Mihalo Juraj is the winner of the 15K ONE DAY EVENT, which recorded 121 entries. He took home €4.000 including a €100 ticket to the Košice Weekend €30.000 GTD and of course the trophy! The win is all the more valuable because Mihalo qualified for the tournament through €15 satellite!

7:32 2. Gruszka Marcin - 2.400€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD

In the last hand of the tournament Mihalo completes and Gruszka checks. Flop K-9-8 Mihalo bets 1bb and Gruszka raises to 225k, which Mihalo calls. On turn 9, Gruszka moves a 750k all in and Mihalo snap calls with 97s. Gruszka turns over K5o and after a 3 on the river the tournament is over.

Gruszka: K5o
Mihalo: 97s

Board: K-9-8-9-3

Level 27: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 3,025,000, ent.: 2/121

7:25 Heads up:

Mihalo - 4,8m
Gruszka - 1,2m

7:24 3. Matas Radoslav - 1.515€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD

Matas sends 825k from the BTN and Mihalo calls with 33 after a while. Matas turns over a higher pair of 88, but the flop comes 3 and after a blank runoff we move to heads up.

Matas: 88
Mihalo: 33

Board: A-K-3-2-5

7:17 Mihalo on big chiplead

He currently has a 4m stack in front of him, and his opponents are each holding 1m.

7:05 4. Slowik Konrad - 1.010€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD

Mihalo min-raises the BTN and Slowik sends 495k over the line from the BB, which Mihalo calls with QTo. Slowik turns over 87s, but the A-K-T flop doesn't please him at all, turn 6 brings him a couple of outs, but river 6 means seat open.

Mihalo: QTo
Slowik: 87s

Board: A-K-T-6-6

6:55 Stacks:

Mihalo - 2,8m
Matas - 1,9m
Gruszka - 775k
Slowik - 600k

Level 26: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,512,500, etn.: 4/121


Break 10 minutes


6:47 5. Meszaros Laszlo - 800€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD

Meszaros sends the last 4bb from the SB with A6o and Mihalo calls with J♣3♣ on the BB. A flop of T♣ 6♣ 3♦ brings extra outs for Mihalo, the turn J♠ sends him into the lead and after 8♠ on the river Meszaros is out.

Meszaros: A6o
Mihalo: J♣ 3♣

Board: T♣ 6♣ 3♦ J♠ 8♠

6:45 Gruszka doubles

The 400k stack got into the hand with JJ and his opponent was Matas with AQo. The A in the window doesn't please Gruszka, but the flop brings a J as well and after the blank turn Gruszka doubles up.

Gruszka: JJ
Matas: AQo

Board: A-J-6-8-5

6:36 6. Snínsky Dušan - 664€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD

Matas minraises and Snínsky jams last 185k with pocket jacks. Matas pays with KQo and hits Q on the flop that eliminates Snínsky from the tournament.

Snínsky: JJ
Matas: KQo

Board: Q-A-7-2-4

6:33 Mihalo chipleading

The active Mihalo is taking one pot after another and currently has a 2.5m stack in front of him!

6:20 Slowik doubles

The 415k stack sends from the BTN with KQo and Gruszka pays with AJs on the SB. But Slowik flopped a Q which holds into the river and SLowik doubles.

Slowik: KQo
Gruszka: AJs

Board: Q-7-6-3-5

Level 25: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,008,333, ent.: 6/121

6:17 Mihalo takes from Matas

Matas opens UTG and Mihalo calls on BB. A flop of 8♣ 7♥ 4♥ cbets Matas 100k, which Mihalo calls. The turn Q♣ slows the action and on the river K♠ after the check Matas bets 230k. Mihalo calls with Q♥9♥, which is enough against Matas with A9o.

6:13 7. Hustler - 535€

Mihalo opens and Hustler sends 10bb from the SB, which Mihalo calls with AKo. Hustler turns over QQ, but Mihalo hits K on the flop and Hustler ends after a board with no Q.

Hustler: QQ
Mihalo: AKo

Board: K-5-5-7-T

6:09 8. Tohati Sandor - 441€

Tohati raises CO to 120k and Matas sends 330k effective, which Tohati calls with K8s. Matas turns over the TT and after a blank board Tohati ends, Matas rises to about 2.2m stack.

