Nedza Michal Marek is the winner of the 15K ONE DAY EVENT, which recorded 123 entries and he took home with deal 2.898€ including 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND and also trophy for winner!
05:20 Runner up - Urban Miroslav - 2008€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Urban raises to 300k and Nedza jams 3,5M eff., which Urban calls with kings, Nedza holds A-Q, Nedza luckily hits ace on river and we get to know new 15K ONE DAY EVENT CHAMPION.
Urban: K-K
Nedza: A-Q
Board: 2-8-5-J-A
Level 23: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 6,000,000 ent.: 2/123
04:55 3rd place - Kormos Patrik - 2008€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Kormos shoves BvB 700k and Nedza calls with A-J, Kormos holds 4-4, flop comes Q-J-3 and after blank runout Kormos ends on 3rd place.
Kormos: 4-4
Nedza: A-J
Board: Q-J-3-2-Q
04:40 4th place - Kotan Igor - 2008€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Kotan opens to 250k and Nedza 3bets to 800k, Kotan 4bet jams 2,5M and Nedza calls with A-K, Kotan holds Q-Q, flop 3-4-5 is good for Kotan, turn J too, but river ace eliminates him.
Kotan: Q-Q
Nedza: A-K
Board: 3-4-5-J-A
Kotan - 2008€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Urban - 2008€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Nedza - 2008€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Kormos - 2008€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Players are fighting for last 890€ and trophy for the winner.
Level 22: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 3,075,000 ent.: 4/123
04:30 5th place - Pagac Peter - 800€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Another BvB battle was between Kotan and Pagac, where Kotan holds A-J and Pagac on BB J-7, flop Q-5-T changes nothing, turn K completes straight for Kotan and river did not bring ace for split and Pagac ends.
Pagac: J-7
Kotan: A-J
Board: Q-5-T-K-4
04:20 6th place - Michal Posivak - 664€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
Urban raises from SB to 150k and Posivak jams 800k, which Urban snaps with aces, Posivak holds A-J, he hits jack on flop, but turn and river did not help him and he ends.
Posivak: A-J
Urban: A-A
Board: J-6-4-3-2
04:10 Nice pot for Kormos
Urban, Kormos and Posivak were on 4c 5c 6h flop, where Urban bets 60k, Posivak raises to 300k and Kormos calls behind him and Urban folds, turn 7c after check Kormos bets 450k, which Posivak after some time calls and on river 2c Kormos bets 300k and Posivak call again and mucks after he sees Kc Tc.
Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 2,050,000 ent.: 6/123
03:50 7th place - Kalinac Vojtech - 535€
Kalinac jams his last 10bb with Q-J and Nedza calls with A-Q, after blank board Kalinac ends on 7th place.
Kalinac: Q-J
Nedza: A-Q
Board: 4-5-4-K-2
03:35 8th place - Okonski Mieszko - 441€
Okonski opens to 150k and Urban, Posivak and Kotan on BB call, flop Kd 4d 6c Okonski jams 1,2M and only Posivak calls with set of fours. Okonski holds flushdraw with Ad Qd, but Posivak's set held him till river and Okonski ends.
Okonski: Ad Qd
Posivak: 4c 4s
Board: Kd 4d 6c Ac 8s
Level 20: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,537,500 ent.: 8/123
03:15 9th place - SMOLA DAMIAN - 355€
Urban limps and Smola raises to 210k, which Urban calls, on flop Q-Q-8 Urban leadjams 500k eff. and Smola calls with pocket tens, Urban holds pocket threes and hits three on turn and after river Smola ends on 9th place.
Urban: 3-3
Smola: T-T
Board: Q-Q-8-3-9
02:55 10th place - JAROSZ MATEUSZ AUGUSTYN - 285€
02:45 11th place - KUZ DAWID GRACJAN - 285€
Urban opens to 80k and Kuz jams 400k, which Urban snaps with J-T and is behind against Q-K, but flop Q-T-J is good for him, turn 4 too and on river T he completes his full and Kuz ends.
Urban: J-T
Kuz: K-Q
Board: Q-T-J-4-T
Level 19: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,230,000 ent.: 11/123
02:30 12th place - SIKORSKI ANDRZEJ JERZY - 230€
Sikorski jams from UTG 455k and Urban calls on BT, Sikorski holds A-6 and Urban A-K, Sikorski did not hit his three outs and ends after river.
Sikorski: A-6
Urban: A-K
Board: K-Q-9-A-T
02:20 13th place - MALINSKI DACJUSZ JAN - 230€
Okonski raises to 75k and Malinski on BB jams 400k, which Okonski calls with A-K, Malinski holds A-T and after river ends.
