Flight 1A of tournament Legenda Poker Tour PKO 30.000€ GTD recorded 47 entries and 5 players advanced to the Final Day. Huge chipleader from this flight is Hudáček Pavol with stack of 1,287,000.
Another flight 1B is ready for you today at 18:00 and also All in or Nothing - Knockout tournament with 20€+5€ buyin!
Hudáček - 285€
Bodnar - 255€
Lacina - 135€
Mihalo - 110€
Molnar - 75€
2:40 Bubble boy - Glonczi Rodrigo
Hudáček raises to 20k and Glonczi jams 253k that Hudáček called with sixes. Glonczi shows AJo and after board Q-3-2-8-K Flight 1A ends.
2:27 Bubble time
Hudáček raises to 20k and Ivančová from bb moves all in 120k that Hudáček called with J♣ 9♣. Ivančová holds A3o but after flop Q♣ 7♣ 5♣ ends in the tournament.
2:22 Glonczi triples up
Action was made on the river Q♣ 8♥ 2♦ 9♥ 6♦ where pot was just 40k. Ivančová bets 20k and after call by Hudáček, Glonczi jams 98k that called both opponents. Hudáček shows 6♣ 2♣, Ivančová Q♠ 9♠ but Glonczi holds T7o and triples up.
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 335,714, ent.: 7/47
2:13 Hudáček on big chiplead
Hudáček raises from sb to 13k and Filak on bb 3bets to 31k that Hudáček called. Flop 9♣ 8♠ 5♥ Hudáček check calls 18k and on the turn 3♥ decides to lead 25k. Filak moves all in 250k that Hudáček snaps with 76o. Filak shows aces and after 9♠ on the river ends. Hudáček has over 700k stack now.
Hudáček: 76o
Filak: AA
Board: 9-8-5-3-9
2:00 River eliminates Meety
Meety gets his 71k behind the line with Q♦ Q♥ and Glonczi on blind called with K♥ T♠. Four ♠ on the board completes flush for Glonczi, who eliminates Meety from flight 1A.
Meety: Q♦ Q♥
Glonczi: K♥ T♠
Board: 8♠ 7♠ 4♠ 7♥ 9♠
1:55 Time for Wasťo
Wasťo starts the game with minraise and whole table was in the game. Flop A♦ 8♦ 6♥ cbets Wasťo 16k that called Ivančová and Hudáček. Turn 5♥ continues for 45k and Hudáček was the only one who called. River Q♦ Hudáček decides to jam 106k effective and Wasťo gets into long time. After couple of minutes Wasťo called with AQo but Hudáček shows 7♣ 4♠ and eliminates Wasťo, who ends in 10th place.
Wasťo: AQo
Hudáček: 74o
Board: A-8-6-5-Q
1:49 Mihalo doubles up
In bvb confrontation Lacina completes and Mihalo jams 128k from bb with pocket fives. Lacina called with lower pair fours and after board Q-Q-T-7-6 Mihalo doubles up.
1:45 Too many
After 15k open by Hudáček and call Čerep 3bet jams 71k and Ivančová from blind rejams approx 170k. After folds Čerep shows A♠ T♠ and needs to hit board against 44. On the turn had Čerep many outs, river completes him flush, but Ivančová hits full house and eliminates him.
Čerep: A♠ T♠
Ivančová: 44
Board: K♦ 9♣ 7♠ 9♠ 4♠
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 213,636, ent.: 11/47
Break 10 minutes
1:30 Komora seat open
Komora gets his last 3 blinds into game with J9o but didn´t find help through board Q-Q-J-5-2 against Bodnar´s Q4o.
1:21 Baloghová won´t advance
Baloghová jams her 38k short into Molnar´s open with A8o. Molnar called with pocket nines and after board without ace Baloghová ends.
Baloghová: A8o
Molnar: 99
Board: Q-J-6-6-8
1:11 Bodnar takes from Hudáček
Hudáček raises to 12k and after call, Bodnar 3bets to 40k that only Hudáček called. Flop A♠ 8♥ 6♥ was checked, turn A♣ after check Bodnar bets 40k that Hudáček pays. River 4♠ bets Bodnar again 57k but this time Hudáček snap folds his cards.
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 180,769, ent.: 13/47
0:48 Sciranka ends on the river
He jams his 36k witih A♦ T♠ and gets called by Bodnár with J♠ T♥. Flop K♠ Q♠ 3♠ brings many outs for Bodnar, turn 8♥ changes nothing but river 5♠ eliminates Sciranka.
