Flight 1A of tournament Fifty Grand recorded 44 entries and 4 players advanced to the Final Day. Chipleader from this flight is Maroš "Majlo" Kráľ with stack of 1,010,000.
Another flight 1B is ready for you today at 18:00!
4:30 Bubble boy - Emodi
Majlo minraises UTG and Emodi jams from BB 10bb that Majlo pays with J♣ 9♣. Emodi holds AKo, flop 8♣ 5♦ 2♥ changes nothing, turn A♣ brings flushdraw for Majlo that he completes on the river 3♣ and flight ends.
Level 19: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 440,000, ent.: 5/44
Break 10 minutes
Banco Casino Košice has prepared another Kosice Weekend with a guarantee of €20,000 and a buy-in of €100. This tournament will take place on 22.02.2025!
4:00 2x double for Emodi
Slávik from SB jams 66k effective with Q♠ 9♠ and Emodi pays with pair of jacks. Flop 5♠ 3♠ 2♣ brings more outs for Slávik, but turn 7♥ and river 2♥ holds Emodi. In 2 hands later Slávik minraises and Emodi jams 140k that Slávik snaps with AKo. Emodi holds 88 and doubles up again after board Q-4-2-6-7
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 440,000, ent.: 5/44
3:40 Second barrel convinced
Majlo raises to 25k that pays Meety on BTN and Emodi on BB. Flop J♥ T♠ 3♥ cbets Majlo 35k that called both players. Turn 4♦ continues Majlo for 90k, but Meety and Emodi fold their cards and Majlo shows AA.
3:30 BvB
Magáč completes and Meety raises to 40k that Magáč pays. On the flop 7♣ 4♥ 3♦ cbets Meety 35k and Magáč decides for check raise to 100k. Meety thinks for a moment but folds.
3:17 Bubble time
Lovasz raises BTN to 39k, Meety from SB 3bets to 110k and Lovasz jams approx 160k that Meety pays with AKo. Lovasz holds AQo, but after flop K-8-9 and blank turn ends.
Lovasz: AQo
Meety: AKo
Board: K-9-8-8-6
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 366,666, ent.: 6/44
3:12 Hanzen won´t advance
He ended up in preflop all in for approx 15bb with AKo and against QQ under Emodi´s hand needs to hit board. However numerical one eliminates him from the tournament.
3:10 Without bigger action
Most games end before the flop or after cbet on the flop.
2:50 Slávik defended
Lovasz limps BTN, Meety completes SB and Slávik checks BB. Flop Q♣ J♦ 7♣ bets Lovasz 20k that both players called. On the turn 2♦ after check Slávik leads for 45k and both players fold their cards.
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 314,286, ent.: 7/44
GPC vol VI. in May. The tournament with a €100,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €175 will take place from 19.05. - 25.05.2025!
2:29 3-way all in
Janurik moves all in 39k from CO, Slávik on BTN pays and Emodi from SB rejams 126k. Slávik after while also called and shows 44. Emodi holds AQo and Janurik JTs, who takes a lead on the flop K-T-9, but turn A gives a lead to Emodi. River 2 changes nothing and Emodi takes 300k pot and Janurik ends.
Janurik: JTs
Emodi: AQo
Slávik: 44
Board: K-T-9-A-2
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 275,000, ent.: 8/44
2:15 Stupár out
Majlo minraises BTN and Stupár jams 30bb from SB that Majlo snaps and shows AJo. Stupár holds ATo, flop J-9-7 brings him gutshot, but turn 2 and river T means seat open.
Majlo: AJo
Stupár: ATo
Board: J-9-7-2-T
2:05 Last table
Slávik minraises and Vankov joined the game from SB. On the flop 8-8-4 jams last 3bb that Slávik easily pays with A8o. Vankov holds A4o and ends in the tournament after blank turn.
Slávik: A8o
Vankov: A4o
Board: 8-4-8-9-8
1:50 BvB
Slávik raises to 15k from SB that Janurik on BB pays. Flop K♠ 6♥ 3♥ cbets Slávik 10k that gets called and action was repeated for 35k on the turn 4♦ and also for 120k on the river 9♦. Slávik shows nuts 7♠ 5♠ and rises on chiplead.
