10.000€ FOR WINNER!
Flight 1B of tournament Fifty Grand recorded 73 entries and 7 players advanced to the Final Day. Chipleader from this flight is Krzysztof "Giexa" Guz with stack of 908,000!
Two flights are prepared for you today!
First Flight 1C starts at 16:00 and Turbo flight 1D starts at 22:00!
4:30 Bubble boy - Radošinský
In very last hand Giexa raises to 45k and Radošinský jams 143k with pocket sixes. Giexa called with KTs and hits K on the river means flight 1B ends.
Radošinský: 66
Giexa: KTs
Board: A-9-4-A-K
4:24 Bubble time
Pacocha minraises and Grega moves all in 92k that Pacocha pays with 22. Grega holds 99, but 2 in the window and board without 9 eliminates Grega from the tournament.
Greha: 99
Pacocha: 22
Board: A-T-2-K-J
Level 19: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 405,556, ent.: 9/73
4:10 Last table
Yi was in game against Giexa on the turn T-T-7-6, where pot was approx 100k and Yi decides to moves 320k all in after raises that Giexa snaps and shows ATo. Yi holds pocket queens and ends atter 7 on the river.
Giexa: ATo
Yi: QQ
Board: T-T-7-6-7
3:55 Three outs for Eliašová
She openshoves 232k with AJo and Kondas on bb snaps with pocket queens. Flop K-6-5 was safe for him, but turn A doubles Eliašová´s stack.
Eliašová: AJo
Kondas: QQ
Board: K-6-5-A-T
3:52 Another double with worse hand
Kolarik raises to 40k and Tamaškovič jams 160k that Kolarik pays with K♥ Q♥. Tamaškovič holds AQs, but flop 8♠ 7♥ 6♥ brings flushdraw for Kolarik and after J♥ on the turn Tamaškovič ends.
Tamaškovič: AQs
Kolarik: K♥ Q♥
Board: 8♠ 7♥ 6♥ J♥ K♦
3:50 Double for Grega
He moves all in 133k and Lelito on bb called with AQo. Grega holds Q♠ T♠ and needs to hit three outs, flop 9♠ 8♠ 8♥ brings him flushdraw that he completes on the turn and doubles up.
Lelito: AQo
Grega: Q♠ T♠
Board: 9♠ 8♠ 8♥ 7♠ 4♦
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 304,167, ent.: 12/73
3:40 Grinder won´t advance
Eliašová openshoves 110k from EP and Grinder with 90k stack called. In showdown holds A♥ K♥ and Eliašová with QJo needs to hit board. Flop Q♦ T♥ 9♣ gives her a lead, turn 4♥ brings more outs for Grinder, but rive 6♦ eliminates him.
Grinder: A♥ K♥
Eliašová: QJo
Board: Q♦ T♥ 9♣ 4♥ 6♦
3:20 Without bigger change
Players are waiting for bigger hands and hands mostly ends after preflop raise.
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 280,769, ent.: 13/73
GPC vol IV. in September!
Tournament with 100.000€ GTD and 175€ Buyin will take place from 09.09. - 15.09.2024!
3:05 BvB
Vidovenyec moves all in 10bb from sb and Derda on bb snaps with AKo. Vidovenyec shows ATo and ends after board without T.
Vidovenyec: ATo
Derda: AKo
Board: Q-7-2-3-6
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 260,714, ent.: 14/73
2:45 Double seat open
Derda limps, Luman moves all in 140k, Baloghová from blind as short called and Derda called also. In showdown Baloghová holds J♣ 8♣, Luman 88 and Derda AQo, who eliminates 2 players after A high board.
Derda: AQo
Baloghová: J♣ 8♣
Luman: 88
Board: A♣ K♣ K♠ 9♦ 4♥
2:40 Kings to muck
Giexa raises to 20k, Bolko 3bets to 55k that cold called Radošinský from sb. Flop T-9-6 moves Bolko all in 110k that Radošinský snaps and shows set of 66. Bolko holds KK, turn Q brings him few more outs, but river 3 holds Radošinský.