Sciranka: A♦ T♠
Bodnar: J♠ T♥
Board: K♠ Q♠ 3♠ 8♥ 5♠
Another great poker action in Banco Casino Košice. Tournament Fifty Grand with 50.000€ GTD will take place on 13.07. - 16.07.2023!
0:40 Rather check
Bodnar starts the game with minraise that joined another three players. Flop 6♥ 4♥ 3♣ cbets Bodnar 16k that called Ivančová and Hudáček. Turn 3♥ same action for 21k and river Q♦ was checked, where Ivančová insta shows 9♥ 5♥, what was winning combination.
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 167,875, ent.: 14/47
0:20 Slow play
Mihalo minraises from utg and Meety joins from button with Lacina from bb. Flop J♥ J♠ 3♥ cbets Mihalo 8k and only Meety called, turn K♣ same action for 18k and on the river T♠ action was checked. In showdown Mihalo shows pocket fives, but Meety takes pot with pocket queens.
0:15 River killer
Kiss gets his stack after reentry into game with pocket fours and Bodnar called with AJo. Flop 4-3-2 brings set for Kiss, turn Q changes nothing but 5 on the river eliminates him.
Kiss: 44
Bodnar: AJ
Board: 4-3-2-Q-5
0:10 Emodi ends
He raises from utg to 7,5k and gets called by Bodnar and Ivančová. On the flop T♥ 9♦ 3♥ Emodi jams remaining 11,5k and after call by Bodnar, Ivančová rejams over 100k that convinced Bodnar to fold. Emodi shows JT but Ivančová T3s and after turn 3 and river Q eliminates Emodi.
Ivančová: T3s
Emodi: JT
Board: T-9-3-3-Q
0:05 5 players advance to final day!
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 130,556, ent.: 18/47
Break 30 minutes
WHITE PARTY is set and ready on 21.07.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
23:23 Triple up for Molnar, Majlo seat open
Majlo starts the game with 5,5k raise, Molnar jams 32k and after call by Komora, Majlo rejams 115k that Komora also called with AQo. Molnar shows A♥ 7♥ and Majlo pair of nines. On the turn Komora completes nuts, but river brings flush for Molnar, who triples up and Komora takes bigger side pot.
Komora: AQo
Majlo: 99
Molnar: A♥ 7♥
Board: J♥ T♠ 3♣ K♥ 8♥
23:15 Meety doubles up
Meety 3bet jams his 75k stack into Lendvai´s open, who called with AJo. Meety shows AQs and after board without J doubles up.
Meety: AQs
Lendvai: AJo
Board: T-8-2-5-5
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 118,421, ent.: 19/45
22:50 Nice flop
Mihalo starts the game with raise from utg that joined four players. Flop A♦ K♣ 8♠ was checked to Andrejco who bets 4k, Wasťo on button called and Meety from sb check raises to 17K. Action on Mihalo who called and after fold, Wasťo after tank also decides to fold. Turn 2♦ bets Meety 11k that Mihalo also called and on the river Q♥ after check, Mihalo moves all in approx 70k and Meety snap folds K♦ 8♦. Mihalo shows A♠ K♠ and Wasťo folded set of 88 on the flop.
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22:33 One outer on the river
In preflop all in ended up three players. Hrubý with AK, Lacina with pocket queens and Andrejco finds aces. Queen on the river for Lacina means that he takes over 150k pot and boutny from Hrubý, after game Wasťo told that he folds queen so Lacina had just 1 out.
Lacina: QQ
Hrubý: AK
Andrejco: AA
Board: 8-8-6-2-Q
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 22/44
22:25 Two outs for Meety
Meety 3bet jams 45k effective to Molnar´s open, who snaps with kings. Meety shows smaller pair of nines and needs to hit his two outs, what he does on the turn and eliminates Molnar from tournament.
Meety: 99
Molnar: KK
Board: T-5-4-9-J
22:22 Two bounties for Čerep
Čerep was in game against Ivančová and Pošivák on the flop 9♠ 5♠ 5♣, where Ivančová gets her 50k stack behind the line with J5, Pošivák called with sixes and also Čerep with nines under his hand. After blank runout Čerep takes nice pot and 2 bounties.
Čerep: 99
Ivančová: J5
Pošivák: 66
Board: 9-5-5-T-8
22:18 Lucky runout for Lendvai
After his limp Hrubý raises to 4k and Meety jams his 12k stack. Action back on Lendvai, who rejams 50k effective and Hrubý folds his cards. In showdown Lendvai holds A♣ 8♣, Meety A♦ 4♦ who completes flush on the flop 9♦ 8♦ 6♦, but turn 8♠ and river 9♥ completes full house for Lendvai, who takes Meety´s bounty.
