The winner of the April edition of the Košice Weekend without a deal is Martin Martinček, who performed the best among 171 entries and deservedly takes home a reward of €4,707 from Banco Casino Košice, including a €100 ticket to the Teams Battle tournament. For him, this triumph also means that he becomes the 3-time winner of this one-day event at Banco Casino Košice and, in addition, takes home a bonus of €5,600!!! Together, he takes home €10,307 from today's tournament and of course trophies!!! Congratulations!!!
8:28 2. place - Gruszka Marcin 2.781€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
Gruszka falls on last few blinds that he invested with J2o and Martinček called with Q2o. After flop without J tournament ends.
Gruszka: J2o
Martinček: Q2o
Board: A-9-9-7-3
8:24 Martinček is dominating heads up
Most pots takes Martinček preflop or after cbet on the flop. Actually is huge chipleader with 15m stack.
Level 29: 200,000 - 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 8,550,000, ent.: 2/171
8:05 Martinček back on chiplead
Few smaller pots for Martinček, who has 13m stack and Gruszka 4m.
7:55 Runner runner
Martinček raises to 1m and Gruszka moves all in 4,5m that Martinček called with JJ. Gruszka holds A♥ 4♥, flop 9♦ 7♥ 3♠ was safe for Martinček, turn 8♥ brings him outs and after Q♥ on the river are stacks almost equal.
Martinček: JJ
Gruszka: A♥ 4♥
Board: 9♦ 7♥ 3♠ 8♥ Q♥
7:41 Gruszka doubles
Gruszka jams 3m with AQo and Martinček called with KQo. Board without K doubles Gruszka´s stack.
Gruszka: AQo
Martinček: KQo
Board: 3-3-2-5-7
Level 28: 150,000 - 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 8,550,000, ent.: 2/171
7:36 Heads up:
Martinček - 15m
Gruszka - 2,1m
7:35 3. place - Stefano - 1.818€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
Martinček jams 1m effective from sb with A5o and Stefano called with J9s. After blank board we are moving to heads up.
Martinček: A5o
Stefano: J9s
Board. K-K-2-3-3
7:25 4. place - Rubi Attila - 1.374€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
Martinček jams 3,5m effective from button with Q♦ 8♦ and Rubi on bb called with AJo. Martinček hits Q on the flop and after blank turn and river rises on huge chiplead.
Martinček: Q♦ 8♦
Rubi: AJo
Board: Q-3-2-6-7
7:24 Martinček on chiplead
He starts the game with minraise that joined every player. Flop 7-7-4 cbets Martinček 550k that Rubi called, turn 9 was checked and on the river J Rubi leads 1m that Martinček snaps. Rubi mucks his cards and Martinček rises on 8m stack.
7:15 BvB
Martinček raises to 650k from sb that Stefano called. Flop K♣ K♠ 3♣ cbets 300k, Stefano raises to 1m and Martinček insta jams 3,2m. Stefano thinks for a while and folds carsd.
7:08 Martinček doubles
1,725,000 gets into game with AKo on bb and Rubi called with A2o. Board without 2 holds Martinček in the game.
Martinček: AKo
Rubi: A2o
Board: Q-9-6-7-J
Level 27: 125,000 - 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 4,275,000, ent.: 4/171
7:02 5. place - Hlinka Miroslav - 1.112€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
Hlinka jams 1,6m from utg with J♥ 9♥ and Gruszka from button called with ATo. Hlinka didn´t find help on the board A-K-8-7-J and ends in the tournament.
6:55 6. place - Slávik - 898€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
Slávik ended up in preflop all in for 1m with AQo against Stefano´s A9o. Stefano´s hot run continues and after runner runner straight Slávik ends.
Slávik: AQo
Stefano: A9o
Board: T-7-2-6-8
6:50 Pot for Stefano
Slávik minraises that called Stefano and also Rubi on bb. Flop 8♦ 5♠ 3♥ was checked, turn 5♥ leads Rubi 500k that Stefano called. River 6♥ was checked, Rubi shows A♦ 7♥, but Stefano takes pot with nuts flush A♥ 9♥.
6:45 7. place - Malinski Jan - 729€
Gruszka openshoves 1,6m with KQs and Malinski from sb called with 700k stack and showd ATo. However Gruszka hits K on the flop that holds till river.