Radošinský: 66
Bolko: KK
Board: T-9-6-Q-3
2:35 River holds Lelito in the tournament
Lelito gets 61k stack into game with A5o and Bolko called with KQo. Flop Q-6-2 gives a lead to Bolko, turn 3 brings few outs for Lelito, who doubles after A on the river.
Lelito: A5o
Bolko: KQo
Board: Q-6-2-3-A
2:25 Karwanski crashed
Grega raises to 18k from EP and Karwanski from sb moves all in 120k from sb. Grega with 110k snaps and shows pocket aces. Karwanski holds pocket tens and after board without T falls on short that he lost in next hand.
Karwanski: TT
Grega: AA
Board: 7-7-3-K-A
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 173,810, ent.: 21/73
2:15 Runner runner
Kondas openshoves 10bb from utg with Q9o and Bacso on bb called with ATs. Flop A-T-3 was bad for Kondas, but turn 8 and river J holds him in the tournament.
Kondas: Q9o
Bacso: ATs
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Time: 22:30
The 14 winners who will be able to draw will be presented with Mystery Envelopes, which will hold prizes worth a total of €1,000
Good luck!
1:55 Drawing dead
Kondas was in game against Baloghová on the flop 7♥ 4♥ 2♦, where Kondas jams 68k effective that Baloghová called with K♥ T♥. Kondas was ahead with AQo, but Q♥ on the turn means double up.
Baloghová: K♥ T♥
Kondas: AQo
Board: 7♥ 4♥ 2♦ Q♥ A♣
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 158,696, ent.: 23/73
Break 10 minutes
1:30 Double for Grinder
He gets hist last 36,5k into game with AJo and his opponent was Vankov, who called with T9s. Flop 7-6-2 brings gutshot for Vankov, but turn 6 and river J hold Grinder.
Grinder: AJo
Vankov: T9s
Board: 7-6-2-6-J
1:20 Good showdown
Yi raises button and Lelito gets his 63k stack into game with pocket tens. Yi decides to call and shows lower pair of nines and after board without 9 Lelito doubles up.
Lelito: TT
Yi: 99
Board: 4-4-2-K-7
1:12 Flip for Karwanski
He openshoves 47,5k with AQo and Vidovenyec rejams with pocket jacks. Karwanski hits Q on the flop that holds till river and continues in the tournament.
Vidovenyec: JJ
Karwanski: AQo
Board: Q-8-6-5-2
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 158,696, ent.: 23/73
0:55 Baloghová doubles up
Yi minraises CO, Baloghová 3bets to 20k from the button, Lelito 4bets to 46k from sb and after folds Baloghová jams 88k that Lelito pays with JJ. However Baloghová holds QQ and doubles up after board without J.
Baloghová: QQ
Lelito: JJ
Board: K-T-9-9-7
0:50 River for Tamaškovič
He gets 47,5k into game from CO with A6o and Karwanski next to him called with pocket eights. Ace on the river holds Tamaškovič in the tournament.
Tamaškovič: A6o
Karwanski: 88
Board: 5-3-3-Q-A
0:40 Never easy
Luman ended up in preflop all in for 48k with K♠ K♣ and his opponent was Grinder with J♥ J♦. Flop A♥ K♥ 9♥ brings set for Luman, but also flushdraw for Grinder, turn Q♦ few more outs but river J♠ wasn´t card that Grinder wanted to see.
Grinder: J♥ J♦
Luman: K♠ K♣
Board: A♥ K♥ 9♥ Q♦ J♠
HAWAII PARTY is set and ready on 25.07.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 135,185, ent.: 27/73
0:30 Bartha ends
He opens to 7k from the button and Karwanski with Mihalo on blinds called. Flop A-8-3 cbets Bartha 8k that Karwanski pays. Turn 5 bets Bartha 15k, but this time Karwanski jams 60k effective that Bartha snaps with 85s, but Karwanski holds higher 2pairs A5o and after blank river Bartha ends.
Bartha: 85s
Karwanski: A5o
Board: A-8-3-5-9
0:22 Mihalo´s 3barrel
After limp by Bartha and Karwanski, Mihalo raises from the button to 13,5k that both players called. Flop K♥ 5♠ 2♣ cbets Mihalo 15k that only Bartha pays, turn J♥ same action for 32k, but on the river Q♣ after 70k effective all in Bartha folds his cards.
0:14 Finds fold
Xu opens to 10k that called Kolarik and also Baloghová. Flop A♣ T♥ 9♦ cbets Xu 11,5k that both called. Turn 2♠ continues Xu for 19k and Kolarik moves all in 29,5k. After fold Xu thinks for a moment and also folds. Kolarik shows him set of TT and takes pot.
0:08 7 players advance to Final Day from flight 1B
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 130,357, ent.: 28/73
Break 30 minutes
23:25 Another win with ace high
After limp Pacocha raises to 7k that pays Xu, Vankov and also Baloghová. Flop 6-5-2 cbets Pacocha 10k that every player called, turn K continues for 20k that called Xu and also Vankov. River 2 was without action, Xu mucks cards, Vankov shows A3s what was enough, because Pacocha also mucks his cards.
23:20 Big pot for Karwanski
Orosz opens to 7,5k and after call by Bartha and Karwanski, Mihalo 3bets to 28k. Orosz folds, Bartha called and Karwanski moves all in 63k. Mihalo rejams approx 200k and after folds shows ATo. Karwanski holds pocket nines and wasn´t happy with A in the window, but flop brings also 9 for him and after blank turn takes big pot.
Karwanski: 99
Mihalo: ATo
Board: A-9-3-J-4
23:15 Giexa eliminates
Kaminski gets his 35k stack into game preflop with ATo, but needs to hit 3outs against Giexa´s pocket jacks. Board without ace holds Giexa, who sends Kaminski for reentry.
Kaminski: ATo
Giexa: JJ
Board: 8-5-2-K-9
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 112,903, ent.: 31/70
23:05 Ace high good
Pacocha opens to 6k from CO, Grinder on the button calls and also Xu on bb. Flop T♣ 9♣ 8♥ leads Xu 10,5k that only Pacocha pays and action was repeated on the turn 8♦ for 12k and river 9♥ for 20k. Xu shows board with 6♦ 5♦ and Pacocha takes pot with AQo.
22:50 Tociková seat open
Širilla raises to 5k from utg, Tociková moves all in 19k from the button and Grinder from bb rejams 26,8k effective. Širilla after while folds and in showdown holds Grinder 44 and Tociková with A5s needs to hit board. However that holds Grinder´s pair who eliminates Tociková.
Tociková: A5s
Grinder: 44
Board: 7-3-2-9-7
22:45 Flip for Šoltís
Šoltís ended up in preflop all in for 42k with pair of eights against Q♦ T♦ under Kondas´s hand. Flop brings set for Šoltíš that holds till river and doubles up.
Šoltís: 88
Kondas: QTs
Board: 9-8-2-Q-4
Banco Casino Košice has prepared another Kosice Weekend with a guarantee of €20,000 and a buy-in of €100. This tournament will take place on 27.07.2024!
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 92,857, ent.: 35/65
22:25 Multiway
Mihalo minraise from utg and after call by Bacso, Pavúk 3bets to 13k. Ivančová on the button called and after folds Bacso joined also. Flop K♥ 7♠ 3♣ cbets Pavúk 20k that convinced both opponents to fold and Pavúk shows them K.
22:12 Double seat open
After 5k raise and call Dumitru moves all in 32,7k. Dziedzic from sb rejams 46,8k and Czarnojan with 55k stack moves all in also. After fold in showdown Dumitru holds Q♣ J♣, Dziedzic KQo and Czarnojan A♦ K♦. Flop A♠ A♣ 2♣ brings trips for Czarnojan, but also flushdraw for Dumitru, however blank runout means double seat open.