Meety: A♦ 4♦
Lendvai: A♣ 8♣
Board: 9♦ 8♦ 6♦ 8♠ 9♥
22:10 Huge flip
Hudáček starts the game with 4k raise, Hustler 3bets to 16k and Bodnar after while moves all in 100k that Hustler snaps with queens. Bodnar shows A♣ K♣ and after A on the turn doubles over avg stack.
Bodnar: A♣ K♣
Hustler: Q♦ Q♥
Board: T-7-5-A-4
22:05 Second bet convinced
Three players were on the flop A♦ 7♦ 4♥, where Kiss cbets 4k and after call by Hudáček, Hustler from sb raises to 20k that Hudáček called. Turn 6♣ Hustler fires 55k and Hudáček this time folds his cards after while.
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 80,000, ent.: 25/40
21:55 Another 3-way
This time Hrubý raises to 3k and after call by Lendvai, Molnar moves all in 31k from button. Hrubý rejams 48,2k that Lendvai after while called. In showdown Lendvai holds K♣ Q♣, Hrubý pocket tens and Molnar AQo, who triples up after A-A-5 on the flop and Hrubý takes side pot.
Hrubý: TT
Molnar: AQo
Lendvai: KQs
Board: A-A-5-9-6
21:44 3-way all in
After Bodnar´s limp, Sciranka jams his 12,5k short. Action on Kiss, who rejams from button 35,4k that Bodnar decides to call with Q♥ 7♥. Sciranka shows TT, Kiss AJs, who hits J on the flop and survived till river.
Sciranka: TT
Bodnar: Q♥ 7♥
Kiss: A♠ J♠
Board: J♥ 8♣ 6♥ 8♦ 3♦
21:35 Bounty for Majlo
Ivančová gets her 3,9k short blindly into game and gets called by 5 players. They checked through board Q-9-5-9-7, where Majlo hits 7 on the river with 74o and takes his first bounty.
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 75,000, ent.: 24/36
POOL PARTY is set and ready on 07.07.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
21:14 Ivančová doubles up
Komora minraises from CO and Ivančová joins from button with Varga from bb. Flop 5-4-4 cbets Komora 4k that only Ivančová called, turn T after 5k bet Ivančová jams 17,3k that Komora called with A5o. Ivančová shows 43o and doubles up after 2 on the river.
Ivančová: 43o
Komora: A5o
Board: 5-4-4-T-2
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 72,917, ent.: 24/35
Break 30 minutes
20:20 Nuts for Ivančová
Filak raises to 3,5k from utg and after call by Ivančová was Varga also interested and these three players were in the game. Flop K♣ T♠ 7♠ action on Varga, who bets 5,2k that both opponents called. Turn 6♦ was checked and on the river 4♠ leads Ivančová 10k. After fold by both opponents Ivančová shows nuts A♠ 6♠ and takes nice pot.
20:10 Komora triples his short
For 1,6k were seven players interested to see the flop 9♠ 8♦ 7♥, where Komora gets his last 7,5k behind the line and gets called by Ivančová and also Petrič. These two checked turn T♠ and river 5♠, where Komora takes pot with pocket jacks.
Komora: JJ
Ivančová: 86s
Petrič: Q9s
Board: 9-8-7-T-5
20:05 Baloghová improves her combination
She minraises from button and Hudáček with Hustler on blinds called. Flop A♥ 4♠ 3♥ cbets Baloghová 2,5k that only Hustler called. Turn 4♣ after same bet Hustler check raises to 10k that gets called. River T♥ Hustler check calls 2,5k and Baloghová shows 5♥ 2♥, what was enough to win this pot.
For more information follow Banco Casino Košice Web or CLICK HERE!
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 62,000, ent.: 25/31
19:50 Great spot for Meety
Meety raises from ep and Husky gets his starting stack behind the line from sb, because of Andrejco, who called with his short on bb. Meety also called and shows AKo. Husky holds AQo, Andrejco AJo and after K high board Meety eliminates 2 players.
Meety: AKo
Husky: AQo
Andrejco: AJo
Board: K-9-2-T-4
19:48 Double up for Wasťo
Wasťo ended up in preflop all in after raises with pocket kings against Andrejco with AKo. Blank board holds Wasťo´s pair, who doubles 44k stack and Andrejco has las few blinds behind.
