Flight 1C of tournament Grand Poker Cup recorded 129 entries and 13 players advanced to the Final Day. Chipleader from this flight is Turcik Marián with stack of 932,000.
After three flights there is OVERLAY of 65.000€, what is the best invitation for today´s flights!
First one, Flight 1D starts at 12:00, second one 1E starts at 17:00 and Flight 1F Turbo starts at 22:00!
We are looking forward to your participation!
5:08 One double and one seat open
On one table Koper jams 185k and Grinder called with pocket sevens on bb. Koper holds A8o and hits 8 on the turn and A on the river so he doubles up.
On second one Oláh gets his 185k into game with pocket 88 and Sciranka called with KTs. King on the flop and board without 8 ends today´s flight.
5:03 Hand for hand
Miskowiec openshoves 166k from HJ and Turcik from the button called. In showdown Miskowiec holds TT, but Turcik QQ and after board without T Miskowiec ends and we are on bubble now.
Miskowiec: TT
Turcik: QQ
Board: 9-7-3-J-5
Level 20: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 430,000, ent.: 15/129
4:59 Wrong diamond
Grinder minraises and Hanudeľ moves all in 158k that Grinder called with A♦ 2♦. Hanudeľ holds TT and flop K♦ K♣ 8♦ brings flushdraw for Grinder that he completes on the turn, but Hanudeľ full house and doubles up.
Hanudeľ: TT
Grinder: A♦ 2♦
Board: K♦ K♣ 8♦ T♦ 8♥
4:55 Nuts flush for Mazurek
Oláh raises from utg and Mazurek joined from button. Flop A♣ 5♦ 4♣ was checked, turn 3♣ Oláh check calls 32k and on the river 7♠ leads for 70k. Mazurek raises to 160k that Oláh after tank called, but Mazurek holds K♣ T♣ and takes nice pot.
4:50 Baloghová ends
She gets her stack into game with AJ, but Oláh finds aces under his hand. After blank runout Baloghová won´t advance from today´s flight.
Level 19: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 403,125, ent.: 16/129
4:30 Meety vs Grinder
Meety minraises from ep and Grinder next to him calls. Flop 9♥ 6♥ 5♣ was checked, turn 4♦ bets Meety 65k that Grinder called. River J♠ was checked again, Meety shows A2o, but Grinder takes pot with 33 under his hand.
4:14 Bigger game
Turcik raises to 35k that called Borgoň and Meety. Koper from sb moves all in 40k that every player called. Flop 7♣ 4♠ 3♠ was checked to Meety, who bets 105k that both players called, turn Q♣ Turcik leads for 125k and Borgoň moves all in 191k. Meety folds and Turcik called with TT. Borgoň holds KK and Koper nuts 6♠ 5♠, who takes main pot after 6♥ on the river and Borgoň doubles up.
Borgoň: KK
Turcik: TT
Koper: 65s
Board: 7-4-3-Q-6
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 403,125, ent.: 16/129
Break 15 minutes
3:36 Back to back
Again Kohút against Szymanski in preflop all in. This time Szymanski holds 99 and Kohút JJ and after board without 9 doubles 170k stack.
Kohút: JJ
Szymanski: 99
Board: A-K-3-5-7
3:35 Three outs for Kohút
For his last 70k Kohút ended up in preflop all in with A5o against AQo under Szymanski´s hand. Flop brings one of Kohút´s outs, who doubles after blank turn and river.
Kohút: A5o
Szymanski: AQo
Board: 9-8-5-4-2
3:33 Another one for Meety
This time holds A♣ K♥ and Goenczi with 150k stack pocket sevens. Runner runner flush on A means another successful flip for Meety.
Meety: A♣ K♠
Goenczi: 77
Board: 9♣ 6♠ 5♣ Q♣ J♣
3:30 Ojrzynski ends
He moves all in his last approx 8bb from the button with Q5o and Borgoň on bb called with pocket threes. Flop brings set for him, turn open ended for Ojrzynski but river eliminates him.
Ojrzynski: Q5o
Borgoň: 33
Board: 9-3-2-4-Q
3:24 Bvb
Mirka openshoves 104k from sb with A♥ 4♥ and Koper on bb snaps with 88. Till the turn was Koper in a lead, but river completes straight for Mirka who doubles up.
Mirka: A♥ 4♥
Koper: 8♠ 8♥
Board: K♦ T♦ 2♦ Q♦ J♠
3:17 Flip for Meety
He opens from the button and Strycharz from bb jams approx 210k with A♣ Q♣. Meety called with pocket jacks and holds through board K-6-7-4-2.
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 307,143, ent.: 21/129
3:05 From short to chipleader
Szabo openshoves 161k from utg, Ojrzynski from CO after while rejams and Turcik on the button gets into long tank. After that called with 359k stack and in showdown holds QQ. Szabo shows A5o and Ojrzynski pocket tens. After blank board Turcik rises on chipleader of the tournament, Szabo ends and Ojrzynski falls on short.
Szabo: A5o
Ojrzynski: TT
Turcik: QQ
Board: 7-4-4-9-4
3:00 Kapalka ends
Čerep minraises and Kapalka moves all in 91k that Čerep snaps and shows aces. Kapalka holds TT, turn brings outs for Kapalka, but river eliminates him.
Kapalka: TT
Čerep: AA
Board: J-9-5-8-9
2:56 Three outs for Baloghová
She openshoves 125k from HJ and Mazurek from sb called with QQ. Flop A-J-T gives a lead to Baloghová, after A on the turn Mazurek needs to see the king on the river for split, but 9 doubles Baloghová.
Baloghová: AQo
Mazurek: QQ
Board: A-J-T-A-9
2:50 Grinder tests
Motola raises to 22k from the button and Grinder defends bb. Flop A♣ 6♥ 3♥ cbets Motola 20k and Grinder snap raises to 60k. Motola even faster folds his cards and Grinder takes small pot.
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 258,000, ent.: 25/129
This beautiful trophy is waiting for the winner! Complete program of the GPC tournament below!!
2:40 Another successful flip for Turcik
Turcik holds same combination like last time AQ and Szabo called with pocket fives. Flop gives a lead to Turcik who doubles 87k after blank runout.
Turcik: AQ
Szabo: 55
Board: A-T-6-6-8
2:25 Second barrel convinced
Meety minraises and Strycharz in position joined the game. Flop Q♠ 4♦ 3♣ cbets Meety 15k that Strycharz pays, but on the turn 5♥ after second barrel 58k Strycharz folds his cards after minute.
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 248,077, ent.: 26/129
2:05 Ojrzynski doubles up
After limp Ojrzynski raises to 20k and Klima next to him 3bets to 75k. Action back on Ojrzynski, who after while 4bet jams 161k and Klima pays with KQo. Ojrzynski holds JJ and after third one on the flop doubles up.
Ojrzynski: JJ
Klima: KQo
Board: J-6-4-4-T
2:01 Aces for Grinder
Karwanski openshoves 75k with A5o and Grinder on sb finds rockets. After turn it´s clear that Karwanski ends in today´s flight.
Karwanski: A5o
Grinder: AA
Board: Q-J-4-8-6
1:58 Ivančo won´t advance
Pochwatka raises from CO and Ivančo from bb jams 90k with pocket threes. However Pochwatka holds QQ and after board that completes flush for Pochwatka, Ivančo ends.
Ivančo: 33
Pochwatka: Q♠ Q♣
Board: J♠ 8♠ 2♣ K♠ 7♠
1:50 Flip for Turcik
He openshoves 68k from utg and Radvanský from blind called with pocket sixes. Turcik holds A♦ Q♦ and flop A♠ 9♦ 4♦ was perfect for him. Turn or river changes nothing nad Turcik doubles up.
Turcik: A♦ Q♦
Radvanský: 66
Board: A♠ 9♦ 4♦ J♥ 2♥
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg.169,737, ent.: 38/129
Break 10 minutes
1:35 Motola doubles in last hand before break
Meety minraises from utg, Salacha next to him called and Motola from bb moves all in 107k. Meety folds and Salacha called with pocket eights. However Motola holds 99 and after board without 8 doubles his stack.
Motola: 99
Salacha: 88
Board: J-T-3-Q-7
1:25 Many outs
Radvanský minraises, Pabian 3bets to 27k and Radvanský moves all in 62,5k that Pabian called with A♥ K♥. Radvanský holds QQ, flop 5♥ 5♦ 2♥ brings more outs for Pabian, but turn 2♠ and river 7♠ doubles Radvanský´s stack.
Radvanský: QQ
Pabian: A♥ K♥
Board: 5♥ 5♦ 2♥ 2♠ 7♠
ANGELS and DEVILS PARTY is set and ready on 02.02.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants and also an attractive tournament is ready for you!
