Tournament Fifty Grand with 50.000€ GTD recorded 341 entries and champion is Gluszak Piotr Marcin, who took home after deal 8 368€ included 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 20 000 GTD, which starts next week on saturday and also trophy for the winner!
2:01 Runner up - Witkowski Jakub Andrzej - 6 709€
Witkowski completes and Gluzsak by mistake raises to 400k, that Witkowski calls. Flop 6-9-5 after check Witkowski bets 500k and Gluzsak calls. Turn 5 Gluzsak jams, Witkowski calls. Gluzsak holds nuts 7-8 and Witkowski holds two pair 9-6, river 5, means that Witkowski ends and we get know new FIFTY GRAND CHAMPION.
Witkowski: 9-6
Gluzsak: 7-8
Board: 6-9-3-5-5
1:56 Gluzsak with straight
On flop K-T-7 Gluzsak bets 200k, that Witkowski calls, turn Q Gluzsak bets again 350k, Witkowski calls again. River J Gluzsak fires third barrel for 400k, Witkowski snaps and Gluzsak shows 9-4, which is enough and Witkowski folds.
Board: K-T-7-Q-J
Level 28: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 8 525 000, ent.: 2/341
Break 10 minutes
1:25 3. place - Michalka Róbert - 5 282€
He shoves from BT 1,5M and Gluzsak on BB calls with A-6. Michalka holds K-J and needs help. Flop comes A-3-8 and after river Michalka ends on bronze position.
Michalka: K-J
Gluszak: A-6
Board: A-3-8-T-7
1:13 Michalka vs. Gluszak
Michalka opens to 300k and Gluszak 3bets to 800k, Michalka calls. Flop K-3-2 Gluzsak checks, Michalka bets 800k and Gluszak jams, Michalka snapfolds and Gluszak shows aces.
Level 27: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 5 683 333, ent.: 3/341
0:57 Gluszak bluffs
Witkowski raises from SB to 250k and Gluszak defends. Flop A♠ 7♥ 9♥ Witkowski checks and Gluzsak bets 200k, which Witkowski calls. Turn 5♠ bets Gluszak after check 225k and Witkowski calls again. River 2♥ Gluszak bets 1,3M and Witkowski goes in tank. He tanks for 3 minutes and folds. Gluszak shows bluff J♠ T♦.
0:44 Stacks
0:41 ICM Deal
Witkowski - 6 709€
Gluszak - 6 332€
Michalka - 5 282€
Players are fighting for remaining 2 036€.
0:30 4. place - Vladimír Tamaškovič - 3 177€
Witkowski from SB goes all in and Tamaškovič with 18BB calls with 8-8. Witkowski holds A-7 and needs to hit A and that is happening on flop A-3-2. Turn and river without 8 eliminates Tamaškovič.
Tamaškovič: 8-8
Witkowski: A-7
Board: A-3-2-9-7
0:25 Gluszak vs. Tamaškovič
Michalka limps and Tamaškovič also, Gluszak on BB raises to 400k and only Tamaškovič calls. Flop cbets Gluszak 400k and Tamaškovič calls, turn 2 is checked by both players and on river A Tamaškovič bets 300k and Gluszak raises to 800k, Tamaškovič thinks for a while and folds.
Level 26: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 4 262 500, ent.: 4/341
0:04 Michalka doubles
He shoves from BT 16BB and Witkowski calls from SB with A-K and Michalka needs to hit his three outs with A-T and that is happening on flop 3♠ T♠ J♥, turn 6♥ Witkowski needs to hit king, queen or flush to win and that is not happening on river 5♣ and Michalka doubles.
Witkowski: A♥ K♥
Michalka: A♣ T♣
Board: 3♠ T♠ J♥ 6♥ 5♣
23:49 5. place - Matúš Gabzdil - 2 455€
Gluszak opens and Meety defends BB. Flop T-8-A Gluszak cbets to 225k and gets checkraise from Meety to 675k and snapjams, Meety calls with two pair T-8, but unfortunately for him river is A and he is eliminated.