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 220,000, ent.: 10/44
Break 10 minutes
1:28 Šestina seat open
He openshoves approx 80k from CO and Slávik on BTN rejams. In showdown holds Šestina A7o and needs to hit 3 outs against JJ under Slávik´s hand. Turn brings couple of extra outs for Šestina, but river holds Slávik.
Slávik: JJ
Šestina: A7o
Board: T-3-2-4-3
1:15 River holds Vankov in the tournament
He moves all in 29k that pays Slávik from SB and Janurik on BB. Both players checked board A-K-T-2-8 and winning combination shows Vankov.
Vankov: 88
Slávik: JJ
Janurik: AQs
Board: A-K-T-2-8
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 200,000, ent.: 11/44
0:57 Turn for Slávik
He minraises UTG, Kacurak next to him 3bets to 24k and Slávik announces all in 83k that Kacurak pays with AQs. Slávik holds JJ and stands from his chair after flop Q-9-2, but turn J holds him in the tournament.
Slávik: JJ
Kacurak: AQs
Board: Q-9-2-J-A
0:50 Flip for Janurik
Bergendi openshoves UTG 61k and Janurik next to him rejams. In showdown holds AQs and needs to hit board against Janurik´s JJ, but J high board eliminates him.
Bergendi: AQs
Janurik: JJ
Board: 7-6-5-3-J
Banco Casino Košice has prepared another Kosice Weekend with a guarantee of €20,000 and a buy-in of €100. This tournament will take place on 22.02.2025!
0:35 Tirpák won´t advance
He openshoves 52,5k stack from MP that pays Majlo on BTN. Tirpák shows pair of eights, but Majlo finds aces under his hand and board without 8 eliminates Tirpák from the tournament.
Tirpák: 88
Majlo: AA
Board: K-4-3-9-3
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 157,143, ent.: 14/44
0:20 Janurík doubles up
Soos raises to 10k and Janurik defends BB. Flop A-T-T was checked, turn Q after check bets Soos 15k and Janurik check shoves 63k. Soos after while pays with KK, but Janurik holds KJo and doubles up after 4 on the river.
Janurik: KJo
Soos: KK
Board: A-T-T-Q-4
0:15 Double seat open
Čekanová jams 26k short, Lovasz pays and Onda rejams 62k that Lovasz also called. In showdown holds Čekanová AQo, Onda KK and Lovasz QTs, who flopps nuts and eliminates 2 players after blank runout.
Čekanová: AQo
Lovasz: QTs
Onda: KK
Board: K-J-9-7-2
0:10 3outs for Lovasz
After limpe Hanzen raises to 10k that pays Lovasz and Onda. Action on Čekanová from BB, who moves all in 64k. Lovasz was the only one who pays with 38k stack and shows ATs. Čekanová holds AJs, but flop brings T that holds till river.
Lovasz: ATs
Čekanová: AJs
Board: T-8-4-5-3
0:04 4 players advance to Final Day!
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 129,412, ent.: 17/44
Break 30 minutes
23:28 Onda doubles up
Emodi minraises UTG, Hanzen next to him 3bets to 15,5k and Onda from SB jams 50,5k. Hanzen after while decides to pay and shows K4s. Onda holds pair of sevens and after board without K doubles up.
Onda: 77
Hanzen: K4s
Board: T-9-8-A-2
23:20 Husky out
He minraises BTN that pays Emodi on SB and also Hanzen on BB. Flop K-7-3 cbets Husky 5k, Emodi checkraises to 15k and after fold Husky jams 40k that Emodi pays. Husky shows AKo, but Emodi holds K7o. Turn 3 and also river 2 didn´t help Husky, who ends for this time.