Gruszka: KQs
Malinski: ATo
Board: K-8-5-4-5
6:40 8. place - Kerky - 588€
Kerky jams last 350k with A9o and Rubi on bb blindly called with 63o. Flop 9-7-3 brings pair for boht players, turn K changes nothing, but river 6 eliminates Kerky.
Kerky: A9o
Rubi: 63o
Board: 9-7-3-K-6
6:35 Stacks:
Rubi - 4m
Slávik - 2m
Kerky - 350k
Gruszka - 2,1m
Martinček - 1,3m
Malinski - 1,5m
Stefano - 3,4m
Hlinka - 2,1m
Level 26: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 2,137,500, ent.: 8/171
Break 10 minutes
6:25 Double for Martinček
Gruszka jams 590k effective from sb with 94o and Martinček on bb called with A4o. Flop brings gutshot for Gruszka, but turn and river holds Martinček.
Board: T-7-6-J-J
6:22 Stefano takes from Martinček
Martinček raises to 500k, leaving 850k behind that Stefano called in position. Flop Q-T-6 was checked, turn 4 Martinček bets 220k and Stefano raises to 500k. Martinček snap folds his cards.
6:10 Easy flip for Stefano
Exactly 1m Stefano jams from ep with pocket eights and Gruszka from sb called with AJo. After flop Q-8-7 and turn 2 Stefano doubles up.
Stefano: 88
Gruszka: AJo
Board: Q-8-7-2-4
Level 25: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 2,137,500, ent.: 8/171
5:50 And again...
Martinček jams from the button and Stefano on bb with 2bb called with 98s. Martinček holds A8o, but flop Q-J-T and blank runout holds Stefano.
5:44 9. place - Kamil Borowiec - 471€
Borowiec gets his last 2bb into game with pair of 22, but Slávik hits board with AQo and Borowiec ends in the tournament.
5.33 Stefano style
He invested last last bb on bb and shows K8o. Rubi holds KQo in showdown, but Stefano hits 8 on the flop and continues in the tournament.
Board: T-T-8-6-T
Level 24: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 1,900,000, ent.: 9/171
5:15 Cooler...
Hlinka minraises, Slávik 3bets to 550k and Hlinka 4bet jams 1,310,000 that Slávik snaps with KK. However Hlinka shows AA and doubles up after board without K.
Slávik: KK
Hlinka: AA
Board: T-7-2-4-8
5:05 Two players still with a chance to win Košice Weekend 3times !!!
Slávik and Martinček still play for extra 5.600€ for 3times KW champion!
4:50 10. place - Radvanský Lukáš - 354€
Radvanský moves all in 800k and Rubi on bb after while called with A3o. Radvanský holds KJo and needs to hit board, flop changes nothing, turn brings him outs but after blank river Radvanský ends and we are moving on final table.
Radvanský: KJo
Rubi: A3o
Board: Q-6-2-T-3
Level 23: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 1,710,000, ent.: 10/171
4:38 Hlinka triples up
Radvanský raises to 175k, Malinski called and Hlinka jams 340k that both players called. Flop T-7-6 was checked and on the turn J Malinski jams 1m effective. Radvanský after while folds and Malinski shows QJo. However Hlinka holds TT and triples up after blank river.
11. place - Kis Krisztian - 354€
4:27 12. place - Kerpo -287€
Martinček minraises button and Gruszka with Kerpo on blinds joined. Flop 9-7-2 Kerpo moves all in 200k and after fold Gruszka called with A2s. Kerpo holds 76,but A on the river eliminates him.
Kerpo: 76
Gruszka: A2s
Board: 9-7-2-8-A
4:24 13. place - Dziedzic Jakub - 287€
Dziedzic moves all in 510k with K5o and Kis called with pocket jacks again. This time Dziedzic didn´t find help on the board and ends.
Dziedzic: K5o
Kis: JJ
Board: T-9-7-2-9
4:22 14. place - Matúš "Meety" Gabzdil - 287€
Martinček minraises and Meety jams 480k with pocket tens. Martinček called with AJs and takes a lead on the flop J-8-6. After J on the turn and Q on the river Meety ends,
Meety: TT
Martinček: AJs
Board: J-8-6-J-Q
4:15 15. place - Gajdoš Dušan - 251€
Gajdoš moves all in 680k with pocket eights and Gruszka on bb finds JJ and called. After third one on the turn Gajdoš ends.