Meety: T-8
Gluszak: A-6
Board: A-T-8-3-A
23:35 Safe play
Games ends mostly preflop or on flop and we are waiting for bigger games.
Level 25: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 3 410 000, ent.: 5/341
Break 15 minutes
23:06 Tamaškovič enlarges his stack even more
After Gluszak's limp Meety from SB raises to 175k and Tamaškovič 3bets to 525k, Gluszak goes in tank and after minute folds, Meety snapfolds right behind him. In next game Meety minraises and Tamaškovič from BT and Michalka from BB wanted to go on flop, which is 8-5-2. Michalka with Meety check and Tamaškovič bet 200k and takes another pot.
22:58 Meety vs. Michalka
Meety minraises, Michalka defends. Flop T-T-2 is checked by both, turn Q Meety bets 175k, which is called by Michalka and on river 2 Meety bets 525k and Michalka mucks.
Level 24: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 3 410 000, ent.: 5/341
22:41 Double seat open by Tamaškovič
7. place - Zakhar Peter - 1 550€
6. place - Kotlyk Volodimir - 1 905€
Action was taken on flop Q♥ 7♥ 2♠, where Zakhar bets 150k, Tamaškovič 3bets to 500k and action comes on Kotlyk, who jams 1 780 000, after while Zakhar jams and Tamaškovič after some time calls as well. Kotlyk holds Q♣ K♦, Zakhar holds top pair too with Q♦ J♦ and Tamaškovič holds T♥ 8♥. Tamaškovič completes his flush on turn 5♥ and makes doubles seat open.
Tamaškovič: T♥ 8♥
Kotlyk: Q♣ K♦
Zakhar: Q♦ J♦
Board: Q♥ 7♥ 2♠ 5♥ K♠
22:37 8. place - Bodnar Gabor - 1 222€
Kotlyk opens and Bodnar shoves right behind him with A-K, Kotlyk calls with T-T, board did not bring any help for Bodnar and he ended up on 8th place.
Kotlyk: T-T
Bodnar: A-K
Board: 2-4-8-Q-J
22:29 Meety wins
Michalka minraises and Meety with Zakhar from blinds wanted to see the flop, which is 2♠ 6♥ A♥, where Michalka continues for 150k and Meety calls, Zakhar folds. Turn K♥ is checked by both and on river 8♣ Meety bets 150k, which convinced Michalka to muck his hand.
22:21 9. place - Litwa Tomasz Piotr - 935€
In next hand he goes all in with 4-4 and Meety calls with K-T. Flip managed better Meety and eliminates Litwa out of tournament.
Litwa: 4-4
Meety: K-T
Board: 3-K-2-2-8
22:16 Litwa falls on last 3BB
After Litwa's limp Zakhar shoves 400k and Litwa takes some time. After 3/4 minute he calls A-7 of spades, but Zakhar holds Q-Q, so Litwa needs to hit his three outs, flop 6-7-8 gives him more outs, but on turn J and river T he falls on last 3BB.
Litwa: A-7
Zakhar: Q-Q
Board: 6-7-8-J-T
21:50 10. place - Orosz Laszlo Viktor - 700€
Orosz shoves 350k from SB and Gluszak on BB finds queens, which is good against A-3. Flop comes queen and after turn Orosz is drawing dead and we go on final table.
Orosz: A-3
Gluszak: Q-Q
Board: 3-K-Q-7-7
21:46 Bodnar doubles again
Meety minraises and Bodnar shoves 480k, which Meety calls, Bodnar holds A-K against A-T. Board without T doubles his stack.
Bodnar: A-K
Meety: A-T
Board: 3-2-7-6-7
Level 23: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg.1 705 000, ent.: 10/341
21:35 Kotlyk vs. Tamaškovič vol.2
This time opens Tamaškovič to 100k and Kotlyk defends. Flop 4-5-6 cbets Tamaškovič 125k, which is called by Kotlyk, turn 3 Tamaškovič continues for 150k and Kotlyk calls. River J is checked by both players, Kotlyk shows K-4, which is not enough against A-6 under Tamaškovič's hand.
