Hudomiet Dominik Mateusz is the winner of the march edition of Košice Weekend 20K GTD One Day Event among 217 entries and took home 4.284€ and also trophy for winner!
7:00 2nd place Szoke Peter - 2692€
6:57: HU last 5 minutes.
On the flop T♠8♣2♥ Szoke moves allin and Hudomiet calls with T♣9♠. Szoke needs to hit his A♦K♣. Turn Q♦ and river 6♥ was safe for Hudomiet and he totally crashed the final table.
6:50 3th place Banach Gorgosz King Katarzyna - 1984€
She jams from the button her shortstack with Q3, Hudomiet calls from SB with 99. Board doesnt bring Q and in 10minutes Hudomiet knocks out almost whole final table.
6:47 4th place Adam Vlček - 1450€
Adam sends his short with A5o, Hudomiet calls with Q9o. Run run nuts for Hudomiet means that he is unstoppable now.
Board: T-7-4-8-J
6:42 5th place Harkaly David - 1212€
He jams his last couple of blinds with AQo and again Hudomiet calls with QJo. Flop comes 8-4-3 rainbow but turn J was cruel for Harkaly. River 4 didnt help Harkaly and Hudomiet is now overwhelming chipleader
6:35 6th place Janos Ruszinko - 981€
He has 1bb behind on the BB and Hudomiet jams Bvb. Hudomiet with Q3o was ahead against Ruszinkos 8♣4♣. Ruszinko didnt find help on board an he is eliminated
Board A-Q-9-9-2
6:24 7th place Attila Rubi - 780€
Hudomiet starts hand with a limp from CO. Harkaly completes SB and Rubi checks on the BB. Flop K♥3♦8♦ after check Rubi bets 500k that only Hudomiet calls. Turn K♠ Rubi check-calls 500k. And on the river 7♠ Rubi decides to lead 1M, after few seconds Hudomiet announced allin (2M effektiv) that Rubi calls. Hudomiet shows K♦J♠ and Rubi has K♣5♥. Hudomiet is current chipleader with almost 12M after the hand.
Level 24: 100000 - 200000 / 200000, avg. 3,100,000, ent.: 7/217
BREAK 15min
6:03 8th place Kerpo - 624€
Kerpo jams bvb 2M and Hudomiet snapcalls with QQ. Kerpo shows AJo and need to hit his 3outer. Board was safe for QQs and Kerpo is eliminated in 8th place
Board: K-K-4-8-4
5:50 Vlček takes from Rubi
Rubi opens to 350k and Vlček defends BB. Flop K♦6♥2♣ both players checked. Turn K♥ Vlček leads 350k that Rubi calls. River J♥ was checked. Vlček shows 8♣6♦ that was enough to win this pot.
5:34 9th place Homa Damian Konrad - 495€
Szoke opens and Homa decides to move allin for his last 700k with 88. Szoke calls with QJo. Flop comes J-7-3 rainbow Turn 7o and river Ko eliminates Homa in 9th place
Level 23: 80000 - 160000 / 160000, avg. 2,512,727, ent.: 9/217
5:14 10th place Panek Michal - 375€
BvB Harkaly jams on Panek and he snaps with A8. Harkaly shows A3o. Flop 9-5-7 was safe for Panek but 3 on the turn and A on the river eliminates Panek.
Harkaly: A3
Panek: A8
Board: 9-5-7-3-A
5:12 11th place Gruszka Marcin Bartosz - 375€
Preflop allin against Katarzyna Gruszka was way behind with AQo against Katarzynas AA. Flop K-Q-6 bring 2 outs for Gruszka but turn and river bricks out and Gruszka is eliminated.
5:08 Limp pot
Homa limps, Ruszinko limps, Harkaly completes and Panek checks. Flop A♦5♦8♠ both blinds check. Homa bets 200k Ruszinko with Harkaly both calls. Turn 9♣ and river J♦ was checked and Harkaly won the pot with 76o. Ruszinko shows A♥J♥.
5:04 Safe play
Hands finished mostly before flop.
Level 22: 60000 - 120000 / 120000, avg. 1,972,727, ent.: 11/217
4:32 12. miesto Gnatek Piotr - 375€
BvB confrontation. Gnatek jams 850k from SB with Q♣J♥ and Hudomiet calls with 9♥8♥. River brings Hudiet flush and Gnatek is eliminated.
Board: A♥5♥3♦5♦4♥
4:27 Ruszinko triple up
Harkaly opens to 200k and Panek flats. On the BB Ruszinko decides to move allin for his last 480k that Harkaly calls . Panek rejams effektiv 2M and Harkaly folds.
