Vaji Tamas is the winner of the 15K ONE DAY EVENT, which has recorded 118 entries. He took home without deal 4.000€ including a €130 ticket on Fifty Grand and also trophy for the winner.
7:05 2. place - Ražnatovič Filip - 2.400€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand
In very last hand of the tournament players ended up in preflop all in. In showdown holds Raznatovic A♣ K♣ and needs to hit board against 33 under Vaji´s hand. Flop J♣ 5♥ 4♠ changes nothing, turn 3♣ brings set for Vaji, but also outs for witn for Razantovic. River 9♥ was brick and tournament ends.
Ražnatovič: A♣ K♣
Vaji: 33
Board: J♣ 5♥ 4♠ 3♣ 9♥
6:47 Raznatovic folds
Vaji raises to 600k, Razantovic 3bets to 1,2m and Vaji jams 3,7m effective. Raznatovic thinks for a long time and decides to fold 99.
6:45 Heads up:
Ražnatovič - 3,7m
Vaji - 8,1m
6:44 3. place - Lender Pavol - 1.515€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand
Vaji raises SB to 600k that Lender pays. FLop Q-6-5 cbets Vaji 600k and Lender jams 1,2m that Vaji pays with A4o. Lender holds KQo, but after turn 3 and river 2 Lender ends.
Lender: KQo
Vaji: A4o
Board: Q-6-5-3-2
6:37 Stacks:
Raznatovic - 4,8m
Vaji - 4,6m
Lender - 2,4m
Level 26: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 3,933,333, ent.: 3/118
6:30 4. place - Zakhar Peter - 1.010€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand
Zakhar jams 1,4m from BTN and Raznatovic rejams from SB. In showdown holds Zakhar 98o, but Raznatovic finds KK under his hand. After K high board Zakhar ends.
Zakhar: 98o
Ražnatovič: KK
Board: J-5-4-K-2
6:27 Zakhar on short
Lender jams 1,2m with Q♥ 4♥ and Zakhar pays with pair of sixes. Flop K♥ 9♣ 5♥ brings flushdraw for Lender that he completes on the turn T♥.
Lender: Q♥ 4♥
Zakhar: 66
Board: K♥ 9♣ 5♥ T♥ 8♠
6:24 Flip in Vaji's favour
2.1m sends from the BTN and the Lender rejams the 3.1m stack. In the showdown, Vaji holds TT and Lender needs to hit with AQo. But he can't do that and Vaji doubles up.
Vaji: TT
Lender: AQo
Board: J-5-6-2-J
6:20 Double also for Lender
Zakhar raises to 500k and Lender jams 1,5m from BB that Zakhar pays with KTo. However Lender holds KK and doubles up after blank board.
Zakhar: KTo
Lender: KK
Board: A-8-5-3-J
6:08 Flip for Raznatovic
He jams 1,830,000 with pocket fours and Zakhar on BB pays wtih A8s. Board without help for Zakhar holds Raznatovic in the tournament.
Ražnatovič: 44
Zakhar: A8s
Board: Q-9-7-K-2
Tournament schedule in the month of October!
The month kicks off with the 15K One Day Event, followed by the popular Fifty Grand. The second half of the month will be marked by the One Day Events, namely the Saturday Special with a €5,000 GTD, the Košice Weekend with a €20,000 GTD, and the Halloween Specials with a €4,666 GTD to end the month.
Level 25: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 2,950,000, ent.: 4/118
6:01 Stacks:
Zakhar - 6,2m
Ražnatovič - 1,9m
Lender - 1,7m
Vaji - 2m
5:52 Double for Raznatovic
He jams 985k with ATs and Zakhar on BB pays with QTo. After flop K-9-2 has Zahkar more outs, but turn and also river holds Raznatovic.
