Flight 1E recorded 79 entries and another 8 players advanced to the Final Day. Chipleader from this flight is Horváth Boris with stack of 899,000.
Flight 1F - 138 entries - 14 players advance - Chipleader Peter Derda
Turbo Flight 1G - 28 entries - 3 players advance - chipleader Jasinski Jan
22:00 Bubble boy - Jančík Juraj
Jančík openshoves 225k from button with pocket tens, but Horváth on blind finds queens and called. Flop K-Q-J brings more outs for Jančík, but blank runout ends flight 1E.
Horváth: QQ
Jančík: TT
Board: K-Q-J-5-6
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 438,889, ent.: 9/79
1F Level 9: 1k - 2k. avg. 97k, ent.: 67/130
21:33 Bubble time
Stupár openshoves approx 130k stack with A9s and gets called by Horváth with little better ATs. Board without 9 sends us on bubble.
Board : Q-4-3-5-Q
21:30 2 flips for Jarosz in a row
In first one for 167k holds pocket eights against KQo under Cieslak´s hand. Flop brings set for Jarozs, who doubles after blank runout and in second one again against Cieslak and this time was Jarosz, who needs to hit board with AKs against pocket tens. Flop A-6-4 gives him a leadt and after turn and river after T doubles 377k stack.
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 395,000, ent.: 10/79
Flight 1F Level 8: 800 - 1,600, avg. 84,722, ent.: 72/122
21:15 Jurina ends
He was in game against Hervát, where players gets their 200k stacks into game on the turn T-5-2-A. Jurina shows top two, but Hervát set of fives and Jurina ends in the tournament.
Jurina: ATo
Hervát: 55
Board: T-5-2-A-8
21:10 Bvb
Stupár ended up in preflop all in this time against Horváth. Stupár holds ATo, but Horváth holds pocket queens. Flop brings ace but also queen and Horváth doubles 142k stack.
Horváth: QQ
Stupár: ATo
Board: A-Q-5-4-9
CHRISTMAS PARTY is set and ready on 22.12.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants and also an attractive tournament is ready for you! X-MAS SPECIAL with 10.000€ GTD and just 60€ Buyin!
21:05 Jančik takes pre
Blasko minraises, Cieslak and Okonski called and Jančík 3bet jams 266k from blind. Blasko folds, Cieslak after long tank and Okonski also means pot for Jančík.
21:00 Flip for Fron
He openshoves 95k from Ep with K7o and Okonski on bb called with pocket sixes. Flop J-8-5 was safe for him, but turn K gives a lead to Fron, who doubles after 8 on the river.
Fron: K7o
Okonski: 66
Board: J-8-5-K-8
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 359,091, ent.: 11/79
Flight 1F Level 7: 600 - 1,200, avg. 75,461, ent.: 78/118
20:45 Stupár eliminates
He minraises and Hudáček defends bb. Flop J-9-2 Stupár cbets 15k and Hudáček checkshoves 115k that Stupár snaps with QJs. Hudáček holds Q9o and after turn 4 and river 5 ends.
Hudáček: Q9o
Stupár: QJs
Board: J-9-2-4-5
20:40 Never easy
Blasko minraises, Cieslak 3bets to 50k and Blasko moves all in 101k that Cieslak called with K♦ J♦. Blasko holds pocket kings but flop A♦ 4♦ 7♠ brings flushdraw for Cieslak, turn Q♠ few more outs but river 3♣ holds Blasko in tournament.
Blasko: KK
Cieslak: K♦ J♦
Board: A♦ 4♦ 7♠ Q♠ 3♣
20:32 Bvb
Stupár ended up in preflop all in in bvb confrontation with AQo and gets called by Jurina with A6o. Board without 6 doubles Stupár´s 99k stack.
Board: 9-4-4-7-2
20:25 Slávik ends
Cieslak raises to 20k that called Jančík, Blasko and also Slávik on bb, who jams 66k on the flop 5-3-2. Cieslak called and shows TT, Slávik holds 65o, but turn A and river J sends him on flight 1F.
