Tournament Teams Battle with 50.000€ GTD recorded 429 entries and champion is Hudáček Pavol, who took home after 4-way deal 8.225€ including 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD and also trophy for the winner!
2:43 - Wojtas Damian - 4.619€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
In very last hand Hudáček jams 3m effective with ATo and Wojtas pays with K2s. After flop A-Q-J Wojtas needs to hit T, but turn 3 and river A means that tournament ends.
Wojtas: K2s
Hudáček: ATo
Board: A-Q-J-3-A
2:41 Hudáček doubles
Wojtas raises and Hudáček jams 8,710,000 that Wojtas pays with KTo, However Hudáček holds AKo and after A high board doubles up.
Wojtas: KTo
Hudáček: AKo
Board: J-8-2-A-A
2:38 Wojtas on chiplead
Hudáček completes and called 600k raise. Flop 8-8-7 cbets for 500k that Hudáček pays, turn 6 Wojtas check calls 500k and also 1m on the river 4. Hudáček holds Q9o and Wojtas takes pot with TT.
Level 30: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 10,545,000, ent.: 2/42
2:25 Wojtas takes something back
He completes and Hudáček raises to 460k that Wojtas pays. Flop 9-7-5 was checked, turn T bets Hudáček 500k that gets called and also 1,6m on the river 7. Hudáček shows QJo, but Wojtas takes pot with K4o.
2:15 Gets through
Hudáček completes, Wojtas raises to 560k that Hudáček pays. Flop 9♠ 8♣ 5♠ cbets Wojtas 350k, Hudáček raises to 1m that Wojtas pays. Turn T♦ after check bets Hudáček 2m that convinced Wojtas to fold. Hudáček shows 3♥ 2♥ and rises on 15,5m to 5,6m.
2:00 Hudáček on chiplead
Hudáček raises to 380k and Wojtas called. Flop K♣ 6♦ 7♥ leads Wojtas 300k that gets called, turn 6♣ after check Hudáček bets 500k and Wojtas check raises to 1,250,000 that Hudáček called. River 7♠ was checked and Hudáček shows KJo what was enough to take this pot.
1:51 Heads up
Stacks are equal.
1:50 3. place - Tirpák Róbert - 5.999€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Tirpák ended up in preflop all in for 2,1m with AQs, but Hudáček finds KK under his hand. After board without A Tirpák ends.
Tirpák: AQs
Hudáček: KK
Board: 7-4-4-8-9
Level 29: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 7,030,000, ent.: 3/42
Break 10 minute
1:40 Bad timing
Wojtas completes sb and Tirpák checks. Flop K-K-4 bets Wojtas 150k and Tirpák raises to 700k that gets called. Turn 9 Tirpák jams 4,1m effective that Wojtas snaps with K7o. Tirpák holds 55 and after 2 on the river Wojtas doubles up.
Wojtas: K7o
Tirpák: 55
Board: K-K-4-9-2
1:30 - Hanzen Samuel - 4.834€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Hanzen raises to 250k, Wojtas 3bets to 760k and Hanzen jams 2,7m that Wojtas snaps with ATo. Hanzen holds 99, flop K-3-2 was safe for him, but T on the turn and river K eliminates him.
Wojtas: ATo
Hanzen: 99
Board: K--3-2-T-K
1:20 ICM DEAL:
Tirpák - 7,200,000 - 5.999€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Hudáček - 6,760,000 - 5.857€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Hanzen - 3,770,000 - 4.834€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Wojtas - 3,350,000 - 4.619€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Left to play for 2.368€ + trophy
1:10 Deal?
Players are talking about deal.
1:08 5. place - Berezowski Jerzy - 2.112€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Berezowski gest his 1,2m stack into game from CO with KQo and Hudáček on sb called with 44. K in the window pleased Berezowski, but after him was 4 and after blank turn Berezowski ends.
