gets called by Hustler with pocket threes, but unfortunately for him Flešár holds pocket aces. Blank river sends Hustler for reentry.
Hustler: 3♣ 3♠
Flešár: A♣ A♠
Board: A♣ 8♦ 3♥ T♥ 2♣
19:20 Rožok for reentry
Rožok jamms his 11,000 stack from big blind with A♣ 8♠ but Prabucki finds A♠ K♦ and repush. Flop brings king for Prabucki and Rožok ends for this time.
Rožok: A♣ 8♠
Prabucki: A♠ K♦
Board: K♣ 9♠ 5♦ A♥ Q♠
19:15 Multiway pot
Three players called Migač´s all in for 3,500 and continue playing on the flop K♥ 8♥ 7♣. Sirilla leads from small blind for 3,500 and after call Kerky raised to 8,500, what didn´t scare the opponents and both of them called. Turn 9♣ this time leads Bacso for 15,000 and also gets called by both of them. River 7♦ brings no action and pot belogs to Sirilla, who hits the river.
Sirilla: A♥ 7♥
Kerky: A♦ K♦
Migač: J♥ 2♥
Bacso: Q♥ T♥
Board: K♥ 8♥ 7♣ 9♣ 7♦
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 51,852, ent.: 27/28
18:52 Decent pot for Karwanski
Five players were in game for 2,000 on the flop T♦ T♠ 6♥. Ilavský as the original aggressor cbets for 5,000, that called only Rožok and Karwanski. Turn J♣ after check bets Rožok 10,000 and Karwanski calls. River 9♣ brings no action and pot belongs to Karwanski with T♣ 7♦.
Karwanski: T♣ 7♦
Rožok: 9♦ 8♠
Board: T♦ T♠ 6♥ J♣ 9♣
18:45 All in and call
A few raises by Happy and Tomko and we heard all in and call. Both of them hold same combination AK and after blank board they split the pot.
18:42 Easy game
Kerky minraises and three players were interested to see the flop K♠ 6♥ 2♣. Kerky cbets for 1,000 and all of his opponents fold their cards.
18:36 Several new players
Kerky, Flešár, Macko and Bacso will try to advance from today´s flight.
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 22/22
January filled with poker in Banco Casino Košice!!!
January continues with Fifty Grand and favorite Košice Weekend returns! This amazing month will be wrapped up with new event Thirty Grand - Mystery Bounty!
18:15 Csaba wasn´t happy with river
Four players were in the game on the flop A♦ 8♦ Q♣, where Tomko bets 1,200 and gets called by Komora and Csaba. Turn 4♦ action was checked to Csaba, who bets 2,200 and calls only Komora. River 3♦ was checked and Komora shows A♣ J♦ what was enough against T♦ 9♦.
Csaba: T♦ 9♦
Komora: A♣ J♦
Board: A♦ 8♦ Q♣ 4♦ 3♦
18:06 Who is already seated?
Tamaškovič, Rožok, Tomko and also players from Hungary and Poland.
18:05 Tournament started!
Who´s gonna advance to Final day from today´s flight? Watch the live report.
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 15/15
How to "hit" the Bad Beat Jackpot?
In cashgame, if you lose at least poker of eights into better combination, the jackpot is YOURS!
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If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:
Adress: Hlavná 1, Košice
Phone number cash manager: 0918 100 100
Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
Reception: +421 552 850 333

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