1:15 Sciranka eliminates
He ended up in preflop all in for 45k with pocket queens against Happy who shows ATo. Numerical board holds Sciranka´s pair who eliminates Happy from the tournament.
Happy: ATo
Sciranka: QQ
Board: 2-2-4-5-5
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 153,571, ent.: 42/129
1:00 Time for Blasko
Baloghová opens to 9k, Topoly called and Mazurek from button 3bets to 34k. Blasko from blind coldcalls and also Baloghová. Flop T♥ 9♣ 3♠ cbets Mazurek 35k that pays just Blasko and on the turn 4♣ Mazurek jams 95k effective. Blasko gets into long tank, time was called on him and then called with Q♠ T♠, but Mazurek shows JJ and after 5♥ on the river Blasko ends.
Blasko: QTs
Mazurek: JJ
Board: T-9-3-4-5
0:52 Kapalka jams on the turn
He starts the game with 8,5k raise that joined Strycharz in position. Flop T♣ 6♦ 5♠ cbets Kapalka 7k that gets paid and on the turn 9♣ moves all in 50k effective. Strycharz thinks for a minute but then folds his cards.
0:45 Gets through
Grinder raises from HJ and Pabian defends bb. Flop A♥ T♠ 2♠ cbets Grinder 10k that gets called, turn 6♣ continues for 25k that Pabian also pays and on the river 4♦ Grinder jams 120k effective. Pabian gets into long tank and after couple of minutes folds his cards. Grinder shows him 9♠ 6♠ and takes pot.
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 129,000, ent.: 50/129
0:25 Blasko takes from Topoly
For 6,5k were four players in the game, flop K♠ 8♥ 5♠ bets Blasko 18k that called just Topoly from sb, who leads 25k on the turn J♥ that after while Blasko called. River A♠ bets Topoly again 26,5k that Blasko also called. Topoly shows Q♠ K♣, but Blasko rivered straight with Q♣ T♥ and takes pot.
0:20 Miskowiec eliminates
He starts the game with 6,5k raise from utg that joined Šmida in position. Flop A♦ 7♠ 6♣ cbets Miskowiec 9,5k and Šmida raises to 35k. Miskowiec thinks for a while and jams 88k effective that Šmida called with AQs. However Miskowiec holds AKo and after turn and river without Q, Šmida ends in the tournament.
Šmida: AQs
Miskowiec: AKo
Board: A-7-6-2-T
0:15 Mirka takes on the flop
Gloenczi opens to 7,5k from ep and 4 players were in the game. Flop 7♠ 6♦ 3♣ cbets Gloenczi 15k and after call by Grinder, Mirka moves all in approx 100k. Gloenczi folds and Grinder also and shows 7♦.
0:05 13 players advance to Final Day
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 119,444, ent.: 54/129
Break 30 minutes
23:20 Double for Čerep
He openshoves 31,4k from utg and Baloghová on bb decides to call with Q8o. Čerep holds AKo and after board without Q or 8 Čerep doubles up.
Čerep: AKo
Baloghová: Q8o
Board: 6-4-4-7-J
23:15 Sciranka eliminates
Nyerges openshoves 27k that called Sciranka on the button and also Blasko from sb. On the flop A♣ J♣ 3♣ Sciranka jams 68,5k and Blasko gets into tank, but then decides to fold. In showdown Nyerges holds KJo, but Sciranka ATs and after blank runout Nyerges ends for this time.
Nyerges: KJo
Sciranka: ATs
Board: A♣ J♣ 3♣ 9♥ 6♥
ARMY PARTY is set and ready on 16.02.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants and also an attractive tournament is ready for you!
23:07 Mirka doubles up
She ended up in preflop all in for 45,5k with pocket sevens and Szabo holds 86o under his hand. Safe flop A-7-2 and blank runout doubles Mirka´s stack.
Mirka: 77
Szabo: 86o
Board: A-7-2-K-9
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg 106,140, ent.: 57/121
22:58 Just call
After minraise Mazurek 3bets to 12k that called just Hudáček from sb. Flop A-K-Q was checked, turn 9 bets Mazurek 13k and Hudáček checkraises to 26k that gets called. River A Hudáček bets 50k that Mazurek just called with AQ. Hudáček holds 44 and Mazurek takes nice pot.
Mazurek: AQ
Hudáček: 44
Board: A-K-Q-9-A
22:55 Top set
Grinder raises from utg to 4,5k and 4 players were in the game. Flop 9-8-6 was checked to Wadas, who bets 6,3k and Goenczi moves all in 51,6k. Action back on Wadas who after while called with pocket sevens and needs to hit his draw against 99. Turn J and river 8 doubles Goenczi´s stack.