Okonski: A-K
Malinski: A-T
Board: J-3-6-4-K
Level 18: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 946,154 ent.: 13/123
02:05 Bubble boy - Juraj Kamenicky
Kamenicky jams from UTG 265k and Sikorski on BB calls. Kamenicky holds and Sikorski aces, flop A-7-7 ends Kamnicky's journey on bubble.
Kamenicky: K-K
Sikorski: A-A
Board: A-7-7-8-Q
01:45 Majlo ends
Majlo opens to 55k and Pagac 3bets to 120k from SB, Majlo jams 460k and Pagac calls with pocket eights, Majlo holds pocket nines, unfortunately Pagac hits eight on turn and Majlo after river ends.
Majlo: 9-9
Pagac: 8-8
Board: 7-3-6-8-Q
Level 17: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 768,750 ent.: 16/123
01:30 Good flop, bad runout
Komora opens to 40k, Nedza calls and Majlo defends. Flop 2s 3s 3c Komora cbets 55k, Nedza moves all in 475k and Majlo repushes 600k. Komora folds and in showdown Nedza holds flushdraw with As Ts and Majlo trips with Jh 3h, turn 5c brings more outs for Nedza and river 4s completes his nut flushdraw and Majlo falls on short.
Majlo: Jh 3h
Nedza: As Ts
Board: 2s 3s 3c 5c 4s
01:15 Hanzen with Sandor end
Hanzen jams 6bb from UTG, Smola Damian jams 500k and Sandor on BB calls with pocket tens. Hanzen holds K-3 and Smola Ad Kd. Smola completes nuts flush on turn and eliminates two players.
Smola: Ad Kd
Hanzen: K-3
Sandor: T-T
Board: 8c 9d 6d 7d 2c
Level 16: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 647,368 ent.: 19/123
Break 15 minutes
GPC vol.2 comming soon!!!
00:30 Nagy ends
Nagy openshoves 239k and Majlo repushes 400k, Nagy shows pocket sevens and Majlo Ah Th, Majlo hits ten on river and eliminates Nagy.
Nagy: 7-7
Majlo: Ah Th
Board: Q-5-4-5-T
Level 15: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 585,714 ent.: 21/123
00:15 Lewandowski out
Pagac opens and Lewandowski jams 150k, which Pagac calls with Ah Jh, Lewandowski holds Jc Tc, flop A-3-7 practically sealed his fate and after turn 7 he ends today.
Pagac: Ah Jh
Lewandowski: Jc Tc
Board: A-3-7-7-J
00:00 Aces cracked
Kamenicky opens to 25k, Nagy calls and Hanzen 3bets to 88k, which only Nagy call for half of his stack and he jams 101k on 9-Q-T flop, which Hanzen calls with aces, turn 3 changes nothing, but river king completes straight for Nagy.
Nagy: Jc Ts
Hanzen: A-A
Board: 9-Q-T-3-K
Level 14: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 455,556 ent.: 27/123
23:45 Smola Adrian survived
Smola jams 93k and Sandor calls with A-K, Smola holds Ad 9d, he hits nine on Q-J-9 flop and blank runout means, that he still stays in tournament.
Smola: Ad 9d
Sandor: A-K
Board: 9-Q-J-5-4
23:35 Big flip
Flesar opens to 20k and Okonski 3bets from BT to 75k, Hanzen on BB jams 500k and Flesar calls with his 310k stack with pocket jacks and find himself in flip situation against A-K on Hanzen's hand. Jacks held till river and Flesar takes 700k pot.
Flesar: J-J
Hanzen: A-K
Board: 5-4-Q-8-3
Level 13: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 424,138 ent.: 29/123
23:20 Good runout for Nagy
Nagy with Kalinac put all their chips behind the line on J-6-T flop, where Kalinac holds two pair with J-T and Nagy open with K-Q, turn 6 brings outs for Nagy and river king means, that Nagy doubles his 180k stack.
Nagy: K-Q
Kalinac: J-T
Board: J-6-T-6-K
23:00 Majlo eliminates
Jarembski limps on BT and Majlo from SB raises to 36k and Jarembski jams 150k, which Majlo calls with pocket eights. Jarembski shows K-To and after river ends.
Majlo: 8-8
Jarembski: K-T
Board: 6-3-4-6-7
Level 12: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 315,385 ent.: 39/123
22:40 Massive setup
Gruszka opens to 16k, Urban 3bets to 55k and Smola Adrian on SB 4bets to 125k, action back on Gruszka, who 5bet jams 400k and Urban calls. Smola holds aces, Gruszka kings and Urban queens, Urban hits queen on flop and after blank runout he takes massive pot 1,3M.