Ruszinko: 9♠8♥
Panek: A♠A♦
Board: Q-2-8-9-7
Level 21: 50000 - 100000 / 100000, avg. 1,808,333, ent.: 12/217
4:11 Kerpo doubles
He jams 475k after Vlček opens. Kerpo shows A♥5♥. Vlček calls with Q♣J♦. Board holds A high and Kerpo doubles up
3:54 13th place Kerky - 290€
He defends BB against minraise from Harkaly. Flop J-7-9 rainbow checkcalles cbet. Turn Ko check-calles allin from Harkaly - he shows KJo top two, Kerky shows JTo. River does not complete him straight and he is eliminated.
3:51 Rubi doubles through Katarzyna
BvB ended up preflop allin for 1.32M where Katarzyna holds K♠Q♠ but Rubi holds A♦K♦. Board brings no help for Katarzyna and Rubi doubles.
Level 21: 40000 - 80000 / 80000, avg. 1,669,231, ent.: 13/217
3:44 14th. place Meszaros Laszlo - 290€
Last 3.5bb jams and gets called by Gruszka on the BB.
Meszaros: Q♣J♣
Gruszka: K♣J♦
Board: 3♣5♦3♠T♦A♠
3:35 Vlček doubles through Harkaly
Classic coinflip for 1.32M where Vlček holds JJ against Harkalys AKo. Board held Jacksons that means Vlček now has almost 2x avg stack.
Vlček: JJ
Harkaly: AKo
Board: 5-6-3-3-7
3:25 15th place Zakhar Peter - 290€
Last 3 blinds preflop allin with J♦4♦ against Szoke who holds A♣J♠. Board without 4 means Zakhar finished.
Level 20: 30000 - 60000 / 60000, avg. 1,446,667, ent.: 15/217
BREAK 15min
3:05 Big double for Katarzyna before break
On the flop 3-5-7 rainbow after couple of raises ended up allin Zakhar with AA and Katarzyna with 3♥4♥. Turn brings 4 and river J that means Katarzyna doubles almost 1.2M in the flop and she now has stack approx 3M
Zakhar: A♠A♣
Katarzyna: 3♥4♥
Board: 3♣5♠7♦4♦J♠
3:00 16th place Polanski Piotr - 233€
2:50 Gnatek doubles through Zakhar
They ended up allin on the flop 7-7-2 rainbow where Gnatek has KK against Zakhars 99. Board holds Kings and we are continue in 16 players.
2:45 Vlček doubles through Kerky
He jams 12bb to Kerkys open, Kerky snaps with AKo, Vlček shows 66. Pair holds the board that means Vlček doubles up
2:41 17th place Olesik Jacek Piotr - 233€
2:35 18th place Timea Farkas - 233€
Cooler alert
Timea Farkas opens UTG1 to 125k, Harkaly 3bets from the BB to 275k. Action back to Timea, she snapshoves 800k and gets snapcall by Harkaly.
Timea Farkas: KK
Harkaly: AA
Board: 7-7-6-9-T
Level 19: 25000 - 50000 / 50000, avg. 1,205,556, ent.: 18/217
2:23 19th place Ľubomír Bartko - 233€
2:20 20th place Matúš Čerep - 204€
Coinflip for Gruszka. They ended up preflop allin where Čerep holds 99 and Gruszka AK. Flop brings K and runout without 9 eliminates Čerep.
Čerep: 99
Gruszka: AKo
Board: K-J-8-5-6
2:13 21th place Franko Abraham Albert
He ended up allin against Homa with flopepd flush. Franko doesnt hit his fd and he ie eliminated.
Franko: A♥T♦
Homa: J♥8♥
Board: K♥5♥4♥2♦3♠
2:00 22th place Derda Peter - 204€
2:00 23th place Rogozinski Wojciech Alfons - 204€
Level 18: 20000 - 40000 / 40000, avg. 943,478, ent.: 23/217
1:53 Bubble boy Nagy Gabor
Last 1bb puts in the game with K7o, gets called by Homa with Q♥3♥. Homa flops flush and had checkmark on the flop against K high.
1:36 25th place Ľudovít Grega
He jams 10bb from the button with A♦J♦ and gets called by Szoke on te BB with A♣Q♠. Flop brings no J and we are going to hand-for-hand phase.
1:26 Big pot for Kerky
3-way on the turn T-9-3-3 rainbow he checks, Polanski bets 150k wich Čerep calls,. Kerky decides to checkshove 700k into 900k pot. Polanski thinks for a while but folds, Čerep snapfolds and Kerky takes big pot without showdown.
