DAY 1D is over we know next player pool to add to existence FINAL DAY players. From 145 entries there were 15 advancing players and on the top of the list is Lazar with 1.063.000 stack. Final option to qualify for FINAL DAY will be tommorow in flight 1G Hyperturbo starting at 11:00.
Advancing from DAY 1E Turbo
02:03 Just one hand
Kovacs is forced to go all-in on big blind in next hand and he faces Lazar with pocket nines. Kovacs's 67o misses the board and we are counting player's stacks to FINAL DAY.
02:00 Hand for hand
Zakhar will not advance to final day since he lost his last chips to Grega. On other table Hervát hits his flush and sent Kovacs to less then a big blind. We are playing hand for hand.
01:52 Popovič and Zak
Both players were all-in in different tables and both need to hit to double. Zak failed hit his ATo vs Prabucki's 88, but Popovič hits straight with A9o against QQ after board 6-7-5-T-8.
01:42 Dream spot for Banach
Zak opens 24k, Zakhar 3bets to 60k and Banach look at kings. After some time Banach announced all-in 309k and Zakhar call after Zak's fold. Zakhar showed QQ a without help on board for queen drops to 60k.
01:25 Last two tables
Kormos jams 97k with QJs and Harkaly with less than that calls with AKo. Q♦ on turn eliminate Harkaly from DAY 1E and we are down to last two tables.
Level 15: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 381,579 ent.: 19/145
01:25 Down to one out
Prabucki puts Zakhar all-in with jacks and he was twoouter against Zakhar's kings. Flop brings three clubs and Prabucki was set to just one out. J♥ do not come and Prabucki looses 114k.
01:08 Battle of shorts
Harkaly pushes with suited ace on button for 43k and Gordek on big blind calls with K8o. Flop brings ace and Gordek drops to 23k.
Level 15: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 329,545 ent.: 22/145
00:51 Kerky feels commited
Kerky opens 16k and after all-in from Csizmarik on big blind let the delaer count his stack. 78k feels ok for Kerky to call. Board brings him nuts in the end and Kerky eliminates another player.
Csizmarik: K♥3♠
Kerky: J♣T♣
Board: 3♣7♦9♠ 6♦ 8♠
00:41 Joachymstal with shorstack
Joachymstal shoves 7BB on the button and TTiplica calls. Joachymstal do not hit needed jack with J8o and leaves the tourney.
Level 14: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 278,846 ent.: 26/145
00:27 Bednár sets a trap
Bednár's open 12k 3bets Pataki to 29k and Bednár just call. Flop A-K-Q Bednár checks and after cbet from Pataki he checkraises all-in. Pataki calls with two pairs virtually drawing dead.
Bednár: A♦A♥
Pataki: K♣Q♠
Board: A♠K♦Q♣ 8♠ 2♠
00:14 One more
Majcher shoves 15BB. Dabrowski repushes and after folds we see another flip. Pair survives again and that means another seat open. And we are on last 3 tables.
Majcher: A♦J♥
Dabrowski: 8♦8♣
Board: Q♣6♥3♠ 2♦ 5♦
00:10 Just another one
David Harkaly opens 12k and when he faces all-in 46k from Maserati he decided to call with pocket sixes. Maserati tabled AQo but finds no help on board.
Maserati: A♦Q♠
Harkaly: 6♥6♦
Board: 8♦8♠9♠ J♣ 2♣
00:00 Midnight flip
Lazar 3bets open 6k to 52k and Slowik 4bets to 120k. Lazar announced all-in 400k+ and Slowik with AKo calls for 380k. Lazar shows queens and awaits flop. Q-J-4 gives him set and after turn 4♦ Lazar earned checkmark and goes to nearly 900k stack.
Level 13: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 219,679 ent.: 33/145
15 minutes break
23:29 Varga with queens
Tomáš Varga jams without any previous action and get called with AKs. Queens need to dodge higher cards but A♦ on turn put Varga on just a couple of blinds.
23:24 Turbo DAY 1E Update
After 5 levels DAY 1E have very nice 45 entries and at least 5 players will bag their stack at the end of this faster flight.
23:18 Premature celebration
Maserati 3bets and when Zak jams he happily calls with kings. Zak showed AQo and Maserati happilly clapping on flop K-J-3. Turn 5x holds kings but river T♥ punished premature celebration.
Level 12: 2,500 - 5.000 / 5.000, avg. 190,789 ent.: 38/145
23:05 Split pot
Maserati faces Csizmarik's all-in on flop K♦J♦5♥ and he turned K♣. Csizmarik without reaction waited for decision. Maserati finally calls with K3o but see bad news as Csizmarik shows K9o. Turn A♥ and river J♥ were good for Maserati as players split the pot.