Ražnatovič: ATs
Zakhar: QTo
Board: K-9-2-6-9
5:45 Second barrel convinced
After a limp by Lender, Zakhar raises to 400k, which Lender calls. A flop of A-T-7 cbets Zakhar 300k and Lender resumed play. But on turn 4, he already folds after a second bet of 500k.
Level 24: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2,950,000, ent.: 4/118
5:25 Vaji takes on the flop
Zakhar raises to 500k that pays Vaji from SB. On the flop 9-5-2 Vaji jams 800k and Zakhar face up folds AKo. Vaji shows 66.
5:05 Double for Raznatovic
He jams 1m with AKo and Zakhar on BB pays with KTs. After flop A-J-6 Zakhar needs to hit Q, but blank turn and river doubles Raznatovic.
Ražnatovič: AKo
Zakhar: KTs
Board: A-J-6-2-6
Level 23: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,950,000, ent.: 4/118
4:48 Stacks:
Zakhar - 6,6m
Ražnatovič - 1,8m
Lender - 1,7m
Vaji - 1,5m
4:45 BvB
Zakhar raises SB to 190k and Ražnatovič on BB pays. Flop K-6-3 cbets Zakhar 125k and Razantovic decides for raise to 400k. Zakhar after while folds and Raznatovic shows J9o.
4:35 Without showdown
Lender limps, Ražnatovič called SB an Vaji checks. Flop J♣ T♥ 5♥ bets Vaji 160k that both called. Turn T♦ slows the action and on the river Q♦ leads Ražnatovič 275k. Both players after while fold their cards.
Level 22: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,950,000, ent.: 4/118
4:10 5. place - Stupár Stanislav - 800€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand
Stupar sends 395k from UTG with AJo and Zakhar calls with K9s. He's on a wave and hits a K on the flop, which holds until the river.
Zakhar: K9s
Stupár: AJo
Board: K-T-2-7-8
4:07 6. place - Halecka Valer - 664€
Zakhar raises to 125k, which pays Halecka in position. A flop of 9-5-4 is cbet by Zakhar for 100k and Halecka calls. On turn 3, Zakhar already moves 450k effective all in, which Halecka calls with 22 after a while. Zakhar holds 53o and after a 7 on the river knocks out the next player.
Zakhar: 53o
Halecka: 22
Board: 9-5-4-3-7
4:05 7. place - Katrenic Gabriel - 535€
Zakhar raises the BTN and Katrenic defends the BB. Flop J♥ 9♠ 8♦ Katrenic check calls Zakhar's cbet, turn K♠ action repeats for 295k, River 2♦ comes a third barrel of 500k, after which Katrenic check shoves 1m, which Zakhar snap calls and turns over the nuts QTo. Katrenic holds J7o, ending the tournament.
Zakhar: QTo
Katrenic: J7o
Board: J-9-8-K-2
Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,685,714, ent.: 7/118
3:52 8. place - Presalovic Marcel - 441€
Presalovic sends a 400k short into the game with a combination of A3s, but Lender finds a TT under his hand and calls. After a board with no A, Presalovic ends in the tournament.
Presalovic: A3s
Lender: TT
Board: Q-J-7-8-5
3:50 Raznatovic doubles up
He sends his 400k stack into limp and Presalovic repushes from the BTN. In the showdown, Presalovic holds 88, but Raznatovic QQs, who doubles after a blank board.
Ražnatovič: QQ
Presalovic: 88
Board: 5-3-2-9-2
3:45 Pot for Zakhar
Lender min-raises, Zakhar 3bets the BTN for 250k, which Katrenic calls from the BB and so does Lender. Flop 5♥ 3♥ 3♠ cbets Zakhar 320k, which pays Lender. Turn 4♥ Zakhar continued with a bet of 570k, which after a while convinced Lender to fold.