Matas: TT
Tohati: K8s

Board: A-9-6-5-3

6:05 Mihalo continues in the tournament

Hustler, Meszaros and Tohati limped, Mihalo sends 220k from BB and Hustler repushes 700k. After the fold, he turns 44 and Mihalo K-Jo, who flops the nuts Q-T-9. The turn Q brings outs for Hustler, but the river T keeps Mihalo in the tournament.

Mihalo: KJo
Hustler: 44

Board: Q-T-9-Q-T

Level 24: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 756,250., ent.: 8/121

5:45 Matas takes from Slowik

Slowik min raises Utg and Matas defends BB. Flop 8♠ 5♠ 3♣ cbets Slowik 60k, but Matas check raises to 155k, which Slowik calls. Turn Q♦ Matas continued with a bet of 225k, which Slowik called again. River 5♦ and Matas jams 400k effective, Slowik thinks longer but folds.

Banco Casino Košice has prepared the third edition of the Player On Tour tournament. This tournament will take place from 07.04. - 13.04.2025 and will carry a guarantee of €66.000

5:30 Gruszka doubles

Mihalo min-raises, Gruszka 3-bets to 150k from the SB, and Mihalo moves all in for 555k effective, which Gruszka calls and turns AKo. But against the QQ on Mihalo's hand, he needs to hit the board, which he does right on the flop and doubles up.

Gruszka: AKo
Mihalo: QQ

Board: A-5-5-J-9

Level 23: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 756,250, ent.: 8/121

5:12 Another successful flip for Slowik

This time he sends 335k over the line with no previous action and Meszaros from the SB calls with AKo. Slowik turns over the TT and celebrates after a T high board.

Slowik: TT
Meszaros: AKo

Board: 8-7-4-8-T

5:07 9. Dabrovský Štefan - 355€

Dabrovský was in game against Meszaros on the flop A-7-2, where players ended up in all in for Dabrovský´s 200k. In showdown holds AQo, but Meszaros AKo and after K on the turn Dabrovský ends.

Dabrovský: AQo
Meszaros: AKo

Board: A-7-2-K-8

5:02 In right time

After Slowik's opener and Tohati's 3bet to 175k, Snínsky sends a 240k stack over the line, which Tohati calls with AQo. But Snínsky flips AA and doubles up after a safe board.

Snínsky: AA
Tohati: AQo

Board: T-7-2-6-A

4:58 Mihalo takes on the turn

The game started with a minraise involving Meszaros and Tohati. A flop of 7♠ 3♠ 2♥ cbets Mihalo 70k, which both players called, but on the turn A♣ after a second bet of 220k, the players fold their cards.

Level 22: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 672,222, ent.: 9/121

4:41 Meszaros´s 3barrel

The game started with a Hustler minraise, with Meszaros and Dabrovsky joining in. Flop Q♦ T♥ 6♣ after the check, Meszaros bets 50k, which only pays Hustler. Turn 2♠ same action for 105k and on the river A♠ Meszaros asks for 200k. Hustler thinks for a moment but throws his cards away.

4:35 Three outs for Snínsky

He openshoves 145k from UTG that pays Gruszka. In showdown holds Gruszka KK and Snínsky needs to hit 3outs with AQo that he does right on the flop and doubles up after turn or river without K.

Snínsky: AQo
Gruszka: KK

Board: A-J-3-A-3

4:30 Flip for Slowik

He sends 195k from the BTN, which pays Hustler from the SB and turns over AKo. Slowik finds QQ under his hand and doubles up after a board with no A or K.

Slowik: QQ
Hustler: AKo

Board: 8-5-2-J-4

4:25 Matas defended

Slowik min raises UTG and Matas defends BB. A flop of 7♦ 4♦ 2♣ leads Matas 50k, which Slowik calls. Turn A♥ Matas slows down and check calls 75k, but on the river 7♠ he opts for leadshove 255k effective. Slowik thinks for a while longer, but throws his cards away.

Level 21: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 672,222, ent.: 9/121


Break 5 minutes




3:58 10. Sznajder Piotr - 285€

Sznajder sends a 200k stack from the BTN with A8o and Matas calls from the SB with ATo. After a board with no 8, we move to the FT.