Smola: A-A
Gruszka: K-K
Urban: Q-Q
Board: Q-5-T-3-4
22:20 Unlucky split for Kalinac
Kamenicky opens to 13k and Nagy 3bets to 36k, Kalinac on BB decided to 4bet jam 250k, which Nagy calls with A-T, Kalinac holds A-K, flop 6-4-4 is good for him turn 5 too, but river 6 means, that both players split the pot.
Kalinac: A-K
Nagy: A-T
Board: 6-4-4-5-6
1. 4000€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
2. 2400€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
3. 1515€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
4. 1010€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
5. 800€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
6. 664€ included 130€ ticket on FIFTY GRAND
7. 535€
8. 441€
9. 355€
10. - 11. 285€
12. - 13. 230€
Level 11: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 261,701 ent.: 51/123
Beautiful angular trophy for winner of 15K ONE DAY EVENT!
Break 30 minutes
21:45 Hustler out
Sloma opens to 12,5k and Hustler on SB 3bets to 40k, which Posivak on BB cold calls and Sloma too. Flop 9s Ad 8h Hustler cbets 85k with his 140k stack, Posivak moves all in, Sloma folds and Hustler calls with A-J, but is not happy, when Posivak shows A-Q and after blank runout Hustler end.
Hustler. A-J
Posivak: A-Q
Board: 9s Ad 8h 4h 6c
21:30 Kalinac doubles
Kalinac opens to 13,5k and Jarembski jams 111,5 eff., which Kalinac calls with A-Q, Jarembski holds A-K, flop Q-8-3 decided about Kalinac's double.
Kalinac: A-Q
Jarembski: A-K
Board: Q-8-3-9-Q
Level 10: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 217,647 ent.: 51/111
21:15 Gula hits one his two outs
Berdis opens to 11k, Okonski calls and Gula on BT 3bets to 30k, Berdis jams 118,5 eff. and Gula calls with pocket jacks, Berdis holds pocket queens, but Gula hits jack on flop and after river doubles.
Berdis: Q-Q
Gula: J-J
Board: 2-5-J-9-K
21:00 Malinski vs. Lewandowski
Posivak opens to 11k and Malinski 3bets to 25k, Lewandowski jams 226k, Posivak after tank folds and Malinski calls with Q-K, Lewandowski holds pocket queens and after river eliminates Malinski.
Malinski: Q-K
Lewandowski: Q-Q
Board: 8-T-4-A-7
Level 9: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 177,586 ent.: 58/103
FIFTY GRAND is set on 23.11. - 26.11.2023!!!
20:40 Flesar convinced Stefano on river
Stefano opens from UTG to 6,5k, Flesar calls and Okonski 3bets from BB to 30k, which both players call, flop 4c Jd Js is checkedy, turn 7h Flesar bets 30k, which only Stefano calls and on river after check Flesar bets 55k, which convinced Stefano to fold.
20:20 Slavik out
Hanzen opens to 8k and Onda calls, Slavik jams 53k, Hanzen folds and Onda calls with Qh Jc, but is worse against Ah Kd on Slavik's hand. Flop J-4-8 decided Slavik's fate and he needs to go for reentry.
Slavik: Ah Kd
Onda: Qh Jc
Board: J-4-8-6-5
Level 8: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 161,667, ent.: 60/97
20:10 Big pot for Manitu
Meszaros opens to 6k, Papacova with Kotan call and Manitu 3bets to 16k, which everyone call, flop 3c Th 9s is checked, turn 7c Meszaros bets 36k, which Papacova with Manitou call and on river 8d Meszaros checkcalls Manitu's all in 37,5k with two pair 9d 7d, which is not enough against straight Ac Jc on Manitu's hand.
Manitu: Ac Jc
Meszaros: 9d 7d
Board: 3c Th 9s 7c 8d
19:50 Grega hits
Majlo opens to 6,5k, Berdis calls on BT and Grega defends. Flop Ts 6c Qd is checked, turn 8c Grega bets to 7k, that only Berdis calls, river Ks Grega jams 39,5k and Berdis goes in tank and after half minute calls with A-T, but Grega shows straight with 9-7 and doubles his short.
Berdis: A-T
Grega: 9-7
Board: Ts 6c Qd 8c Ks
Level 7: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 146,774, ent.: 62/91
PRAVEK PARTY is set and ready on 24.11.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
19:30 Hanzen for reentry
Baji opens to 5,5k, Szobonya calls and Hanzen jams 32k, Baji folds and Szobonya calls with A-Q. Hanzen finds himself in flip situation with pocket eights. Flop 9h 6h 7h is good for Hanzen, but queen on turn favours now Szobonya and river 9 changes nothing and Hanzen needs to go for reentry.