Berezowski: KQo
Hudáček: 44
Board: K-6-4-9-J
1:05 - Figlar Martin - 1.644€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
Tirpák limps and Figlar jams 1,9m that Tirpák snaps with ATo. Figlar holds KQo and needs to hit board, flop J-T-8 brings him more outs, turn T wasn´t good for him and after 8 on the river ends.
Tirpák: ATo
Figlar: KQo
Board: J-T-8-T-8
1:00 Hudáček´s 3barrel
He raises to 300k that called Tirpák with Figlar on bb. Flop 7♦ 7♠ 5♦ cbets 300k that Figlar pays and action was repeated on the turn A♣ for 500k and river A♦ for 1m. Hudáček holds A♥ 8♥ in showdown and Figlar shows nuts flush K♦ Q♦.
0:50 Wojtas defended
Hanzen minraises that called Figlar with Wojtas on bb. Flop K♣ 4♠ 2♣ cbets Hanzen 230k that Wojtas pays and on the turn 9♦ after second barrel 350k Wojtas jams 2,2m. Hanzen thinks for a while and then folds.
Level 28: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,515,000, ent.: 6/42
0:33 Hanzen survived
He minraises utg and Tirpák defends bb. On the flop A♦ J♦ J♣ Tirpák leadshoves 2m that Hanzen snaps with Q♥ J♥. Tirpák holds flushdraw 5♦ 3♦, but turn K♥ and river 4♥ holds Hanzen.
Hanzen: QJs
Tirpák: 5♦ 3♦
Board: A♦ J♦ J♣ K♥ 4♥
0:30 7. place - Stojak Krzystof - 1.284€
Stojak moves all in 1,2m from utg and Figlar rejams. In showdown Stojak shows A7s, but needs to hit ace against TT under Figlar´s hand. Board without ace eliminates Stojak from the tournament.
Stojak: A7s
Figlar: TT
Board: J-8-2-K-7
0:25 Tirpák increases chiplead
Stojak minraises and Tirpák with Hudáček on bb joined. Flop K♠ 9♦ 8♠ cbets Stojak 325k that both called, turn 3♠ slows the action and on the river 5♣ bets Hudáček 500k. Stojak folds and Tirpák called with KQo, what was enough against K6s. Tirpák is chipleader with 8,5m stack.
Level 27: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 3,012,857, ent.: 7/42
0:08 Pot for Hudáček
Hanzen starts the game with minraise that joined Figlar, Hudáček and Wojtas on bb. Flop K-J-4 was checked, turn 5 leads Hudáček 300k that called Hanzen and Figlar and on the river 8 bets Hudáček 500k that only Hanzen called. Hudáček shows AJo, what was enough to take this pot.
0:00 0% on the turn
Figlar openshoves 1,330,000 from utg and Hanzen on bb snaps with AKo, but needs to hit board against JJ. Flop 7-7-2 was safe for Tiglar and after J on the turn doubles up.
Tiglar: JJ
Hanzen: AKo
Board: 7-7-2-J-2
23:55 Tirpák´s 3barrel
Wojtas minraises button and Tirpák 3bets to 500k from bb that gets called. Flop Q♠ 9♠ 7♦ cbets Tirpák 500k that Wojtas pays, turn K♣ same action for 1M and on the river 4♥ Tirpák jams 2,3m, but Wojtas folds his cards. Tirpák shows K and takes nice pot.
23:35 8. place - Širilla Ladislav - 1.008€
Wojtas minraises and Širiila 3bet jams 1,145,000. Wojtas thinks for a while and called with pair of threes. Širilla holds AKo, but board without A or K eliminates him.
Širilla: AKo
Wojtas: 33
Board: Q-5-2-9-3
Level 26: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,636,250, ent.: 8/42
Break 15 minutes
23:20 Hanzen´s 3barrel
He starts the game with raise that called Stojak from sb. Flop J♠ T♣ 9♦ cbets Hanzen 150k that gets called and action was repeated for 360k on the turn 6♦ and 600k on the river 7♦. Hanzen shows nuts straight KQo and takes pot, when Stojak shows just 8.