Duško: 88
Gruszka: JJ
Board: K-7-5-J-5
4:10 Stacks:
Slávik - 2,2m
Martinček - 1,2m
Gruszka - 2,7m
Kis - 1,1m
Kerky - 1,6m
Level 22: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,140,000, ent.: 15/171
Break 10 minutes
4:00 Another one for Kerky
He openshoves 500k with pocket kings and Hlinka called with AQo. Safe K high flop doubles Kerky´s stack.
3:55 16. place - Berezowski Jerzy - 251€
Berezowski moves all in 400k from the button with 54s and Radvanský on bb called with K6o. After blank board Berezowski ends in the tournament.
Berezowski: 54s
Radvanský: K6o
Board: A-7-T-9-A
3:50 Shorts doubles
First Dziedzic, who jams 255k stack with 8♣ 6♣ and Kis called with pocket jacks. Dziedzic completes straight on the river Q-7-4-T-5 and continues in the tournament, in next hand Kerky finds three outs with A3s against AJs under Rubi´s hand on the board K-Q-3-Q-4 and doubles 190k stack. To the third Kerpo with 130k stack finds also three outs with ATo against Borowiec´s TT:
3:39 17. place - Piotr Nowinski - 251€
Nowinski invested last 1bb on bb, but didn´t find help on the board and ends.
3:35 Bubble boy - Meszáros Lászlo
Meszáros moves all in 170k with A♠ J♣ and Slávik on bb called with pocket threes. Flop 9♦ 6♠ 3♠ was bad for Meszáros, turn Q♠ brings him outs and completes flush on the river 9♠, but Slávik full house and Meszáros ends on the bubble.
Meszáros: A♠ J♣
Slávik: 33
Board: 9♦ 6♠ 3♠ Q♠ 9♠
GPC vol3. coming soon!
Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 950,000, ent.: 18/171
3:15 Still hand for hand
Meszáros gets his 160k stack into game with A♦ 9♦ and Slávik on bb called with K5o. Ace on the turn holds Meszáros in the tournament.
On second table Dziedzic minraises and Radvanský moves all in 415k that Dziedzic pays with pocket 99. Radvanský holds pocket queens and doubles up after board without 9.
3:00 Kis doubles
Radvanský openshoves 690k from the button with A6o and Kis from sb with 400k stack called with AQo. Flop brings hit for both players and after blank turn and river Kis doubles up.
Kis: AQo
Radvanský: A6o
Board: Q-6-4-3-8
Level 20: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 950,000, ent.: 18/171
2:52 Rubi takes from Radvanský
Radvanský minraises from ep and Rubi 3bets to 210k that Radvanský called. Action was checked till river J-9-5-9-Q, where Rubi bets 320k that Radvanský after long tank called, but mucks his cards, when Rubi shows AQo.
2:21 Double seat open and hand for hand
Rožok gets his 360k stack into game with 66, Koryl 205k stack with pocket queens and Gruszka, who covered both of them called with TT. Flop J-9-2 changes nothing, but T on the river and blank river eliminates 2 players.
Rožok: 66
Koryl: QQ
Gruszka: TT
Board: J-9-2-T-5
Level 19: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 855,000, ent.: 20/171
2:15 Bad timing
Hlinka minraises CO and after call by Martinček, Meety from bb moves all in 800k. Hlinka with 600k stack called and Martinček folds. In showdown Meety holds KQo, but Hlinka finds AA under his hand. Flop Q-J-J brings outs for Meety, but after blank runotou falls on short.
Meety: KQo
Hlinka: AA
Board: Q-J-J-8-7
2:05 BvB
Hlinka moves all in 340k from sb and Martinček on bb called with K♥ J♥. However Hlinka holds AKo and after board without J doubles up.
Hlinka: AKo
Martinček: KJs
Board: 8-2-4-4-5
1:55 Leško ends
He openshoves 430k from utg with A♠ T♠ and Rubi on the button called with pair of eights. Board without help eliminates Leško from the tournament.
Leško: ATs
Rubi: 88
Board: K-9-4-2-9
Level 18: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 777,273, ent.: 22/171
1:35 Teliatnykov unlucky
He opens to 60k and Malinski moves all in 450k that Teliatnykov snaps with A♣ K♣. Malinski holds AQo and takes a lead on the flop Q♥ 5♣ 3♣, but Teliatnykov had flushdraw. However blank turn and river doubles Malinski´s stack.
Malinski: AQo
Teliatnykov: A♣ K♣
Board: Q♥ 5♣ 3♣ 5♠ J♦
GTD €50,000
- BI: €100
- 15-19 May 2024
- STACK: 40,000
The TEAMS BATTLE tournament is coming! Register your team at Registration must include: team name, club name, players' names + telephone contact + e-mail, captain's name. Number of players in the team = 5, BI per team = €200 + €25 fee. It is played in 5 disciplines: 1st Captains Tournament (1st round NLHE, 2nd round PLO), 2nd PLO, 3rd Pineapple, 4th KO, 5th Turbo NLHE!
1:22 Luman on shortstack
Berezowski openshoves 400k and Luman with approx 500k stack rejams. In showdown holds pocket queens and Berezowski with A♠ J♠ needs to hit board. Flop J♥ 8♠ 4♠ brings many outs for him, turn A♣ gives him a lead and after 4♣ on the river celebrates double up.
Luman: QQ
Berezowski: A♠ J♠
Board: J♥ 8♠ 4♠ A♣ 4♣
Level 17: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 633,333, ent.: 27/171
1:08 Big one for Martinček
Tomi minraises CO, Martinček 3bets from sb to 120k that Tomi called. Flop T♣ T♦ 7♠ cbets Martinček 55k and Tomi raises to 110k that gets called. Turn K♦ slows the action and on the river 3♣ Martinček bets 250k. Tomi thinks for a while and moves all in 560k. Martinček gets into long tank and called with T♥ 8♥. Tomi shows pure bluff A♣ 4♣ and Martinček takes huge pot.
Martinček: T♥ 8♥
Tomi: A♣ 4♣
Board: T♣ T♦ 7♠ K♦ 3♣
1:00 Flip for Kohút
Jarosz openshoves 170k with AQs and Kohút called with pair of tens. After numerical board Jarosz ends in the tournament.
Jarosz: AQs
Kohút: TT
Board: 8-5-4-9-7
Level 16: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 570,000, ent.: 30/171
Break 15 minutes
0:30 Three outs also for Dziedzic
Rubi raises to 37k and Dziedzic moves all in 342k that Rubi called with pocket jacks. Dziedzic holds A7s and hits A on the turn. After blank river doubles up.
Dziedzic: A7s
Rubi: JJ
Board: K-6-3-A-Q
0:15 Meety doubles up
He moves all in 151k from utg and Stefano on bb called with A4o. Meety holds AJs, flop brings outs for Stefano, but turn and river doubles Meety´s stack.
Meety: AJs
Stefano: A4o
Board: 2-2-5-6-7
0:05 Three outs for Berezowski
He openshoves 200k from utg with A8o and Zolnaiová with 199k stack called with AKo. However flop brings 8 for Berezowski and after blank runout Zolnaiová ends.
Zolnaiová: AKo
Berezowski: A8o
Board: A-T-8-9-4
Level 15: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 462,162, ent.: 37/171
23:59 Pot for Rubi
Gal openshoves 58k from utg that called Kis and also Rubi. Checked till river 8-7-5-9-A, where Rubi bets 50k and Kis folds his cards. In showdown Gal holds KQo, but Rubi AKo and eliminates Gal from the tournament.
Gal: KQo
Rubi: AKo
Board: 8-7-5-9-A
23:45 Unlucky river for Urban
He was in game on the turn K-T-6-J against Radvanský, who bets 45k and Urban in position minraises that Radvanský called. On the river K Radvanský leadshoves 160k effective that Urban snaps with AQo, but Radvansky shows KJo and eliminates Urban.
Urban: AQo
Radvanský: KJo
Board: K-T-6-J-K
Level 14: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 397,674, ent.: 43/171
23:33 Dream flop for Leško
Kerky opens from utg and 5 players were in the game. Flop A♠ K♥ T♦ cbets Kerky 30k, Leško called and Martinček from the button raises to 105k. Kerky called and Leško raises to 330k leaving 170k behind. Martinček takes some time and folds and also Kerky. Leško shows them nuts QJo and takes nice pot.
23:20 Never easy
Madej openshoves 200k from ep and Gruszka with 160k stack after while called with ATo. Madej holds A♥ 4♥ and needs to hit three outs, flop 9♦ 8♥ 7♠ changes nothing, turn 7♥ brings flushdraw for Madej, but river 6♣ doubles Gruszka´s stack.
Gruszka: ATo
Madej: A♥ 4♥
Board: 9♦ 8♥ 7♠ 7♥ 6♣
23:10 Martinček finds fold
He minraises from HJ that called Gajdoš, Kerky and also Leško from bb, who leads 33k on the flop 6♥ 3♠ 2♥. Martinček called and Gajdoš raises to 100k, leaving 130k behind. Leško folds and also Martinček after while and shows 77. Gajdoš shows him higher pair 88 and takes pot.
Level 13: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 316,667, ent.: 54/171
22:57 All four double champions still in the game!
Martinček, Meszáros, Čerep and Slávik still in the game for a premium of 5600€ for a triple champion!
PROSECCO PARTY is set and ready on 31.05.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
22:45 Big flip for Rožok
After Luman´s 18k raise and Rožok´s call, Kapalka moves all in approx 25bb. Luman folds and Rožok called with AKo. Kapalka holds pocket queens but K on the flop and board without Q elimintaes him.
Kapalka: QQ
Rožok: AKo
Board: K-9-6-2-3
Level 12: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 285,000, ent.: 60/171
22:22 Flip for Gajdoš
Zelasko openshoves 113k from UTG with AQo and Gajdoš from the button rejams with pocket tens. Board without A or Q holds Gajdoš and Zelasko ends in the tournament.
Gajdoš: TT
Zelasko: AQo
Board: 8-8-6-2-J
22:12 Podpora takes on the flop
Kis starts the game with 13k raise from utg and after call by Tirpák, Podpora 3bets to 42k that after while both players called. On the flop T-9-4r after checks Podpora jams 140k and both opponents quickly fold.
1. 4.707€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
2. 2.781€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
3. 1.818€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
4. 1.374€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
5. 1.112€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
6. 898€ including 100€ ticket on Teams Battle
7. 729€
8. 588€
9. 471€
10. - 11. 354€
12. - 14. 287€
15. - 17. 251€
Level 11: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 255,224, ent.: 67/171
Break 30 minutes
21:28 Two outs also for Bartko
He ended up in preflop all in for 75k with pocket jacks against Urban´s pocket queens. Flop 6-5-2 changes nothing, but J on the turn and blank river doubles Bartko´s stack.
Bartko: JJ
Urban: QQ
Board: 6-5-2-J-7
21:15 Cooler
After series of raises ended up in preflop all in Teliatnykov and Koryl. In showdown Teliatnykov holds pocket aces and Koryl holds pocket kings, but hits one of his outs on the flop. After turn and river without A Koryl doubles 217,5k stack.
Koryl: KK
Teliatnykov: AA
Board: K-7-5-4-5
Level 10: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 216,667, ent.: 72/156
20:55 Ivančová on ultrashort
She ended up in preflop all in for 60k with pocket kings against A♠ Q♠ under Podpora´s hand. Flop 9♠ 4♥ 2♠ brings him flushdraw, turn 4♠ completes flush and after 9♣ on the river Ivančová falls on last few blinds.
Ivančová: KK
Podpora: A♠ Q♠
Board: 9♠ 4♥ 2♠ 4♠ 9♣
20:45 3-way all in
Kotán minraises, Kosla moves all in 65k and Sirotňák rejams 120k. Kotán takes some time and also called. In showdown Sirotňák holds TT, Kosla QQ and Kotán AKo. After board A-Q-2-J-9 Kosla triples up and Kotán takes side pot.
Kotán: AKo
Sirotňák: TT
Kosla: QQ
Board: A-Q-2-J-9
20:35 Zelasko takes from Martinček
After 11,5k raise Zelasko with Pošivák called and Martinček from bb 3bets to 55k and Zelasko was the only one who called. Flop T♥ 8♥ 4♣ cbets Martinček 40k and Zelasko moves all in 160k. Martinček snap folds his cards and Zelasko takes this pot.
Level 9: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 180,723, ent.: 83/150
20:18 Double seat open
Ojrzynski starts the game with 9k raise, Husky next to him 3bets to 29k and Trembecki moves all in 52,5k. Ojrzynski rejams 105k effective that Husky called with pocket jacks. Trembecki holds AQo and Ojrzynski A♦ K♣ who takes a lead on the flop K♦ 3♦ 2♦ and after blank runout eliminates 2 players.
Ojrzynski: A♦ K♣
Husky: JJ
Trembecki: AQ
Board: K♦ 3♦ 2♦ Q♣ 4♦
20:10 Aces cracked
After 9k raise by Slávik Nowinski from bb 3bets to 25k and Slávik moves all in that Nowinski pays. In showdown Nowinski holds A♦ J♦ and needs big help against AA under Slávik´s hand. Flop 6♦ 3♦ 2♣ brings him flushdraw, turn 9♥ changes nothing, but river 2♦ sends Slávik for reentry.
Slávik: AA
Nowinski: A♦ J♦
Board: 6♦ 3♦ 2♣ 9♥ 2♦
Poker tournaments in May!
Everything starts with 15k One Day Event, which will be followed with tournament Teams Battle with 50.000€ GTD. At the end of the month is ready another Košice Weekend with 20.000€ GTD.
Level 8: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 159,302, ent.: 86/137
19:55 River killer
Martinček minraises and after 2x call Maslanka 3bets from bb to 18k that every opponent called. Flop J-6-3 checked to Martinček, who bets 26k and after folds Maslanka jams 55k that Martinček called with 5♣ 4♣. Maslanka holds top set, but 7 on the river eliminates him.
Maslanka: JJ
Martinček: 54s
Board: J-6-3-T-7
19:45 3-way all in
Emodi moves all in 30k, Šmida from sb called and Mihalo on bb 3bets to 100k. Šmida moves all in 150k that Mihalo called with QQ. Šmida holds 99 and Emodi A9 who hits A on the river and triples up, side pot takes Mihalo.
Mihalo: QQ
Šmida: 99
Emodi: A9
Board: T-6-4-8-A
19:40 Easy one
Macko gets his 60k stack behind the line with pair of tens and Kapalka called with AJo. However flop T-4-4 and blank runout holds Macko in the tournament.
Macko: TT
Kapalka: AJo
Board: T-4-4-7-6
Level 7: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 142,353, ent.: 85/121
19:25 Ojrzynski seat open
He starts the game with 6k raise, Pošivák on the button 3bets to 13k and Ojrzynski 4bet jams 60k with pocket jacks. However Pošivák holds AA under his hand and after numerical board sends Ojrzynski for reentry.
Pošivák: AA
Ojrzynski: JJ
Board: T-8-3-6-7
19:20 Ondkanin for reentry
After 4x limp Ondkanin moves all in 46,5k from sb. Lender from utg rejams and after folds shows pocket nines. Ondkanin holds smaller pair 44 and after board without 4 needs to use reentry.
Ondkanin: 44
Lender: 99
Board: T-6-3-J-6
19:10 Always a sweat
Trembecki limps, Luman raises to 8,5k and Mazurek from bb moves all in 44,5k. Trembecki rejams 83k stack and Luman after while folds AJ. Trembecki holds KQo and Mazurek pocket kings. Flop A-A-8 changes nothing, turn Q brings few outs for Trembecki, but river A doubles Mazurek´s stack.
Mazurek: KK
Trembecki: KQo
Board: A-A-8-Q-A
Level 6: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 127,711, ent.: 83/106
Break 30 minutes
18:25 Cooler
Martinček ended up in preflop all in against Szanto. In showdown holds AKs, but Szanto shows pocket aces and after blank board doubles 130k stack.
