Flight 1B of tournament Master of Disaster recorded 49 entries and 5 players advanced to the Final Day. Chipleader from this flight is Martin "Grinder" Hrubý with stack of 828,000!
Two flights are prepared for you today!
First Flight 1C starts at 16:00 and Turbo flight 1D starts at 22:00!
4:40 Bubble boy - Slowik Konrad
He moves all in 92k from BTN with A7s and Grinder on SB called with A9o. After board 9-8-6-J-2 Flight 1B ends.
4:35 Another double for short
Rožok moves all in 106k with pocket eights and Hanzen called with 77. Board wihtout 7 doubles Rožok´s stack.
4:30 Grinder doubles up
Hanzen raises to 45k and Grinder jams 328k that Hanzen snaps with AKo. Grinder holds pocket eights and doubles up through board J-4-3-5-3
4:22 Hanzen´s building stack
He minraises BTN and Slowik defends BB. Flop J♥ T♣ 6♦ cbets Hanzen 27k that gets called. Turn A♥ same action for 65k and on the river 7♦ jams 200k effective. Slowik face up folds Q♥ 9♥ and Hanzen takes pot.
Level 19: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 408,333, ent.: 6/49
4:14 BvB
Grinder raises to 40k from SB and Grabczak on BB pays. Flop 9-7-5 was checked, turn Q bets Grinder 30k and Grabczak jams 150k. Grinder thinks for a moment, but folds.
3:55 One outer
Hanzen raises to 36k, Grinder jams 136k that called Tomko on BB and Hanzen rejams approx 200k effective that Tomko also pays. In showdown hold Grinder 66, Tomko 88 and Hanzen 99. After turn A-Q-Q-J it looked liked end, but last 6 in the deck triples Grinder´s stack and we are moving on bubble.
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 350,000, ent.: 7/49
3:40 Flip for Rožok
Grinder raises to 26k from EP and Rožok on BB jams 88k that Grinder pays with KJs. Rožok holds pocket sevens and doubles up after board without help for Grinder.
Grinder: KJs
Rožok: 77
Board: Q-5-3-5-5
3:17 Back to back
Gruszka raises from UTG1 and Grinder from SB jams 131k that Gruszka pays with AJo. However Grinder finds aces under his hand, but flop K-T-3 brings few outs for Gruszka. Turn 9 and also river 5 changes nothing and Grinder doubles up.
In next hand Gruszka openshoves 64k again with AJo and this time findGrabczak aces on the SB. Board holds AA again and Gruszka ends.
TEQUILLA PARTY is set and ready on 12.09.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 306,250, ent.: 8/49
3:08 Hanzel crashed
79k stack sends into game from the button with JTs, but Hanzen on blind finds QQ. After board K-5-5-7-K Hanzel ends.
3:00 Aces in right time
For last 47k finds Hanzel aces under his hand and his opponent was Wozny, who called with Q8s, however easy A high board doubles Hanzel´s stack.
Hanzel: AA
Wozny: Q8s
Board: A-9-5-2-6
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 272,222, ent.: 9/49
2:40 Wozny gets paid
He opens from the BTN and Hanzel on SB joined the game. He called cbet on the flop Q♠ J♣ 7♦, second barrek 35k on the turn 8♣ and also third one 55k on the river J♥. However Wozny holds JJ under his hand and Hanzel falls on short.
2:35 Flip for Gruszka
Last 43k gets into game with AKo and needs to hit board against TT under Tomko´s hand. That he does on the flop and doubles up.
Tomko: TT
Gruszka: AKo
Board: A-Q-9-3-J
2:20 Without bigger action
Players are waiting for bigger hands and we are still waiting for action.
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 272,222, ent.: 9/49
GPC vol IV. in September!
Tournament with 100.000€ GTD and 175€ Buyin will take place from 09.09. - 15.09.2024!
1:55 Pot for Wozny
Slowik minraises EP and Wozny with Hanzel on blinds joined. Flop 9♠ 8♠ 2♦ cbets Slowik 21k that only Wozny pays, turn 7♥ same action for 35k and river 5♠ was checked. Wozny shows JJ what was enough against 9♦ that showed Slowik.
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 272,222, ent.: 9/49
Break 10 minutes
1:30 Last table
Rami gets 78k stack into game preflop with 7♥ 7♦, but Hanzen finds Q♣ Q♥ and called. Flop 8♣ 6♣ 5♣ brings something for both, turn Q♦ was safe for Hanzen and after 9♣ on the river Rami ends in the tournament.
