Flight 1B of tournament Thirty Grand recorded 31 entries and 3 players advanced to the Final Day. Chipleader from this flight is Stanislav "Slávik" Agusevich with stack of 773,000.
Another flight 1C and turbo flight 1D is ready for you today at 16:00 and 22:00!
After 2 flights there is a huge overlay of 24.000€, what is the best invitation for today´s flights!!
5:04 Bubble boy - Prabucki
Last 1bb invested with J6o and didn´t find help on the board against K6o and flight 1B ends.
4:58 Brave call
Slávik moves all in almost every hand, Prabucki with last 3bb on big blind and Slávik moves all in from button. Bragiel decided to call from sb 267k with A♥ 8♥ and Slávik needs to hit with T♦ 2♦, however board without help doubles Bragiel´s stack.
Board: 8-7-6-6-8
Level 20: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 387,500, ent.: 4/31
4:40 Flight continues
Slávik raises to 50k and called Sartet´s 142k all in with A6o. Sartet holds pocket 88 and after board without ace Sartet doubles.
Sartet: 88
Slávik: A6o
Board: J-5-2-6-5
4:34 Bubble time
Magda minraises and Slávik defends bb. Flop 9-7-7 cbets Magda 50k that Slávik called and on the turn 6 Magda moves all in 150k that Slávik snaps with T8o. Magda holds aces and after blank river ends.
Magda: AA
Slávik: T8o
Board: 9-7-7-6-8
4:30 Pots for Slávik
Slávik raises 50k from button and Magda defends. Flop 9-9-4 cbets 25k that gets called, turn 6 was checked and on the river A Magda bets 35k that Slávik snaps with ATo. Magda shows KTo and Slávik takes pot.
In another hand Slávik opens to 45k and Sartet defends bb. Flop Q♣ 9♠ 4♠ cbets 35k, Sartet raises to 70k and Slávik moves all in but Sartet folds cards.
Level 19: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 310,000, ent.: 5/31
Break 10 minutes
4:17 Folds, folds, and folds
Every hand ends preflop and we are waiting for bigger action, stacks are pretty equal.
4:07 Smaller one for Magda
She limps, Slávik completes sb and Filak checks. Flop 9-4-4 was checked, turn T Slávik check calls bet 34k and also 40K on the river 2♦, but Magda holds A4s and takes pot.
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 310,000, ent.: 5/31
3:47 Still without change..
GPC vol.2 comming soon!!!
3:30 Without action..
Every hand ends preflop, after someone raises.
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 310,000, ent.: 5/31
3:11 Magda eliminates
Filak gets his last 45k into game from bb with 76o and Magda called with A5o. Ace high board eliminates Filak.
Filak: 76o
Magda: A5o
Board: A-Q-3-J-2
3:08 Filak on short
Prabucki opens from ep and Filak next to him joined the game. Flop 9-7-6 bets Prabucki 55k, Filak moves all in 114k effective that Prabucki called with AA. Filak holds K8s, but turn A and river 6 holds Prabucki, who doubles.
Prabucki: AA
Filak: K8s
Board: 9-7-6-A-6
2:59 Double for Sartet
last 10bb gets into game with pocket queens and Magda on bb called with smaller pair tens. Blank board holds Sartet who doubles 106K.
Sartet: QQ
Magda: TT
Board: A-4-2-9-9
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 258,333, ent.: 6/31
2:45 Without help
Olearčin moves 55k all in from utg with KTo and Filak on bb called with pocket jacks. Blank board eliminates Olearčin from tournament.
Olearčin: KTo
Filak: JJ
Board: A-Q-5-8-4
2:40 Cbet enough
Magda limps utg and Slávik from sb raises to 31k that Magda called. Flop 7-2-2 cbets Slávik 25k what was enough to take this pot.
2:28 Unlucky turn for Ondkanin
Filak minraises CO and Ondkanin defends bb. Flop A♣ 8♣ 5♠ cbets Filak 16k and Ondkanin jams 59k that Filak called with A9o. Ondkanin holds A8o, but 9 on the turn and blank river eliminates him.
Ondkanin: A8o
Filak: A9o
Board: A-8-5-9-T
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 193,750, ent.: 8/31
Thirty Grand schedule!