23:17 9. place - Laporčák Milan - 796€
Tirpák raises to 130k from utg and Laporčák moves all in 980k that Tirpák snaps with A♣ J♥, but needs to hit three outs against QQ. Flop A♦ K♥ 5♥ gives him a lead, after turn 9♥ Laporčák has 1 out and J♦ on the river ends his journey.
Laporčák: QQ
Tirpák: A♣ J♥
Board: A♦ K♥ 5♥ 9♥ J♦
22:53 River holds Tirpák in the tournament
Tirpák ended up in preflop all in for 1,470,000 against Hanzen. In showdown Hanzen holds JJ and Tirpák with A♣ K♣ needs to hit board. Flop 5♠ 3♠ 3♣ was safe for Hanzen, turn 2♣ brings many outs for Tirpák and after 4♦ on the river doubles up.
Tirpák: A♣ K♣
Hanzen: JJ
Board: 5♠ 3♠ 3♣ 2♣ 4♦
1. 10.270€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
2. 6.694€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
3. 3.925€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
4. 2.790€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
5. 2.112€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
6. 1.644€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
7. 1.284€
8. 1.008€
9. 796€
22:30 10. place - Wadas Mariusz - 637€
Stojak minraises and Wadas jams 400k with KTo. Stojak called with 33 and board A-7-5-J-A means we are moving on final table.
22:22 11. place - Muresan Adrian - 637€
Berezowski moves all in from the button and Muresan with 400k stack called with pocket nines. Berezowski holds AQo and hits queen on the flop that holds till river.
Muresan: 99
Berezowski: AQo
Board: Q-T-3-5-3
PROSECCO PARTY is set and ready on 31.05.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
Level 25: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,917,273, ent.: 11/42
22:10 12. place - Čerep Matúš - 520€
Čerep moves 715k all in preflop with pocket fives and Wojtas decides to call with Q♠ J♠. Reward for him was flop Q-9-4 and after turn 8 and river T Čerep ends.
Čerep: 55
Wojtas: QJs
Board: Q-9-4-8-T
22:08 Huge bluff gets through
Širilla starts the game with raise from utg that joined Hanzen next to him and Tirpák on bb. FlopK♦ 9♣ 6♦ cbets Širilla 150k that Hanzen pays, turn A♣ continues for 250k that Hanzen also called. River 3♣ and third barrel 330k by Širilla, but this time Hanzen raises to 1,2m. Širilla takes some timie, but then folds and Hanzen shows him Q♣ J♦.
22:00 Bvb
Berezowski jams 250k effective from sb with A2o, but Muresan finds premium AKo on bb. Flop brings king for Muresan who easily doubles up.
Berezowski: A2o
Muresan: AKo
Board: K-Q-4-6-6
21:58 Figlar back in the game
In one hand Figlar gets 290k stack into game with AJo and his opponent was Muresan with A6s. Board K-7-4-A-T doubles Figlar´s stack and in next hand Wojtas jams 655k effective from sb and Figlar on bb called with pocket sixes. Wojtas holds QJo, flop A-T-2 brings few more outs for him, but turn 2 and river 7 means that Figlar is back on stack.
21:52 Hudáček finds on Bb
Berezowski minraises and Figlar 3bets jams 1,1m from sb. Hudáček on bb with 825k stack called and Berezowski folds. In showdown Figlar holds KTo, but Hudáček JJ and after board without K, Hudáček doubles.
Hudáček: JJ
Figlar: KTo
Board: A-7-8-T-8
21:47 Flip for Čerep
He openshoves 510k with pocket tens and Muresan rejams with AKo. Čerep survived through board and continues in the tournament.
Čerep: TT
Muresan: AKo
Board: Q-J-4-2-Q
Level 24: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,757,500, ent.: 12/42
21:40 13. place - Skalski Michal - 520€
Skalski raises from CO to 90k and Hanzen from bb jams 700k effective that Skalski snaps with KK. Hanzen holds A8o, but hits trips on the flop and after turn and river without K, Skalski ends.
Skalski: KK
Hanzen: A8o
Board: A-T-A-2-7
21:35 Nice pot for Laporčák
Hanzen minraises utg and Širilla with Laporčák on blinds joined the game. Flop Q♥ 6♦ 4♦ was checked, turn 5♥ bets Laporčák 160k that called both players. River A♦ was checked to Hanzen, who bets 460k and after fold by Širilla, Laporčák snaps and shows Q♠ 2♠, what was enough against 4♠ 3♠.
21:27 Flip for Skalski
He ended up in preflop all in for 385k with pair od fives and Laporčák called with A♦ 7♦. Board without ace or seven holds Skalski.
Skalski: 55
Laporčák: A7s
Board: Q-8-4-8-T
21:25 14. place - Happy - 520€
Happy moves all in from the CO 400k and Stojak from the button rejams. In showdown Happy holds AKo, but Stojak finds KK and board without A eliminates Happy from the tournament.
Happy: AKo
Stojak: KK
Board: 4-3-3-Q-T
21:18 Hudáček finds fold
He starts the game with 100k raise and Tirpák jams 1M from the button. Action on Wojtas, who rejams 1,5m and Hudáček gets into tank. After that face up folds QQ and wasn´t happy with showdown, when both players show AKo.
21:13 Double in style
Figlar opens to 100k and after call by Hudáček, Tirpák jams 410k from sb. Figlar rejams and after fold shows AKo, but needs to hit board against TT under Tirpák´s hand. Flop A-T-7 hits both players, turn Q brings hope for Figlar, but T on the river holds Tirpák in the tournament.
Tirpák: TT
Figlar: AKo
Board: A-T-7-Q-T
21:10 15. place - Wozny Tomasz - 520€
Wozny openshoves 555k from utg and Stojak on sb called with pocket eights. Wozny holds Q♠ Q♣, but flop 8♠ 7♠ 5♠ gives a lead to Stojak, turn J♠ back to Wozny, but river 7♣ eliminates him.
Wozny: Q♠ Q♠
Stojak: 88
Board: 8♠ 7♠ 5♠ J♠ 7♣
21:05 Wozny doubles his short
265k stack gets into game with premium hand AKo and Skalski called with AQo. After flop K-J-8 Skalski needs to hit gutshot, but blank turn and river holds Wozny.
Wozny: AKo
Skalski: AQo
Board: K-J-8-4-2
Level 23: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,406,000, ent.: 15/42
Break 10 minutes
20:40 16. place - Kis Krisztian - 436€
After minraise Laporčák from the button 3bets to 155k and Kis from sb 4bet jams 870k. After folds Laporčák takes some time, but then called with pocket TT. Kis holds QQ but T on the flop and blank runout eliminates Kis.
Kis: QQ
Laporčák: TT
Board: T-5-2-3-8
17. place - Nagy Pavel - 436€
20:25 18. place - Nowinski Piotr - 436€
Nowinski invested last 2bb on bb with ATo and was ahead against Laporčák´s A5o, but board 4-2-7-3-7 completes straight for Laporčák.
Laporčák: A5o
Nowinski: ATo
Board: 4-2-7-3-7
20:15 19. place - Giexa - 436€
Širilla opens from utg and Giexa from bb jams 370k that Širilla pays with KQo. Giexa holds AJo, but flop K-Q-2 gives a lead to Širilla and after Q on the turn Giexa ends.
Giexa: AJo
Širilla: KQo
Board: K-Q-2-Q-5
At the end of the month is ready another Košice Weekend with 20.000€ GTD.
20:09 20. place - Kerpo - 371€
Širilla minraises utg and Kerpo from blind moves all in 280k that Širilla after while pays with 99. Kerpo holds A2o, but board without A eliminates him.