Rami: 7♥ 7♦
Hanzen: Q♣ Q♥
Board: 8♣ 6♣ 5♣ Q♦ 9♣
1:25 Stackoff on the flop
On the flop Q-4-3 were Tomko in game against Zakhar in 3bet spot and players ended up in all in for Zakhar´s 145k. In showdown holds AKs, but Tomko pocket kings and after turn and river without A Zakhar ends.
Zakhar: AKs
Tomko: KK
Board: Q-4-3-Q-7
1:18 Double for Salamon
He starts the game with 11k raise, Zakhar 3bets to 27,5k from BB and Salamon jams 54k that Zakhar pays with 44. However Salomon finds KKs and doubles up.
Salamon: KK
Zakhar: 44
Board: J-6-7-Q-3
1:10 Čerep won´t advance
Hanzen minraises and after call, Čerep from BB jams 10bb with 22. Hanzen rejams and shows higher pair of JJ. After board without 2 Čerep ends.
Čerep: 22
Hanzen: JJ
Board: K-8-3-4-9
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 188,462, ent.: 13/49
0:42 Pot for Slowik
Hanzen minraises CO and Slowik on SB joined the game also with BB. Flop A♠ Q♦ 8♠ cbets Hanzen 10k that Slowik pays, turn 8♥ same action for 30k and river 6♦ was checked. Slowik shows A4o what was enough to win this pot.
Banco Casino Košice has prepared another Kosice Weekend with a guarantee of €20,000 and a buy-in of €100. This tournament will take place on 28.09.2024!
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 163,333, ent.: 15/49
0:20 BvB
After raises Zakhar and Hanzen ended up in preflop all in for 72,5k. In showdown Zakhar holds 99 and Hanzen needs to hit board with AQs. That he does on the flop A-6-6 and doubles up after turn and river without 9.
Hanzen: AQs
Zakhar: 99
Board: A-6-6-K-3
0:12 Max value
Grinde minraises BTN and Nagrabecki joined from SB. Flop A♣ J♥ 8♦ cbets Grinder that Nagrabecki pays, turn Q♠ continues for 26k that also gets called. On the river 3♦ Grinder jams approx 75k effective that Nagrabecki pays with QTo, however Grinder holds A9o and eliminates Nagrabecki.
Grinder: A9o
Nagrabecki: QTo
Board: A-J-8-Q-3
0:06 Flip for Salamon
Salamon gets his 40k stack into game preflop with A♥ K♥ and his opponent was Grabczak, who holds pair of sevens. Flop A-A-4 gives a lead to Salamon, who doubles after blank runout.
Salamon: AKs
Grabczak: 77
Board: A-A-4-8-3
0:02 5 players advance from flight 1B
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 122,500, ent.: 20/49
Break 30 minutes
23:30 Wozny takes from Grinder
Grinder starts the game with 5,5k raise and 4 players were in. Flop A♥ 6♠ 3♥ was checked to Wozny, who bets 10k that only Grinder pays and action was repeated for 18k on the turn Q♣ and also river 2♦ for 27k. Wozny shows AQo and Grinder just A♦.
23:10 Double for Rožok
He opens to 5,5k that called Nagrabecki and also Širilla. Flop 5♣ 3♣ 7♥ cbets Rožok 5,5k that both called, turn 9♠ continues for 11k, but this time Nagrabecki raises to 30k. After fold Rožok jams 91,5k that Nagrabecki pays with A♠ 8♠. Rožok holds set of five and after Q♠ on the river doubles up.
Nagrabecki: A8s
Rožok: 55
Board: 5-3-7-9-Q
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 125,000, ent.: 18/45
22:53 0%
Nagrabecki minraises UTG and whole table of 6 players were in the game. Flop A♣ 8♣ 6♥ cbets 16k that only Rožok pays and on the turn 3♣ jams remaining 30k that Rožok also called with A♥ Q♥. However Nagrabecki holds 9♣ 6♣ and doubles up.
Nagrabecki: 9♣ 6♣
Rožok: A♥ Q♥
Board: A♣ 8♣ 6♥ 3♣ 7♦
22:40 Another one for Tomko
This time called Nagrabecki´s 50k preflop all in with AQs and Nagrabecki needs to hit 3outs with AJo. Flop Q-8-5 wasn´t good for him, turn T brings him couple outs, but river T sends him for reentry.
Nagrabecki: AJo
Tomko: AQs
Board: Q-8-5-T-T
22:35 Worst showdown
On the flop Q♠ J♣ 6♠ were Tomko and Pacocha in the game, where Pacocha gets his approx 35k stack into game with 9♠ 7♠, but Tomko holds A♠ J♠ and called. After turn 2♦ it´s clear that Pacocha ends for this time.
Pacocha: 9♠ 7♠
Tomko: A♠ J♠
Board: Q♠ J♣ 6♠ 2♦ 4♣
In the second half of August, Banco Casino Košice has prepared a one-day Lucky Seven Special tournament with a guarantee of €7,777 and a buyin of €77. The tournament will take place on 24.08.2024!
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 107,895, ent.: 19/41
22:30 Three outs for Slowik
Slowik gets his new stack of 50k into game preflop against Nagrabecki. In showdown holds Slowik A3o and Nagrabecki 88, but A on the turn doubles Slowik´s stack.
Nagrabecki: 88
Slowik: A3o
Board: 9-6-4-A-Q
22:10 Quadriple up
Širilla gets his last 8k into game preflop and gets called by Tomko, Salamon and Pacocha. These players checked whole board, where Širilla holds winning combination.
Širilla: QQ
Tomko: KTo
Salamon: ATo
Pacocha: KTo
Board: J-8-5-4-8
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 108,333, ent.: 18/39
21:50 Action table
Grinder opens to 3k and after call Nagrabecki 3bets to 10k. Action on Čerep, who 4bet jams 64k from SB and Grinder rejams approx 140k. After folds Grinder shows AKo and Čerep holds same combination AKs. After blank board players split this pot.
BARBECUE PARTY is set and ready on 22.08.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
21:40 Hanzen takes something back
Zakhar opens to 2,5k and Hanzen next to him 3bets to 7,5k. Nagrabecki was interested and joined the game from SB and also Zakhar. Flop Q♥ Q♠ T♥ was checked, turn J♠ Hanzen bets 14k that only Nagrabecki pays and river 2♠ same action for 35k. Hanzen holds A♦ K♦ in showdown what was enough to win this pot.
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 88,636, ent.: 22/39
21:23 Grinder sends Kotán for reentry
Kotán raises to 3k from utg that called 3 players. Flop Q♠ 6♣ 3♥ cbets Kotán 6k and after call, Grinder from blind check raises to 22k. Kotán jams 31k that Grinder pays and shows 6♠ 3♠. Kotán holds pocket kings and after turn 9 and river 4 needs to use reentry.
Kotán: KK
Grinder: 63s
Board: Q-6-3-9-4
21:15 Hanzen back on stack
After 2,5k raise and call, Hanzen 3bets from SB to 12k that only Zakhar on the BTN pays. Flop A♠ K♦ 9♠ cbets Hanzen 7k that gets called and on the turn 3♦ jams 38k that Zakhar also pays with A4o. However Hanzen holds AKo and doubles up.
Hanzen: AKo
Zakhar: A4o
Board: A-K-9-3-T
21:05 Well played
Hanzen minraises and after call, Nagrabecki 3bets to 9k that Hanzen pays. Flop 8♥ 7♥ 2♠ cbets Nagrabecki 10k, Hanzen check raises to 50k and Nagrabecki snapshoves 110k that Hanzen pays. In showdown holds Nagrabecki T♠ 2♣ and Hanzen combodraw 5♥ 4♥. Turn 3♠ brings more outs for Hanzen, but river 7♣ is blank.
Hanzen: 5♥ 4♥
Nagrabecki: T♠ 2♣
Board: 8♥ 7♥ 2♠ 3♠ 7♣
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 75,000, ent.: 24/36
Break 30 minutes
20:25 Hanzen vs Tamaškovič
Tamaškovič raises to 2k from CO and Hanezn on BTN 3bets to 6,2k that Tamaškovič pays. Flop 9♠ 6♠ 2♠ cbets Hanzen 5k and Tamaškovič continues. On the turn A♣ after second barrel 17k Tamaškovič check shoves that Hanzen pays and shows set of nines. Tamaškovič holds A♦ 5♠ and had few outs for win, but river 3♦ sends him for reentry.
Tamaškovič: A♦ 5♠
Hanzen: 99
Board: 9♠ 6♠ 2♠ A♣ 3♦
20:15 Gets through
Kotán minraises, Nagrabecki flats BTN and Tamaškovič from blind 3bets to 5,6k that only Nagrabecki pays. Flop J♥ T♦ 3♥ Tamaškovič check calls 6k. Turn 7♥ slows the action and on the river 3♣ after check, Nagrabecki bets 30k. Tamaškovič thinks for a while and decides to fold. Nagrabecki shows him 94o.
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 66,000, ent.: 25/33
20:00 Hanzel eliminates
Sloma raises to 2k BTN, Hanzel 3bets to 6,5k from SB, Sloma 4bets to 19k and Hanzel jams 40k effective that Sloma pays with A♣ 4♣. Hanzel holds A♠ K♠ and after board without 4 Sloma needs to use reentry.
Sloma: A4s
Hanzel: AKs
Board: T-3-2-6-K
GPC vol IV. in September!
Tournament with 100.000€ GTD and 175€ Buyin will take place from 09.09. - 15.09.2024!
19:40 Wozny back on starting
Grinder raises UTG to 1,6k and after call, Wozny 3bets to 6k that only Grinder pays. Flop J♠ 5♠ 5♥ cbets Wozny 6,5k and Grinder jams 18k effective that Wozny pays with pocket queens. Grinder holds flushdraw 8♠ 7♠, but turn 7 and also river T♣ holds Wozny.
Wozny: QQ
Grinder: 8♠ 7♠
Board: J♠ 5♠ 5♥ 7♥ T♣
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 56,250, ent.: 24/27
19:15 Panek´s 3barrel
Hanzel raises from UTG to 1,5k and Panek in position 3bets to 5k that Hanzel pays. Three barrels 2,5k, 6k and 15k through board Q♦ 6♠ 2♣ 6♦ T♣ Hanzel pays, but when Panek shows AQo, Hanzel sends his cards to muck.
19:08 Urban takes preflop
Nagrabecki raises from EP to 1,2k, Kazmiruk from the button 3bets to 3k that cold called Pacocha on SB. Action on Urban on BB, who 4bets to 17k that convinced every player to fold. Urban shows one A and takes pot.
Master Of Disaster PLO Omaha tournament starts in one hour!
Buy in 50€!
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 52,500, ent.: 20/21
18:53 3-way in showdown
Grabczak starst the game with 1k raise thet joined 4 players. Flop Q♣ 2♣ 2♠ was checked to Body, who bets 1,7k that pays Kazmiruk on BB and also Grabczak. On the turn 4♥ was action repeated for 3,5k and also on the river 5♥ for 6k. In showdown holds Body Q♥ 9♥, Kazmiruk KQo, but Grabczak takes pot with AA under his hand.
Kazmiruk: KQo
Body: Q9s
Grabczak: AA
Board: Q-2-2-4-5
18:45 First seat open
Šestina raises CO and Tamaškovič on SB joined the game. Flop J♦ 9♠ 2♦ cbets Šestina 1,5k and Tamaškovič check raises to 4,5k that gets called. Turn 8♣ continues for 11,5k that Šestina pays and also 9,5k all in on the river 3♠. Tamaškovič shows JTs, but Šestina holds QQ under his hand and sends Tamaškovič for reentry.
Tamaškovič: JTs
Šestina: QQ
Board: J-9-2-8-3
18:33 Worst river for Kerky
He starts the game with 1k raise from UTG that called Body and Nagrabecki on blinds. Flop K♣ 9♥ 7♠ cbets Kerky 1,5k that only Nagrabecki called, turn A♦ same action for 4k and on the river 8♣ Kerky bets for third time 11,5k. Nagrabecki decides for check raise to 25k that Kerky snaps and shows 6♣ 5♣, but Nagrabecki holds nuts JTo and takes nice pot.
Kerky: 65s
Nagrabecki: JTo
Board: K-9-7-A-8
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 10/10
18:20 Bad runout
Body raises from EP to 900 that called Hanzel on SB and Hrubý on BB. Flop T♠ 9♥ 6♠ Hanzel decides for a lead 1,5k that both players called. Turn 4♠ Hanzel checks, Hrubý bets 4,5k that only Hanzel pays. River 2♠ continues Hrubý for 6,5k and Hanzel face up folds 8♥ 7♥. Hrubý shows him Q♣ J♠ and takes pot.
18:03 Satellite winners
Hrubý, Kerky and Kazmiruk will play tournament with discount!
18:02 Tournament started!
Flight 1B of tournament Master od Disaster just started. Watch the live report who´s gonna advance today.
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 6/6
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Phone number cash manager: 0918 100 100
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