22:57 Coinflip of hungarian players
Alexandra Pataki and Norbert Laszlo Kovacs pushed their stack in the middle and their faith was decided by board. AQs of Pataki do not hit board K-9-7-6-5 and Kovacs was good with pair of tens.
22:44 Bednár forces aces to fold
Štefan Bednár defends big blind against open from Voith. Flop 7♣9♣J♠ calls the cbet and decides to lead the turn K♣. Voith just faceup folds aces and Bednár shows pocket dueces.
Level 11: 2,000 - 4.000 / 4.000, avg. 172,619 ent.: 42/145
22:16 Olexak hopes for split
Olexak did not believe Gabzdil and on board 4-5-6-7-3 put all his chips in the middle for split but Gabzdil showed 85s for winner.
22:07 Registration closed
DAY 1D have closed registration and 15 players will bagged their stack to FINAL DAY. For those of you who did not make it you still have a chance in turbo flight DAY 1E which will open in few minutes and last chance to qualify for FINAL DAY will be tommorow at 11:00 in DAY 1F Hyperturbo.
Level 11: 1,500 - 3.000 / 3.000, avg. 112,500 ent.: 54/145
30 minutes break
21:36 Oláh for re-entry just before break
Oláh jams for 40k and after folds there was just Gabzdil on big blind. Gabzdil find pocket nines and calls. Oláh shows K6o but after 9♣ on turn he looses his stack.
21:22 3outer
Miroslav Varga open 5500 and after 4 calls Alexandra Pataki on small blind 3bets to 30k. Varga shoves with blink of an eye and after folds Alexandra goes to tank. After a while she calls for additional 60k and shows ATs. Varga turns AKo but T♦ on flop hits Pataki and hold through the board.
Pataki: A♥T♥
Varga: A♦K♠
Board: T♦5♦4♥ 3♠ 7♣
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Level 10: 1,000 - 2.500 / 2.500, avg. 112,500 ent.: 60/135
21:01 Ondkanin with checkmark
Ondkanin opens preflop and Kovacs and Németh called. Flop J-9-4 Ondkanin cbets for 5k and both players call. Turn J♦ Ondkanin continues for 10k and Kovacs goes all-in. Németh fold and Ondkanin calls and turns J8s to see great news as his opponent holds 88 and was drawing dead.
20:57 Balco snatch big one
Q-9-3 flop was devastating for Zakhar as he checkraises cbet from recent runner up of Košice Weekend Richard Balco and he fires all-in. Zakhar after some hesitation calls with KQ but was behind against AQo of Blaco. Turn and river brings no help for Zakhar and Balco snatch almost 200k pot.
20:38 As cold as possible
Maserati with aces, Barnitou with kings and Ondkanin with pair of queens. All the chips goes in the midle and the dominance of aces was underlined with A♣ on the flop. Ondkanin after recalculation of stack take just consolation prize in form of 40k sidepot.
Level 9: 1,000 - 2.000 / 2.000, avg. 97,692 ent.: 65/127
20:31 Coldcall
Gabzdil opens 3500 and Varga 3bet to 9500. Papáčová call on small blind and after all-in from Kormos and folds Papáčová calls. Coinflip was successfull for Papáčová and Kormos needs to use re-entry possibility.
Papáčová: 9♦9♠
Kormos: A♣Q♣
Board: 5♦5♥7♠ 9♥ 7♦
February filled with poker in Banco Casino Košice!!!
February starts with One Day Event 15K GTD and countinues with favorite Košice Weekend! Also Polish Poker Weekend will take place from 15.02. - 19.02 and this amazing month will be wrapped up with event Thirty Grand - Mystery Bounty!
20:08 Hervat dodge
Hervat set Lakatos all-in on turn 9-Q-2-7 and Lakatos with openender want to see the river. Blank 5x do not help Lakatos's JTo and Hervat with AQs dodge the river.
Level 8: 800 - 1.600 / 1.600, avg. 81,169 ent.: 77/125
19:53 Another double seat open
Adam Juhasz hits King on a river 5-T-J-2-K and it was enought to send to rail two players and gain a 170k pot.
19:43 Setup
Cards was dealt cruelly. Olearcin finds QQ, Pater Sorin AKo and Sebastian Zak gladly accepted both stacks with help of blank board and kings on his hand.
MASQUERADE PARTY is set and ready on 03.02.2023. Great party in Banco Casino Košice with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
Level 7: 600 - 1.200 / 1.200, avg. 72,840 ent.: 81/118
19:33 Anna vs Kovacs
Kovacs leads the flop 6-3-2 for 10k and after Anna raise to 22k only Kovacs calls. Turn 5x stop the action and both checked. River 8x Kovacs bet 20k but Anna was not willing to fold his kings and called. Kovacs turned A6s but was behind.