Emodi: K7o
Husky: AKo
Board: K-7-3-3-2
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 115,789, ent.: 19/44
22:50 Husky´s 3barrel
He starts the game with raise from UTG that joined Hanzen on BTN. Flop T♥ 4♦ 3♥ Hanzen called Husky´s cbet, also second barrel 13k on the turn 2♠, but on the river 2♣ Husky moves all in 25k, but Hanzen didn´t hit his draws with 8♥ 6♥. Husky shows him A♥ K♥ and Hanzen was glad that flush didn´t come on the river.
22:40 He had to bluff
Majlo minraises EP and Šestina defends BB. Flop A♠ 4♣ 2♠ cbets Majlo 3k that Šestina pays. Turn 6♣ action repeated for 15k and on the river 2♦ bets Majlo again 15k. This time Šestina decides for check raise to 95k. Majlo gets into long tank and folds his cards, Šestina shows him 6♥ 4♥.
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 102,381, ent.: 21/43
22:20 Multiway
Vankov starts the game with raise, Onda pays and Meety from BTN 3bets. Šestina from SB coldcalled and joined also Vankov with Onda. Flop A♠ 8♥ 2♥ was without action, turn 6♦ after checks, Onda bets 12k that pays Meety and also Vankov. River 8♦ and Onda decides for all in 65,7k. Meety after while pays and Vankov folds his cards. Onda shows 64s and Meety takes nice pot with ATo.
Meety: ATo
Onda: 64s
Board: A-8-2-6-8
22:10 Emodi takes from Stupár
Stupár minraises EP and Emodi defends BB. Flop 5♥ 4♥ 4♦ cbets Stupár 3,5k that Emodi pays. Turn 7♥ was checked, river T♣ bets Emodi 6k. Stupár reaches for chips and raises to 16k that Emodi snaps. Stupár shows straight 6♣ 3♣, but Emodi higher with 86o under his hand.
Stupár: 63s
Emodi: 86o
Board: 5♥ 4♥ 4♦ 7♥ T♣
GPC vol VI. in May. The tournament with a €100,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €175 will take place from 19.05. - 25.05.2025!
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 85,417, ent.: 24/41
21:51 Jelcs for reentry
He openshoves 16,6k from UTG that pays Meety from CO and also Radošinský from BTN. Flop Q♥ J♥ T♦ bets Meety 10k that Radošinský pays, turn A♦ same action also for 10k, but river 2♠ after Meety´s 15,7k all in Radošinský folds. Jelcs shows A9o, but Meety holds KK and eliminates Jelcs from the tournament.
Jelcs: A9o
Meety: KK
Board: Q♥ J♥ T♦ A♦ 2♠
21:45 4-bet spot
Macak raises CO, Magáč 3bets BB to 7,5k and Macak decides for 4bet to 19k that Magáč pays. Flop A♦ Q♦ J♦ was checked, turn Q♣ leads Magáč 10k that Macak pays. Before river 7♦ Magáč jams 25k effective that convinced Macak to fold his cards.
21:40 3-way
Vankov starts the game with raise to 3,5k and after call by Onda, Mihalo from SB moves all in 32k. Vankov pays and also Onda, who checked through board 8-6-2-2-2, where winning combination holds Vankov and takes 100k pot.
Mihalo: KTo
Vankov: 77
Onda: KQo
Board: 8-6-2-2-2
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 74,074, ent.: 27/40
21:27 Sznajder for reentry
Tirpák raises EP that pays Magáč and Sznajder on blinds. On the flop J-T-4 Sznajder jams 16,7k that Tirpák snaps and Magáč folds. In showdown holds Sznajder 2pairs J4o, but Tirpák set of tens. After turn or river without J, Sznajder needs to use reentry.
Sznajder: J4o
Tirpák: TT
Board: J-T-4-8-2
21:15 Hanzen vs Stupár
Hanzen starts the game with raise from EP that joined Stupár from MP and also Haľko on BB. Flop Q♣ 5♠ 4♠ cbets Hanzen 4,5k that Stupár pays. Turn 6♣ Hanzen slows down and check calls 10k. River 3♦ bets Stupár again 10k and Hanzen face up folds Q♦. Stupár shows him 2pairs 5♣ 4♣.