Sznajder: A8o
Matas: ATo

Board: K-7-2-6-Q

3:52 11. Gorgosz Dominik - 285€

Gorgosz min raises UTG and Hustler defends the BB. Flop A♦ 9♦ 6♠ cbets Gorgosz 32k, to which Hustler responds with a check raise to 111k. Gorgosz moves all in for about 300k, which Hustler snap calls and turns over set 99. Gorgosz holds A♣ J♦ and ends after 2♣ on the turn.

Hustler: 99
Gorgosz: AJo

Board: A-9-6-2-Q

March in the sign of one-day events! 22.03.2025 is ready for players Spring Edition Košice Weekend, whose guarantee is increased to €30,000 with an unchanged buy-in of €100, and the month will be closed by the new PKO One Day Event with a guarantee of €20,000 and a buy-in of €100+10!

3:40 Kicker problem

Gruszka raises and Tohati joins the game in position. A flop of T♦ 4♥ 3♥ cbets Gruszka 35k and Tohati raises to 75k, which Gruszka calls. But on the turn 6♣, Tohati is already all in for 150k and Gruszka calls with KTo. But Tohati turns over A♥ T♥ and doubles on the river after 5♣.

Tohati: A♥ T♥
Gruszka: KTo

Board: T♦ 4♥ 3♥ 6♣ 5♣

Level 20: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 550,000, ent.: 11/121

12. Sloma Julian - 230€

13. Kovacs Norbert - 230€

3:10 Flip for Dabrovský

He limps CO and Kosla from BB sends 188k effective, which Dabrovsky calls with 44. Kosla turns over K5o, but Dabrovsky hits 4 on the flop and doubles up after the blank turn. Kosla falls to a short after this hand and the tournament is over for him a few hands later. At the same time, Sciranka finishes on the next table, and the tournament continues without a hand-for-hand phase.

Kosla: K5o
Dabrovský: 44

Board: Q-4-2-J-8

3:05 Mihalo eliminates

Debreceni of MP sends in an 85k stack with A8o, which pays Mihalo on SB with AQo. Board 8 doesn't bring the board and Debreceni is out.

Debreceni: A8o
Mihalo: AQo

Board: A-7-4-A-9

3:02 Money card

Kosla opens and Snínsky from the BTN and Dabrovsky from the SB join the action. A flop of Q-9-7 cbets Kosla 30k, which they both call. On the J turn, Dabrovsky opts for the lead and after a fold, Snínsky sends 220k across the line, which Dabrovsky calls and turns over J9s. But Snínsky holds the nut KTs and doubles up after an 8 on the river.

Snínsky: KTs
Dabrovský: J9s

Board: Q-9-7-J-8

Level 19: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 378,125, ent.: 16/121

2:55 Sirotňák out

Tohati raises to 30k and Sirotňák sends in 127k from the SB. After a while, Tohati calls with AQo and is ahead against Sirotňák's AJo underhand, which ends the tournament after a board without a J.

Sirotňák: AJo
Tohati: AQo

Board: 8-4-2-9-7

GPC vol VI. in May. The tournament with a €100,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €175 will take place from 19.05. - 25.05.2025!

2:31 Snínsky doubles

Debreceni raises and Snínsky sends in his 132k stack, which Debreceni calls and turns over AQo. But Snínsky holds AKo, a flop of J-7-2 changes nothing, the turn J brings the outs to split, but after a J on the river Snínsky celebrates.

Snínsky: AKo
Debreceni: AQo

Board: J-7-2-J-J

Level 18: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 336,111, ent.: 18/121

2:20 Double for Mihalo

After a limp by Gruszka, Mihalo raises the BTN to 25k, which Gruszka calls. A flop of K♠ 9♥ 4♠ cbetsMihalo 30k and Gruszka calls. The turn 7♥ continued Mihalo's bet of 80k, to which Gruszka moves all in 146k effective after a while, which Mihalo snap calls with AKs. Gruszka turns over 66 and after a T on the river Mihalo doubles up.

Mihalo: AKs
Gruszka: 66

Board: K-9-4-7-T

2:10 Sirotňák eliminates

Kerekes opened the hand with a raise to 22k, Sirotňák 3bets to 66k from the SB, and Kerekes sent in 143k, which Sirotňák called with TT. Kerekes turns over a lower pair of 77 and ends the tournament after a blank board.

Kerekes: 77
Sirotňák: TT

Board: J-6-5-J-9

2:00 Kerekes doubles

The hand started with a raise and Sloma sends 75k effective from the BB with A9o. Kerekes called with ATo and after a board with no nines, he continues in the tournament.