Goenczi: 99
Wadas: 77
Board: 9-8-6-J-8
22:38 Kings for Luman
He raises from utg and Pipo next to him moves all in 30k with ATo. Luman snaps with pocket kings and Pipo needs to hir three outs, but board without any help eliminates him.
Pipo: ATo
Luman: KK
Board: Q-J-T-7-7
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 98,333, ent.: 60/118
22:22 Bigger one for Grinder
After limp Gulyas raises to 3,8k and 7 players were interested. Flop J♣ T♥ 5♦ cbets Gulyas 12k that called Grinder and also Kondas on the button. Turn 9♣ continues Gulyas for 20k, Grinder minraises and after fold Gulyas moves all in 50k that Grinder called with T♠ 9♠. Gulyas holds AKo and after river without Q Grinder takes nice pot.
Grinder: T♠ 9♠
Gulyas: AKo
Board: J-T-5-9-5
22:15 Pot for Luman
Hudáček starts the game with 4k raise and after call by Luman, Jančiar 3bets to 9,5k that both called. Flop 8♣ 7♥ 3♣ cbets Jančiar 12k that only Luman called, turn 9♣ slows the action and river 7♦ was checked also. Jančiar shows AKo, but Luman holds 66 and takes pot.
22:10 Čerep for reentry
After minraise Oláh 3bets to 8k and Čerep 4bet shoves 30k stack. After folds Oláh called with pocket tens, Čerep holds lower pair of nines but flop 7-8-5 brings him more outs, however turn 7 and river 7 sends him for reentry.
Čerep: 99
Oláh: TT
Board: 8-7-5-7-7
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 85,075, ent.: 67/114
21:55 Cbet enough
Janoszki raises to 2,5k and after 2 calls Mazurek bets to 11k from sb. Action back on Janoszki who 4bets to 27,5k that Mazurek called. On the flop A-K-4 cbets Janoszki 8k and Mazurek snap folds JJ.
21:44 Nyerges for reentry
Grinder raises to 2,6k and after call Nyerges moves all in last 15k. Grinder called and after fold shows ATo. Nyerges holds lower A9o and after board without 9 needs to use reentry.
Nyerges: A9o
Grinder: ATo
Board: Q-J-5-3-8
21:40 Aces for Kellner
He gets his 30k into game with pocket aces and Szabo called with AQo. After blank board Kellner celebrates double up.
Kellner: AA
Szabo: AQo
Board: 9-4-3-2-Q
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 75,342, ent.: 73/110
21:35 Quads for Topoly
He limps, Steško raises to 3,5k and Szabo 3bets to 9k that both players called. On the flop 7-7-5 cbets Szabo 10k, Topoly called and Steško raises to 30k. Szabo jams 60k, topoly also 18k and Steško called. In showdown Steško holds TT, Szabo JJ and Topoly 76s, who hits quads on the turn and triples up.
Steško: TT
Szabo: JJ
Topoly: 76s
Board: 7-7-5-7-4
21:30 Double seat open
Sogan and Jančiar gets their shortstacks into game with 44 and A9s. Kedzierski, who covered both of them with 25k stack called with J9o and hits J on the flop that eliminates 2 players.
Sogan: 44
Jančiar: A9s
Kedzierski: J9o
Board: Q-J-2-Q-3
21:15 Szabo takes on the turn
After 2 limps Mirka raises to 7k from the button that called Szymanski and also Goenczi. Flop 7♠ 6♥ 6♣ leads Goenczi 6k, Mirka called and Szymanski minraises that both called. On the turn 2♣ after check Goenczi moves all in and opponents quickly fold their cards.
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 68,056, ent.: 72/98
Break 30 minutes
20:25 Panek takes on the flop
After 1,7k open and 2 calls Panek from the button 3bets to 7,5k. 4 players in the game on the flop 9♦ 4♦ 3♠, where action was checked to Panek, who cbets 9k and every opponent quickly fold his cards. Panek shows them QQ and takes pot.
20:15 Janoszki doubles after reentry
Wolinski opens from ep to 3,7k and Janoszki 3bets to 9,1k. Action back on Wolinski, who 4bets to 28k and Janoszki moves all in starting stack that Wolinski pays with A♣ Q♣. Janoszki holds A♠ K♠, flop brings flushdraw for him and after turn or river without Q Janoszki doubles up.