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 63,793, ent.: 29/37
Break 30 minutes
Red Party already today!
During this night you can all look forward to rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!
There is plenty to look forward to, you are all warmly welcome.
20:28 Too many
Kušnírik minraises UTG and Stupár defends BB. Flop J♠ 8♠ 6♣ cbets Kušnírik 2k that Stupár pays. Turn 5♦ same action for 5k, but river 5♥ was checked. Stupár shows missed draws T♠ 7♠ and Kušnírik takes pot with AJo.
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 58,929, ent.: 28/33
19:51 Smaller one for Meety
He raises CO to 1,5k that pays Janurik and Jelcs on blinds. Flop Q-9-2 was without action, turn 9 leads Janurik 1,5k and after call, Meety raises to 6,5k. Janurik folds, but Jelcs was interested to see the river 4. There Meety bets 8k that after minute convinced Jelcs to fold.
19:45 Tirpák eliminates
After 3x limp Angelovič from BB raises to 2,2k that pays Tirpák, Hrubý and also Kacurak from SB. Flop T♠ 9♦ 2♥ cbets Angelovič 3k that pays Tirpák with Kacurak. Turn 3♣ continues Angelovič for 7k, but Tirpák raises to 15k that Angelovič pays. On the river A♦ Tirpák jams 13,7k that Angelovič after while pays with KTo, but Tirpák shows T9o and eliminates Angelovič.
Angelovič: KTo
Tirpák: T9o
Board: T-9-2-3-A
Level4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 55,357, ent.: 28/31
19:25 Šestina takes from Stupár
Šestina raises CO to 1,3k that pays Stupár on BTN and also Rubi from SB. Flop 7♣ 4♦ 4♠ cbets Šestina 2k that only Stupár pays. Turn 9♥ was without action and on the river 5♥ after check, Stupár asks for 2,5k. Šestina decides for check raise to 8k that Stupár after while pays with JJ. However Šestina shows AA and takes pot.
Šestina: AA
Stupár: JJ
Board: 7-4-4-9-5
19:12 Nice fold
Presalovič starts the game with raise to 1,2k and Meety next to him 3bets to 4k. Action back on Presalovič, who 4bets to 11,2k that Meety pays. Flop T♣ 7♣ 5♥ cbets Presalovič 9k and Meety continues. On the turn J♦ Presalovič jams 20,6k stack. Meety decides for fold KK and Presalovič shows him pocket aces.
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 51,786, ent.: 28/29
18:50 Pot for Magáč
After 3x limp, Šestina from BTN raises to 2,5k that pays only Magáč on BB. Flop K♦ T♥ 2♣ cbets Šestina 1,7k that Magáč pays. Turn 4♥ action repeated for 7k, but on the river 4♠ Magáč decides for lead 10,5k. Šestina thinks for a while, but decides for fold.
Banco Casino Košice has prepared another Kosice Weekend with a guarantee of €20,000 and a buy-in of €100. This tournament will take place on 22.02.2025!
18.35 New players
Meety, Majlo, Magáč, Pavúk, Šestina
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 24/24
18:28 Mariňák gets paid
Pošivák raises BTN to 700 and after call, Mariňák from BB 3bets to 2,2k that Pošivák pays. Three barrels 2,5k, 7k and 10,5k Pošivák pays on board Q♣ J♠ T♣ 8♦ 4♠ with KQo, but Mariňák holds nuts AKo under his hand and takes nice pot.
18:24 Jelcs in tank
He starts the game with raise to 1,3k that pays Emodi from SB. On the flop T-7-7 cbets Jelcs 3k and Emodi check raises to 10k that Jelcs pays. Turn 3 continues Emodi for 17k and Jelcs gets into long tank. After minutes decides for fold.
18:05 Players on the start
Emodi, Mariňak, Stupár, Sznajder, Tirpák or Mihalo.
18:00 Tournament started!
Flight 1A of Fifty Grand just started.
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 13/13
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Adress: Hlavná 1, Košice
Phone number cash manager: 0918 100 100
Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
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