19:14 3way all-in
Piga shoves button for 60k+ and got both blinds covered. Berenyi tries his luck and call and also Joachymstal with 50k stack was interested. Runout hits Berenyi and his combination to efectivly triple up.
Piga: Q♦Q♣
Berenyi: 5♠6♠
Joachymstal: A♠Q♠
Board: 2♦8♥J♣ 6♥ 5♦
Level 6: 500 - 1.000 / 1.000, avg. 68,493 ent.: 73/100
30 minutes break
Saturday Mystery Bounty offers yet another opportunity as there is Turbo flight prepared for anyone who still do not have his stack bagged for final day. Turbo DAY 1E starts at 22:00 with regular satelite starting at 20:00!
18:30 Family pot
All seven players on table 15 want to see the flop for just one big blind. 9♥3♥2♠ bets Kukulski for another big blind and 4 players calls. Turn 4♥ was checked around. River J♦ bets Grusiecki for 3k and only Kukuslki called. Grusiecki turned set of four and takes the pot.
18:13 Clash of starting stacks
Abrudan stackoff himself with small pair of fives against Woith on big blind who hold big pair of queens. Mystery of doublint do twice a starting stack was resolved on turn 6-2-6-6 and Abrudan needs to get re-entry to bag his chips in the end of DAY 1E.
18:07 Crisan pushes
Ilona called checkraise from Crisan from 20k to 45k into the 50k pot on turn T♥J♥K♠ 5♠. River K♣ bricks both flushdraw and Crisan bets 15500 leaving himself with couple of hundred chips. Ilona folds and both players cards stays unknown for us.
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 61,268 ent.: 71/87
18:03 Big bets
Maibach open 11k after limp from Slowik and he want to see the flop. Q♥9♥9♦ Slowik checks and after healthy bet 20k folds his cards with small hesitation.
17:50 No action for Varga
Miro Varga pays 700 bet on flop 5♠6♠A♠ and after call from big blind there were 3 players on turn 7♠. Varga checks same as other two. River J♣ checks Varga again but get no action and after two checks shows 5♦K♠ and takes the pot.
17:37 Visan in the game
Visan get on flop Q-T-8 on button and with shortstack called the bet from Crisan. Turn Ax Crisan checks and called 5500 all-in from Visan. Hit on turn doubledown on river and Visan double his stack.
Visan: A♦9♣
Crisan: Q♠J♣
Board: Q♥T♦8♠ A♣ A♥
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 58,571 ent.: 70/82
17:33 Kuzma leaves 100 behind
After open 1100 and 5 calls Kuzma on Big blind 3bets to 34400 and leaves himself with 100 chip behind. All players slowly folds and Kuzma takes without comunity cards.
17:24 Big blind defend
Olejnik 3bets to 4500 after open from Samborski from the button and call from small blind. Flop A-2-2 is check around. Turn Jx Olejnik checkcalls 6500 from Samborski. River 7x just in two players Olejnik leads 10k and Samobrski calls. Olejnik shows AQo but was behind since Samborski showed AKo.
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A tournament with guarantee of 50.000€ as well as side events All in or nothing and Big stack KO are ready for you in the February 15.02. - 19.02.2023!
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 54,412 ent.: 68/74
16:05 3bet is enough
Abrudan 3bets 5500 after open 1100 from Voith and it was more than enough to win the pot.
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16:42 Kovacs get paid
Koryl open 800 and Kovacs set the price of flop to 2000. K-Q-2 was checked. Turn 2x Koryl leads for 3500 and Kovacs click to 7k. Koryl calls and see the river 7x. Both players check and Koryl shows Q8s but was behind against AKo of Kovacs.
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Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,909, ent.: 55/56
16:30 Kerky hits the turn
Herváth bets flop T-3-3 and Kerky in position wants to see the turn. A♣ is checked by both. River 9x Herváth check again and after some time calls 9k from Kerky. Kerky shows AKo and takes the pot.
16:25 Never lucky Grega
Aces not good for whole pot as Grega gets them preflop against Witkowski with AQs but the dealer magicaly unload board 6-8-9-T-7.
16:11 International participation
From the begining we can see players from Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania who were attracted to participate in DAY 1D od Thirty Mystery Bounty.
16:06 Flight 1D begins!
Floormanager Stanislav starts also DAY 1D and after basic information players started their journey for the advancing seats!
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 31/31
How to "hit" the Bad Beat Jackpot?
In cashgame, if you lose at least poker of eights into better combination, the jackpot is YOURS!
Check our social media for new daily information about PROMO events and actions in Banco Casino Košice.
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Adress: Hlavná 1, Košice
Phone number cash manager: 0918 100 100
Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
Reception: +421 552 850 333

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