Richard "Husky" Balco is the winner of the february edition of Košice Weekend 20.000€ GTD among 230 entries and took home without deal 4.544€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand and also trophy for winner!
2. place - Teliatnikov Ievgen - 2 855€ included 130€ ticket for FIFTY GRAND
Teliatnikov minraises and Husky defends, Kc 9h 5s Teliatnikov bets 500k, Husky calls, turn 2d Teliatnikov bets 1,2m and Husky checkraises to 2,7m and Teliatnikov jams 5,5m, which Husky snaps with two pair K-5, Teliatnikov holds A-K, river K changes nothing and we get to know new KW champion!
Teliatnikov: A-K
Husky: K-5
Board: Kc 9h 5s 2d Ks
3. place - Agusevich Stanislav - 2 104€ included 130€ ticket for FIFTY GRAND
Teliatnikov opens to 500k and Slavik jams 2m from SB with As 7s, Teliatnikov calls with A-J, board held better combination and Slavik ends with bronze medal.
Teliatnikov: A-J
Slavik: As 7s
Board: K-8-3-J-9
Level 26: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 7,666,667 ent.: 3/230
Break 15 minutes
4. place - Anna Peter - 1 538€ included 130€ ticket for FIFTY GRAND
Slavik minraises from BT and Anna jams from SB 700k with K-J and Slavik calls with A-9, Slavik hits nine on flop 9-3-4 and also on turn 9, so Anna is drawing dead.
Slavik: A-9
Anna: K-J
Board: 9-3-4-9-2
5. place - Stupar Stanislav - 1 286€ included 130€ ticket for FIFTY GRAND
Teliatnikov jams from BT 4m, Stupar goes all in with 160k and Slavik thinks for a while and folds. Teliatnikov shows kings and Stupar Jd 2d. Blank board moves pot to Teliatnikov.
Teliatnikov: K-K
Stupar: Jd 2d
Board: 8-4-3-3-5
05:55 Stupar falls on last blind
Slavik minraises and Stupar on BB jams 20bb, that Slavik calls with queens, Stupar holds jacks and after river falls on last blind.
Slavik: Q-Q
Stupar: J-J
Board: A-5-6-7-T
05:50 Pot for Teliatnikov
Stupar opens to 325k, Husky on SB calls and Teliatnikov defends, flop 8c 9c 9s Stupar cbets to 400k and both players call, turn Jh Stupar bets 1m and Teliatnikov jams 1,104m, which Stupar calls with Kh Td, Teliatnikov holds full with 8h 9h and doubles after river 4d.
Stupar: Kh Td
Teliatnikov: 8h 9h
Board: 8c 9c 9s Jh 4d
Level 25: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 4,600,000 ent.: 5/230
6. place - Hruby Patrik - 1 040€
Hruby jams from BT 1,3m and Stupar calls with queens, Hruby holds A-5 and after blank board Stupar wins another pot.
Hruby: A-5
Stupar: Q-Q
Board: 2-3-6-8-9
7. place - Kacurak Jakub - 827€
Kacurak jams 1,2m and Slavik calls with jacks, Kacurak shows pocket fours, flop K-2-3 favours Slavik, turn 6 brings more outs for Kacurak and river 8 means that Kacurak ends on 7. place
Kacurak: 4-4
Slavik: J-J
Board: K-2-3-6-8
8. place - Kis Krisztian Mark - 661€
Kis jams 500k and Husky calls on BB with J-7, Kis holds Ac 8c, Husky hit jack on 4d Jc 4s, turn Kc brings more outs for Kis, but river Th sends him on 8. place.
Kis: Ac 8c
Husky: J-7
Board: 4d Jc 4s Kc Th
9. place - Bacso Jan - 525€
Husky minraises, Bacso moves all in 400k and Stupar on BB calls and Husky also, Husky completes flush on Kh Qs 9s 4h 2h and eliminates Bacso.
Husky: 9h 8h
Stupar: A-T
Bacso: A-J
Board: Kh Qs 9s 4h 2h
Level 23: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 3,285,714 ent.: 9/230
04:19 10. place - Tobias Jozef - 398€
04:13 11. place - Pluzsar Bence - 398€
Bence jams 200k with Ts 7s and Kis calls with Ah 5h, Bence has double gut shot and two over on 5-6-J-8, but river queen eliminates him.
Bence: Ts 7s
Kis: Ah 5h
Board: 5-J-6-8-Q
04:11 12. place - Lelito Dawid - 398€
Lelito jams Bvb 400k with J-T and Teliatnykov calls with A-Q, blank board eliminates Lelito.
Lelito: J-T
Teliatnykov: A-Q
Board: 3-5-6-2-9
04:10 Double elimination for Husky
Roland jams 450k with A-7, Husky calls with T-T and Major jams 300k with 8-8, tens held till river and Kovacs Roland ends on 14. place and Major Istvan on 13. place. (308€)
Roland: A-7
Husky: T-T
Major: 8-8
Board: J-6-2-K-5
Level 22: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,090,909 ent.: 14/230
04:02 15. place - Kotan Igor - 308€
04:00 Husky takes from Major
Husky opens to 125k and Major defends, flop 9-4-2 Husky cbets to 100k, Major checkraises to 200k, Husky calls, turn A Major checkcalls 200k and river K Major leads 600k and Husky snaps with A-4, Major holds K-9 and pot goes to Husky.
Husky: A-4
Major: K-9
Board: 9-3-4-A-K
03:50 16. place - Emodi Štefan - 247€
Stupar raises to 125k and Emodi jams 12bb from BB, which Stupar calls with Qs Ks, Emodi holds A-T, but river queen ends Emodi journey on 16. place.
Stupar: Qs Ks
Emodi: A-T
Board: J-2-3-6-Q
03:45 17. place - Kohut Ronald - 247€
03:40 18. place - Kapitancik Erik - 247€
Anna opens to 120k and Kapitancik calls from SB, flop Tc 6c 2c Kapitancik checkshoves 600k with Ac Jh, which Anna calls with Kc Jc, turn and river did not bring nuts flush gor Kapitancik and he ends.
Anna: Kc Jc
Kapitancik: Ac Jh
Board: Tc 6c 2c Ad 6d
03:30 19. place - Dziedzic Jakub - 247€
Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,277,778 ent.: 19/230
Break 10 minutes
03:25 20. place - Vanyo Balasz - 216€
03:22 21. place - Luman - 216€
03:20 22. place - Urban Miroslav - 216€
Urban with Major stackoff preflop, where Urban holds Q-Q and Major A-K, king on flop eliminates Urban.
Urban: Q-Q
Major: A-K
Board: K-6-4-2-2
03:15 23. place - Sandor Jozsef Benedek - 216€
Sandor jams 230k with Q-8, Emodi repushes 265k with jacks and Anna on BB calls with A-7, board J-3-T-T-T eliminates Sandor and Emodi doubles.
Sandor: Q-8
Emodi: J-J
Anna: A-7
Board: J-3-T-T-T
03:00 Bubble boy - Tamaškovič Vladimír
Tamaškovič jams Bvb 300k with K-9 and Kis on BB call with Ah 8h, board T-2-6-A-A decided, that Tamaškovič ends on bubble.
Tamaškovič: K-9
Kis: Ah 8h
Board: T-2-6-A-A
Level 20: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 958,333 ent.: 24/230
02:50 Stupar doubles
Stupar minraises and Slavik from SB 3bets 350k and Stupar 4bet jams 770k, which Slavik calls with pocket nines, Stupar holds pocket queens and after river doubles.
Stupar: Q-Q
Slavik: 9-9
Board: A-Q-T-2-J
02:40 Slavik vs. Vanyo
Slavik opens to 80k and Vanyo 3bets to 180k, which Slavik calls, flop As Tc 6c Vanyo cbets to 160k and Slavik checkraises to 320k, which Vanyo calls, turn Ac Slavik bets 300k and Vanyo sends his cards to muck.
Level 19: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 958,333 ent.: 24/230
02:20 Hand for hand
Kotan opens to 75k and Lenart jams 275k, Kacurak calls from SB and Kotan folds, Lenart holds pocket sevens and Kacurak Ah 5h, Kacurak hits ace on flop and we are in hand for hand phase.
Kacurek: Ah 5h
Lenart: 7-7
Board: 2-6-A-3-Q
02:00 Aces cracked
Teliatnykov opens to 75k, Kotan from sb 3bets to 230k and Teliatnykov jams 680k eff., Kotan thinks and calls with jacks, but Teliatnykov holds aces. Kotan hits jack on flop and doubles.
Teliatnykov: A-A
Kotan: J-J
Board: J-9-3-Q-K
Level 18: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 884,615 ent.: 26/230
01:45 Pot for Tamaškovič
Major opens to 50k, Tamaškovič 3bets to 125k and Kis calls, flop 4c Ac 7c Tamaškovič checkcalls 80k, turn Ah both check and on river Ts Tamaškovič bets 100k, Kis takes time and folds.