Slávik: 65o
Cieslak: TT
Board: 5-3-2-A-J
GPC 100.000€ GTD vol.2 comming soon!!!
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 282,143, ent.: 14/79
Flight 1F Level 6: 500 - 1,000, avg. 71,622, ent.: 74/106
20:12 Fron doubles his short
73k jams from button with K♠ 6♠ and gets called by Stupár on bb with A5o. Flop brings king for Fron that holds till river.
Fron: K6s
Stupár: A5o
Board: K-9-8-T-7
20:05 Aces cracked
Horváth limps and Berezowski raises to 20k that Horváth called. Flop 9♠ 9♦ 7♠ Horváth check calls 30k cbet and snaps 114k all in on the turn 4♥ and shows T♥ 9♥. Berezowski holds aces and after J♠ on the river Horváth doubles up.
Horváth: T♥ 9♥
Berezowski: AA
Board: 9-9-7-4-J
19:57 Stackoff on the turn
Tamaškovič was in game against Horváth on the turn Q♣ J♥ 9♠ 4♣, where Tamaškovič gets his 90k behind the line that Horváth called with pocket kings. Tamaškovič holds combodraw T♣ 9♣, but blank river eliminates him.
Tamaškovič: T♣ 9♣
Horváth: KK
Board: Q♣ J♥ 9♠ 4♣ 2♥
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 246,875, ent.: 16/79
Flight 1F Level 6: 500 - 1,000, avg. 72,536, ent.: 71/103
Break 10 minutes
19:20 Disgusting runout
Maslanka moves all in from utg 39,5k, Hervát next to him called and Cieslak from bb rejams 113k that Hervát called with AKo. Maslanka holds K8o and Cieslak QTs. Flop A-4-3 was very good for Hervát, however runout K and J holds Cieslak in the tournament.
Hervát: AKo
Maslanka: K8o
Cieslak: QTs
Board: A-4-3-K-J
19:15 Flip for Tamaškovič
Maslanka raises to 15k and Tamaškovič moves all in 70k with pocket sevens. Maslanka called with AQo and after board without A or Q Tamaškovič doubles up.
Tamaškovič: 77
Maslanka: AQo
Board: J-6-4-J-J
19:10 Lucky turn
Berezowski opens from utg1 and Strycharz defends bb. On the flop Q-J-T Strycharz gets his 60k behind the line and shows 98o. Berezowski holds KTo and takes a lead after A on the turn. River 4 changes nothing and Strycharz ends.
Strycharz: 98o
Berezowski: KTo
Board: Q-J-T-A-4
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 197,500, ent.: 20/79
Flight 1F Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 65,942, ent.: 69/91
18:59 Ojrzynski takes something back preflop
He raises to 9k from utg and after call Cieslak 3bets to 17,5k. Hervát on the button called and Ojrzynski after while moves all in 163k. Every opponent quickly folds his cards and Ojrzynski takes something back to his stack.
18:55 Three outs for Tamaškovič
He openshoves 51k to whole table with A4o and gets called by Ojrzynski, who shows A♦ Q♦. However flop brings one of three outs for Tamaškovič, who doubles after turn or river without Q.
Tamaškovič: A4o
Ojrzynski: AQs
Board: 5-4-3-T-9
18:45 Easy double
Stupár minraises, Falowkski moves all in 61k and Logvin from sb gets his 38,5k stack into game also. Stupár folds and in showdown Logvin needs to hit board with AJo against 88 under Falowski´s hand. Flop K-Q-T completes nuts fot him and after blank turn doubles up.
Falowski: 88
Logvin: AJo
Board: K-Q-T-7-T
18:44 Hand from Flight 1F
Luman completes sb and Gluszak on bb checks. Flop K♦ T♣ 3♦ Luman bets 1blind 600 and Gluszak raise to 25,1k by mistake. Luman moves all in 50k effective that Gluszak snaps with Q♦ 7♦ and Luman holds 73o. Turn 8♥ and also river 9♠ holds Luman´s bottom pair.
