FIFTY GRAND €50,000 GTD at Banco Casino Košice has almost all the opening days, in which it recorded a total of only 304 entries, which is nowhere near enough for a guarantee. At this moment, the casino subsidizes the treasury of FIFTY GRAND with the amount of €11,000.
The last chance to advance starts at 11:00 a.m. with the name Hyper Turbo and open registration until 1:00 p.m. If you have not yet progressed among the elite 30-member squad, take the chance at the last minute.
Flight 1C recorded 154 entries and 15 players advanced to the Final Day. Chipleader from this flight is Loy Pavol with stack of 925,000.
3:10 Bubble boy - Gadek Filip
Gadek jams 232k from button with KJo and Kapalka on bb finds AKo and called. Board without J ends today´s flight.
Kapalka: AKo
Gadek: KJo
Board: 9-8-6-Q-7
Level 20: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 481,250, ent.: 16/154
2:53 Bubble time
Loy opens from ep and Petrič defends bb. Flop 7-2-2 Petrič called cbet, turn T slows the action and on the river 8 leads Petrič 60k. Loy moves all in that Petrič snaps with 32s, but Loy holds TT and we are moving on bubble.
Petrič: 32s
Loy: TT
Board: 7-2-2-T-8
2:49 Disgusting
Beri opens and Pyzara 3bets that Beri called. Flop 6-5-5 after cbet Beri moves all in 272k that Pyzara called with JJ, Beri holds A6o and hits another 6 on the turn. River is brick and Beri doubles up.
Beri: A6o
Pyzara: JJ
Board: 6-5-5-6-7
2:48 Zakhar ends
Last 3bb gets into game from utg with K4o but didnt find help against AKs under Beri´s hand.
2:37 Three outs for Popiolek
He gets his last 5bb into game with A♥ 4♥ and Zakhar called with 99, however river is Ace that holds Popiolek in the tournament.
Popiolek: A4s
Zakhar: 99
Board: J-6-2-J-A
2:30 Lucky river for Sartet
He moves all in 109k and Gruszka on blind called with AKo. Sartet holds QQ, but flop K-8-6 gives a lead to Gruszka, turn 9 changes nothing but river Q holds Sartet.
Sartet: QQ
Gruszka: AKo
Board: K-8-6-9-Q
Level 19: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 427,778, ent.: 18/154
Break 15 minutes
2:13 River holds Mihalo in the tournament
After limp Mihalo moves all in 84k from EP that called just Petrič on blind and shows aces. Mihalo holds KQo, hits Q on the flop and K on the river.
Mihalo: KQo
Petrič: AA
Board: Q-3-8-6-K
2:10 Kuruc Michal doubles
Zakhar opens to 35k and Kuruc jams 176k that Zakhar called with 99. However Kuruc holds QQ and after board without 9 Kuruc doubles.
Kuruc: QQ
Zakhar: 99
Board: K-J-3-5-A
2:04 Beri doubles short
83k stack gets into game with A♦ J♦ and Sloma called with KJo. Beri completes flush on the river and continues in the tournament.
Beri: A♦ J♦
Sloma: KJo
Board: T♦ 3♦ 3♣ 7♣ 7♦
1:55 Last 2 tables
Stefano opens to 36k and Abrudan jams 237k that Stefano called with QQ. Abrudan holds 33 and after board without 3 ends.
Abrudan: 33
Stefano: QQ
Board: T-6-4-A-8
1:48 Sloma takes from Zakhar
Sloma raises button and Zakhar defends bb. Flop A-J-7 cbets Sloma 32k that gets called, turn J was checked and on the river 2 Sloma asks for 100k. Zakhar thinks for a while and called, but Sloma holds JTo and takes pot.
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 405,263, ent.: 19/154
Turbo Level 12: 2-4K, avg.112K, ent.: 27/61
1:22 Radvanský ends
Loy raises from sb and Radvanský defends bb. On the flop Q-J-3 after 22k cbet Radvanský moves all in that Loy called with KQs, Radvanský shows QTo and after blank runout ends.
Radvanský: QTo
Loy: KQs
Board: Q-J-3-4-6
1:18 Gets through
Mihalo opens to 25k and Sirotňák defends bb. Flop K-9-3 cbets Mihalo 18k that gets called and on the turn 4 Mihalo jams 101k. Sirotňák gets into long tank and after that folds, Mihalo shows him 22 and takes pot.
Level 17: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 385,000, ent.: 20/154
Turbo Level 10: 1-2,5k, avg. 100k avg, ent.: 28/56
1:05 Kapalka continues in the tournament
90k gets into game with AQo and Janoszki on blind called with AJo. Blank board doubles Kapalka´s stack.
Kapalka: AQo
Janoszki: AJo
Board: K-T-2-5-A
1:00 Varga ends
He minraises from ep and 5 players were in. On the flop 6-5-3 Varga jams 113k that only Stefano with 99 called. Varga holds A2s but blank runout eliminates him.
Varga: A2o
Stefano: 99
Board: 6-5-3-5-3
0:50 Zakhar doubles
Hardik opens button and Zakhar moves all in 177k from sb that Hardik called with pocket eights. Zakhar holds ATo and hits flushdraw on the flop that he completes on the turn and doubles up.
Zakhar: A♠ T♣
Hardik: 88
Board: Q♣ 6♣ 3♣ 4♣ 2♦
Busy december in Banco Casino Košice! A lot of parties also with Polish Christmas Weekend!! Tournament with 70.000€ GTD and 150€ buyin is ready for you from 11.12.2023!!