Hanzen: 8-8
Szobonya: A-Q
Board: 9-6-7-Q-9
19:15 Jarembski doubles
Hanzen opens to 5k, Kalinac calls, Varga 3bets to 22k from BT and Jarembski jams from BB 104,5k, which Varga calls with A-Q, but is a little bit worse against A-K on Jarembski's hand. Board held better combination and Jarembski doubles.
Varga: A-Q
Jarembski: A-K
Board: T-9-7-4-2
Level 6: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 127,692, ent.: 65/83
Dinner break 30 minutes
18:25 Lewandowski with fullhouse
Lewandowski opens to 4,5k, Posivak on BT calls and Szonto defends, flop Kc 4s 5d Lewandowski cbets to 3k, which both players call, turn 5c he fires second barrel to 6k, which again both call and on river Js he bets 25k and only Szonto snaps. Lewandowski shows full with jacks and Szonto mucks.
18:15 Varga value bets river
Kuz limps and Varga on BT raises to 7,5k, which Kuz calls, flop 6h 3c 5h Varga cbets to 8k and Kuz calls, turn 5s Kuz leads 8k and Vvarga calls, river 8d Kuz bets 8k again and Varga raises to 25k, which Kuz snaps. Varga shows pocket queens and wins.
Level 5: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 129,630, ent.: 54/70
17:55 Malinski takes preflop
Hustler opens to 3,2k, Malinski with Sloma call, Lewandowski 3bets to 11,5k and Hustler calls. Action back on Malinski, who jams 75,4k, Lewandowski folds and Hustler goes in tank. After minute he decided too fold his hand and Malinski takes nice pot preflop.
17:40 Pot for Kormos
Kormos opens to 3,2k and Varga 3bets to 12k, Hanzen on BB cold calls and Kormos calls too, flop 3d 6s 2s is checked by everyone, turn 3h Kormos bets 23k, which only Varga calls and river 3c is checked again. Kormos shows pocket tens and takes the pot.
Half of guarantee is still missing and that is the best invitation to come and win first prize in amount of 4,000€!!!
Level 4: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 122,000, ent.: 50/61
17:25 Turn for Mihalo
After three limps Mihalo raises from BT to 6k and Smola Adrian 3bets from SB to 15k and has 7k left. Mihalo calls and on Qh 8c 3h flop Smola jams last 7k and Mihalo calls with Jh 9h, but has dead flushdraw against Ah Kh. Turn 9d is very good for Mihalo and after river 4s he eliminates Smola.
Mihalo: Jh 9h
Smola Adrian: Ah Kh
Board: Qh 8c 3h 9d 4s
17:10 At least something
Varga opens to 2,5k, Derda a Trembecki call, board Jc Kh 2d Ah 5c is checked till river, where Vvarga bets 6k, Derda snaps, Trembecki folds. Varga shows set of kings and wins the pot against Derda's A-Q.
Derda: A-Q
Varga: K-K
Board: Jc Kh 2d Ah 5c
Level 3: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 123,404, ent.: 47/58
BLACK FRIDAY PARTY is set and ready on 10.11.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants.
17:00 Big pot for Smola Damian
Sandor opens to 4k, Smola Damian calls and Vasickanin jams 7,8k, which both players call, flop Qh 9c 3s Smola bets 9k, which Sandor calls, turn 6d same action for 22k and on river 6s again same action for 50k. In showdown Vasickanin holds Kc Td, Sandor 9h 8h and Smola takes juicy pot with fullhouse 3d 3h and eliminates Vasickanin.
Vasickanin: Kc Td
Sandor: 8h 9h
Smola Damian: 3d 3h
Board: Qh 9c 3s 6d 6s
16:45 Derda traps
Hanzen opens to 2,5k and Smola Adrian 3bets to 5k, Derda on SB calls and Hanzen folds, flop 6c Jh 7c Smola cbets to 6k, which Derda calls, turn 7d same action happened for 10k and river 5d is checked by both. Derda was hoping his opponent will bet the river, because he shows fullhouse 7h 6h.
Level 2: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 42/42
16:35 Burcea vs. Kotan
Papp opens to 2,5k and Burcea, Kotan and Urban call, flop 7h 8s Qc after check Burcea bets 5,2k, which only Kotan calls, turn 4s Burcea continues to 8,1k and Kotan calls again and on river 2s same action happened for 17k, where Burcea shows straight with 6h 5s and Kotan mucks.
16:20 Early pot for Sciranka
Sciranka opens to 2,5k and Vasickanin from SB 3bets to 5,6k and Sciranka calls, flop Kd Qc 5c Vasickanin cbets to 5,1k and Sciranka calls, turn 3h is checked and on river 4s after check, Sciranka bets 7k, which Vasickanin snaps and mucks after Sciranka shows set of kings.
Level 1: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 25/25
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