1:20 Horvath seat open
He ended up allin preflop for 370k with KJo against Paneks AQo. Flop brings no help for Horvath and he drops to 1bb and lost it in another hand
Level 17: 15000 - 30000 / 30000, avg. 868,000, ent.: 25/217
1:02 Vaji out
Gnatek opens 55k and after allin from Vaji 175k decides to call with A♥4♥. Vaji shows K♣T♦.
Board: A-Q-2-7-3
0:55 Multiway pot
4 players were on the flop 4-5-6 rainbow for 50k. Flop all palyers check. On the turn 5o leads Miliczek 50k that only Katarzyna calls. River 8o Miliczeck continues for 60k but Katarzyna mucks her hand.
Level 16: 10000 - 25000 / 25000, avg. 723,333, ent.: 30/217
0:38 Double seat open
Sirilla jams his last 50k and after reshove from Hrubý (175k) Homa on the BB decides to call with 9♠6♠. Sirilla shows 77, Hrubý QQ. Flop comes 993r turn To and river 6o means fullhouse for Homa and double seat open.
Sirilla: 77
Hrubý: QQ
Homa: 96s
Board: 9-9-3-T-6
0:20 Zakhar eliminates
After 2 limps Zakhar squeeze and Ikri decides to limpshove 20bbs with 88, Zakhar snaps with QQ. Board without 8 eliminates Ikri.
Level 15: 10000 - 20000 / 20000, avg. 620,000, ent.: 35/217
BREAK 15min
23:55 Kapalka out
Kapalka jams 10bb, Meszaros calls and everybody else folds. Kapalka shows K♠9♠ and need to hit his 3 outs against A♥K♥. Flop 3♠8♣9♣ hits Kapalka but turn A♦ and river J♠ is better for Meszaros and he is increasing his stack.
23:45 Majoroš out
He opens UTG 32k, Meszaros and Franko calls and also Farkas Timea joins from BB. Flop 4-5-6 rainbow after check Majoroš cbets 60k, Meszaros and Franco both folds and Timea x/r to 200k. Majoroš jams 360k wich Timea snaps with flopped straight 7♣3♣. Majoroš sadly shows J♠J♣ and after runout 9♠ 5♠ is eliminated.
23:40 Still in game:
Meszaros, Zakhar, Kapalka, Rubi, Panek, Derda
Level 14: 8000 - 16000 / 16000, avg. 516,434, ent.: 42/217
23:30 Banach Gorgosz Katarzyna on the flop
She started hand with limp and after limp by Homa Banas Kamil decides to squeeze to 50k that both limpers call. Flop Q♥3♣4♠ Katarzyna leads 80k and both players quickly folds.
23:10 Franko takes big pot
He opens 36k from early position. Jarosz decides to jam 400k. Action back on Franko who snaps with QQ. Was happy with showdown because Jarosz shows Q♦T♦. Flop comes 5♦4♣3♣. Turn 9♦ brings flushdraw for Jarosz. River J♠ bricks and Franko celebrates and takes a 2x avg pot.
Franko: Q♠Q♥
Jarosz: Q♦T♦
Board: 5♦4♣3♣9♦J♠
Level 13: 6000 - 12000 / 12000, avg. 409,434, ent.: 53/217
22:56 Meszaros to Monster stack
After limp by Dominik Banach he decides to raise 35. Only Banach pays, on the flop A♣J♣3♣ Banach leads for 50k wich Meszaros pays. Turn 6♥ Banach fires 100k and Meszaros decides to push allin eff 400k. Banach calls after while. Bad news because he is drawing dead with 2 pairs A♦6♦. Meszaros hold pocket rockets and now has stack more than 1M in average of 400k.
Banach: A♦6♦
Meszaros: A♠A♥
Board: A♣J♣3♣6♥5♦
22:44 Small pot for Franko
He opens 21k and went HU against Meszarosz on the BB. Flop K♠6♠6♦ Meszaros checkcall 18k. Same action on the turn 3♥ for 25k river 5♠ both player check. Meszaros shows A♠J♥ but that was not enought against Frankos K♣Q♦
Level 12: 5000 - 10000 / 10000, avg. 355,738, ent.: 61/217
22:30 Janusz out
He jams his short with JTo, Horvath calls with AQ. Flop A35r was safe for Horvath, however turn J bring some outs, river 3 wasnt one of them an Janusz is eliminated
Janusz: JT
Horvath: AQ
Board: A-3-5-J-3
1. 4.284€
2. 2.692€
3. 1.984€
4. 1.450€
5. 1.212€
6. 981€
7. 780€
8. 624€
9. 495€
10. - 12. 375€
13. - 15. 290€
16. - 19. 233€
20. - 23. 204€
22:14 KVHU seat open
He jams his 10bb stack from UTG, Rubi calls. In showdown KVHU Holds KQo and Rubi AQo. Board without K means KVHU bust.