3:38 Dream flop
The game started with a Halecka minraise from UTG, with Katrenic, Vaji, Lender and Zakhar from BB joining in. The flop A-A-4, was checkek to Lender, who bets 1bb again, which was called by Halecka and Katrenic. Turn 3 was no action, but the river J leads Halecka 100k. Katrenic raises to 500k and Ledner moves all in, which Katrenic snaps after the fold with a 655k stack. Lender turns over JJ, but Katrenic A4o and takes the pot.
Katrenic: A4o
Lender: JJ
Board: A-A-4-3-J
3:30 2pots for Lender
On the first hand, Vaji raises SB to 125k and Lender defends the BB. A flop of K♠ 8♦ 2♦ cbets Vaji 100k, which Lender calls. The turn A♦ slows the action and on the river 3♥ Vaji bets 175k, which Lender snap calls. Vaji turns over 44, but Lender 2 pairs A2o and takes this pot.
On the next hand, Katrenic raises to 100k, which pays Vaji on the BTN and Lender on the SB. FLop 9♥ 8♦ 2♦ leads Lender 1bb, which they both pay. Turn 2♠ same action and on the river 8♥ Lender bets 100k for a third time. Katrenic raises to 200k and after a fold Lender moves all in, to which Katrenic snap folds.
Level 20: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,475,000, ent.: 8/118
Break 10 minutes
3:15 9. place - Gruszka Marcin - 355€
Gruszka min raises, Lender 3bets to 300k and Gruszka moves all in, which Lender snap calls. Gruszka turns KK, but Lender finds AA and after a board with no K, Gruszka ends and Lender takes the chiplead.
Lender: AA
Gruszka: KK
Board: 5-4-4-Q-6
2:57 10. place - Martin "Grinder" Hrubý - 285€
Vaji raises to 110k, which pays the Grinder from the BTN and the Lender on the BB. Flop K♠ 3♠ 2♣ Lender leads shoves 700k and after the fold Grinder calls with a stack of about 450k and turns over KJo. But Lender holds set 33 and after a blank runout we move to the final table.
Lender: 33
Grinder: KJo
Board: K-3-2-A-A
2:50 11. place - Meszáros Laszlo - 285€
Meszaros found himself in preflop all in for 560k with AKo and needed to hit the board against TT on a Halecka´s hand. But he can't do that after a numerical board and he's out of the tournament.
Meszáros: AKo
Halecka: TT
Board: 8-6-4-6-9
2:44 Chips saved
Vaji raises the BTN and Grinder joins in from the SB. A flop of K♠ J♣ 3♠ cbets Vaji, which Grinder calls. The turn 5♠ continued with Vaji betting 130k, which Grinder called again. River 7♣ after a third barrel of 130k, Grinder opted to check raise to 500k, which Vaji snap-called. Grinder turns over set 33, but Vaji nuts A♠ Q♠, which earned an orbit for the call.
The next tournament on offer in October will be the SATURDAY SPECIAL with a €5,000 guarantee and a buy-in of just €50. The tournament will take place on 19.10.2024!
Level 19: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,072,727, ent.: 11/118
2:30 12. place - Koryl Norbert - 230€
Koryl sends in 440k all in with a pair of 44s and Lender calls with A5s after a while on the BB. A flop of 9-8-6 holds for Koryl, but the turn A and the blank river knocks him out.
Koryl: 44
Lender: A5s
Board: 9-8-6-A-Q
2:15 13. place - Jánošík Martin - 230€
Janosik sends in a 300k stack with AJo and needs to hit the board against 66 on Katrenic's hand. But he hits a set on the flop and Janosik is out.
Jánošík: AJo
Katrenic: 66
Board: T-6-4-5-A
2:05 Double for Grinder
Grinder min raises and Koryl defends the BB. Flop A♥ T♦ 9♥ after the cbet Koryl moves 475k effective all in, which Grinder snap calls and turns over T♥ 8♥. Koryl holds Q♥ 2♥ and so needs to improve. The turn 8♠ brings 2pair for Grinder and he celebrates a double on the river after the 6♣.