Czarnojan: AKs
Dziedzic: KQo
Dumitru: Q♣ J♣
Board: A♠ A♣ 2♣ T♦ 3♠
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 78,750, ent.: 40/63
21:55 Second barrel was enough
7,5k was the prize to see the flop A♦ K♥ 7♣ where were four players. Luman as aggressor cbets 7k that only Karwanski in position pays. On the turn 8♦ continues Luman for 30k that convinced Karwanski to fold.
21:45 River holds Baloghová in the tournament
Baloghová gets her 17k stack into game from sb with A♥ 5♥, but Porzcak finds AQo under his hand on bb. Flop 6-6-4 brings outs for split, turn 7 also on straight and after 5 on the river Baloghová continues in the tournament.
Baloghová: A♥ 5♥
Porczak: AQo
Board: 6-6-4-7-5
Great poker action in Banco Casino Košice. Tournament Master of Disaster vol.II with 40.000€ GTD + 8.000€ PKO ETD (PKO in FINAL DAY) with 110€ + 20€ KO buyin will take place on 15.08.-18.08.2024!
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 76,471, ent.: 34/52
21:25 Aces for Mihalo
Bacso raises to 2,6k and after call by Pavúk, Sartet moves all in 6,2k. Mihalo next to him raises to 15k that only Pavúk pays. Flop J♥ T♦ 3♦ Pavúk leads 10k and Mihalo raises to 25k that Pavúk pays. On the turn 7♥ Mihalo moves all in 53,5k, but Pavúk folds his cards after while and made good decision, when Mihalo shows AA. Sartet holds 44 and after 2♣ on the river ends.
21:20 No help for Grinder
Orosz, Vankov and Grinder were in the game on the flop A♦ T♦ 5♥, where Vankov in position bets 10k that both players called. On the turn 4♦ continues for 15k, but this time Grinder from blind jams 50k that Vankov pays with AQo. Grinder holds K♦ Q♠, but river K♣ eliminates him.
Grinder: K♦ Q♠
Vankov: AQo
Board: A♦ T♦ 5♥ 4♦ K♣
21:12 River for Pavúk
After 4x limp Nowinski from bb raises to 7k that called Bacso, Pavúk and also Sartet. On the flop 7♥ 5♥ 4♦ after check bets Bacso 13,5k, Pavúk moves all in 28k and Sartet rejams 31,1k that Bacso pays. In showdown Bacso holds 88, Sartet 54o and Pavúk flushdraw K♥ 2♥ that he completes on the river.
Pavúk: K♥ 2♥
Bacso: 88
Sartet: 54o
Board: 7♥ 5♥ 4♦ T♠ Q♥
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 68,056, ent.: 36/49
Break 30 minutes
20:22 River sends Karwanski for reentry
He started the game with raise from MP that joined Kepo and Prabucki on blinds. Flop 6♣ 4♥ 2♣ Karwanski moves all in 12k that only Kepo called and shows A6o, but needs to improve against T♣ T♦. Turn Q♣ brings flushdraw for Karwanski, but river 6♦ sends him for reentry.
Karwanski: T♣ T♦
Kepo: A6o
Board: 6♣ 4♥ 2♣ Q♣ 6♦
20:20 Grinder defended bb
Limper raises to 2,1k that called Giexa on sb and also Grinder on bb. Flop K♦ 8♦ 3♦ was without action, turn 8♣ leads Giexa 2,5k that both players called. River 3♣ continues Giexa for 7,5k that only Grinder snaps. Giexa shows A5o, but Grinder takes pot with KTo.
20:10 Dream flop
Šoltís opens to 1,8k from CO, Orosz 3bets from the button to 6k that called both players on blinds.Action back on Šoltis, who moves all in 55k that after while only Vankov on bb called and shows K♠ Q♠. Šoltis holds AKo, but flop J-T-9 completes nuts for Vankov that holds till river.
Vankov: KQs
Šoltis: AKo
Board: J-T-9-4-5
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 58,108, ent.: 37/43
20:01 Second barrel convinced
Prabucki raises utg and Lelito 3bets to 4,5k that cold called Karwanski and also Prabucki. Flop 9♠ 6♠ 3♠ cbets Lelito 6k that only Karwanski pays, but on the turn 5♣ after 26k effective all in Karwanski folds his cards.
19:40 Prabucki for early reentry
Prabucki joined the tournament and immediately gets into game. After Bacso´s limp Prabucki raises to 2,5k that called Mihalo Juraj on the button and also Bacso. Flop 9♥ 7♥ 4♥ was checked to Mihalo, who bets 3,5k that both called. Turn 2♣ after check Prabucki leads for 15k and Mihalo moves all in that after fold Prabucki called with and shows pocket kings. However Mihalo holds 44 and after Q♥ on the river Prabucki needs to use reentry.
Mihalo: 44
Prabucki: KK
Board: 9-7-4-2-Q
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 54,412, ent.: 34/37
19:29 Nuts for Mihalo
On the turn J♣ 8♥ 5♥ 7♣ was pot already 20k and in the game were Karwanski, Mihalo and also Kepo. Mihalo bets 10,6k that Kepo pays and Karwanski check shoves 29,6k. Mihalo with 25,6k stack called and Kepo after while face up folds AJo. In showdown Karwanski holds set of sevens, but Mihalo nuts T9o and after A♥ on the river takes nice pot.
Mihalo: T9o
Karwanski: 77
Board: J-8-5-7-A
19:20 Calming river
Xu was game against Baloghová on the flop 7♦ 5♦ 3♥, where Xu in position cbets 2,7k that Baloghová pays. Turn 3♠ same action for 4k and on the river K♣ Baloghová decides for lead 12,5k. Xu thinks for a moment and moves all in 35k, but Baloghová folds her cards. Xu shows her KK under his hand and takes pot
19:15 Cbet was enough
After 1k open and call Baloghová 3bets to 3k. Eliašová 3bets to 8k that cold called Vankov on the button and also Baloghová. Flop A♣ Q♥ J♦ cbets Eliašová 15k that convinced both opponents to fold.
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 51,786, ent.: 28/29
18:50 First seat open
In preflop allin ended up Kolarik against Pacocha for approx 40k. In showdown Pacocha holds QQ, but Kolarik finds aces under his hand. After numerical board Pacocha needs to use reentry.
Pacocha: QQ
Kolarik: AA
Board: 6-6-4-2-9
18:45 Pot for Bacso
Pacocha raises to 1,2k from the button that called Bacso on sb and also bb. On the flop K♣ Q♣ J♥ Bacso decides for lead 2k that Pacocha pays, turn Q♠ Bacso slows down and check calls 3k. On the river 4♠ Bacso leads again 5k that gets called. In showdown Bacso holds AQs what was enough to win this hand.
GPC vol IV. in September!
Tournament with 100.000€ GTD and 175€ Buyin will take place from 09.09. - 15.09.2024!
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 19/19
18:29 Bigger one for Grinder
Dumitru opens from the button to 800 and after call, Grinder from bb 3bets to 2,6k that only Dumitru pays. Flop 6♣ 6♥ 8♣ cbets Grinder 2,5k that gets called, turn 3♣ Grinder slows down and check calls 6,5k and action was repeated for 12k on the river K♦. Dumitru shows bluff 7♠ 5♠ and Grinder takes pot with aces.
18:24 Nice flop
Tamaškovič raises to 700 and after call by Pavúk, Kepo 3bets to 2,8k that both players called. Flop T-9-9 was checked, turn 6 after checks bets Kepo 3,5k that ale gets called by both players. On the river T Pavúk decides to bet 6k that only Tamaškovič pays, but Pavúk holds T9o and takes pot.
18:10 Satellite winners
Mihalo, Grinder, Porzcak and Bacso advanced from the satellite today and will play DAY 1B with discount.
18:07 Let´s start
Another Flight of the tournament Fifty Grand just started! Who´s gonna advance today? Watch the live report.
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 12/12
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