Kerekes: ATo
Sloma: A9o

Board: 5-4-3-8-5

Level 17: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 275,000, ent.: 22/121


Break 15 minutes


1:20 Kovacs doubles

After a limp, Kosla raises to 17k and Kovacs sends a 65k stack over the line from the BB, which Kosla calls with JTs. Kovacs turns over A4s and after a flop of A-7-5 is on his way to a double up, which he manages after a 7 on the turn.

Kovacs: A4s
Kosla: JTs

Board: A-7-5-7-2

Banco Casino Košice has prepared the third edition of the Player On Tour tournament. This tournament will take place from 07.04. - 13.04.2025 and will carry a guarantee of €66.000

1:11 Without fear

Širilla moves all in his 48k short from HJ that pays Maslanka on BB with A♥ 8♣. Širilla holds Q♣ Q♦ and flop 5♣ 3♣ 9♣ brings him a flushdraw, after 4♣ on the turn continues in the tournament.

Širilla: Q♣ Q♦
Maslanka: A♥ 8♣

Board: 9♣ 5♣ 3♣ 4♣ 2♦

Level 16: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 201,667, ent.: 30/121

1:00 Aces cracked

After a limp, Fedor sends 59k into the hand and Gorgosz repushes from the BB. After the fold, he flips AA and Fedor needs a lot of help with AKo. A flop of Q-J-7 brings him outs, which Fedor hits right on the turn T and doubles after a blank river.

Fedor: AKo
Gorgosz: AA

Board: Q-J-7-T-8

0:56 River killer

Stefano raises EP to 12k and Sloma from the BB moves all in 35k effective, which Stefano calls with KK. Sloma holds AJs and the A on the river knocks Stefano out of the tournament.

Stefano: KK
Sloma: AJs

Board: T-9-2-J-A

0:50 Abrudan found fold

Four players were in play on the river A♦ 7♣ J♥ 3♣ 3♠, where the pot was 100k and Gruszka from the BB bets 18k. Abrudan raises to 75k after a long tank and leaves a 45k stack behind the line. After the fold Gruszka moves all in 120k effective to which Abrudan folds his cards.

Level 15: 2,000 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 177,941, ent.: 34/121

Thematic night Saint Patrick´s Day is set and ready on 13.03.2025. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!.

0:25 Nice pot for Matas

Radošinský min-raises, Meszaros 3bets to 12k, and after a call from Sirilla, Matas 4best to 50k from the BB, which was called only by Radošinský. Flop A-7-5 was no action, turn K Matas bets 35k, which Radošinský calls. River 2 already Matas moves all in for 80k and Radošinskýquickly folds.

0:15 3-way all in

Slavik from UTG sends in a 33k stack, Kosla from the BTN pushes 167k, which Wozny doesn't notice and calls. In the showdown, Slavik holds 98s, Kosla QQs and Wozny ATs. After an unchanging board, Slavik ends and Kosla takes the 370k pot.

Kosla: QQ
Wozny: ATs
Slávik: 98s

Board: 7-5-2-3-T

Level 14: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 151,250, ent.: 40/121

23:55 Flip for Debreceni

Radošinský raises to 12k and Debreceni sends a 61k stack over the line, which Radošinský calls with J-J. Debreceni holds A♦Q♥ and after a flop of T♥8♥5♥ his outs add up. The turn 4♣ changes nothing, but the river K♥ keeps him in the tournament.

Debreceni: A♦ Q♥
Radošinský: JJ

Board: T♥ 8♥ 5♥ 4♣ K♥

23:45 Second barrel convinced

Sciranka min-raises UTG and after a call by Kerekes, Snínsky from the SB 3bets to 15k, which both players call. A flop of J♠ 8♠ 7♦ cbets Snínsky 10k, which only Kerekes called, and on the turn 6♣ Snínsky already sends 83k effective. Kerekes thinks for a moment and folds J♦. 