Andrejco: AKo
Wasťo: KK
Board: 8-6-4-3-9
19:40 Čerep eliminates Varga
After limp Varga raises to 1,7k from CO and four players were in the game. Flop 9♥ 4♥ 2♠ cbets Varga 4k that called Čerep from blind and also Ivančová. Turn 5♥ Varga continues for 12,5k and Čerep jams 45k effective that Varga called with 7♥ 3♥, However Čerep shows nuts A♥ J♥ and after 7♣ on the river takes his first bounty.
Čerep: A♥ J♥
Varga: 7♥ 3♥
Board: 9♥ 4♥ 2♠ 5♥ 7♣
19:38 Nuts...
After limp Hustler raises to 2,5k that called Glonczi and Baloghová. Flop K♠ Q♦ J♦ cbets Hustler 3k that only Glonczi called, turn 5♥ was checked and on the river A♦ leads Glonczi 4,2k. Hustler takes some time and raises to 25k but Glonczi folds his cards. Hustler shows royal flush K♦ T♦ and takes this pot.
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 56,000, ent.: 25/28
19:15 Pot for Mihalo
Mihalo starts the game with 1,5k raise from utg that joined four players. Flop Q♥ 7♦ 4♠ cbets Mihalo 3k that called Wasťo in position and Hrubý on bb. Turn T♥ slows the action and on the river 8♦ bets Mihalo 5k, what was enough to take this pot.
19:10 Bodnar sets a trap
After 4 limps Bodnar raises from bb to 2,5k and four players were in the game. Flop A♦ A♠ 5♣ was checked, turn K♥ after checks Plavec bets 3k that called Hudáček and also Bodnar. River 5♦ after Bodnar´s check, Plavec continues for 5k and after call Bodnar jams 40k effective. Plavec takes some time and as the only one called with A♣ 8♣, however Bodnar shows AKo and takes another bounty.
Plavec: A8
Bodnar: AK
Board: A-A-5-K-5
Schedule Legenda Poker Tour and trophies for winners!
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 52,381, ent.: 21/22
18:45 Meety takes from Hrubý
Meety starts the game with 1k raise from utg and Hrubý 3bets to 4,5k that Meety called. Flop K♦ 6♥ 4♠ after cbet Meety decides to check raise to 8k that Hrubý called. Turn J♥ Meety slows down and Hrubý bets 10k that Meety just called, but after K♥ on the river he decides to jam 27,5k what convinced Hrubý to fold his cards.
18:38 First seat open
Varga jams his 15k into game and gets called by Bodnar and also Glonczi. These two checked through board Q-4-3-T-A, where Varga shows AJo, Glonczi same combination, but Bodnar holds set of fours and eliminates Varga.
Varga: AJo
Glonczi: AJo
Bodnar: 44
Board: Q-4-3-T-A
The "Wheel of fortune" promotion starts from 01.06.2023 (Sunday - Thursday) and is valid for a minimum of four players and only for NO LIMIT HOLDEM games and is limited in time.
The promotion is only valid for No Limit Texas Hold'em cash game tables. The promotion does not apply to Pot Limit Omaha cash game tables
It takes place on the Cash Game tables of Banco Casino
For every 60 minutes played after the start of the Cash Game, the highest combination achieved within that hour on the cash game tables gets the opportunity to spin the wheel of fortune. Only the highest combination achieved under the conditions always spins the wheel:
The player must use both cards from his hand
A winning combination can be achieved on any street (it does not have to be on the river)
In order to achieve a unique winner, the entire winning hand is evaluated - that is, all 5 cards
The player has the opportunity to dial one of the bonuses:
1x300€, 2x200€, 3x100€, 4x75€, 10x50€, 10x25€, 4x40€ or spin one more time, 1x bottle of sparkling wine, 1x 0€
18:33 New players
Mihalo Juraj, Hudáček, Pošivák, Bodnár or Glonczi are also in the tournament.
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 15/15
18:18 First bigger pot for Wasťo
Varga raises to 800 and Wasťo defends bb. Flop Q♦ 5♦ 3♥ Wasťo check calls cbet 600, turn 9♦ after second barrel 2k Wasťo decides for check-raise to 6,2k that Varga called. River K♣ Wasťo bets 7,6k that Varga also snaps with K♠ Q♠, but Wasťo holds second nuts K♦ 2♦ and takes this pot.
18:05 Careful start
Just 4 players started flight 1A! Varga, Wasťo, Sciranka and Petrič.
18:01Tournament started!
Another great poker action in Banco Casino Košice. Today start´s first flight 1A of tournament Legenda Poker Tour 30.000€ GTD. Watch the live report, who´s gonna advance to Final Day.
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 4/4
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Adress: Hlavná 1, Košice
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