01:30 Olexak ends
Olexak minraises, Breuer calls and Dziedzic 3bets to 125k, Olexak jams 300k and Breuer folds, Dziedzic shows queens and Olexak As Ks, Olexak hits two kings on K-K-2 flop, but Dziedzic hits full with queen on turn Q and after river 3 Olexak ends.
Olexak: As Ks
Dziedzic: Q-Q
Board: K-K-2-Q-3
Level 17: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 821,429 ent.: 28/230
01:15 Four of a kind
Kovacs limps, Kohut too and Fedor raises to 75k, which both call, flop 6c Ts 7s Kovacs leadshoves 400k eff. with Js 8s, Kohut calls with top set and Fedor with aces, turn Td brings four of a kind for Kohut and after river 4c Kohut wins 1,2m pot.
Kovacs: Js 8s
Kohut: T-T
Fedor: A-A
Board: 6c Ts 7s Td 4c
01:00 Cooler
Partizan minraises and Husky defends, flop A-J-J Partizan cbets 25k, Husky calls, turn 7 Partizan continues to 80k, which Husky calls again, river 8 Partizan bets 110k, Husky jams 210k eff. and Partizan snaps with Js Ts, Husky holds K-J and eliminates Partizan.
Partizan: Js Ts
Husky: K-J
Board: A-J-J-7-8
Level 16: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 605,236 ent.: 38/230
Break 15 minutes
00:15 Martinček takes from Tamaškovič
Martinček minraises, Tamaškovič calls from CO and Kotan on SB, flop Jh 5h 6d Martinček cbets to 40k, which only Tamaškovič calls, turn Ac slows the action, where both players check, river 3c Martinček bets 25k and Tamaškovič send his cards to muck.
00:00 Breuer vs. Baloghova
They both put their stack behind the line in 330k pot, where Baloghova holds pocket nines and Breuer As 5s, Breuer hits ace on flop and after river doubles and Baloghova falls on last blinds.
Breuer: As 5s
Baloghova: 9-9
Board: A-7-2-7-6
Level 15: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 560,976 ent.: 41/230
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23:45 Pot for Vanyo
Bacso opens to 25k, Ivancova flats and Vanyo too, flop 6c Th 9c cbets Bacso 30k, which Ivancova with Vanyo call, turn As is checked, river 7c after checks Vanyo bets 80k and both players fold.
Level 14: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 489,362 ent.: 47/230
23:30 Flip
Baloghova opens to 30k, Pasztor calls, Bacso on BT too and Anna jams 165k, Baloghova folds and Pasztor rejams 265k with pocket eights, Bacso folds and Anna shows Ah Jh, after flop A-A-K Pasztor needs to hit one of his two outs, which is not happening and he falls on short.
Anna: Ah Jh
Pasztor: 8-8
Board: A-A-K-5-3
23:15 Straight
Topoly jams 125k and Zelasko rejams 260k with queens, Topoly holds Th 9h, flop A-5-Q brings set for Zelasko, turn J brings open for Topoly and river 8 completes straight for Topoly.
Topoly: Th 9h
Zelasko: Q-Q
Board: 5-A-Q-J-8
evel 13: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 410,714 ent.: 56/230
23:00 Ivancova eliminates Lakatos
Ivancova limps, Olexak raises to 16k and Lakatos jams from SB 150k, that Ivancova snaps with A-K, Lakatos holds 8-8, flop Q-J-2 brings gutshot for Ivancova, turn 4 changes nothing, but river T completes straight and Ivancova eliminates Lakatos.
Ivancova: A-K
Lakatos: 8-8
Board: Q-J-2-4-T
22:45 David Urban ends
In first hand after limp, Furda with his 90k stack raises to 26k and Urban jams 185k with A-Q, Furda holds jacks, flop 3-3-K favours Furda, turn Q is good for Urban, but after river J Urban falls on short.
Urban: A-Q
Furda: J-J
Board: K-3-3-Q-J
In second hand Urban openshoves 60k with 6d 5d and Kohut calls with jacks, flop 9-8-6 brings open and hit for Urban, turn 5 brings two pair, but river 9 eliminates Urban.
Urban: 6d 5d
Kohut: J-J
Board: 9-8-6-5-9
Level 12: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 338,284 ent.: 67/230
22:30 Nice pot for Husky
Husky opens to 12k, Sirilla goes all in 7k and Kacurak on SB calls, flop 3c 5s Qh Husky cbets 25k, which Kacurak calls, turn 7s Kacurak leads 67k and Husky jams 185k, which Kacurak calls with Qs Ts, river Ah triples Sirilla's stack, and Husky doubles.
Husky: K-K
Kacurak: Qs Ts
Sirila: A-K
Board: 3c 5s Qh 7s Ah
2:20 Gabor ends
Tamaškovič opens to 15k and Gabor jams 150k with Qh 9h, Tamaškovič calls with A-K, flop brings hit for both players, but turn and river without queen or nine ends Gabor's journey.
Tamaškovič: A-K
Gabor: Qh 9h
Board: K-2-9-7-5
Level 11: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 252,556 ent.: 90/230
Break 30 minutes
21:30 Good river for Topoly
Gabor raises to 15k, Topoly calls on BT, flop Ts 9s 7h Gabor jams 130k eff. and Topoly calls with Th 8h, Gabor holds jacks. Turn 9c changes nothing, but river 6d completes straight for Topoly.
Gabor: J-J
Topoly: Th 8h
Board: Ts 9s 7h 9c 6d
21:15 Martinček jams
Tamaškovič limps, Martinček raises to 17,5k and Luman on BT 3bets to 55k, Tamaškovič folds and Martinček 4bet jams 220k, Luman thinks for a while and calls with A-Q, Martinček holds kings and doubles his 220k stack.
Martinček: K-K
Luman: A-Q
Board: T-9-3-J-6
Level 10: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 239,326 ent.: 89/213
21:00 Gorlicki ends
Hruby minraises and Golricki on BT 3bets to 45k, Hruby jams 150k eff. and Gorlicki calls with pocket nines, Hruby holds pocket queens and eliminates Gorlicki.
Hruby: Q-Q
Gorlicki: 9-9
Board: 3-2-K-5-7
20:45 Gabor vs. Berenyi
Berenyi raises to 14k, Martinček on BT calls and Gabor on BB jams 35bb eff., Berenyi calls with 80k stack and Martinček folds. Gabor holds A-K and Berenyi Jc Tc, 2-5-2-4-8 board sends Berenyi for reentry.
Berenyi: Jc Tc
Gabor: A-K
Board: 2-5-2-4-8
Level 9: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 211,458 ent.: 96/203
20:30 River holds Sirotnak
Sirotnak openshoves 48,5k and Keltuzad snaps with A-Q, Sirotnak holds pocket threes and after A-J-9-9 he was standing from his chair, but three on river holds him in tournament.
Sirotnak: 3-3
Keltuzad: A-Q
Board: A-J-9-9-3
20:15 Ikri eliminates Urban
Ikri minraises and Mirec 3bets to 25k and Ikri moves all in 143k eff., which Mirec calls with Q-K and find himself in flip against pocket tens. Ikri managed flip better and eliminates Mirec.
Ikri: T-T
Mirec: Q-K
Board: 9-7-5-7-2
Level 8: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 180,769 ent.: 104/188
20:00 Hanzen doubles
Fencik opens to 8k, Hanzen jams 63k and Gabor repushes 250k, in showdown Hanzen holds Ad Kd and Gabor Ac Qs. Board held better combination and Hanzy is happy from double.
Hanzen: Ad Kd
Gabor: Ac Qs
Board: 9c 7d 8s 3c 2d
19:40 River for Pluzsar
Mlodzinski opens to 7k, Tobias and Stesko call, Lewandowski 3bets to 25k, Pluzsar on BB by mistake calls 25k, Tobias too and Stesko jams 71k, Lewandowski folds and Pluzsar repushes 200k. Stesko holds Ad Td and Pluzsar Kc Js. Pluszar hits jack on river and eliminates Stesko.
Stesko: Ad Td
Pluszar: Kc Js
Board: 8s 5h 4s Qh Jc
Level 7: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 154,867 ent.: 113/175
19:25 Homa jams
Kapitancik opens to 7,5k, Sirotnak and Keltuzad on Sb call and Homa on BB jams 39k, which only Sirotnak calls with pocket tens. Homa holds 5h 4h and after river ends.
Homa: 5h 4h
Sirotnak: T-T
Board: 9-T-8-5-A
19:10 Kis eliminates
Sartet openshoves 30,5k and Kis repushes 125k with A-K, Sartet holds A-J and after board without jack he needs to go for reentry.
Sartet: A-J
Kis: A-K
Board: T-T-9-4-8
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Level 6: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 139,474 ent.: 114/159
Break 30 minutes
18:26 3way all in
Ondkanin opens to 4k and Berenyi calls from SB and Sciranka defends, flop 2-4-5 Berenyi leads all in 45k, Sciranka goes all in 35k and Ondkanin calls with pocket tens, Berenyi shows 5h 4h and Sciranka pocket sevens, Ondkanin is asking for jack and queen and they come on turn Jh and river Qs.
Ondkanin: T-T
Berenyi: 4h 5h
Sciranka: 7-7
Board: 2-4-6-J-Q
18:10 Nice pot for Meszaros
Meszaros opens to 4k, Kapitancik calls and Sirotnak on SB too, flop 5h 5s 2s Meszaros cbets to 5k, Kapitancik raises to 16k, Sirotnak snaps and Meszaros calls too, turn 8d Sirotnak bets 18k and Meszaros jams 80k, Kapitancik folds and Sirotnak goes in tank. After half a minute he folds.
Level 5: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 140,952 ent.: 105/148
18:00 Borgon out
Borgon minraises, Piekarczyk 3bets to 10k and Borgon jams 32k with A-T and Piekarczyk calls with A-K, blank board eliminates Borgon.
Borgon: A-T
Piekarczyk: A-K
Board: 9-J-J-8-3
17:45 Husky snaps
UTG limps, Derda on CO and Husky on BT too, SB completes and BB checks, flop Js 9d 7h is checked by everyone, turn 2c Derda bets 7k, which Husky calls, river Ts Derda bets 10k and Husky snaps. Derda mucks and pot goes to Husky.
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Level 4: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 123,232 ent.: 99/122
17:25 Big pot
Okonski raises to 3,5k, Ivancova on CO with Gabor on BT call and Luman from SB 3bets to 16k, which Ivancova with Gabor call, flop Tc 7h Jd Luman cbets to 10k, Ivancova jams 53k and Gabor repushes 100k. Luman folds, Ivancova shows Qs Js and Gabor As Jh. Turn 6c and river 8h changes nothing and Ivancova is eliminated.
Ivancova: Qs Js
Gabor: As Jh
Board: Tc 7h Jd 6c 8h
17:10 Benko vs. Teliatnykov
Benko limps on UTG and Teliatnikov on BT raises to 3k, which Benko calls, flop 3h 4s 6h Teliatnykov cbets to 5k, Benko calls, turn 4c Teliatnykov jams 18,6k and Benko calls with Ah 6c, but is behind against pocket sevens on Teliatnykov's hand, river Js doubles Teliatnykov's stack.
Teliatnykov: 7-7
Benko: Ah 6c
Board: 3h 4s 6h 4c Js
Level 3: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 115,957 ent.: 94/109
17:00 Šmida out
Gabor limps, Luman raises to 4k and Okonski 3bets to 16,5k, Šmida moves all in 90k with A-Q and Okonski calls with aces. Blank board eliminates Šmida.
Šmida: A-Q
Okonski: A-A
16:40 Big game
Nedza minraises, Sirotnak on BT and Majlo on SB calls and BB defends, flop 6c 8c 9c Nedza cbets to 5k, Sirotnak calls and Majlo checkraises to 17k, which only Nedza calls. turn Jd Majlo bets 23k, which Nedza calls again and on river Kd Majlo jams 80k and Nedza rejams 82k, which Majlo calls with straighflush 7c 5c and Nedza is eliminated with set of nines.
Nedza: 9-9
Majlo 7c 5c
Board: 6c 8c 9c Jd Kd
Level 2: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 108,955, ent.: 67/73
16:22 Another one for Stupar
Popiolek raises to 2,2k, Benko, Slowik, Stupar on SB and Tamaškovič on BB call, flop 2s 8d 3d is checked, turn 6c Stupar leads to 3k, which Popiolek with Benko call, river 3c Stupar bets 10k and only Benko calls, Stupar shows 3d 5h and Benko mucks.
16:08 Double in first hand
Ilona, Stupar and Tamaškovič were in game for 1bb, flop A-4-5 was checked by everyone, turn 4 Ilona bets 2k, which only Stupar calls, river 4 Ilona checks, Stupar bets 10k, Ilona checkraises to 20k and Stupar moves all in 99k, which Ilona call with A-9, but Stupar holds four of a kind with 2-4 and doubles in first game.
Ilona: A-9
Stupar: 2-4
Board: A-4-5-4-4
Level 1: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 27/27
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