Kerpo: A2o
Širilla: 99
Board: T-8-8-Q-4
Level 22: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1,054,000, ent.: 20/42
19:59 21. place - Slávik - 371€
Slávik moves all in from utg 230K and Skalski rejams with Q♣ Q♦. Flop J♣ T♥ 3♣ changes nothing, turn A♣ gives a lead to Slávik, but T♣ on the river completes flush for Skalski.
Skalski: Q♣ Q♦
Slávik: A♥ J♥
Board: J♣ T♥ 3♣ A♣ T♣
22. place - Sirotňák Vladimír - 371€
19:52 Čerep defended with double
Happy minraises utg that called Giexa and also Čerep on bb. Flop J-7-6 after cbet and call Čerep jams 415k that called Happy with AJo. However Čerep holds 2 pairs J6s and after 6 on the turn and blank river doubles up.
Čerep: J6s
Happy: AJo
Board: J-7-6-6-2
19:44 23. place - Wasťo - 371€
Hanzen minraises button and Wasťo jams 200k from sb with AKo. Hanzen snaps with pair of nines and after third one on the turn Wasťo ends.
Wasťo: AKo
Hanzen: 99
Board: Q-Q-2-9-4
19:40 Three outs for Wadas
He ended up in preflop all in for 420k with AJo and needs to hit ace against QQ under Sirotňák´s hand. Flop A-K-5 gives a lead to Wadas and Sirotňák falls on short.
Wadas: AJo
Sirotňák: QQ
Board: A-K-5-K-8
19:35 24. place - Stefano - 371€
Berezowski minraise and 4 players were in the game. Flop Q♣ 9♦ 2♠ cbets Berezowski 55k that called Stefano and Wasťo on bb. Turn 4♠ Berezowski jams 250k effective that only Stefano snaps and shows set of 22. Berezowski holds combo draw J♠ T♠ and eliminates Stefano after A♠ on the river.
Stefano: 22
Berezowski: J♠ T♠
Board: Q♣ 9♦ 2♠ 4♠ A♠
19:30 Also for Giexa
Giexa ended up in preflop all in for 255k with pocket jacks against Hudáček who called with smaller pairs 88. Board without 8 holds Giexa in the tournament.
Giexa: JJ
Hudáček: 88
Board: Q-Q-7-A-2
19:22 Easy double up
Skalski openshoves 220k with AQo and Figlar on bb called with T♣ 9♣. Flop A-Q-4 was very good for Skalski, who doubles after 6 on the turn.
Skalski: AQo
Figlar: T9s
Board: A-Q-4-6-K
Level 21: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 878,750, ent.: 24/42
19:13 Battle of chipleaders
Hanzen starts the game with minraise and Wojtas 3bets to 100k that Hanzen pays. Flop 6♣ 5♦ 2♥ cbets Wojtas 50k that Hanzen called. Turn 9♠ after second barrel 175k Hanzen decides for check raise to 400k that gets called. On the river 5♠ Hanzen asks for 600k that also gets called and shows full house with 99 under his hand. After this hand Hanzen rises on 3,8M stack.
18:58 25. place - Filak Dariusz - 318€
Filak ended up in preflop all in for 170k with pocket fives, but Sirotňák holds pocket sevens and after board without 5 Filak ends and we are moving on last 3 tables.
Filak: 55
Sirotňák: 77
Board: J-8-4-A-2
26. place - Tamaškovič Vladimír - 318€
18:52 Too many
Filak starts the game with minraise and Wozny jams 185k that Filak after while called with T♥ 8♥. Wozny holds AQo, flop J♣ 7♥ 5♠ brings few more outs for Filak, turn K♥ also flushdraw, but river K♣ doubles Wozny´s stack.
Wozny: AQo
Filak: T♥ 8♥
Board: J♣ 7♥ 5♠ K♥ K♣
18:48 27. place - Bartolomiej Falowski - 318€
Falowski gets his short into game with combination AQo and his opponent was on hotrun playing Hanzen who called with JTo and was able to hit the board.
18:46 Flip for Happy
Čerep raises button and Happy jams 285k from the sb that Čerep called with pocket nines. Happy holds AJs and hits J on the flop that holds till river.
Happy: AJs
Čerep: 99
Board: J-7-2-Q-T
18:44 Sirotňák also doubles up
He ended up in preflop all in for 190k with second best combination against third one. After blank board Sirotňák doubles up.
Sirotňák: KK
Filak: QQ
Board: 9-8-7-A-3
18:42 Double for Wasťo
Wasťo openshoves 220k with A♣ K♣ and Berezowski from blind called with A♦ T♦. After flop Q-J-7 Wasťo doesn´t want to see K and after turn 4 and river 5 celebrates double up.
Wasťo: AKs
Berezowski: ATs
Board: Q-J-7-4-5
Level 20: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 781,111, ent.: 27/42
Break 30 minutes
18:10 28. place - Berenyi Mihaly - 318€
Hanzen minraises, Berenyi 3bets to 100k and Hanzen jams 400k effective that Berenyi pays with AQo. However Hanzen holds KK and after third one on the flop Berenyi ends and Hanzen rises on big chiplead with approx 2,5m stack.
Hanzen: KK
Berenyi: AQo
Board: K-8-2-9-4
17:55 Big pot for Hanzen
He starts the game with minraise from utg and Širilla defends bb. Flop 8-6-5 Širilla leads 36k that Hanzen pays, turn T same action for 54k and on the river 9 bets Širilla for third time 104k. This time Hanzen raises to 450k that gets called and shows nuts QJ in showdown.
17:53 29. place - Fafara Daniel - 318€
Kis opens to 32k and after call, Fafara jams 110k from bb. Kis rejams and after fold shows pocket nines. Fafara holds again smaller pair 77 and after board without 7 ends in the tournament.
Fafara: 77
Kis: 99
Board: K-Q-8-5-6
17:50 30. place - Konrad Slowik - 318€
Hanzen minraises and Slowik moves all in 144k from the sb that Hanzen pays with 8♦ 7♦ and needs to win flip against 66. Flop K-8-3 gives a lead to Hanzen and after turn or river without 6 Slowik ends.
Slowik: 66
Hanzen: 87s
Board: K-8-3-J-5
31. place - Meety - 276€
17:37 32. place - Dziedzic Jakub - 276€
Dziedzic openshoves 220k with combination QJs, but needs big help against KK under Figlar´s hand. Turn brings gutshot for Dziedzic, but after river ends.
Dziedzic: QJs
Figlar: KK
Board: 8-8-5-9-6
17:35 Lucky river
Berenyi raises to 35k from the button and Muresan jams 369k from the sb. Berenyi takes some time and called with A♣ J♣ and was ahead against A6o. Flop A♠ 5♦ 2♣ changes nothing, turn 3♣ brings flushdraw for Berenyi, but river 6♦ holds Muresan in the tournament.
Muresan: A6o
Berenyi: A♣ J♣
Board: A♠ 5♦ 2♣ 3♣ 6♦
17:32 Cooler
After series of raises Kis nad Fafara ended up in preflop all in for 643k. In showdown Fafara holds pocket kings but Kis finds aces under his hand. After blank board Kis makes big double up.
Kis: AA
Fafara: KK
Board: 9-7-2-Q-6
Level 19: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 659,063, ent.: 32/42
33. place - Vester Ján - 276€
34. place - Kies Wojciech - 276€
17:25 35. place - Chrzastek Jakub - 276€
Berezowski raises to 25k and Chrzastek jams 123k that Berezowski pays with ATo and needs to hit 3 outs against AJo. Flop 4-4-5 brings outs for split, but T on the turn and blank river eliminates Chrzastek.
Chrzastek: AJo
Berezowski: ATo
Board: 4-4-5-T-8
36. place - Malinski Dacjusz - 276€
17:08 - Mihalo Juraj - 244€
Mihalo completes sb and Tirpák on bb checks. Flop 6♥ 2♠ Q♦ was checked, turn J♦ after check Tirpák bets 16k and Mihalo check raises to 50k. Tirpák reraises to 105k and Mihalo jams 405k that Tirpák pays. In showdown Mihalo holds 6♦ 2♦ and needs to improve against Q6o. River 7♠ changes nothing and Mihalo ends.