Janoszki: A♠ K♠
Wolinski: A♣ Q♣
Board: 7♥ 5♠ 2♠ T♣ 4♥
20:10 Flip for Goenczi
He ended up in preflop all in for 23k with AKo against Gulyas, who shows pocket jacks. Flop K-8-5 gives a lead to Goenczi, who doubles on starting stack after turn and river without J.
Goenczi: AKo
Gulyas: JJ
Board: K-8-5-4-A
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Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 60,145, ent.: 69/83
20:00 Treba mať odvahu
After minraise and call, Janoszki 3bets to 5,1k and Erdei from the button 4bets to 12,1k that called Ivančo from blind. Action back on Janoszki, who moves all in 55k, Erdei called and also Ivančo with 35k stack. In showdown Janoszki holds JJ, Erdei AA and Ivančo 8♣ 7♣, who hits monster flop K♣ T♠ 9♣, turn 4♦ changes nothing but 3♣ on the river triples Ivančo´s stack and Janoszki ends.
Janoszki: JJ
Erdei: AA
Ivančo: 8♣ 7♣
Board: K♣ T♠ 9♣ 4♦ 3♣
19:50 River for Sloma
Eros limps, Sloma also and Partizán from bb raises to 3k that both called. Flop 5♥ 4♥ 2♦ checked to Sloma, who bets 6k and Partizán checkraises to 12k. Eros folds and Sloma moves all in 19k that Partizán called with pocket kings. Sloma holds 7♦ 6♦, turn J♦ brings more outs for him and after 3♠ on the river Sloma doubles up.
Sloma: 7♦ 6♦
Partizán: KK
Board: 5♥ 4♥ 2♦ J♦ 3♠
19:40 Cbet enough
Sogan limps and Jančiar from the button raises to 2,5k that called Borgoň from sb. Action back on Sogan who 3bets to 9k that only Borgoň called. On the flop 9♣ 7♠ 6♦ after check Sogan cbets 21k and Borgoň snapfolds
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 56,923, ent.: 65/74
19:20 Grinder doubles
Five players were in the game for 1,2k on the flop 6♦ 5♦ 4♥, where after 3k cbet and call Grinder from blind check raises to 11,5k. Action back on aggressor, who moves all in 38k and after fold Grinder snaps with nuts 8♥ 7♥. His opponent holds 8♣ 8♠ and after blank runout Grinder doubles up.
OLDIES PARTY TODAY! Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants and also an attractive tournament is ready for you!
19:10 Double seat open
Renecki starts the game with 1,5k raise from utg and after call Ivančo 3bets from sb to 7,5k. Action on Mazurek who moves all in 40k effective, Renecki snaps and Ivančo with 19k also. In showdown Ivančo holds AQo, Mazurek AKs, Renecki KK, but Ace on the flop and blank runout eliminates 2 players.
Ivančo: AQo
Mazurek: AKs
Renecki: KK
Board: A-7-2-J-J
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 53,448, ent.: 58/62
18:50 Pot for Sciranka
Karwanski raises from utg and Sciranka joined with Karči from bb, who leads 3k on the flop 9♥ 8♣ 3♣ that both called. Turn 2♥ was checked to Sciranka, who bets 6k that called Karči and also Karwanski, but on the river 3♠ after another 6k bet by Sciranka, both opponents fold their cards.
18:40 Kerky´s 3barrel
He starts the game with 1k raise from ep that called Happy in position and also Grinder on bb. Flop Q♠ 4♠ 2♣ cbets Kerky 1,2k that only Happy called, turn 9♥ same action for 2,5k and also river 3♥ for 5k. In showdown Kerky holds KQo, what was enough to take this pot.
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 48/48
18:30 First double up
Kohut raises from utg and Ivančo with Szabo joined the game. Flop J♠ 6♣ 6♠ cbets Kohut 1,5k that both players called, on the turn 4♠ continues Kohut for 2k and after call Szabo raises to 11k. Kohut folds and Ivančo moves all in 35k effective that Szabo called and shows K♠ 5♠, Ivančo holds T♠ 8♠ and after blank river Szabo doubles up.
Szabo: K♠ 5♠
Ivančo: T♠ 8♠
Board: J♠ 6♣ 6♠ 4♠ 5♥
18:07 From the beginning...
Derda, Jančiar, Janoszki, Karwanski, Mariňák, Nyerges or Sciranka.
18:05 Flight 1C started!
Watch the live report who´s gonna advance from today´s flight.
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 25/25
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