2:00 Ondkanin doubles
Prabucki opens to 25k and Ondkanin moves all in 56k that Prabucki called with pocket eights. However Ondkanin holds QQ and after board without 8 doubles.
Ondkanin: QQ
Prabucki: 88
Board: A-K-J-5-6
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 193,750, ent.: 8/31
Break 15 minutes
1:15 Big double up
Porczak raises from utg and 4 players were in the game. Flop J♠ 7♠ 2♥ cbets 25k that only Slávik on the button called and on the turn 9♣ Porzcka jams 195,5k that Slávik snaps with 77. Porczak holds QQ and after 4♠ on the river ends in the tournament.
Porczak: QQ
Slávik: 77
Board: J-7-2-9-4
1:05 Last table
Sciranka opens to 15k and Slávik 3bets to 50k that Sciranka called. Flop Q-T-T Sciranka moves all in 35k that Slávik calls with AQ. Sciranka holds K9s and after blank turn and river ends.
Sciranka: K9s
Slávik: AQ
Board: Q-T-T-3-2
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 155,000, ent.: 10/31
0:50 Porczak takes something from Magda
Magda raises to 8,5k and 3 players were in. Flop Q♠ J♥ J♦ was checked, turn 7♥ bets Magda 10k that Porzcak called and on the river T♥ Magda check calls 15k, but Porzcak holds JTo and takes pot.
0:36 Topoly won´t advance
Last 21k gets into game with QTs and gets called by Slávik with AKo. Ace high board eliminates Topoly from tournament.
Topoly: QTs
Slávik: AKo
Board: A-J-3-6-T
In the very last weekend of the October Banco Casino prepared another Košice Weekend 20.000€ GTD!
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 140,909, ent.: 11/31
0:18 3-way all in
Topoly raises to 7k, Manitou called and Olearčin from blind moves all in 18,5k. Topoly called and Manitou also jams 32,5k that Topoly also called with pocket threes. Manitou holds K♣ T♣, Olearčin A♠ Q♠, who completes flush on the river and triples up, side pot 28k takes Manitou.
Manitou: K♣ T♣
Olearčin: A♠ Q♠
Topoly: 3♠ 3♦
Board: K♠ J♣ 8♠ 2♦ 2♠
0:15 Slávik´s 3barrel
Slávik minraises button and Olearčin defends bb. Flop T♣ 5♦ 2♠ Slávik cbets 3,5k that gets called and action was repeated on the turn Q♦ for 7k and also river 4♥ for 9k. In showdown Slávik holds Q7o, what was enough to win this game.
0:03 3 players advance to Final Day!
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 129,167, ent.: 12/31
Break 30 minutes
23:27 Zhulkanych ends
Ondkanin raises button and after call by Bragiel Zhulkanych 3bets from bb to 14k that only Bragiel called. Flop 5♣ 5♦ 2♣ Bragiel called cbet and on the turn K♣ also 55k all in. Zhulkanych holds A♠ K♦, but needs to hit a king or five against flush. River 4♦ holds Bragiel who eliminates Zhulkanych.
Zhulkanych: A♠ K♦
Bragiel: 6♣ 7♣
Board: 5♦ 5♣ 2♣ K♣ 4♦
23:20 Three outs for Sciranka
Klaus minraises and after call Sciranka 3bets from bb to 25k. Klaus 4bet jams 52k that Sciranka calls with K♥ J♥ and hits his three outs on the flop against KQo. Blank turn and river eliminates Klaus from tournament.
Klaus: KQo
Sciranka: KJs
Board: A-J-5-6-8
23:03 Last level to enter the tournament!
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 115,385, ent.: 13/30
22:45 Porczak seat open
Prabucki minraises and 4 players were in the game on the flop T-7-4, where Porczak leadshoves 35k from sb that called Ondkanin on the button with top 2, Porczak holds KTo and after turn or river without K ends for this time.
Porczak: KTo
Ondkanin: T7o
Board: T-7-4-9-3
22:35 3barrel bluff
Olearčin opens to 4,3k that called Sciranka on the button and bb. Flop J♦ T♥ 4♥ action checked to Sciranka, who bets 4k that only Olearčin called and same action on the turn 8♠ for 5k and river 6♦ for 12k. Sciranka show KQ high, and Olearčin with QJ takes pot.
Olearčin: QJo
Sciranka: KQo
Board: J-T-4-8-6
New 4-max shootout satelit on CashGame 1€/2€, min. 50€
- BUY IN €10
- Format 4 MAX
- 1 winner of €50 credit on CG
- the player can repeat his participation in the shootout
- shootout opening time limit: 18:00 - 19:30 (or as decided by the Floormanager)
- the casino pays the remaining €10 for each shootout
- 500 starting stack,
The winner of the ticket must play 2 hours on the Cash Game.
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 107,692, ent.: 13/28
22:30 Overshove
Porczak raises from utg to 3,5k and 5 players were on the flop T-7-3, where Porczak moves all in approx 70k and Zhulkanych with 43k stack called with pocket jacks. Porczak holds T8s but blank runout holds Zhulkanych in the tournament.
Zhulkanych: JJ
Porczak: T8s
Board: T-7-3-2-7
22:25 Klaus needs for reentry
Last 10bb gets Klaus into game with Q♣ 9♣ but Magda on blind finds AQo and calls. Board without 9 or any help eliminates Klaus.
Klaus: Q♣ 9♣
Magda: AQo
Board: J-4-5-3-2
22:22 Runner runner full house
Sciranka opens to 3,5k that called Topoly and also Klaus on the button. Flop 9♣ 7♠ 6♣ action checked to Klaus, who bets 8k that Topoly called, turn 5♣ was checked and on the river 7♦ bets Topoly 10,6k that Klaus snaps. However Topoly shows full house with 55 under his hand and takes pot.
22:10 Smaller one for Manitou
Slávik raises to 3,3k and Manitou on the button joined the game. Flop A♣ Q♣ T♠ cbets Slávik 3k that Manitou called, turn 4♥ bets Slávik smaller 2,1k that gets also called and river 6♦ was checked. Slávik shows T♣ 9♣, but Manitou takes pot with KTo.
Manitou: KTo
Slávik: T♣ 9♣
Board: A♣ Q♣ T♠ 4♥ 6♦
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 93,333, ent.: 15/28
GPC vol.2 comming soon!!!
21:44 Prabucki vs Bolko
After 2,9k raise and call Bolko in position 3bets to 12k that called just Prabucki. Flop K♣ K♠ 8♣ cbets Bolko 8k that gets called, turn 7♣ slows the action and on the river 6♦ Prabucki asks for 15k that Bolko calls. Prabucki holds nines in showdown, what was enough to take this pot.
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 89,286, ent.: 14/25
21:25 Magda doubles up
She was in game against Komora on the turn 9-8-3-T, where pot was 17k and Magda moves all in 25k. Komora called with JTo, but needs to improve against KK under Magda´s hand. However river 3 was safe for Magda, who doubles up.
Magda: KK
Komora: JTo
Board: 9-8-3-T-3
21:05 Nuts for Sartet
He starts the game with 2,2k raise that joined Derda with Porczak, who leads from sb 3k on the flop T♥ 7♣ 2♣, that both called. Turn K♦ same action for 6k and on the river 9♠ bets Porczak 12k. Derda calls and Sartet raises to 35k that Porczak snaps. In showdown holds 22, but Sartet QJo and takes this pot.
Porczak: 22
Sartet: QJo
Board: T-7-2-K-9
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 80,000, ent.: 15/24
Break 30 minutes
20:20 Three outs against Kapitančík
Komora limp calls Kapitančík´s 20k all in with A♥ 5♥, and needs to hit three outs against pocket eights. Flop K-7-6 was safe for Kapitančík, but A on the turn and blank river eliminates him.
Kapitančík: 88
Komora: A5s
Board: K-7-6-A-4
20:15 Prabucki doubles up
Five players were in the game for 1 blind on the flop A♦ Q♥ T♠, where Tacar bets small that called Porzcak with Prabucki on sb. Turn 6♦ continues Tacar for 2,5k and after call Prabucki check raises to 17k that only Porzcak called. River A♥ Prabucki slows down and Porczak tries to steal this pot with 33k effective all in, but Prabucki holds KJo and called. Porczak shows missed draw J♦ 7♦ and Prabucki celebrates double.
Prabucki: KJo
Porczak: J♦ 7♦
Board: A♦ Q♥ T♠ 6♦ A♥
Thirty Grand schedule!
For winners are also prepared nice trophies!