Grinder: T♥ 8♥
Koryl: Q♥ 2♥
Board: A♥ T♦ 9♥ 8♠ 6♣
Level 18: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 907,692, ent.: 13/118
1:50 Without bubble
On one table, Sandor decides to openshove 475k with 97o and Gruszka rejams with AQo. After a board of K-K-Q-8-5, Sandor ends. At the next table, Varga is in preflop all in with a pair of tens against Meszaros with A-Ko, who hits a king on a flop of K-9-Q, and after a turn 7 and river 6, we continue the tournament with no hand for hand, so everyone is ITM.
1:47 Ivančová finishes
After two limps, Grinder raises to 110k and Ivančová sends 130k over the line. After folding, Koryl decides to limpshove about 400k and Grinder folds. In the showdown, Ivancova holds KTs and Koryl holds 77, which knocks her out of the tournament after a numerical board.
Ivančová: KTs
Koryl: 77
Board: 9-8-6-9-6
1:44 Vaji fearlessly
After the minraise, Sirotnak on SB joined the game and so did BB. Flop 9♠ 9♣ 6♦ was no action, turn Q♣ leads Sirotnak, to which Vaji responds all in for about 500k effective, which Sirotnak snaps with AQo. Vaji holds A♣ 2♣ and hits the nuts flush on the river 3♣.
Sirotňák: AQo
Vaji: A♣ 2♣
Board: 9♠ 9♣ 6♦ Q♣ 3♣
1:40 Limper ends
From UTG, he sends in a 210k stack with A9s and the last obstacle was Katrenic, who calls with AQo on the BB. After a board with no 9 Limper is out of the tournament.
Limper: A9s
Katrenic: AQo
Board: A-K-J-7-3
Level 27: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 655,556, ent.: 18/118
1:20 Action
Katrenic limps, Raznatovic raises to 50k, and Lipa sends 130k into the pot after a call from Halecka. Katrenic calls, but Raznatovic rebjams 210k and Halecka about 650k, to which Katrenic already folds. In the showdown, Halecka holds 88, Lipa QQ, and Raznatovic KK, who holds 7-6-5-2-6 on the board.
Lipa: QQ
Ražnatovič: KK
Halecka: 88
Board: 7-6-5-2-6
1:10 Kicker problem
Zakhar raises to 45k and is joined by Grinder from the BTN and Janosik on the BB. A flop of K-5-4 cbets Zakhar 95k, which only pays Janosik. Turn 4 is a no action and on the river 5 Janosik leads 100k. Zakhar calls, Janosik turns over KQo, but Zakhar takes the pot with AKs.
1:00 Unlucky river
Vaji opens to 50k and Gruszka 3bets to 135k, which Vaji calls. On a flop of Q♦ 9♣ 3♣, Vaji opts for a leadshove of 345k, which Gruszka snap calls and turns over top set. Vaji holds J♥T♥ and hits nuts on the river.
Vaji: JTs
Gruszka: QQ
Board: Q-9-3-5-K
Level 16: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 590,000, ent.: 20/118
Break 15 minutes
0:30 Not the best timing
Zakhar opens to 35k BTN and Majlo sends in a stack of about 550k from the SB, which Zakhar snaps and turns TT. Majlo holds A5s and after an unassisted board the tournament is over for Majlo and Zakhar takes a huge pot.
Zakhar: TT
Majlo: A5s
Board: J-6-4-9-7
0:20 Vaji hits the turn
Stupar opened from the EP and Vaji joined in from the SB. On a flop of J-T-7, the players find themselves all in for Vaji's 180k stack, where Vaji holds AQo and needs to hit against the T8s on Stupar's hand. He manages to do that right away on the turn with K and doubles up.
Vaji: AQo
Stupár: T8s
Board: J-T-7-K-9
Level 15: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 513,043, ent.: 23/118
0:10 Grinder takes a nice pot
Sandor opened the hand with a raise to 25k and after a call from Varga, Grinder 3bets to 100k on the BTN, which was called only by Varga. The flop of K♦ 7♥ 3♦ was no action, the turn 3♥ bets Grinder 100k, which Varga calls. The river 7♣ Grinder sends 190k effective, but Varga folds and Grinder shows him K♣.
0:00 Cbet is enough
Vaji opens to 25k, Stupar calls and Majlo opts to 3bet to 100k. Vaji calls and Stupar gets into a scramble. After a few minutes, he decides to fold and we were on flop 6-6-5 in headsup. Here Majlo cbets 165k, which convinces Vaji and he throws his cards away.
23:50 BvB
Raznatovic finds himself preflop for 133k, holding 99 in the showdown, but Halecka has found QQ on the BB. After a Q high flop Raznatovic falls to a short.
Ražnatovič: 99
Halecka: QQ
Board: Q-7-2-4-T
Level 14: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 472,000, ent.: 25/118
23:35 Set over Set
Meety min raises UTG and after 2 calls, Lender sends 341k from the SB. After a while, Meety repushes 410k and turns over JJ after the fold. Lender holds KK and the J in the window doesn't make him happy at all, but a K appears behind him and after a blank runoff Lender doubles up.
Lender: KK
Meety: JJ
Board: J-K-2-8-6
23:20 4-way
Vaji opened from the EP and after a call from Limper and Ivančová, Panek sends 41k over the line. Vaji and Limper call, but Ivancova repushes 79k, which they both call again. On a flop of K♦ J♥ 9♦ Limper bets 75k and Vaji calls, but on the turn 5♦ after a second bet Vaji folds. In the showdown, Panek holds 22, Limper K9s, but Ivancova flush with Q♦ 8♦. After 4♦ on the river, Ivančová takes the pot and Panek is out.
Panek: 22
Ivančová: Q♦ 8♦
Limper: K9s
Board: K♦ J♥ 9♦ 5♦ 4♦
HALLOWEEN PARTY is set and ready on 31.10.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
Level 13: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 368,750, ent.. 32/118
23:05 Cooler
Varga opens to 17k, Kazmiruk min3bets, to which Varga moves all in 195k effective, which Kazmiruk snap calls. Varga turns over KK, but Kazmiruk holds AA and doubles after a board with no K.
Kazmiruk: AA
Varga: KK
Board: T-7-2-2-6
22:55 Double seat open
Slowik sends in about 45k, Machnik, sitting behind him, pushes 68k and Grinder, sitting on the BB, calls. In the showdown, Slowik holds 98o, Machnik AKo and Grinder 77, who again hits a set right on the flop and knocks out another pair of players after the turn.
Grinder: 77
Machnik: AKo
Slowik: 98o
Board: J-7-4-4-5
22:50 2outs for Grinder
Grinder finds himself in preflop all in for 210k after the raises. He holds TT in the showdown, but Rožok found aces under his hand. Grinder expertly asks for T♠ from the dealer, which he hits on the river, and Rožok ends the tournament unluckily.
Rožok: AA
Grinder: TT
Board: 8-2-K-4-T
Great poker action at Banco Casino Košice. The Fifty Grand €50,000 GTD tournament with a buyin of €130 will take place 10.10.-13.10.2024!
Level 12: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 347,059, ent.: 34/118
22:33 Jelinski crashed
After a limp from the BTN, Jelinski sends 55k behind the line from the SB, but Sandor rebjams on the BB. In the showdown, Jelinski turns over AQo, but his opponent has found aces. After an inconsequential board, Jelinski is eliminated from the tournament.
Jelinski: AQo
Sandor: AA
Board: T-6-5-3-9
22:22 Flip for Slávik
He ended up in preflop all in for 85k with pair of nines against A♦ K♥ under Debreceni´s hand. After flop 9♦ 7♥ 2♦ was Slavik big favorite and after blank turn Debreceni ends.
Slávik: 99
Debreceni: A♦ K♥
Board: 9♦ 7♥ 2♦ 3♥ T♥
1. 4.000€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand
2. 2.400€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand
3. 1.515€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand
4. 1.010€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand
5. 800€ including 130€ ticket on Fifty Grand
6. 664€
7. 535€
8. 441€
9. 355€
10. - 11. 285€
12. - 13. 230€
Level 11: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 274,419, ent.: 42/118
Break 30 minutes
21:40 Trap
Pudlik starts the game with a raise that joined Grinder in position and also Janosik on SB. A flop of J-5-2 cbets Pudlik 18k and after a fold Janosik check raises to 50k. Pudlik thinks for a moment and moves all in for 170k, which Janosik snap calls and turns over QQ. Pudlik holds QJo and ends after a blank runoff.
Pudlik: QJo
Jánošík: QQ
Board: J-5-2-5-A
21:32 Without fear
After a series of raises, Majlo finds himself in preflop all in for 250k. Majlo turns over KK and Katrenic with ATs needs to hit 3 outs. A flop of 8-7-2 changes nothing and after a K on the turn Katrenic ends and Majlo rises to the big stack.
Majlo: KK
Katrenic: ATs
Board: 8-7-2-K-7
21:25 Grinder with another elimination
Rožok started the hand with a raise to 11k and 4 players were in the game. Flop A♦ 4♦ 3♥ bets Gruszka 24k, which only pays Grinder in position. Turn T♠ after the check, Grinder bets 50k, to which Gruszka responds with a check shove of 150k, which Grinder snaps with top2. Gruszka turns over KQo, but after a T on the river he has to use re-entry.
Gruszka: KQo
Grinder: AT
Board: A-4-3-T-T
Level 10: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 223,913,. ent.: 46/103
21:10 Action Flop
For 1bb, five players looked at the flop of J♠ 7♦ 6♠. After a series of raises, three of them found themselves in the all in. Maniecki with an 82k stack held K♠ 5♠, Lipa with a 95k stack held KJs, and Meszaros who covered both held QJo. The turn K♥ or river 7♣ doesn't change the balance of power, which means Lipa triples up and Maniecki has to use reentry.
Maniecki: K♠ 5♠
Meszaros: QJo
Lipa: KJs
Board: J♠ 7♦ 6♠ K♥ 7♣
20:55 BvB
Grinder raises to 15k from the SB and Glodzik calls on the BB. A flop of 9♣ 3♦ 2♠ cbets Grinder 12k and Glodzik raises to 35k, which Grinder calls. Turn Q♥ after a second bet of 40k, Grinder opts to check shove 107k. Glodzik thinks for a long time until time is called on him and after 30 seconds have passed his hand is dead. Grinder flips him Q♣ and takes the pot
Level 9: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 196,000, ent.: 50/98
20:40 Aces to muck
Stupar min raises UTG and 4 players get into the game. Flop 8-6-3 Stupar cbets 15k and after a call from Varga, Lipa sends 92k over the line from the BB. Stupar repushes and after the fold we see 87o on Lipa's hand, but Stupar holds AA. The turn T brings a pair of extra outs and the river 7 doubles Lipa's stack.
Lipa: 87o
Stupár: AA
Board: 8-6-3-T-7
20:20 2 outs for Zakhar
Lovas opened to 11k and Kies and Zakhar joined in on the blinds. A flop of K♥ T♥ 2♦ cbets Lovas 16k and after a call by Kies, Zakhar check raises to 55k, which only pays Lovas . The turn T♦ sends Zakhar over the line for 113k, which Lovas snaps and turns over K♦ 7♦. But Zakhar hits trips on the turn with T♣ 7♣ and doubles on the river after 2♠.
Zakhar: T7s
Lovaš: K♦ 7♦
Board: K-T-2-T-2
Level 8: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 169,231, ent.: 52/88
Tournament schedule in the month of October!