1. 4.000€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD
2. 2.400€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD
3. 1.515€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD
4. 1.010€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD
5. 800€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD
6. 664€ including 100€ ticket on Košice Weekend 30.000€ GTD
7. 535€
8. 441€
9. 355€

10. - 11. 285€
12. - 13. 230€

Level 13: 1,000 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 131,522, ent.: 46/121


Break 20 minutes


23:05 Hanzen again on the original stack

After Snínski's opener for 5.5k and Hanzen's call from the BTN, Kerekes 3bets to 17k from the BB. Snínsky folds, but Hanzen moves all in for 63k effective, which Kerekes calls with A5s. Hanzen holds 99, but the flop brings A, which he holds into the river.

Hanzen: 99
Kerekes: A5s

Board: A-8-2-6-3

22:55 Double for Hanzen

Kovacs limps the BTN, Gruszka completes the SB, and Hanzen sends a 63k stack from the BB, which Gruszka calls after the fold and turns over A2s. Hanzen holds A5o and it looks like a split after the turn K-8-8-6, but the river 5 doubles Hanzen's stack.

Hanzen: A5o
Gruszka: A2s

Board: K-8-8-6-5


Level 12: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 130,233, ent.: 43/112

22:40 Maslanka doubles

He found himself preflop all in with Radosinsky. In the showdown, Radosinsky holds K8s, but needs to hit 3outs against Maslanka's 99 on the hand. He fails to do so and Maslanka doubles up his 40k stack.

Maslanka: 99
Radošinský: K8s

Board: Q-6-5-7-J

22:30 Wesolowski takes from Koryl

Wesolowski opened the hand with a min-raise and Koryl 3bets to 11k. Stefano from the BB calls and so does Wesolowski. A flop of A-T-3 cbets Koryl 7.5k, which only Wesolowski calls. The turn K slows the action, but the river 2 after the check bets Koryl 22k. Wesolowski snap calls with A-Qo, which is enough for Koryl with J-J.

Koryl: JJ
Wesolowski: AQo

Board: A-T-3-K-2

HOLLYWOOD PARTY is set and ready on 27.03.2025. Great party with rich rauts, exclusive drinks and lucky raffle for all participants!.

Level 11: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 105,102, ent.: 49/103

22:10 Emodi seat open

After Debreceni's opener and Emodi's call, Feher 3bets to 20k, which was called only by Emodi. On a flop of 9-8-3 Feher sends 30k effective which Emodi calls with J8s. But Feher turns over QQ and after a blank runoff, Emodi ends.

Emodi: J8s
Feher: QQ

Board: 9-8-3-5-7

22:00 Gorgosz doubles

After a 4.5k opener from Szura and a call from Majlo, Gorgosz 3bets to 17.5k. Szura calls, but Majlo moves all in for about 100k, which only Gorgosz calls with a stack of 89k. In the showdown, Majlo holds AQo, but Gorgosz turns over QQ and after a board with no A, doubles up.

Majlo: AQo
Gorgosz: QQ

Board: T-7-5-K-5

Level 10: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 90,741, ent.: 54/98

Banco Casino Košice has prepared the third edition of the Player On Tour tournament. This tournament will take place from 07.04. - 13.04.2025 and will carry a guarantee of €66.000

21:45 Didn´t get through

Tohati was in the hand agaisnt Beri on the flop J♠ 9♠ 7♦, where Beri called Tohati's cbet. On the turn 2♣ after a second bet of 12.5k, however, Beri raises to 32k, which Tohati calls after a while. The river 5♦ and after the check Beri bets 40k. Tohati thinks longer and calls, Beri sends his cards into the muck and Tohati turns over AJs.

21:30 Mihalo eliminates

The hand started with a mini-raise, involving Stefano and Szura with Radosinsky in the blinds. A flop of K♣ 9♥ 7♦ cbets Mihalo 4k, which Szura and Radosinsky called. The turn T♣ slows the action and on the river 9♦ Szura leads 15k. After the fold, Mihalo moves all in 35k effective and Szura calls with 86s after a while. But Mihalo turns over a full house K9o and sends Szura after a reentry.

Szura: 86s
Mihalo: K9o

Board: K-9-7-T-9

Level 9: 1,000 - 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 80,702, ent.: 80,702, ent.: 57/92


Break 30 minutes


20:35 Nuts for Mihalo

Five players got in for 2.5k. On a flop of K♣ 9♠ 5♠, Szura bets 5.3k in position, to which Mihalo calls a check raise to 15k, which only Szura calls. The turn K♦ continued with Mihalo betting 11k, which Szura called again, and so did Mihalo's 25k effective all in on the river Q♦. Mihalo turned over the nuts K♠ Q♠, but Szura held the same hand.

Szura: KQo
Mihalo: K♠ Q♠

Board: K♣ 9♠ 5♠ K♦ Q♦

20:30 0%

Five players got in for 1bb, on a flop of 8♣ 7♣ 5♣ Czernecki bets 5k, which is called by 3 opponents. On the turn 4♥ he continues with a bet of 15k, but this time he sends Sartet over the line with a 70k stack. After the fold, Czernecki calls with a 50k stack and turns a flush 4♣ 2♣, but Sartet turns K♣ 9♣ and sends Czernecki for reentry.

Czernecki: 4♣ 2♣
Sartet: K♣ 9♣

Board: 8♣ 7♣ 5♣ 4♥ 2♠

Level 8: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 75,000, ent.: 56/84

20:00 Nuts vs second nuts

Sciranka opened the hand with a raise to 2.2k, which was joined by Debreceni, Kotan and Szura on the BB. A flop of J-T-4 was checked to Kotan, who bets 3.6k, which all of his opponents paid. On the turn the Q after two checks sends Debreceni's 40k stack over the line, making Sciranka the only one to snap. Debreceni turns over second nuts K9o, but Sciranka holds AKo and sends Debreceni to the cashier after the blank river.

Sciranka: AKo
Debreceni: K9o

Board: J-T-4-Q-5

19:55 Wzorek doubles

After a limp, Wzorek raises to 4k and four players are in. A flop of A-4-3 cbets Wzorek 8k, which was matched only by Tobias on the BB and the same action on turn 9 for Wzorek's 17k all in. Tobias turns A5o, but Wzorek AQo, who doubles up after a 6 on the river.

Wzorek: AQo
Tobias: A5o

Board: A-4-3-9-6

Level 7: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 68,182, ent.: 55/75

MDŽ Ladies Freeroll. Banco Casino Košice is also thinking of the women and has prepared a freeroll tournament with prizes worth a total of €1,000! The prizes are Karl Lagerfeld handbags and Thai massages by Golden Kinnaree.

19:32 Snínsky eliminates

He started the hand with a raise from UTG to 1.7k and after two calls, Kovacs 3bets to 3.5k from the BTN. Snínsky 4bets to 10k, which is called only by Kovacs. On a flop of 8-8-4, Snínsky sends 21k effective, which Kovacs snap calls with AKo. However, he needs to improve his hand against Snínsky's JJ on the hand, which he can't do, so he takes the opportunity to reentry.

Snínsky: JJ
Kovacs: AKo

Board: 8-8-4-3-4

19:22 Tociková for reentry

Sciranka, Debreceni, and Tocikova get into a game for 6k where on a flop of 7♠ 3♠ 5♣ Sciranka cbets 7k from the BB. Debreceni calls, but Tocickova sends all in for 25k. Sciranka rejams and after the fold, turns over JJ. Tocikova holds a lower pair of TTs under her hand and the tournament is over for now after a blank runout.

Tociková: TT
Sciranka: JJ

Board: 7-5-3-4-4

Level 6: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 62,500, ent.: 52/65

19:10 Beri eliminates

Sirotnak, Baloghova and Beri were in the game. The flop of Q♥ Q♦ T♥ was no action, the turn of the J♠ leads Baloghova 3k, which both opponents paid. The river J♣ continued with Baloghova betting 11k, but this time Beri mvoes all in 35k effective. Sirotnak folds, but after a while Baloghova calls with KJo, but Beri turns over a higher full house with Q7s and sends Baloghova after a re-entry.

Baloghová: KJo
Beri: Q7s

Board: Q-Q-T-J-J

March in the sign of one-day events! The month kicked off with the 15K One Day Event with a €15,000 guarantee and a €120 buy-in. This tournament will be followed by the Spring Edition Košice Weekend, whose guarantee is increased to €30,000 with an unchanged buy-in of €100, and the month will be closed by the new PKO One Day Event with a guarantee of €20,000 and a buy-in of €100+10!

18:55 Stackoff on the turn

On a 6-3-2-9 turn, Wozny and Sartet were in the game and pot was 23k,after a check Sartet sends his 28k stack into the pot. Wozny thinks for a moment but decides to call with a pair of tens. However Sartet turns over a slightly higher pair of J-J and after a 6 on the river, he doubles up.

Sartet: JJ
Wozny: TT

Board: 6-3-2-9-6

Level 5: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 61,000, ent.: 50/61


Break 40 minutes


17:52 Majlo vs Minarík

Majlo opens to 1.5k and Minarik, sitting next to him, 3bets to 6k, which Majlo calls after a while. Flop K♦ 5♣ 4♥ cbets Minarik 3.5k, which Majlo calls. Turn J♦ same action for 9k, but the river 4♠ was no action. Majlo is the first to turn AKs, which was enough to win.

MEGA VALUE 9.000€. There are currently only 52 entries in the tournament, which is the best invitation to join the tournament! Late reg until 23:30!!!

17:42 Kazmiruk seat open

After a limp, Gruszka raises to 2.1k in position and Kazmiruk 3bets from the blind to 7.5k. Gruszka is the only one to call, on the flop Q♠ J♠ 3♣ cbets Kazmiruk 7k, to which Gruszka decides for a raise to 15k. Kazmiruk sends 24k behind the line, which Gruszka snaps and turns top2. Kazmiruk holds K♣ Q♣ and has to use a re-entry after the turn or river with no help.

Gruszka: QJo
Kazmiruk: KQs

Board: Q-J-3-4-8

Level 4: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 53,409, ent.: 44/47

17:35 Meszaros takes preflop

After three limps, Meszaros raises to 2k and Sloma, sitting next to him, 3bets to 6.7k. After a series of folds, the action goes back to Meszaros, who calls 4bet to 19k. Sloma thinks for a while longer, but eventually folds his cards. 

17:20 Tociková hits

Sciranka opened the hand with a raise to 1k, which involved 3 players. A flop of 9♥ 8♥ 4♠ cbets Sciranka 2k, which paid Tociková and so did Meszaros on the BB. The turn 7♣ was no action, but on the river A♦ Sciranka bets 3k. Tocikova decides for a minraise, which Sciranka pays after the fold. But Tocikova turns over a straight T♥ 6♥ and Sciranka just A♠.


Level 3: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 51,786, ent.: 28/29

16:55 Smaller one for Mihalo

After a limp by Dabrovsky, Wesolowski raises to 1.1k, which is called by Mihalo M. of BB and Dabrovsky as well. The flop of T♦ 9♠ 7♦ is cbet by Wesolowski for 1.6k and Mihalo check raises to 4.1k. Dabrovsky calls, but Wesolowski folds after a moment. The turn 9♦ slows the action, but on the river J♥ Mihalo bets 5.6k. Dabrovsky thinks for a moment, but folds.

16:45 Second barrel convinced

Kostkiewicz opened the hand with a raise, and after a call, Emodi 3bets to 2.7k. Kostkiewicz decides for a 4bet to 7.2k, which Emodi calls. A flop of T♠ 4♠ 3♦ cbets Kostkiewicz 6.5k and Emodi continued on the turn with 3♠. But here, after a second bet of 10k, Emodi folds and Kostkiewicz turns over AA.

GPC vol VI. in May. The tournament with a €100,000 guarantee and a buy-in of €175 will take place from 19.05. - 25.05.2025!

16:40 New players...

Gruszka, Koryl, Kosla, Sloma or Wozny.

Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 25/25

16:30 5bet jam

Wesolowski raises and after a 3bet to 2.4k, Scibor 4bets to 10.5k from the BB. Wesolowski shoves his 32k stack behind the line, which Scibor calls after a moment and turns 99. Wesolowski holds QQ and doubles up after a Q high flop and a blank runout.

Scibor: 99
Wesolowski: QQ

Board: Q-J-8-K-3

16:17 Nice pot for Emodi

After Wesolowski's opener to 600, Emodi 3bets to 2.5k from the BTN, which Scibor calls from the BB, and so does Wesolowski. A flop of A♣ J♣ 7♠ cbets Emodi 3.5k, which was called only by Wesolowski, the turn 9♥ the action was repeated for 6.5k, but the river 6♥ was no action. Wesolowski turns over a missed draw 5♣ 3♣ and Emodi takes the pot with A-Ks.

16:11 Players in the tournament...

Abrudan, Debreceni, Grodek, Kostkiewicz, Meszaros.

16:10 Tournament started!

Tournament 15K One Day Event with 15.000€ GTD just started!

Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 14/14

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