Level 16: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 320,833, ent.: 24/154
0:30 Another double for Mihalo
In bvb confrontation Osada raises to 24k from sb and Mihalo called. Flop J♦ 6♥ 4♥ cbets Osada 25k that Mihalo called and on the turn 2♣ after second barrel 50k Mihalo jams 160k that Osada snaps with J8s, but Mihalo holds KJo and after Q on the river eliminates Osada with same stack.
Osada: J8s
Mihalo: KJo
Board: J-6-4-2-Q
0:16 Gift?
Radvansky opens from ep and Mihalo defends bb. Flop Q-4-3 was checked, turn T Mihalo leads 18k and Radvansky jams 90k effective that Mihalo snaps with top 2. Radvansky shows K9o and after 7 on the river Mihalo doublesu p.
Mihalo: QTs
Radvansky: K9o
Board: Q-4-3-T-7
0:14 3-way all in
Kurucsai moves 60k all in from button, Kuruc Michal from sb rejams 146k and Varga on bb snaps. In showdown Kurucsai holds JJ, Kuruc AKo and Varga AQo. Flop K-Q-7 hits both Varga and Kuruc but after blank runout Kuruc takes this pot and Kurucsai ends.
Kurucsai: JJ
Kuruc: AKo
Varga: AQo
Board: K-Q-7-5-3
Level 15: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 285,185, ent.: 27/154
GPC vol.2 comming soon!!!
0:02 Hanzen also ends
Hanzen gets his stack into game with pocket nines and Lovacsi finds JJ and called. Hanzen wasn´t happy with flop J-2-2 and after turn ends also.
Hanzen: 99
Lovacsi: JJ
Board: J-2-2-A-8
23:52 Partizán won´t advance
Partizán jams his stack from sb with AKo and gets called by Beri on bb with pocket fives. Numerical board holds Beri, who eliminates Partizán from tournament.
Partizán: AKo
Beri: 55
Board: 7-7-6-8-2
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 248,387, ent.: 31/154
Break 10 minutes
23:15 Another aces
This time for Gadek, who gets his 72,5k stack behind the line and Vaji called with AQo. Safe board holds Gadek, who doubles up.
Gadek: AA
Vaji: AQo
Board: J-4-5-T-9
23:11 Bvb
Beri ended up in preflop all in in bvb confrontation with pocket nines against A9o under Sloma´s hand. Board holds pair combination and Beri continues with double stack.
Beri: 99
Sloma: A9o
Board: Q-Q-J-6-3
23:05 Majlo crashed
He ended up in preflop all in for 105k with pocket queens, but his opponent finds aces and after board without Q doubles up.
Majlo: QQ
Popiolek: AA
Board: K-J-5-4-T
Level 13: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 197,436, ent.: 39/154
22:58 Urban ends
Urban moves all in 55k from button and Majlo on sb called with A9o. Urban holds A5o but after turn it´s clear that he won´t advance.
Urban: A5o
Majlo: A9o
Board: 9-8-2-T-5
22:42 3-way all in
Abrudan, Urban and Pieniazek ended up in preflop all in, wherer Abrudan holds AKo, Urban QQ and Pieniazek JJ. Flop changes nothing but turn A gives a lead to Abrudan, who takes over 270k pot and Pieniazek ends.
Urban: QQ
Pieniazek: JJ
Abrudan: AKo
Board: T-8-2-A-9
Polish Christmas Weekend schedule!
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 154,000, ent.: 50/154
22:28 Aces cracked
Sirotňák completes sb and Kerky on bb raises to 10k that gets called. Flop J-T-2 Kerky cbets 11k, Sirotňák check raises to 30k, Kerky moves behind the line 100K and Sirotňák jams approx 145k effective that Kerky called with AA. However Sirotňák holds top two and after turn or river without help Kerky ends.
Kerky: AA
Sirotňák: JT
Board: J-T-2-Q-6
22:22 Another one
Lovacsi gets her 30k stack into game with Q♠ 9♠ and gets called by Kerky with AQo. Flop Q♦ T♣ 3♠ changes nothing, but runner runner flush holds Lovacsi in the tournament.
Lovacsi: Q♠ 9♠
Kerky: AQo
Board: Q♦ T♣ 3♠ 5♠ 6♠
22:15 Runner runner
Hanzen opens to 6,5k and Hustler jams 43k with pocket eights. Hanzen called with AQo and needs to hit board, flop K-K-6 was safe for Hustler, turn J was best card for Hanzen, who completes Straight after T on the river.
Hanzen: AQo
Hustler: 88
Board: K-K-6-J-T
22:05 15 players advance to final day!
Level 11: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 137,500, ent.: 56/154
Break 30 minutes
21:25 Flip flop Luman
He opens to 5,5k and after 2 calls Marhefka 3bets to 22k. Action back on Luman, who 4bets to 85k what was Marhefka´s all in who called with pocket queens. Luman holds AKo and takes a lead on the flop, turn brings flushdraw dor Marhefka but river eliminates him.
Marhefka: Q♥ Q♣
Luman: AKo
Board: K♥ 8♥ 5♣ J♥ 6♣
21:12 Never easy
Gruszka raises button and Loy from bb jams 26k that Gruszka called with 5♣ 4♣. Loy holds pocket queens and hits set on the flop, but turn brings flushdraw for Gruszka however river holds Loy in the tournament.
Loy: QQ
Gruszka: 5♣ 4♣
Board: K♥ Q♠ 2♣ T♣ 8♦
21:05 Kerky doubles
He starts the game with minraise that called 3 players. Flop 7♠ 6♥ 3♠ cbets Kerky 8k that called Slávik and Kuruc on sb. