Tournament Master of Disaster with 30.000€ GTD recorded 402 entries and champion is Oláh István, who took home after 5-way deal 6.382€ including 175€ ticket to tournament GPC 100.000€ GTD which which starts this week and also trophy for the winner!!!
1:54 2. place - Kohút Ronald - 3.776€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
In very last hand Oláh raises to 360k and Kohút moves all in 3,3m that Oláh snaps with pocket kings. Kohút holds KTo and after board without any help tournament ends.
Kohút: KTo
Oláh: KK
Board: A-8-6-A-2
1:51 Heads up:
Kohút - 3,5m
Oláh - 16,6m
1:50 3. place - Smola Damian - 4.459€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Oláh jams 2,9m effective from sb with AJs and Smola called with KQo. Numerical board eliminates Smola in 3th place.
Smola: KQo
Oláh: AJs
Board: 9-5-4-9-2
1:48 Double for Kohút
Smola raises button to 400k and Kohút moves all in 2,2m that Smola called with KJ. Kohút holds AJ and after flop A-A-6 and blank runout Kohút doubles.
Kohút: AJ
Smola: KJ
Board: A-A-6-7-9
1:45 Something back for Oláh
He opens to 500k and Smola joined. Flop J-5-4 cbets 500k and Smola pays, turn J same action for 800k and river K was checked. Smola shows A2 high, but Oláh holds 88.
1:40 2 in a row for Smola
In first one Oláh raises to 500k and Smola 3bets to 1m that gets called. Flop T♣ 9♣ 4♥ cbets Smola 700k that Oláh pays, but on the turn 3♦ after 2,6m all in folds his cards.
In second one Oláh calls and Smola checks bb. 3 barrels 200k, 500k and 900k Smola pays on board J-9-4-3-4 with 98o what was enough against T7.
1:30 Nice cooler
Kohút raises to 400k, Oláh called and Smola 3bets to 1m. Kohút calls and Oláh moves all in 5,5m that Smola snaps and shows AKs, but Oláh holds aces and doubles up.
Oláh: AA
Smola: AKs
Board: Q-4-2-6-9
Level 28: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 6,700,000, ent.: 3/41
1:11 Bvb
Oláh completes and Smola checks, flop 8♠ 7♣ 2♣ bets Oláh 1bb that gets called, turn 6♦ continues for 200k but this time Smola raises to 550k that Oláh pays. River 7♠ leads Oláh 575k and Smola moves all in. After while Oláh face up folds 7♦.
0:58 4. place - Nyerges Lajos - 2.462€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Nyerges opens to 360k and Kohút from bb jams 2,9m effective that Nyerges called with ATo. Kohút holds AKs and after board without T Nyerges ends.
Nyerges: ATo
Kohút: AKs
Board: 6-4-4-3-7
0:52 Nyerges triples up
He gets his 945k into game that gets called by Olah and also Kohút, who checks board T-7-6-4-Q. In showdown Olah holds A7o, Kohút 88, but Nyerges JJ who triples up.
0:47 5. place - Lendvai Peter - 3.093€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Kohút moves all in 2m effective from sb and Lendvai on bb caleld with A8o. Kohút holds JJ and after board without A Lendvai ends.
Lendvai: A8o
Kohút: JJ
Board: 7-7-2-8-9
0:45 Bvb
Smola raises to 250k from sb and Kohút on bb called. Flop K♠ T♦ 5♣ cbets 250k that Kohút called, turn A♣ same action for 650k and river 4♣ was checked. Smola holds AA in showdown and takes pot.
Level 17: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 4,020,000, ent.: 5/41
Smola - 6,245,000 - 4.459€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Oláh - 5,900,000 - 4.364€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Kohút - 4,090,000 - 3.776€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Lendvai - 2,495,000 - 3.093€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Nyerges - 1,370,000 - 2.462€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Left to play for 2.018€ and trophy!
0:22 Players discussing about ICM deal!
0:20 6. place - Slota Kryzstof - 1.383€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Slota gets his last 350k into game with 22 and Oláh called with JTo. Flop hits Oláh one of his outs and after blank runout Slota ends.
Slota: 22
Olah: JT
Board: J-A-6-T-Q
0:18 7. place - Šmida Ľubomír - 1.111€
Oláh opens to 180k and 3 players were in the game. Flop Q♥ 4♥ 4♠ cbets Olah 375k and Šmida from sb moves all in 2m that Olah called with A♣ Q♣. Šmida holds K♥ Q♦, turn 2♥ brings him flushdraw, but river 9♦ ends his journey.
Olah: A♣ Q♣
Šmida: K♥ Q♦
Board: Q♥ 4♥ 4♠ 2♥ 9♦
0:10 Kohút doubles
Nyerges opens from ep and Kohút from sb joined. Flop 8♥ 7♣ 6♥ was checked, turn J♠ after check Nyerges bets 225k and Kohút check raises to 500k that Nyerges called. River J♥ Kohút jams 1,280,000 that Nyerges called with K♥ J♣, but Kohút holds 77 and doubles up.
Kohút: 77
Nyerges: KJo
Board: 8-7-6-J-J
0:05 Smola´s 3barrel
He opens from utg1 and Nyerges defends bb. Three barrels 150k, 275k and 600k Nyerges called through board 3♥ 3♠ 2♥ J♣ A♥ with A♦ 2♦, but Smola holds 2♣ 2♠ under his hand and takes nice pot.
23:48 Big double
Smola raises to 175k from utg, Kohút called and Nyerges from sb 3bets to 440k. Action on Smola, who 4bet jams 2,2m effective and after fold Nyergers flips a coin. After while called and shows KK, Smola holds QQ and after blank board Nyerges doubles up.
Nyerges: KK
Smola: QQ
Board: A-A-8-7-J
ANGELS and DEVILS PARTY is set and ready on 02.02.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants and also an attractive tournament is ready for you!
Level 26: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,871.429, ent.: 7/41
Break 15 minutes
23:25 8. place - Jarosz Tomasz - 900€
Jarosz jams 450k from button with AJo and Lendvai on bb called with K3o. Flop brings king for him that holds till river.
Jarosz: AJo
Lendvai: K3o
Board: K-Q-2-8-3
23:15 9. place - Balogh Raul Alexandru - 730€
Balogh raises to 125k and Smola from sb 3bets to 280k that Balogh called. Flop A♠ K♦ 3♠ cbets Smola 300k that Balogh pays, turn 2♠ Smola slows down and check calls 325k bet. River 5♥ Balogh moves all in 1,350,000 that after while Smola called and shows AQo, what was enough against A♦ 7♦ and Balogh ends.
Balogh: A♦ 7♦
Smola: A♣ Q♦
Board: A♠ K♦ 3♠ 2♠ 5♥
23:00 Smola increases chiplead
Šmida minraises from ep and Smola defends bb. Flop A♣ 3♣ 3♥ cbets Šmida 200k that Smola pays, turn K♦ same action for 400k and river J♣ was checked. In showdown Smola holds A♦ J♦ and takes pot against A♠ 8♠ under Šmida´s hand.
Šmida: A♠ 8♠
Smola: A♦ J♦
Board: A♣ 3♣ 3♥ K♦ J♣
Fareweel PLOmaha Winner - Kučera Miroslav wins 383€!!! Congratulations!
Level 25: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 2,233.333, ent.: 9/41
Break 15 minutes
22:30 10. place - Derda Peter - 566€
Derda raises from the button to 225k, Smola 3bets differently and Derda 4bet jams 1,3m that Smola called with 88. Derda holds AQo and takes a lead on the flop A-J-2, but 8 on the turn means we are moving on ft.
Derda: AQo
Smola: 88
Board: A-J-2-8-4
22:19 11. place - Mariňák Slavomír - 566€
Mariňák jams 460k from sb and Šmida on bb after while called with 7♥ 6♥. Mariňák holds A♣ Q♣ but flop 7-7-2 brings trips for Šmida and after J on the turn Mariňák ends.
Mariňák: A♣ Q♣
Šmida: 7♥ 6♥
Board: 7-7-2-J-8
22:15 Run run
Oláh moves all in 535k from sb with A♥ 3♥ and Nyerges on bb called with K♥ 9♥. After flop K-9-8 Oláh stands from his chair, but A on the turn and 3 on the river doubles up his stack.
Olah: A3s
Nyerges: K9s
Board: K-9-8-A-3
22:11 12. place - Cestický Patrik - 444€
Cestický in next hand again minraises, Smola 3bets to 250k and Cestický moves all in 850k that Smola called. Cestický holds TT, but Smola back to back QQ and after blank board Cestický ends.
Cestický: TT
Smola: QQ
Board: A-K-J-3-3
22:10 Smola survived
Cestický minraises and Smola 3ebts to 250k that Cestický called. On the flop 6♦ 2♦ 2♣ Smola moves all in 785k that Cestický snaps with A♦ T♦. Smola holds queens, but blank turn and river doubles Smola´s stack.
Cestický: A♦ T♦
Board: 6♦ 2♦ 2♣ 7♥ J♥
22:05 Never easy
Lendvai opens to 150k and Slota moves all in 605k that Lendvai after while called with T♠ 9♠. Slota holds QQ, flop 6-5-3 was safe for him, but 9 on the turn brings outs for Lendvai, however river holds Slota.
Lendvai: T♠ 9♠
Board: 6-5-3-9-2
21:53 Slota doubles
Olah opens from utg and Slota from bb moves all in 360k that Olah called with A9o. Slota holds AQo and holds through board J-T-5-8-2
Level 24: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,675,000, ent.: 12/41
21:48 Kohút doubles up
Oláh raises button and Nyerges with Kohút on blinds joined. Flop T-7-6 cbets Oláh 45k that only Kohút called, who leadshoves 470k on the turn 2. Olah after while called with QTs, but Kohút holds 62 and after 9 on the river doubles up.
Kohút: 62
Olah: QT
Board: T-7-6-2-9
21:26 Three outs for Cestický
Šmida raises to 100k and Cestický moves all in 865k with QTo. Šmida called with AQo and Cestický needs to hit three outs. Flop 4-4-3 was safe for Šmida, but T on the turn and 6 on the river holds Cestický in the tournament.
Cestický: QTo
Šmida: AQo
Board: 4-4-3-T-6
21:23 BvB
Šmida raises from sb to 120k and Cestický on bb called. Three barrels 130k, 150k and 200k Cestický pays through board T♥ 7♦ 5♦ 5♣ 9♥, but when Šmida shows KTo Cestický mucks his cards.
21:20 13. place - Kratochvíl Karel - 444€
Kratochvíl moves all in 310k from the button with pocket aces and gets called by Slota with pocket sevens, who hits one of his outs on the river and eliminates Kratochvíl.
Kratochvíl: AA
Slota: 77
Board: K-Q-4-6-7
Level 23: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg.1,546,154, ent.: 13/41
Break 15 minutes
20:52 14. place - Zelasko Kamil - 444€
Zelasko openshoves from mp 400k with ATo and Jarosz on bb called with pocket nines. Successful flip for Jarosz eliminates Zelasko from the tournament.
Zelasko: ATo
Jarosz: 99
Board: K-Q-5-2-6
20:45 Big pot for Lendvai
Derda limps, Oláh raises to 85k that called Lendvai on bb and also Derda. Flop J♥ T♣ 9♠ cbets Oláh 115k that both players called, turn 8♣ leads Lendvai 350k that called Derda and also Oláh. River A♦ was checked and Lendvai takes pot with AQo, Oláh shows set of tens.
20:40 Balogh takes on the turn
Cestický opens from CO and Balogh 3bets from bb that Cestický called. Flop T♦ 8♥ 5♦ cbets Balogh 350k that Cestický pays, but after 800k all in on the turn 9♥ Cestický folds his cards.
20:33 Kohút vs Lendvai
Lendvai opens to 100k from utg and Kohút from bb 3bets to 305k that gets called. Flop T♥ 9♦ 7♣ cbets Kohút 415k and Lendvai moves all in 1,2m effective. After while Kohút folds his cards and Lendvai takes nice pot.
20:25 15. place - Mlodzinski Jakub - 370€
Nyerges raises and after call Mlodzinski 3bets to 325k. Action back on Nyerges who moves all in 1,5m and after fold Mlodzinski with same stack called with Q♣ Q♠. Nyerges holds A♦ A♥, but flop Q♦ T♦ 2♣ gives a leadto to Mlodzinski, however runner runner flush eliminates Mlodzinski from the tournament.
Mlodzinski: Q♣ Q♠
Nyerges: A♦ A♥
Board: Q♦ T♦ 2♣ 3♦ 8♦
20:12 16. place - Lukáč Emil - 370€
Derda opens and Lukáč defends bb. Flop 3-3-2 cbets Derda 100k that Lukáč called and on the turn 4 players ended up in all in. Lukáč holds 77, but Derda A3 and after 2 on the river Lukáč ends.
Lukáč: 77
Derda: A3
Board: 3-3-2-4-2
20:11 17. place - Maslanka Piotr - 370€
Maslanka gets his short into game with KQs and against Zelasko´s 88 needs to hit board. Flop changes nothing but after 8 on the turn we are moving on last 2 tables.
Maslanka: KQs
Zelasko: 88
Board: T-4-2-8-6
Level 22: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1,182,353, ent.: 17/41
20:05 Unlucky river for Cestický
Lendvai raises to 100k from the button and Cestický from blind jams 845k effective that Lendvai snaps with KQo. Cestický holds AKo, but flop J-T-2 brings outs for Lendvai, who hits ace on the river and makes big double.
Lendvai: KQo
Cestický: AKo
Board: J-T-2-5-A
19:57 18. place - Erdelyi Richard - 370€
Erdelyi gets his last bb into game on bb with A4o, but didn´t hits his 3 outs against 88 under Balogh´s hand.
Balogh: 88
Erdelyi: A4o
Board: Q-T-5-5-9
19:54 19. place - Sandor Benedek - 317€
Smola raises to 55k from utg and Sandor from bb moves all in 550k that Smola snaps with pocket queens. Sandor holds AKo and Q in the window wasn´t good for him, but after T right behind Sandor had 4 outs. Turn J completes nuts for him, but river 5 pairs the board and Sandor ends.
Sandor: AKo
Smola: QQ
Board: Q-T-5-J-5
19:51 20. place - Stefano - 317€
Stefano gets his last 4bb into game with 98, but Cestický called with pair of threes. Blank board holds Cestický´s pair and Stefano ends.
19:50 21. place - Hustler - 317€
He ended up in preflop all in for 270k with pocket fives against Olah´s pocket tens, who hits set on the flop and eliminates Hustler from the tournament.
Hustler: 55
Olah: TT
Board: T-9-6-2-4
19:45 Cestický in tank
Šmida starts the game with minraise and Cestický 3bets to 150k. Action back on Šmida who 4bets to 550k. Cestický gets into long tank and face up folds QQ, Šmida shows him same combinaton.
19:40 22. place - Luman - 317€
Cestický raises to 55k from CO and Luman from bb moves all in 330k that Cestický snaps with TT. Luman holds A5o and after board without A ends.
Cestický: TT
Luman: A5o
Board: 9-9-7-5-Q
19:35 23. place - Major Istvan - 275€
Major was in game on the turn 5-4-2-4 against Lukáč, where Major gets his approx 250k behind the line and Lukáč called. In showdown Major holds 74o. but against A3 needs to hit on the river. That holds Lukáč who eliminates Major from the tournament.
Major: 74o
Lukáč: A3o
Board: 5-4-2-4-T
Level 21: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 873,913, ent.: 21/41
24. place - Topoly Milan - 275€
25. place - Agusevich "Slávik" Stanislav - 275€
19:15 Bvb
Nyerges raises to 50k from sb and Jarosz on bb 3bets to 150k. Nyerges takes some time and moves all in 450k that Jarosz called with 4♦ 3♦. Nyerges holds A♣ 9♣ and after flop K-9-9 celebrates double up.
Nyerges: A9s
Jarosz: 43s
Board: K-9-9-5-2
19:10 26. place - Filak Dariusz - 275€
Filak gets his short into game with pocket tens from utg and Mlodzinski on blind called with A3s. Flop 9-3-3 gives him a lead and after runout K and A Filak ends in the tournament.
Filak: TT
Mlodzinski: A3s
Board: 3-3-9-K-A
27. place - Kapalka Krystian - 275€
19:00 Kapalka on short
He ended up in preflop all in for 225k with AQo, but Erdelyi finds AKo and called. Flop brings king for Eredelyi, turn hope for Kapalka, but after river falls on short.
Kapalka: AQo
Erdelyi: AKo
Board: K-2-6-T-8
18:55 Three outs for Stefano
Luman minraises utg and after call Stefano moves all in 110k from bb. Luman rejams and after fold shows AJo. Stefano holds KJo but hits K on the flop and doubles up.
Stefano: KJo
Luman: AJo
Board: K-5-2-9-J
Some stacks:
Derda - 600k
Hustler - 470k
Lendvai - 1,1m
Šmida - 2,1m
Luman - 540k
Mariňák - 1,4m
Jarosz - 1,2m
Level 20: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 744,444, ent.: 27/41
Break 30 minutes
28. place - Fedor Ivan - 275€
29. place - Wadas Andrzej - 245€
18:08 Lucky runout for Slávik
He openshoves 148k with KQo and against Šmida´s AKo needs to hit 3outs. Flop 8-6-5 changes nothing, but runner runner straight means split.
Šmida: AKo
Slávik: KQo
Board: 8-6-5-9-7
18:00 Second barrel convinced
Fedor opens to 45k, Topoly on the button called and Kohút from sb wanted to 3bets, but called by mistake. On the flop K♥ Q♣ 3♥ leads Kohút 50k that Topoly called and on the turn 4♦ after second barrel 100k Topoly folds his cards. Kohút shows him QQ and takes pot.
17:54 30. place - Martin "Taker" Képeš - 245€
Taker openshoves 200k with A3s, but against AJo under Oláh´s hand needs to hit the board. Flop Q-9-Q and also turn 6 brings him outs for split, but after 4 on the river ends.
Taker: A3s
Olah: AJo
Board: Q-Q-9-6-4
31. place - Kovacs Lajos - 245€
32, place - Čorba Róbert - 245€
17:40 33. place - Gábor Ladislav - 245€
Gábor minraises and Kohút 3bets from the button to 83k that Gábor called. On the flop 9♥ 7♥ 6♦ Gábor leadshoves 300k that Kohút called with K♥ 8♥. Gábor holds 4♥ 3♥ and after blank runout ends.
Gábor: 4♥ 3♥
Kohút: K♥ 8♥
Board: 9♥ 7♥ 6♦ 9♣ 8♣
Level 19: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 609,091, ent.: 33/41
17:35 Nuts for Oláh
Jarosz opens to 25k from ep and Oláh joined the game from sb. Flop Q♦ 8♥ 7♣ cbets Jarozs 25k that gets called, turn 6♠ after second barrel 50k Oláh check raises to 140k that Jarosz pays and also 90k all in on the river K♥. Oláh holds nuts T♥ 9♥ and Jarosz shows 2 pairs 8♣ 6♣.
Oláh: T♥ 9♥
Jarosz: 8♣ 6♣
Board: Q♦ 8♥ 7♣ 6♠ K♥
34. place - Okonski Mieszko - 245€
17:25 35. place - Barnutiu Erno - 220€
Barnutiu completes sb and Šmida raises to 47k from bb. Flop K♥ 9♣ 6♠ Šmida cbets 105k and Barnutiu moves 200k all in with Q9o. Šmida snaps with K6o and afte rblank runout Barnutiu ends.
Barnutiu: Q9o
Šmida: K6o
Board: K-9-6-2-6
17:17 Drawing dead
Kohút opens from utg and Topoly moves all in 300k from bb that Kohút snaps with pocket kings. Topoly holds AKo. but after flop A-A-4 Kohút needs to give 300k to Topoly.
Topoly: AKo
Kohút: KK
Board: A-A-4-9-T
36. place - Szatmari Andras - 220€
37. place - Širilla Ladislav - 220€
You can fight for this beautiful trophy next week! Complete program of the GPC tournament below!!
Level 18. 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 543,243, ent.: 37/402
16:55 Luman vs Okonski
Luman starts the game with raise and Okonski from the button 3bets to 82k that Luman called. FLop A♥ Q♦ 5♠ Luman check calls 60k cbet, turn Q♥ slows the action and river 2♦ was also checked. In showdown Luman holds A♠ 8♠ and Okonski mucks his cards.
16:52 Cestický 4bets
He opens to 22k from mp and Jarsoz from bb 3bets to 85k. Cestický takes some time and decides to 4bet to 250k and Jarosz after while folds his cards.
16:50 Bvb
Šmida ended up in preflop all in with K9 against Okonski, who finds AQo on the bb. Ace on the flop and blank runout doubles Okonski´s 300k stack.
16:45 Nice pot for Lukáč
He opens from the button and Balogh 3bets from sb that Lukáč called. Flop A♥ J♠ T♠ Lukáč called cbet, turn 2♣ Balogh slows down and check calls 102k bet. River 6♦ continues Lukáč for 150k that Balogh after while called. Lukáč shows J♥ T♥ what was enough to win this pot.
38. place - Gorgosz Banach Dominik - 220€
16:40 39. place - Debreceni Peter - 220€
Debreceni opens from utg and Lukáč with Balogh on blinds joined the game. On the flop A♦ Q♦ 5♥ Debreceni moves all in 90k that Lukáč called and shows set of fives. Debreceni holds A♥ T♦ and after turn 6♠ ends.
Debreceni: A♥ T♦
Lukáč: 55
Board: A♦ Q♦ 5♥ 6♠ 9♥
16:27 Three outs on the river
Šmida minraises CO and Okonski 3bets to 45k from the button that Šmida pays. Flop A♠ 9♦ 2♦ cbets Okonski 55k that gets called, turn 8♦ slows the action and on the river 5♥ leads Šmida 75k that Okonski snaps with AKo. However Šmida holds 2 pairs A5o and takes pot.
16:22 Set over Set
Šmida was in game against Filak on the flop Q♣ 9♣ 5♥, where players ended up in all in. Šmida shows set of nines, but Filak set of queens and after blank runout Filak doubles 328k stack.
Šmida: 99
Filak: QQ
Board: Q-9-5-A-6
16:20 Derda takes from Debreceni
Debreceni opens from the button and Derda 3bets from sb that Debreceni pays. Flop Q♠ 9♦ 4♣ Derda checks, Debreceni bets 36k and Derda check raises to 75k that gets called. Turn 4♦ was checked and on the river T♦ Derda asks for 100k. Debreceni gets into long tank and then decides to call, but Derda holds QQ and takes nice pot.
Level 17: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 515,385, ent.: 39/41
40. place - Meszáros Lászlo - 220€
16:09 First flip in the final
Filak gets his 190k stack into game preflop with pocket tens and Topoly called with AKo. Queen high board wasn´t the one that Topoly wanted and Filak celebrates double.
Filak: TT
Topoly: AKo
Board: Q-8-6-5-2
16:05 41. place - Jelen Mateus - 220€
Jelen opens with his short and Nyerges from the button joined the game. 2 small barrel and 76k all in on the river A♠ T♠ 2♠ K♥ A♣ Nyerges after while called with A♥ 9♥ and Nyerges shows pure bluff with J♦ 6♦.
1. 7.777€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
2. 5.100€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
3. 3.246€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
4. 2.314€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
5. 1.737€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
6. 1.383€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
7. 1.111€
8. 900€
9. 730€
10. - 11. 566€
12. - 14. 444€
15. - 18. 370€
19. - 22. 317€
23. - 28. 275€
29. - 34. 245€
35. - 41. 220€
16:00 Final Day started!
13 minutes of this level remain to be played. 41 players left from 402 entries. Who´s gonna be the champion of the tournament Master of Disaster? Watch the live report!
Level 16: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 490,244., ent.: 41/41
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