20:05 Third barrel convinced
For 3,5k were four players in the game on the flop A♥ A♠ 7♦, where Filak bets 5,5k that only Magda called. Turn 8♣ same action for 7,5k, but on the river 5♦ after third bet 16k Magda folds her cards.
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 73,333, ent.: 15/22
19:49 Mihalo seat open
After minraise and 2 calls, active Porczak 3bets from button to 5,5k. Action on Mihalo, who 4bets from sb to 17,3k that Porczak called. Flop J♣ 7♥ 3♥ cbets Mihalo 12,5k that gets called and on the turn J♥ Mihalo moves all in 31k. Porzcak thinks for a while and calls with A♥ K♣ and was ahead against A♣ Q♠. River 8♥ completes flush for him and Mihalo ends.
Mihalo: A♣ Q♠
Porczak: A♥ K♣
Board: J♣ 7♥ 3♥ J♥ 8♥
19:35 Brave bluff
Porczak raises from utg to 1,6k and 6 players were interested. Flop A♦ 6♣ 3♣ cbets 2,5k and just one player folds, turn 4♣ slows the action and on the river T♥ bets Porczak 11k. After folds Ondkanin on bb thinks for a while and calls, Porczak shows K♠ J♣ and Ondkanin takes pot with A♥ T♣.
Ondkanin: A♥ T♣
Porczak: K♠ J♣
Board: A♦ 6♣ 3♣ 4♣ T♥
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 65,625, ent.: 16/21
19:25 Derda jams
After Derda´s limp Tacar raises to 2k that called Porczak with Derda. Flop 9♦ 7♠ 6♦ cbets Tacar 3,5k that both players called, turn J♥ after check Derda decides to lead 10k that called just Tacar, river 7♣ Derda moves all in 26k but Tacar folds face up 88. Derda shows him T and takes the pot.
19:15 Ace high good
After 2 limps Porczak raises to 1,5k and Mihalo from button 3bets to 5,5k that Porzcak called. Flop 9♥ 8♣ 2♦ Porczak check calls 4k bet, but turn 9♦ and river 4♦ was checked. In showdown Porczak holds QJo, but Mihalo takes pot with AKo.
HALLOWEEN PARTY is set and ready on 27.10.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
19:10 Nice pot for Ondkanin
After 2limps Ondkanin raises to 3,5k that called Porzcak in position and also Panek. Flop A♠ K♥ 7♠ cbets Ondkanin 2,5k that both players called, turn 6♦ continues for 7,5k and only Panek was interested on the river 8♦, where Ondkanin bets 10k what convinced Panek to fold.
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 59,375, ent.: 16/19
18:52 Didn´t get through
For 1,6k were three players in the game on the flop A♥ 3♦ 3♠, where Porczak in position bets 2k that only Mihalo on blind called. Turn J♥ after second barrel 3k Mihalo check raises to 11k that Porczak insta called and on the river 8♦ snaps 20k bet by Mihalo with A8o. Mihalo holds bluff 54o and falls on short.
18:44 Mihalo in thought
He starts the game with 1k raise that called Porczak from sb and Derda from bb, who leads 3k on the flop J♥ 8♣ 6♠. Mihalo called and Porczak check raises to 15k, Derda after while folds and also Mihalo after minute.
18:38 Bragiel´s 3barrel
Four players were in the game for 1,2k on the flop A♥ J♥ 2♣, where Bragiel on the button bets 2,8k that only Klaus from sb called. Turn 5♣ continues Bragiel for 3,7k that Klaus also called, but after third barrel 6,6k on the river 5♠ Klaus snap folds his cards.
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 12/12
In the very last weekend of the October Banco Casino prepared another Košice Weekend 20.000€ GTD!
18:15 Pot for Porczak
Mihalo starts the game with raise to 700, Porczak called and Pavúk 3bets to 2k that both called. Flop Q♦ T♦ 9♣ was checked, turn 9♥ bets Mihalo 2,5k that Porczak and also Pavúk called. River A♦ action checked to Porczak, who bets 5k, what convinced players to fold.
18:05 From the beginning...
Sciranka, Mihalo or satellite winners Dubovský, Klaus and Porczak.
18:02 Another flight started!
Floormanager Stano started flight 1B! Who´s gonna advance from today? Watch the live report.
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 9/9
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Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
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