Hervath: KQ
Rubi: AQ
Board: T-8-4-3-3
Level 11: 4000 - 8000 / 8000, avg. 267,901, ent.: 81/217
BREAK 30 minutes
For players are also ready tournaments Fifty Grand and Thirty Grand - Mystery Bounty at the end of the month!
21:23 Haľko takes from Čerep
Haľko opens from the button to 16k. Čerep calls from SB and BB also joins the game. Flop K♥J♣5♦ after checks Haľko cbets 25k that only Čerep calls. Turn 9♥ second barell from Haľko 55k that Čerep calls after while. River 7♦ both player checks. Čerep shows KQ but thats not enough because Haľko shows AK.
Haľko: AK
Čerep: KQ
Board: K♥J♣5♦9♥7♦
21:09 Mate Pasztor eliminates
Ended up allin on the flop where Andras Varga jams after his cbet, Pasztor snapcalls with top set and Andras need to hit his draw, turn and river bricks out and Pasztor wins nice pot.
Pasztor: J♥J♦
Andras Varga: 9♣6♣
Board: J♣T♠8♠4♥4♠
Level 10: 3000 - 6000 / 6000, avg. 234,483, ent.: 87/204
20:53 Pot for Bartko
On the turn 2♥3♦4♣7♣ Oleksik bets 30k into 50k pot that Bartko calls. River 3♠ Oleksik bets again 52k, Bartko calls after few seconds. Oleksik shows K♦2♣ but thats not enough against flopped straight in Bartko's hand.
Oleksik: K♦2♣
Bartko: A♠5♠
Board: 2♥3♦4♣7♣3♠
20:43 Mihaľo triples up
Zakhar opens to 10k and Mihaľo jams 83.5k. Bolko rejams 90k and Zakhar calls. Mihaľo shows TT, Bolko QQ, Zakhar AKs. K-T-9-5-6 brings 1 of 2 outs for Mihaľo and he triples, small sidepot belongs to Zakhar with AK.
Mihaľo: TT
Bolko: QQ
Zakhar: AK
Board: K-T-9-5-6
Level 9: 2500 - 5000 / 5000, avg. 202,041, ent.: 98/198
20:30 Rogozinski eliminates
He ended up allin on the flop Q♣9♣3♦ with J♠T♠ against Panek with A♥Q♦. Turn brings J♥ and river J♦ and Rogozinski eliminates Panek.
20:20 Kerpo doubles up
Gruszka opens to 10k, Lucski calls, Kerpo decides to 3bet to 35k that only Gruszka calls. Flop J♣9♥5♥ Gruszka leads allin 78.5k that Kerpo snapcalls with KK. Gruszka shows K♣Q♣. Turn and river bricks out and Kerpo doubles. Gruszka lost his last blind in next hand.
Level 8: 2000 - 4000 / 4000, avg. 170,093, ent.: 107/182
19:47 3-way allin
After raises 3 players ended up preflop allin. Tomasz with QQ, Miliczek with AJo and Gyenes with JTs. Miliczek rivers an A and triples up approx 100k, 40k sidepot belongs to Tomas with QQ.
Tomasz: QQ
Miliczek: AJo
Gyenes: JTs
Board: 3-5-4-7-A
19:35 Big flip
2 players ended up preflop allin for 205.500 where Gorz has JJ against Horvaths AKo. Board holds Jacks and Gorz doubles through Horvath.
Gorz: JJ
Horvath: AK
Board: T-7-4-6-8
Level 7: 1500 - 3000 / 3000, avg. 152,679, ent.: 112/171
19:18 3 outs for Barnutiu
He jams last 10bbs with A3o and gets called by Fron with pocket KK. Flop brings A and after blank turn and river Barnutiu doubles up.
19:14 Eros seat open
After open 5.5k and call Eros jams 70k with AQo. However Kezdody finds AKo and eliminates Eros.
Eros: AQo
Kezdody: AKo
Board: J-T-7-Q-J
19:08 F.Hrubý double up
Hrubý opens on the button 7.5k and Anna 3bets to 30k. Feri move allin for his remaining stack (74k) with AKs, Anna calls with AQo. Boards bring no Q and Hrubý doubles.
Hrubý: AKs
Anna: AQo
Board: 5-8-3-4-9
Level 6: 1000 - 2500 / 2500, avg. 133,898, ent.: 118/158
Break 30 minutes
Great poker action in Banco Casino Kosice continues with tournament Fifty Grand with 50.000€ GTD and buy in 130€. This tournament will take place from 15.03 - 19.03.2023!