PILOT PARTY is set and ready on 03.05.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
18:25 Tirpák bravely
Zolnaiová raises and Jarosz next to her 3bets to 12k that called Tirpák from blind and also Zolnaiová. On the flop Q♦ T♦ 8♦ Jarosz cbets 10k and Tirpák decides for check raise to 30k that convinced both opponents to fold. Tirpák shows them 4♥ 4♣ and takes this pot.
18:15 Dyjak sends for reentry
Šmida raises to 4,5k from the button and Dyjak from bb jams 44k effective that Šmida called with ATo. Dyjak shows KQo and needs to hit board. K high flop gives him a lead and after blank runout eliminates Šmida from the tournament.
Šmida: ATo
Dyjak: KQo
Board: K-J-8-4-7
Level 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 116,000, ent.: 75/87
17:50 River for Martinček
Hervát raises from the button to 6k and Martinček on sb joined the game. Flop 6♥ 5♣ 5♠ cbets Hervát 10k that Martinček pays, turn 7♥ same action and on the river 9♥ Martinček leads 50k. Hervát takes some time and called, but mucks his cards, when Martinček shows 99 under his hand.
17:45 Nuts on the flop
After 2x limp Husky from sb raises to 7k that called Scibor on bb and also Eros. Flop 8-7-4 cbets Husky 10k, Scibor moves all in 16k that after fold Husky called with A9s, however Scibor holds 65o and doubles up after blank runout.
Scibor: 65o
Husky: A9s
Board: 8-7-4-4-K
17:40 Double seat open
Three players Šmida, Kotán and Sciranka ended up in preflop all in. Kotán holds AQs, Šmida pocket tens, but Sciranka, who covered both of them holds QQ. After blank board Sciranka takes approx 130k pot and Šmida with Kotán are eliminated.
Šmida: TT
Sciranka: QQ
Kotán: AQs
Board: K-8-3-4-6
Level 4: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 106,944, ent.: 72/77
17:25 Mihalo Milan defended
Kotán raises to 5,2k from CO and Mihalo defends bb. On the flop 8-5-2 cbets Kotán 8k and Mihalo minraises to 16k that gets called. Turn J continues Mihalo for 19k that convinced Kotán for fold and shows AQs. Mihalo shows him 99 and takes pot.
17:10 Aces for Kerky
He starts the game with 2,5k raise and after 2x call, sb 3bets to 14k. Action on Bartko, who moves all in from bb. Kerky with 51k stack called and after folds shows AA. Bartko shows QQ and after board without Q, Kerky wins this pot.
Kerky: AA
Bartko: QQ
Board: J-6-4-J-5
Level 3: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 106,250, ent.: 64/68
16:50 Husky´s 3barrel
Eros minraises and Husky 3bets to 6k that Eros pays. Flop 5♠ 4♥ 2♥ cbets Husky 7k that gets called, turn Q♣ same action for 16k and on the river T♣ bets Husky 30k. Eros takes some time and then decides to fold.
16:42 Double up for Hervát
He opens to 7k and Renecki joined the game. On the flop 5-3-2 cbets Hervát 15k, Renecki raises to 35k and Hervát jams 80k that Renecki called with pocket nines, however Hervát holds KK and after K on the turn doubles up.
Renecki: 99
Hervát: KK
Board: 5-3-2-K-T
GPC vol3. coming soon!
16:35 New players...
Bak, Gorz, Fron, Kis, Ojrzynski, Kapalka or Renecki also in the tournament.
Level 2: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 55/55
16:25 Luman hits on the river
Three players were on the flop K♥ J♥ 2♣, where Urban bets 2k that called both. Turn 6♣ continues Urban for 6k and only Luman was interested to see the river 8♥. There Urban bets 5k, but Luman raises to 15k that Urban snaps. Luman shows 9♥ 6♥ and takes this pot.
16:15 All in and call...
Šmida limps and Mihalo raises to 3,5k that Šmida pays. Flop J♥ T♥ 7♣ cbets Mihalo 4k that gets called, but on the turn J♣ after second barrel 13k Šmida check shoves that Mihalo snaps and shows 98s. However Šmida shows also 98o and players split this pot.
16:08 From the beginning...
Hervát, Gruszka, Maslanka, Madej, Stefano, Benedek and many others.
16:05 Tournament started!
April edition of Kosice Weekend just started! Watch the live report who´s gonna be the champion.
Level 1: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 24/24
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