Mihalo: 6♦ 2♦
Tirpák: Q6o
Board: Q♦ 6♥ 2♠ J♦ 7♠
17:05 Pot for Tamaškovič
Meety starts the game with minraises that joined 4 players. Flop A-A-2 was checked, turn 9 bets Meety 36k that called Tamaškovič and also Happy. River 5 second bet by Meety 40k and also both players called. Meety holds QQ in showdown, but Tamaškovič takes pot with ATo.
16:59 38. place - Kratochvíl Karel - 244€
Kratochvíl openshoves 125k from utg1 and Kerpo rejams from the button. In showdown Kratochvíl holds 98s, but Kerpo pocket queens. Flop A-T-8 brings outs for Kratochvíl, however turn 4 and river Q eliminates him.
Kratochvíl: 89s
Kerpo: QQ
Board: A-T-8-4-Q
39. place - Moravec Denis - 244€
40. place - Benedek Sandor - 244€
Tournament with 100.000€ GTD will take place 17.06. - 23.06.2024!!
Level 18: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 527,250, ent.: 40/42
16:38 Never easy
Chrzastek openshoves 110k from utg and Slávik on bb called with K♣ Q♠, but against aces needs big help. Flop 8♣ 3♣ 2♣ brings flushdraw for Slávik, but turn 6♥ and river 3♥ holds Chrzastek.
Chrzastek: AA
Slávik: K♣ Q♠
Board: 8♣ 3♣ 2♣ 6♥ 3♥
16:28 Roller-coaster
Mihalo raises from EP and Fafara defends bb. Flop A♠ 9♣ 6♣ cbets Mihalo 30k, Fafara checkraises to 60k and Mihalo jams 177k effective that Fafara pays with two pair 9♥ 6♥. Mihalo holds AJo, hits J on the turn, but 9 on the river doubles Fafara´s stack.
Fafara: 96s
Mihalo: AJo
Board: A-9-6-J-9
41. place - Erik Rami - 244€
16:24 Double for Sirotňák
Muresan opens to 30k from ep and Sirotňák defends bb. Flop A♣ 7♦ 6♦ cbets Muresan 55k and Sirotňák check raises to 115k that Muresan pays. On the turn 5♠ Sirotňák jams remaining 87k that gets also called. In showdown Sirotňák holds AQo and Muresan 44, but river 9 holds Sirotňák in the tournament.
Sirotňák: AQo
Muresan: 44
Board: A-7-6-5-9
16:15 Well played
Kratochvíl starts the game with 22k raise from the button and Širilla defends bb. On the flop T♣ 9♣ 2♥ Širilla leads 37k that Kratochvíl pays, turn K♥ Širilla slows down and check calls 85k. On the river 9♥ Širilla leads again 150k and Kratochvíl after while moves all in 362k effective that Širilla snaps. Kratochvíl holds T♥ 6♥, but Širilla full house with KK and makes big double up.
Širilla: KK
Kratochvíl: T♥ 6♥
Board: T♣ 9♣ 2♥ K♥ 9♥
42. place - Jarosz Tomasz - 244€
Level 17: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 502,143, ent.: 42/42
16:05 Final Day started!
Floormanager Stano announced all basic informations. 42 players left from 429 entries. Who´s gonna be the champion? Watch the live report! 6 minutes left to play from level 16.
1. 10.270€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
2. 6.694€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
3. 3.925€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
4. 2.790€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
5. 2.112€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
6. 1.644€ 175€ ticket on GPC 100.000€ GTD included
7. 1.284€
8. 1.008€
9. 796€
10. - 11. 637€
12. - 15. 520€
16. - 19. 436€
20. - 24. 371€
25. - 30. 318€
31. - 36. 276€
37. - 42. 244€
Level 16: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 502,143, ent.: 42/42
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