Tamaškovič: A-6
Kotlyk: K-4
Board: 5-4-6-3-J
21:25 Kotlyk takes from Tamaškovič
Kotlyk opens and Tamaškovič defends BB, flop 8♥ 7♥ 7♣ Kotlyk cbets 75k, Tamaškovič calls, turn 6♦ is checked by both players and on river A♣, Kotlyk bets 150k Tamaškovič snaps, Kotlyk shows A-Q, which is enough to take the pot.
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20:58 Bodnar doubles two times in a row
Kotlyk goes allin from SB and Bodnar with his last 3BB on big blind calls with 7-3. Kotlyk holds 6-3. Board K-K-K-2-8, means that Bodnar has 7 high and doubles. In next game he shoves from BT and Tamaškovič calls with 6-6. Bodnar holds K-J and flip managed better Bodnar and doubles again.
Bodnar: 7-3
Kotlyk: 6-3
Board: K-K-K-2-8
Bodnar: K-J
Tamaškovič: 6-6
Board: K-9-2-Q-A
Level 22: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1 705 000, ent.: 10/341
Break 15 minutes
20:43 11. place - Urban Miroslav - 700€
He openshoves his last 95k with Q-9 and gets called by Gluszak, who holds A-J. After turn he is drawing dead and ends.
Urban: Q-9
Gluszak: A-J
Board: 2-5-A-8-4
20:39 12. place - Vlček Adam - 544€
He jams his short from BT with A-7 and gets called by Tamaškovič from SB with A-7. Vlček hits 7 on 7-Q-6, but Tamaškovič hits Q as well. After river his journey ends today.
Vlček: A-7
Tamaškovič: A-Q
Board: 7-Q-6-8-4
20:33 13. - Osada Dominik Krystian - 544€
Michalka opens and Kotlyk 3bets to 225k, Osada behind him goes all in and Michalka too. Kotlyk folds, Osada shows A-K and Michalka holds rockets. Flop 8-5-K gives Osada hope, but turn and river are without king and he ends today.
Michalka: A-A
Osada: A-K
20:26 3-way all in
Kotlyk opens to 60k and Bodnar on BT calls, Vlček on SB jams 805k and Tamaškovič on BB jams as well for 490k. Kotlyk folds and Bodnar thinks for while and call as well. Vlček holds T-T, Tamaškovič Q-Q and Bodnar 9-9. Queens holds till river so Tamaškovič triples up and Vlček takes above 600k side pot.
Tamaškovič: Q-Q
Vlček: T-T
Bodnar: 9-9
Board: 6-7-6-K-2
20:09 Zakhar's triple barrel
Zakhar opens to 80k and Witkowski defends from BB, flop 9♦ Q♦ 9♠ Zakhar cbets to 75k, which Witkowski calls, turn 6♦ bets Zakhar to 145k and Witkowski calls again. River 8♣ Zakhar goes all in 455k, that convinced Witkowski to fold.
Level 21: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1 311 538, ent.: 13/341
19:52 14. place - Barnutiu Erno - 544€
Witkowski opens 50K and Barnutiu jams 250K, that Witkowski calls. Barnutiu holds A-6 and needs to hit against 8-8, that is not happening and he ends on 14th place.
Barnutiu: A-6
Witkowski: 8-8
Board: 6-9-K-9-4
19:46 15. place - Koscelnik Miroslav - 465€
On flop 7-8-9 Koscelnik jams 5-5 and Kotlyk calls with T-T, after blank runout he ends on 15th. place.
Koscelnik: 5-5
Kotlyk: T-T
Board: 7-8-9-2-A
19:31 16. place - Kratochvil Karel - 465€
Meety raises from SB to 80k and Kratochvil on BB defends. Flop Q♦ 6♥ J♦ cbets Meety 60k and Kratochvil calls. Turn 7♠ Meety continues for 200K and Kratochvil jams 500K, Meety calls with two pair J-6 and Kraotchvil needs to hit his flushdraw with K-3 of diamonds, that is not happening on river 9♠.