18:23 Gulyas double up
He ended up preflop allin for 33k with K♣3♣ aginst Husky with A♦2♦. Flop gives lead to Gulyas and after blank turn and river Gulyas doubles up.
Board: K-2-8-8-5
18:14 Olexak out
After limp Olexak jams his las 6bb, Anna iso to 30k and Varga Andras also joins the game from SB. Flop 9-7-3 Anna cbets 17k, Andras folds. Olexak shows A5o and but Anna holds set of 77.Turn To and river Ko doesnt help Olexak who ends. Anna has 200k stack after the game.
Level 5: 1000 - 2000 / 2000 , avg 122,430 ent.: 107/131
17:50 Okonski vs Polanski
5 players were on the flop 9-8-3 where Okonski bets 3.5k and gets 2 calls. On the turn 2o Okonski continues for 12k and gets click to 25k from Polanski that only Okonski calls. River Q Okonski check and after effektive allin 100k from Polanski decides to fold.
17:40 Classic cooler
3 players was on the flop for 18k. Where after raises ended up allin Pošivák and Kuremszki. Pošivák needs runner runner for the win. Turn brings Pošivák gutshot but river bricks and Kuremszki wins nice pot.
Pošivák: AKo
Kuremszki: QQ
Board: A-Q-4-T-4
Level 4: 800 - 1600 / 1600 , avg 112,150 ent.: 107/120
17:20 Tough spot fo Stupár
On the river was pot approx 20k and Stupár bets 13k and Dzuričko decides to checkshove 48k. Stupár was thinking couple of minutes but decides to fold his hand.
Board: A♥K♣6♣8♠7♥
17:15 Vrábel takes from Urban
Urban starts the game with raise to 5.2k that both blinds calls. Flop A♠6♠6♦ Urban cbets 7.5k that only Vrabel calls. Turn T6 after bet 13k Vrabel shoves 55k and Urban snapfolds.
17:08 Second barrel enough
Mihalo opens in HJ to 2.5k that all 4 players behind calls. T♦2♦8♦ Mihalo cbets for 3.5k that only Derda calls. Turn J♥ Mihalo continues for 8k and Derda folds. Mihalo shows him J♦ and takes the pot.
Level 3: 600 - 1200 / 1200 , avg 105,000 ent.: 100/105
16:50 Pot for Jelinski
Jelinski bets 7k to 15k on the flop 4♠T♦J♥ where only Banas calls. On the turn 9♣ Jelinski bets 10k that was enough to take the pot.
16:35 Ikri vs Megyeri
On the river pot was 25k where Megyeri bets 20k and Ikri decides to checkraise allin. Megyeri takes time a decides to fold his cards.
Board: J♥5♥A♠Q♠T♠
Only PLO variant with blinds 2/5€, 5/5€, 5/10€, 10/10€ and 10/20€!
Bar, food and service will of course be available for players free of charge!
Contact for more information +421 908 188 774
Level 2: 500 - 1000 / 1000 , avg 102,353 ent.: 85/87
16:25 Kerpo out
In 3bet spot 4 players were on the flop K♥Q♠9♥ for 8.5k. Here Nagy decides to lead for 15k that called Kerpo and Janusz. On the turn 6♠ Nagy jams and Kerpo calls. Nagy shows Q♣9♣ and Kerpo A♠K♣ and Kerpo doesnt improve on the river 9♠ and its eliminated.
Kerpo: A♠K♣
Nagy: Q♣9♣
Board: K♥Q♠9♥6♠9♠
16:15 First elimination
All in, call. Varga opens 2.5k and after 3bet from Ciesla, Varga decides to 4bet to 18.5k that Ciesla calls. Flop Q♥T♥6♦ after raises both players ended up allin. Varga shows his favourite J7o and need much help on board against top set. Turn 9♣ bring him some outs, but river 2♦ does not help him and he must use re-entry.
Varga: J7o
Ciesla: QQ
Board: Q-T-6-9-2
16:10 Early registration!
Derda, Kapalka, Meszaros, Zakhar, Harkaly...
16:05 Tournament started!
March edition of KOŠICE WEEKEND started.
Level 1: 500 - 1000 / 1000 , avg 100,000 ent.: 40/40
How to "hit" the Bad Beat Jackpot?
In cashgame, if you lose at least poker of eights into better combination, the jackpot is YOURS!
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Adress: Hlavná 1, Košice
Phone number cash manager: 0918 100 100
Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
Reception: +421 552 850 333

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