CHRISTMAS PARTY is set and ready on 22.12.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants and also an attractive tournament is ready for you! X-MAS SPECIAL with 10.000€ GTD and just 60€ Buyin!
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 171,739, ent.: 23/79
Flight 1F Level 4: 300 - 600, avg. 58,594, ent.: 64/75
18:20 Piorek on flight 1F
He gets his 21,5k short into game with 97o and Ojrzynski called with AJs. Ace high board was last one for Piorek on flight 1E and he can try his luck in flight 1F.
Piorek: 97o
Ojrzynski: AJs
Board: Q-T-5-A-J
18:12 Multiway
Stupár minraises from utg and 5players were in the game. Flop A♦ A♥ 3♣ cbets Stupár 6,5k that only Horváth called, turn 4♠ after second barrel 13k Horváth minraises to 26k and Stupár snapfolds his cards.
18:07 8 players advance from flight 1E!
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg.146,296, ent.: 27/79
Flight 1F Level 3: 200 - 500, avg. 54,918, ent.: 61/67
Break 30 minutes
17:25 Sabol doubles up
He openshoves 28,5k with A♥ 7♥ and gets called by Ivančová with KJo. On the flop K-9-7 Ivančová takes a lead, but ace on the turn and blank river holds Sabol in the tournament.
Sabol: A7s
Ivančová: KJo
Board: K-9-7-A-Q
17:15 Over 300k pot for Berezowski
Okonski raises to 5,5k and 4 players were in the game. On the flop Q♦ J♦ 7♠ was action checked to Pošivák, who moves all in 48k, Berezowski rejams 126,7k and after fold Cieslak who covered both of them called. In showdown every player shows flushdraw, Berezowski with ace high and after ♦ on the turn takes nice pot.
Berezowski: A♦ 3♦
Cieslak: 6♦ 2♦
Pošivák: T♦ 5♦
Board: Q♦ J♦ 7♠ 4♦ J♥
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 130,000., ent.: 30/78
Flight 1F Level 1: 100-300, avg.50,000, ent.: 33/33
16:53 0% on the turn
Okonski minraises, Cieslak 3bets to 12k and Gluszak 4bet jams 35k from bb that Cieslak called with A9o. Gluszak shows KQo and needs to hit the board, flop 7-5-4 changes nothing but after A on the turn ends.
Cieslak: A9o
Gluszak: KQo
Board: 7-5-4-A-Q
16:48 Drawing dead
Hudáček opens to 5k that called Svitanko on the button and also Šmida on bb. Flop A-T-T was checked, turn Q Hudáček delay cbets 8k and Svitanko moves all in 18k that Hudáček after fold snaps. Svitanko shows J♥ T♥, but Hudáček flopped full house and eliminates Svitanko after blank river.
Svitanko: J♥ T♥
Hudáček: ATo
Board: A-T-T-Q-4
16:40 Pošivák vs Falowski
Pošivák minraises from ep to 4,6k and Falowski in position was the only one who joined. Flop Q♣ 9♦ 2♥ Pošivák cbets 4,5k that Falowski called, turn 2♠ action was repeated for 8k and river 2♦ players checked. Pošivák holds A♣ K♣ in showdown, but Falowski takes pot with full house J♣ 9♣.
PLO 10/10€ 1.000€ min. buyin!
For more information contact +421 908 188 774
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 108,824, ent.: 34/74
16:20 Lucky runout
Jedrzejczak openshoves 29k from CO with J♣ T♦ and Gluszak on bb decides to call with A6o. Flop 6♦ 6♥ 2♦ was good for him, but runner runner flush doubles Jedrzejczak´s stack.
Jedrzejczak: J♣ T♦
Gluszak: A6o
Board: 6♦ 6♥ 2♦ 4♦ 3♦
16:15 Papáč snapfolds
GLuszak minraises from utg and 5 players were interested. On the flop Q♣ T♦ 8♦ was action checked to Okonski in position, who bets 12k that only Papáč from blind called. TUrn A♦ slows the action, river T♠ bets Papáč 15k and after Okonski moves all in 55k Papáč snapfolds Q♦ 4♦.
16.10 Gets through
Four players were in the and prize to see the flop was 10,5k. J♥ 5♣ 4♥ brings no action, turn 7♣ leads Jarosz from sb 12,5k that called Blasko and also Svitanko. On the river Q♥ after check Blasko bets 25k and after folds shows bluff T9o.
Flight 1F starts in 1 hour!
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 92,308, ent.: 39/72
15:50 Kings to muck
Cieslak gets his 43k stack into game with KQo but against kings under Piorek´s needs big help. Flop J-T-5 brings him a hope and after turn A takes a lead. River 2 changes nothing and Cieslak doubles his stack.
Cieslak: KQo
Piorek: KK
Board: J-T-5-A-2
ŠTEFANSKÁ PARTY is set and ready on 26.12.2023. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants and also tournament with 55€ buyin and 5.555€ GTD.
15:40 Mazurek needs for reentry
He gets his 18k stack into game with 9♠ 8♠ blind and gets called by Malinski with pocket sevens. Flop A-T-7 brings set for Malinski but also outs for Mazurek, however runout 5 and 5 eliminates him.
Mazurek: 98s
Malinski: 77
Board: A-T-7-5-5
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 88,158, ent.: 38/67
15:30 Unlucky river for Lichvár
He was in game against Okonski on the turn K-Q-T-K, where Lichvár called Okonski´s 25k all in and shows nuts straight AJo. Okonski holds KJo and after T on the river doubles up.
Okonski: KJo
Lichvár: AJo
Board: K-Q-T-K-T
15:20 Seat open in first hand
Lelito raises to 2,5k from utg and after 3x call Gluszak moves all in 49k in his very first hand from bb. Lelito rejams and in showdown holds JJ against Gluszak´s AKo. Numerical board holds Lelito´s pair and Gluszak ends for this time.
Gluszak: AKo
Lelito: JJ
Board: 9-8-4-3-5
15:10 Lichvár for reentry
He was in game against Jančík on the flop Q♦ 9♥ 2♥, where these two gets their stacks behind the line. In showdown Lichvár holds KQo and Jančík with A♥ 4♥ needs to improve. Turn Q♥ completes flush for him and after river 5♣ Lichvár needs to use second chance.
Lichvár: KQo
Jančik: A♥ 4♥
Board: Q♦ 9♥ 2♥ Q♥ 5♣
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 82,432, ent.: 37/61
Break 30 minutes
1. draw - 00:00 - winner gets 50€ CG kredit
2. draw - 01:00 - winner gets 75€ CG kredit
3. draw - 02:00 - winner gets 100€ CG kredit
14:30 Jančík takes preflop
He starts the game with 2k raise, Lakatos 3bets to 6k and after call by Ivančová and Piask, Jančík decides to 4bet to 27k. Every opponent slowly folds his cards and Jančík takes pot preflop.
14:22 Ivančová eliminates
Berezowski gets his 11k stack into game with A2o and gets called by Ivančová with ATo. Flop 9-4-3 brings outs for Berezowski, turn 9 also for split but after K on the river needs to use reentry.
Berezowski: A2o
Ivančová: ATo
Board: 9-4-3-9-K
14:12 Pot for Pošivák
Logvin raises from ep to 2k that called Huba and Pošivák on bb. Flop A♠ Q♠ J♥ cbets Logvin 4k that both players called, turn Q♦ same action for 6,1k and on the river T♠ was action checked. In showdown Pošivák holds K♣ Q♣ what was enough to win this pot.
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 72,500, ent.: 40/58
14:00 Bad timing, well played
Mezei opens to 1,5k from CO and Blasko defends bb. Flop 3-3-3 cbets Mezei 2k and Blasko checkraises to 10k. Mezei takes some time and moves all in 36,5k effective that Blasko snaps and shows quads. Mezei holds ace high and falls on short.
Mezei: A9s
Blasko: 53s
Board: 3-3-3-6-K
13:55 Papáč hits on the river
Six players were in the game for 1bb, flop 9♦ 6♦ 7♣ bets Kukielka 900 and five of them continues. On the turn 3♦ was action checked to Cieslak on the button, who bets 2k that called 3 players this time and on the river Q♦ Papáč leads 7k from bb. Every opponent fold his cards and Papáč shows A♦.
13:45 Horváth for reentry
Mazurek opens to 1,3k and Horváth moves all in 7,5k that gets called by Piask from sb and also Mazurek. On the flop T♣ T♥ 3♠ after check Mazurek bets 7k and Piask folds her cards. In showdown Horváth holds A7o, but Mazurek AQs and after runout with any help Horváth needs to use reentry.
Horváth: A7o
Mazurek: AQs
Board: T-T-3-6-K
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 63,750, ent.: 39/51
13:25 Decent flop
Hervát was in game against Kotán on the flop 9♥ 8♥ 3♥, where these two gets their stacks behind the line. Kotán holds A♥ K♣, but Hervát J♥ T♥. Turn Q♦ and also river K♣ changes nothing and Kotán ends for this time.
Kotán: A♥ K♣
Hervát: J♥ T♥
Board: 9♥ 8♥ 3♥ Q♦ K♣
13:15 Papáč checkraises
Four players were in the game on the flop 9♠ 4♥ 2♦ where action was checked to Tamaškovič in position, who bets 2,5k and after call by Pletwa, Papáč check raises to 12,5k. Tamaškovič takes some time and folds and also Pletwa means pot for Papáč.
13:10 Karwanski for reentry
He starts the game with raise from utg that joined Svitanko and also players on blinds. Flop J-6-2 Karwanski cbets 2,5k that only Svitanko called and on the turn 4 moves Karwanski all in 17k that Svitanko snaps and shows 44. Karwanski holds top two and after blank river needs to use reentry.
Svitanko: 44
Karwanski: J6s
Board: J-6-2-4-8
GPC 100.000€ GTD vol.2 comming soon!!!
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 55,882, ent.: 34/38
12:50 Action on the river
Sabol raises to 1k from utg and 7 players were in the game. Action was checked till river A-A-6-A-5, where Strycharz bets 2k, Pletwa called and Horváth from blind checkraises to 8k. Action back on Strycharz who reraises to 25k that after fold Horváth called, but Strycharz shows quads A♣ 8♣ and takes nice pot.
12:45 Almost reentry
Blasko gets his last 7,5k into game with KTo and gets called by AQo under Laton´s hand. After flop A-8-3 Blasko stands from his chair, but turn K and river T holds him in the tournament.
Blasko: KTo
Laton: AQo
Board: A-8-3-K-T
12:40 First seat open
In 3bet spot were 3 players in the game for 2k. On the flop K-5-4 cbets Svitanko from the button 2,5k and Cieslak from blind moves all in approx 20k that Svitanko after fold snaps with TpTk. Cieslak holds 76o, but blank runout sends him for reentry.
Svitanko: AKo
Cieslak: 76o
Board: K-5-4-6-Q
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 24/24
12:25 4bet spot
Smolinska minraises and after call by Ivančová and Tamaškovič, Jasinski from the button 3bets to 1,2k. Action back on Smolinska who 4bets to 3k that called Ivančová and also Jasinski. Flop K♦ 5♦ 2♣ was checked to Jasinski, who bets 2k that only Smolinska called, turn 4♠ same action for 6k and river K♠ was checked. In showdown Smolinska holds pocket threes what was enough against ace high.
Smolinska: 33
Jasinski: AJo
Board: K-5-2-4-K
Will it be possible to collect the necessary 44.000€ during 3 flights today? Watch the live report!
12:10 On the start...
Cieslak, Karwanski, Tamaškovič, Logvin or Svitanko.
12:05 Another game day ahead of us!
Today we play 3 flights. First one flight 1E, from 17:00 flight 1F and from 22:00 flight 1G turbo.
Saturday schedule of PCHW
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 11/11
Check our social media for new daily information about PROMO events and actions in Banco Casino Košice.
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If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:
Adress: Hlavná 1, Košice
Phone number cash manager: 0918 100 100
Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
Reception: +421 552 850 333

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