The month kicks off with the 15K One Day Event, followed by the popular Fifty Grand. The second half of the month will be marked by the One Day Events, namely the Saturday Special with a €5,000 GTD, the Košice Weekend with a €20,000 GTD, and the Halloween Specials with a €4,666 GTD to end the month.
19:59 Drawing dead
Morimoto started the hand with a raise to 10k from UTG, which was joined by Pagac, Varga, Grinder and Stupar from sb. A flop of K♦ 8♥ Q♠ was no action, the turn K♠ after the check bets Varga 20k, which Grinder pays, but after the fold Pagac sends 70k over the line. Varga folds, but Grinder calls with QJo after a while. However Pagac shows AKo and doubles up after the Q on the river.
Grinder: QJo
Pagac: AKo
Board: K-8-Q-K-Q
19:50 Maslanka for reentry
Maslanka min raises UTG and Grinder sends 50k effective all in from the BB, which Maslanka calls with KJs after a while. Grinder turns over ATs and after a flop of A-Q-2 doesn't want to hit his second pair. The turn 8 or river A doesn't bring it to him, eliminating Maslanka.
Maslanka: KJs
Grinder: ATs
Board: A-Q-2-8-A
Level 7: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 147,368, ent.: 57/84
19:40 River for Lender
He sends his 28k stack into play after three limps from the SB, Panek 3bets to 80k on the BB, which Lipa pays on UTG. Flop K♠ K♣ 7♠ is checked, but on the turn A♥ Panek sends about 31k over the line, to which Lipa folds. In the showdown, Panek turns over AJo and Lender A♠ 6♠, who manages to hit a flush on the river to take the main pot.
Lender: A♠ 6♠
Panek: AJo
Board: K♠ K♣ 7♠ A♥ 3♠
19:30 Slowik takes on the turn
After two limps, Slowik raises the BTN to 11k, which is called by three opponents. Flop A♥ 6♠ 5♦ cbets Slowik 19.5k, which is called only by Mudrak from the BB. The turn A♣ continued with Slowik betting 35k, which after a while convinced Mudrak to fold.
Level 6: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 147170, ent.: 53/78
Break 30 minutes
18:30 Big pot
Šoltís opened from UTG and four players found themselves in the game. A flop of J♣ 5♥ 4♣ cbets Šoltis 10k and after a call from Mudrak and Machnik, Lipa check raises from the BB to 25k. Soltis folds, but Mudrak and Machnik call. Turn 7♦ Lipa checks, which Mudrak takes advantage of and bets 25k, but both opponents call again. The river 7♣ has Lipa opting for a leadshove 77k effective, which Mudrak snap calls. In the showdown, Mudrak turns over 9♣ 8♣, but Lipa K♣ 6♣, claiming another winning pot.
Lipa: K♣ 6♣
Mudrak: 9♣ 8♣
Board: J♣ 5♥ 4♣ 7♦ 7♣
18:18 Lipa sits down and takes a pot in the first game
After a limp, Panek raises to 8k and 5 players get in. Flop Q-T-T Panek cbets 20k, which was called only by Lipa. The turn 8♦ slows the action and on the river T after a check Lipa asks for 25k, which Panek calls. Lipa turns over a full house of Q6s, which was enough to win.
GPC vol.V in january!
Level 5: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 137,500, ent.: 48/66
18:05 Vrecko seat open
The game started with a raise, involving 4 players. A flop of T♣ 9♣ 2♦ cbets Vrecko 7.5k, which was called only by Pagac. The turn Q♣ the action was repeated for 20k and the same on the river J♦, where Vrecko was already all in for 45k. In the showdown he holds J♣ J♠, but Pagac straight with KQo.
Pagac: KQo
Vrecko: J♣ J♠
Board: T♣ 9♣ 2♦ Q♣ J♦
17:45 Majlo triples up
Three players were in the preflop all in. In the showdown, Mihalo M. held 88, Vaji QQ, and Majlo found aces under his hand. The board held up Majlo's aces, who triple ups his 70k stack and Mihalo has to use a reentry.
Mihalo: 88
Vaji: QQ
Majlo: AA
Board: K-7-5-6-5
Level 4: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 121,951, ent.: 41/50
17:30 Vrecko almost for reentry
Fron opened to 3.2k from the EP and Vrecko sends 44.5k over the line. Fron thinks for a while longer and decides to call with JJ. However, Vrecko is holding AA under his hand, so Fron needs to hit 2outs. He manages to do so on a flop of J-7-2, but the river A keeps Vrecko in the tournament.
Vrecko: AA
Fron: JJ
Board: J-7-2-Q-A
17:20 Pot for Presalovic
Jelinski starts the hand with a raise to 2.5k from UTG and 6 players were in the game. A flop of K♦ 9♦ 8♥ was checked to Presalovic in position, who bets 6k, which the players in the blinds paid and so did Jelinski. The turn 5♣ continued with Presalovic betting 15k, which was called only by Jelinski. The river 2♠ was no action and in the showdown Jelinski turns over A♦ Q♦, but the pot is taken by Presalovic with KTs.
Presalovic: KTs
Jelinsski: A♦ Q♦
Board: K♦ 9♦ 8♥ 5♣ 2♠
Level 3: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 114,634, ent.: 41/47
17:05 Mudrak gets paid
After a 2.5k opener and a call, Limper 3bets to 10k, which was called by Mudrak. A flop of 6♥ 3♠ 2♥ cbets Limper 13k and Mudrak continued on the turn with 8♥, which was no action. On the river 2♠ Mudrak opts to bet 17k which Limper calls, Mudrak turns over 7♠ 6♠ and Limper sends his cards into the muck.
16:55 Multiway
Mihalo M. started the game with a minraise from UTG1, which involved 6 players. On a flop of J♠ T♣ 6♣ Mihalo cbets 4k, which Presalovic and Kerky called. Turn K♠ Mihalo checks, Presalovic bets 9k, to which Kerky responds with a raise to 21k, which both players pay. The river 2♠ sends Kerky all in for 37k, which only Mihalo pays with a TT set, but Kerky turns over Q9o and doubles up.
Kerky: Q9o
Mihalo: TT
Board. J-T-6-K-2
OKTOBER FEST PARTY is set and ready on 10.10.2024. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
Level 2: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 102,778, ent.: 36/37
16:40 Varga on starting
He started the hand with a raise to 2.5k and after a call from Anna, Pagac 3bets to 7.5k, which they both called. A flop of Q♠ 6♣ 5♣ cbets Pagac 7k, which only Varga called. The turn 3♠ after the check bets Varga 11k, but Pagac decides for a check raise to 24k, which Varga calls. The river 8♦ and Pagac announces a 17k effective allin, which Varga called with KQo, which was good enough against 99 under Pagac's hand.
Varga: KQo
Pagac: 99
Board: Q-6-5-3-8
16:25 3-way all in
Limper raises and Mihalo sends in an 18.5k stack from the SB. Mudrak on the BB 3bet shoves 30k effective, which Limper calls with Q♣T♣. Mudrak holds A7o and Mihalo AJo, who hits J on the flop, but after the turn that completes the nuts for Limper, Mihalo heads for a re-entry.
Mihalo: AJo
Mudrak: A7o
Limper: Q♣ T♣
Board: J♣ 8♦ 2♥ 9♣ A♣
16:16 From the beginning
Abrudan, Hervat, Panek, Kapalka, Meszáros or Sandor started the tournament from the first level.
16:14 Tournament started!
15K ONE DAY EVENT tournament just started! Who´s gonna be the champion? Watch the live report.
Level 1: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 24/24
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