Kratochvil: K♦ 3♦
Meety: J♣ 6♦
Board: Q♦ 6♥ J♦ 7♠ 9♠
Level 20: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 1 065 625, ent.: 16/341
19:16 17. place - Berenyi Mihaly - 465€
Berenyi opens to 50K and Meety from blind calls. Flop 9-2-3 Berenyi jams 200k and Meety calls with J-9, after river he ends on 17th place.
Berenyi: Q-J
Meety: J-9
Board: 9-2-3-7-4
19:08 18. place - Bural Rastislav - 465€
Orosz shoves from SB and Bural sends his last chips in play. Orosz holds J-T and Bural needs help with 6-4. He flopped gut shot on A-2-3, but turn J and river 9 did not bring help for him and he ends today.
Bural: 6-4
Orosz: J-T
Board: A-2-3-J-9
19:04 19. place - Nikeiev Andrii - 406€
Kratochvil opens top 40K and Hustler shoves 110K and holds K-Q against 8-8 on Kratochvil's hand. Flip managed better Kratochvil and takes Hustler's stack.
Hustler: K-Q
Kratochvil: 8-8
Board: 4-6-J-3-5
18:45 20. place - Teodor Popovič - 406€
Action was taken on turn on 6-5-8-6 board, where Gluszak bets 55K and Popovič raises to 125K. Gluszak jams and Popovič goes in tank, and asks his opponent, what he has. After some time he calls and Gluszak has nuts from flop 9-7 against Popovič's 7-6, who needs the board paired, but that is not happening and he ends.
Gluszak: 9-7
Popovič: 7-6
Board: 6-5-8-6-K
18:38 21. place - Miroslav Varga - 406€
Varga was in autoallin on BB, Barnutiu limps from BT and Zahkar completes from SB, flop K-3-2 bets Barnutiu 55K, Zakhar folds and Varga holds A-6 against Barnutiu's K-9. Board without ace ends his journey today.
Varga: A-6
Barnutiu: K-9
Board: K-3-2-Q-8
Level 19: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 811 905, ent.: 21/341
Break 30 minutes
18:14 Big game before break
Varga opens to 35K and Kotlyk 3bets to 105k, which Barnutiu on SB calls. Varga decided to 4bet to 405K, which Kotlyk calls. Flop K-J-5 Varga cbets to 250K, Kotlyk calls. Turn 7 Varga jams 890K and Kotlyk after half minute calls with A-K, which is good against A-Q. After river 2 Kotlyk takes almost entire Varga's stack, who has got last 5K behind.
Varga: A-Q
Kotlyk: A-K
Board: K-J-5-7-2
17:58 22. place - Bacso Ján - 406€
On J-T-3 were in all in Bacso with Koscelnik. Bacso holds K-J, but Koscelnik has got A-A. Runout is Q and 8, which did not help Bacso and he ends on 22nd place.
Bacso: K-J
Koscelnik: A-A
Board: J-T-3-Q-8
17:53 5bet shove on turn
Barnutiu raises from SB and Zakhar defends BB. Flop Q-5-7 Barnutiu continues and Zakhar calls. Turn 7 Barnutiu checks and Zakhar fires 65K, which Barnutiu 3bets to 170K, after while, Zakhar 4bets to 420K Barnutiu tanks and 5bet jams, Zakhar calls with A-Q, but Barnutiu holds K-7 and after river he doubles his stack.
Zakhar: A-Q
Barnutiu: K-7
Board: Q-5-7-7-3
17:41 23. place - Hervat Zoltan - 355€
After he lost some games Hervat shoves with K-Q and Gluszak calls with pocket nines, board holds pair and Hervat ends on 23th place.
Hervat: Q-K
Gluszak: 9-9
Board: 7-T-7-2-5
17:37 24. place - Rožok Rastislav - 355€
Rožok goes allin with his short with A-6 and Michalka calls with K-9 of hearts, flop T-9-J bring hit for Michalka and Rožok needs help. After blank runout he ends.
Rožok: A-6
Michalka: K-9
Board: T-9-J-J-2
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 775 000, ent.: 22/341
17:24 25. place - Jarosz Mateusz Augustyn - 355€
Jarosz goes all in with Q-8 on 9-T-9 flop and Urban calls with J-T, turn 8 and river K, means he ends in this tournament.
Jarosz: Q-8
Urban: J-T
Board: 9-T-9-8-K
17:22 26. place - Richard Balco - 355€
Husky shoves with T-9 and Zakhar calls with A-T, board T-J-2 brings no help for Husky and after river Zakhar takes his whole stack.
Husky: T-9
Zakhar: A-T
Board: T-J-2-3-7
17:17 27. place - Vaji Tamas Robert - 315€
Vaji goes all in with A-9 and Kotlyk calls with Q-J, Kotlyk hits J on turn, but Vaji has nuts flush draw on turn, which he did not complete on river and ends today.
Vaji: A-9
Kotlyk: Q-J
Board: 4-9-K-J-4
17:11 28. place - Král Maroš - 315€
After he lost T-T to Kratochvil's A-K, he shoves his short and Meety calls with 9-8 of clubs, Meety hits 8 on flop and after blank turn and river Majlo ends today.
Majlo: K-Q
Meety: 9-8
Board: 8-6-3-2-4
17:05 Popovič doubles
Popovič shoves from SB for 180K with A-4 and Osada on BB calls with K-T. Board holds better combination and Popovič doubles.
Popovič: A-4
Osada: K-T
Board: 7-6-Q-5-A
16:59 Squeeze from Meety
Kratochvil opens to 28k and Berenyi with Tamaškovič were interested to see the flop, but their plans were destroyed by Meety, who squeezes to 155k, everyone folds and Meety takes nice pot.
16:52 29. place - Balogh Raul Alexandru - 315€
Balogh openshoves 200K with A-J and Osada with K-K calls. Board did not bring any from his outs and ends today.
Balogh: A-J
Osada: K-K
Board: Q-9-7-5-8
16:45 30. place - Jozef Olejník - 315€
Zakhar opens, Varga 3bets to 75k and Olejník 4bet jams. Zakhar after while calls, Varga folds. Olejník holds A-K, but unfortunately for him Zakhar holds rockets.
Olejník: A-K
Zakhar: A-A
Board: 5-9-8-J-Q
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 587 931, ent.: 29/341
16:40 31. place - Svitanko Andrey - 280€
Bacso opens and Svitanko jams with A-6, Bacso calls Q-Q and eliminates Svitanko after board without ace.
Svitanko: A-6
Bacso: Q-Q
Board: T-8-9-8-3
16:33 32. place - Krett Ján - 280€
He goes all in with his short with 9-6 of diamonds and Osada calls with K-J, after board without help for Krett his journey today ends.
Krett: 9-6
Osada: K-J
Board: 4-3-4-J-7
16:21 33. place - Vladimír Minarík - 280€
Meety opens from UTG and Minarík defends BB, Meety cbets flop Q-9-A, which Minarík calls. Turn 4 Meety continues and Minarík calls. River 7 Meety bets for the third time and Minarík calls with A-J, which is not enough against Meety's two pair Q-9 and is eliminated from final day.
Minarík: A-J
Meety: Q-9
Board: Q-9-A-4-7
16:11 34. place - Matúš Čerep - 280€
In preflop all in ended up Čerep with Orosz, where Čerep holds better hand A-K against Orosz's A-Q, unfortunately for Čerep, flop comes Q and turn and river without K, means that he is eliminated.
Čerep: A-K
Orosz: A-Q
Board: Q-9-T-6-7
16:06 35. place - Peter Anna - 280€
On flop K-J-6 Anna with Urban put their chips behind the line, Urban holds K-K and Anna holds J-J, after turn Q and river 2, Anna is first eliminated player.
Anna: J-J
Urban: K-K
Board: K-J-6-Q-2
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 487 143, ent.: 35/341
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