Tournament Fifty Grand with 50.000€ GTD recorded 401 players and champion is Mazurek Krzysztof, who took home after ICM deal 7 741€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND which will take and also trophy for the winner!
Runner up - Hanzen Samuel - 5 754€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
Hanzen completes and Mazurek checks, flop J-4-6 Mazurek bets 300k, Hanzen calls, turn 9 Mazurek bets 1,1m and Hanzen calls again, river 2 Mazurek bets 2,5m and Hanzen jams 6m, which Mazurek snaps with straight 3-5, Hanzen shows two pair 9-4 and after this hand we get to know new FIFTY GRAND CHAMPION!
Hanzen: 9-4
Mazurek: 3-5
Board: J-4-6-9-2
04:00 Mazurek with trips
Mazurek completes and Hanzen checks, flop Q-2-3 both check, turn 5 Mazurek bets 500k and Hanzen calls, river Q Mazurek bets 900k and Hanzen calls, but mucks after Mazurek shows Q-9.
Level 31: 150,000 - 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 10,025,000, ent.: 2/401
03:40 Another double
Hanzen jams 4-4 and Mazurek calls with Ac 5s, flop 8-6-K brings set for Hanzen turn 2c opens flushdraw for Mazurek, but river 9d doubles Hanzen's stack.
Hanzen: 4-4
Mazurek: Ac 5s
Board: 4c 6c Kd 2c 9d
03:20 Hanzen doubles
Hanzen calls 2x raise, Mazurek cbets 500k and Hanzen jams 4m on 9c 8c 3d flop, and Mazurek calls with K-8 and is in front of Hanzen's 8h 5h, turn 3 changes nothing, but river 5 doubles Hanzen's stack.
Hanzen: 8h 5h
Mazurek: K-8
Board: 9c 8c 3d 3s 5d
Level 30: 100,000 - 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 10,025,000, ent.: 2/401
3. place - Dziedzic Jakub - 4 532€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
Mazurek opens and Dziedzic jams 3,8m with Ah 7h, Mazurek snaps with A-K and after river Dziedzic ends with bronze medal.
Mazurek: A-K
Dziedzic: Ah 7h
Board: 4-5-K-J-K
4. place - Zakhar Peter - 6 082€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
Mazurek opens and Zakhar jams 2m with A-T and Mazurek snaps with pocket tens, Zakhar did not hit ace and ends on 4. place.
Mazurek: T-T
Zakhar: A-T
Board: K-8-4-J-9
02:30 Two pair for Hanzen
Dziedzic opens to 400k and Hanzen jams 3,1m with Ks Qs and Dziedzic calls with A-T, Hanzen his two pair on K-8-3-5-Q board and doubles.
Hanzen: Ks Qs
Dziedzic: A-T
Board: K-8-3-5-Q
Level 29: 200,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 5,012,500, ent.: 4/401
02:15 Another double for Zakhar
Zakhar jams 2,6m with A-T and Mazurek on BB calls with pocket nines, Zakhar hits ace on flop Ac 8c 2c, turn 4c brings outs for split, but river ace doubles Zakhar's stack.
Zakhar: A-T
Mazurek: 9-9
Board: Ac 8c 2c 4c Ad
Zakhar - 6 082€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
Dziedzic - 4 532€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
Hanzen - 5 754€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
Mazurek - 5 341€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
Players are playing for 2 400€ and trophy for winner!
5. place - Kapalka Krystian - 2252€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
Kapalka jams from BT 1,5m with A-K and Zakhar on BB calls wiht pocket eights, flip managed better Zakhar and Kapalka ends.
Kapalka: A-K
Zakhar: 8-8
Board: 8-K-9-A-2
GPC vol3. coming soon!
01:40 Nice for Zakhar
Zakhar jams BvB 2,2m with A-J and Dziedzic calls with A-9, board held A-J and Zakhar takes nice pot.
Zakhar: A-J
Dziedzic: A-9
Board: J-7-9-2-3
6. place - Nedza Dariusz Grzegorz - 1 793€ included ticket to FIFTY GRAND
Nedza jams 1m from BT with Ks Qd and Hanzen calls with pocket fives on BB. Flop As 3d 2s is good for Hanzen, turn 6s opens flushdraw for Nedza, but river 2d eliminates Nedza on 6. place.
Nedza: Ks Qd
Hanzen: 5-5
Board. As 3d 2s 6s 2d
Level 28: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 3,341,667, ent.: 6/401
Break 10 minutes
01:15 Zakhar doubles
Zakhar jams 800k from CO and Dziedzic on BT calls with As 9s, Zakhar holds A-K and after river doubles.
Zakhar: A-K
Dziedzic: As 9s
Board: K-5-4-Q-2
7. place - Svitanko Andrey - 1 439€
Mazurek minraises and Svitanko jams UTG+1 2m, Mazurek calls with pocket jacks, Svitanko holds A-Q, he hits queen on Q-J-9 flop, but Mazurek hits set, turn 8 brings outs for split, but river deuce eliminates Svitanko.
Mazurek: J-J
Svitanko: A-Q
Board: Q-J-9-8-2
Level 26: 600,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2,864,286, ent.: 7/401
00:40 Nedza leadshoves
Zakhar opens on BT and Nedza defends, flop 9c 2d 3c Nedza leadshoves 700k and Zakhar after while calls with A-T, Nedza holds combodraw 6c 4c, turn 4s is good for Nedza and after brick on river Ks Nedza doubles.
Nedza: 6c 4c
Zakhar: A-T
Board: 9c 2d 3c 4s Ks
8. place - Kovacs Norbert Lajos - 1 168€
Svitanko opens to 205k and Kovacs call, flop 9s 7c 2s Svitanko cbets to 150k, Kovacs calls, turn 2c Svitanko jams 800k eff. and Kovacs snaps with A-J and is behind against Ac Qc on Svitanko's hand river A changes nothing and Kovacs ends.
Svitanko: Ac Qc
Kovas: A-J
Board: 9s 7c 2s 2c Ad
Level 25: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,506,250, ent.: 8/401
00:01 Hanzen vs. Svitanko
Hanzen opens with 16bb and Svitanko flats on CO, flop A-3-8 Hanzen cbets 1bb, Svitanko calls, turn 3 Hanzen bets 4bb and Svitanko folds.
23:52 Kovacs doubles
Kovacs minraise (565k) and Mazurek jams on BB with A-Q, Kovacs calls with pocket sevens, flop 6-3-5 favours Kovacs, on turn 7 Mazurek hopes, that four comes on river for split, but river 5 completes full for Kovacs, who doubles his short.
Kovacs: 7-7
Mazurek: A-Q
Board: 6-3-5-7-5
23:50 No action
Hands end mostly preflop or after cbet on flop.
23:30 Friendly
Kovacs completes with his 300k stack and Zakhar checks, both players check 4-8-8-K-2 till river Zakhar shows 4-2, but Kovacs takes pot with pocket tens.
Kovacs: T-T
Zakhar: 4-2
Board: 4-8-8-K-2
Level 24: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,506,250, ent.: 8/401
22:50 Dziedzic takes from Hanzen
Dziedzic opens to 125k and Hanzen defends, flop 6h 2h 3d Hanzen leads to 150k, which Dziedzic calls, turn Qc is checked, river Kh Hanzen checks again, Dziedzic bets 180k, Hanzen checkraises to 650k and Dziedzic jams 1,6m. Hanzen sends his cards to muck and Dziedzic shows Ad 9d.
22:40 Pot for Nedza
Nedza raises from UTG to 150k, Svitanko on CO flats and Dziedics defends. Flop Q-2-4 Nedza cbets to 105k and Svitanko raises TO 305k, which Nedza calls, turn 4 and river Q was checked, Nedza shows pocket jacks and takes the pot, because Svitanko shows pocket eights.
Nedza: J-J
Svitanko: 8-8
Board: 2-4-Q-4-Q
Level 23: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 2,506,250, ent.: 8/401
9. place - Strycharz Mikolaj - 938€
Kapalka opens to 100k and Strycharz jams 700k, which Kapalka calls with T-T, Strycharz holds A-Q and after blank board Strycharz ends on 9. place.
Kapalka: T-T
Strycharz: A-Q
Board: K-K-2-3-4
10. place - Flesar Marian - 730€
On other table Flesar opens to 100k, Hanzen 3bets to 300k and Flesar 4bet jams 1,4m, which Hanzen snaps with aces, flop 2s 9c 8c moves Flesar from chair, turn 6s brings flushdraw for Flesar, but river 3c eliminates him and Hanzen takes massive pot.
Hanzen: A-A
Flesar: As Ks
Board: 2s 9c 8c 6s 3c
11. place - Šmida Lubomir - 730€
Dzedzic opens, Svitanko flats on BT and Šmida on SB jams 1,3m, Svitanko thinks for a while and calls with A-K, Šmida holds pocket tens, Svitanko hits ace on flop and after river Šmida ends.
Šmida: T-T
Svitanko: A-K
Board: Q-A-4-5-A
12. place - Szczepanski Marek - 553€
Dziedzic opens and Szczepanski jams 600k from BB with Kh Jh, Dziedzic snaps with queens and board without king eliminates Szczepanski.
Szczepanski: Kh Jh
Dziedzic: Q-Q
Board: T-5-9-T-8
13. place - Mazur Marek - 553€
Mazur jams BvB 4bb with Td 4d and Strycharz on BB calls with jacks, board held jacks till river and Mazur ends on 13. place.
Mazur: Td 4d
Strycharz: J-J
Board: 2-2-2-3-A
Level 22: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,542,308, ent.: 13/401
Hanzen - 1,3m
Flesar - 1,5m
Dziedzic - 4m
Zakhar - 3,5m
Šmida - 1,5m
21:28 Mazurek vs. Mazur
Mazurek opens to 80k, Mazur 3bets from SB to 240k and Mazurek jams 600k with kings, Mazur snaps with queens and Mazurek after river doubles.
Mazurek: K-K
Mazur: Q-Q
Board: 7-8-T-3-6
14. place - Dyjak Przemyslaw Adrian - 553€
Svitanko minraises from CO and Dyjak jams 800k with Ah Th, Svitanko snaps with queens, flop 2-8-7 is safe for him, turn 9 brings open for Dyjak, but after river 5 he ends.
Svitanko: Q-Q
Dyjak: Ah Th
Board: 2-8-7-9-5
15. place - Pacocha Marcin Mateusz - 469€
Pacocha jams 240k with Ac 5d and Dziedzic calls with Ks Ts, king on flop and blank runout ends Pacocha's journey.
Pacocha: A-5
Dziedzic: K-T
Board: 5-J-K-J-8
16. place - Pluszar Bence - 469€
Dziedzic with Pluszar put their stacks behind the line in BvB spot, where Dziedzic holds pocket nines and Pluszar pocket sevens, board held better combination and Pluszar ends.
Dzeidzic: 9-9
Pluszar: 7-7
Board: A-K-A-9-8
21:00 Szczepanski doubles
Kovacs opens to 80k and Szczepanski defends, flop Qd 9s Td after cbet from Kovacs Szczepanski jams 240k, Kovacs thinks for a while and calls with pocket sevens, Szczepanski shows Ah Ts and after river doubles.
Kovacs: 7-7
Szczepanski: A-T
Board: Qd 9s Td Jh 6d
Level 22: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,253,125, ent.: 16/401
Break 15 minutes
VEĽKONOČNÁ NÁDIELKA is set and ready on 30.03.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
17. place - Rami Erik - 469€
20:00 Hanzen 1:1 Šmida
Šmida opens from BT and Hanzen defends, flop 6h Td 8d Šmida cbets 70k and Hanzen checkraises to 220k, Šmida 3bet jams 870k and Hanzen calls with Ah Th, Šmida holds pocket jacks, turn and river did not bring ace or ten and Šmida is happy from double.
Šmida: J-J
Hanzen: Ah Th
Board: 6h Td 8d 2c 9s
Level 21: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1,179,412, ent.: 17/401
19:50 Szczepanski jams
Pacocha opens from HJ to 50k, Mazurek 3bets from BT to 160k and Szczepanski jams 495k, Pachocha folds and Mazurek thinks for a minute and folds also.
Hanzen - 1,8m
Zakhar - 3,4m
Dziedzicz - 1,7m
Flesar - 1,4m
Rami - 700k
18. place - Happy - 469€
19:30 Zakhar eliminates
Gabzdil jams 215k from CO, Zakhar calls on BT and Ojrzynski repushes 600k, which Zakhar calls, Gabzdil holds 7c 6c, Zakhar pocket tens and Ojrzynski queens, flop 6-3-8c brings hit and backdoor flushdraw for Gabzdil, Zakhar takes lead on turn Ts and river 2d means, that Zakhar takes about 1,5m pot and eliminates Matus Gabzdil - 407€ and OJRZYNSKI JAKUB KRZYSZTOF - 407€.
Gabzdil: 7c 6c
Zakhar: T-T
Ojrzynski: Q-Q
Board: 6d 3h 8c Ts 2d
22. place - Bartko Lubomir - 407€
Bartko jams from BT 290k with 8d 9d and Pacocha calls on BB with A-T, flop A-T-7 brings open for Bartko, but runout did not complete his straight and he ends.
Bartko: 8d 9d
Pacocha: A-T
Board: A-T-7-2-2
Level 20: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 911,364, ent.: 22/401
19:10 Kapalka survives
Rami opens on BT and Kapalka jams from BB 340k with A-J, which Rami snaps with tens, turn brings ace and Kapalka doubles.
Rami: T-T
Kapalka: A-J
Board: 8-Q-4-A-7
23. place - Kohut Ronald - 354€
Kohut openshoves 13bb with A-4 and Nedza on BT calls with A-T, Kohut did not hit four and ends on 23. place.
Kohut: A-4
Nedza: A-T
Board: K-A-3-2-J
24. place - Gorlicki Dominik Marian - 354€
19:00 Double for Happy
Happy opens to 50k and Mazur 3bets to 150k, Happy 4bet jams 480k with kings and Mazur calls with A-Q, board held better combination and Happy doubles his 480k stack.
Happy: K-K
Mazur: A-Q
Board: Q-K-J-2-9
18:55 Bad runout for Fron
Fron minraises and Pluszar jams from SB 355k with A-9, Fron snaps with pocket nines, flop J-3-2 is safe for Fron, but turn A and river A doubles Pluszar's stack.
Fron: 9-9
Pluszar: A-9
Board: J-3-2-A-A
SAINT PATRICK´S PARTY is set and ready on 15.03.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
18:45 Mazurek vs. Gorlicki
Mazurek opens to 40k, Golricki sitting right nexto him flats and Ojrzynski defends, flop 6d 8s 9s Mazurek cbets to 75k, which only Gorlicki calls, turn Tc Mazurek checkcalls 125k and river Qh is checked, Gorlicki shows two pair Th 9h, but Mazurek takes pot with set of sixes.
Mazurek: 6-6
Gorlicki: Th 9h
Board: 6d 8s 9s Tc Qh
18:35 Nedza takes pot on river
Nedza opens to 50k and Kohut calls on CO, flop Kc Td 5h Nedza checkcalls 125k, turn 8h is checked and on river 6h Nedza jams 250k and Kohut sends his cards to muck.
Level 19: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 835,417, ent.: 24/401
Dinner break 30 minutes
18:05 Pot for Hanzen
Šmida minraises and Hanzen defends, flop 3s Ad Ts Šmida cbets to 32k, Hanzen checkraises to 90k and Šmida 3bets to 237k, which Hanzen call, turn 8s slows the action and on river Ks Hanzen leads 350k and Šmida after while folds.
17:55 0% on turn
Happy opens to 36k, Svitanko 3bets to 125k and Happy 4bet jams 377k eff. with A-J and Svitanko calls with A-K, Happy is drawing dead on 7-K-9-7 and Svitanko doubles.
Svitanko: A-K
Happy: A-J
Board: 7-K-9-7-2
25. place - Hruby Martin - 354€
26. place - Siedacz Artur - 354€
Strycharz minraises and Siedacz jams 220k with A-J from SB, Strycharz calls with pocket nines, which holds till river and Siedacz ends.
Siedacz: A-J
Strycharz: 9-9
Board: 8-2-4-K-3
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 771,154, ent.: 26/401
27. place - Macko Erik - 354€
28. place - Smola Damian - 354€
Happy opens to 33k and Smola flats on CO, flop 8-K-Q Happy cbets to 36k, Smola calls, turn A Happy continues to 120k and Smola jams 380k, which Happy snaps with set of queen, Smola shows A-K and after river 7 ends and Happy takes massive pot.
Happy: Q-Q
Smola: A-K
Board: 8-K-Q-A-7
29. place - Janosik Martin - 313€
Janošik jams 90k with Ks Jc from UTG and Dziedzic calls on BT with pocket fives, after blank board Janosik ends.
Janosik: Ks Jc
Dziedzic: 5-5
Board: 8-8-T-2-9
30. place - Tronina Robert - 313€
31. place - Kanalas Robert - 313€
32. place - Orosz Zoltan - 313€
16:55 Grinder doubles his short
Grinder jams 96k K-Q and Hanzen on BT repushes with A-Q, Grinder hits king on 6-K-8 flop, turn and river without ace doubles Grinder's stack.
Hanzen: A-Q
Grinder: K-Q
Board: 6-K-8-2-2
33. place - Martinček Martin - 313€
Fron opens and Martinček jams 26bb with As Ks, Fron snaps with aces, flop Ks Qs 9d brings flushdraw for Martinček, but turn and river are bricks and he ends on 33. place.
Fron: A-A
Martinček: As Ks
Board: Kd Qs 9s 2h 3c
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 607,576, ent.: 34/401
34. place - Borza Zsolt - 313€
Dyjak opens to 22k and Borza on BB jams 120k with A-K, Dyjak calls with J-J, board without ace or king eliminates Borza.
Dyjak: J-J
Borza: A-K
Board: 9-9-2-4-5
35. place - Koper Szymon Filip - 282€
36. place - Derda Peter - 282€
37. place - Husar Dusan - 282€
Husar jams 100k with A-T and Rami on BB calls with A-J, flop 7-9-J brings gutshot for Husar, but turn 2 and river 4 are not the correct ones.
Husar: A-T
Rami: A-J
Board: 7-9-J-2-4
38. place - Stefano - 282€
Šmida opens to 25k and Stefano on SB calls, Šmida cbets 20k on Qh 7c 6c and Stefano checkshoves 100k with Kc Tc. Šmida calls with Q-J, turn Ts brings more outs for Stefano, but river 4s eliminates him today.
Šmida: Q-J
Stefano: Kc Tc
Board: Qh 7c 6c Ts 4s
39. place - Rejda Jozef - 282€
Pacocha opens and Rejda defends, flop T-6-8 Pachocha cbets and Rejda jams 90k with Ks Td and Pacocha calls with nuts 9d 7d. After river Rejda ends on 39. place.
Pacocha: 9d 7d
Rejda: Ks Td
Board: T-6-8-A-2
40. place - Kotan Igor - 282€
Kotan jams 3,5bb with A-K and Csobadi calls with A-6o, Csobadi hits six on Q-9-T-6, river deuce changes nothing and Kotan ends.
Kotan: A-K
Csobadi: A-6
Board: Q-9-T-6-2
41. place - Jonas Ilona - 282€
After limp by Ilona, Orosz jams 110k eff. with A-Q and Ilona calls with A-J, blank board eliminates Ilona.
Orosz. A-Q
Ilona: A-J
Board: 5-6-T-2-Q
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 489,024, ent.: 41/401
1. 10150€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
2. 6630€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
3. 4222€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
4. 3120€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
5. 2252€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
6. 1793€ included 130€ ticket to FIFTY GRAND
7. 1439€
8. 1168€
9. - 938€
11. - 10. - 730€
14. - 12. - 553€
18. - 15. - 469€
22. - 19. - 407€
28. - 23. - 354€
34. - 29. - 313€
41. - 35. - 282€
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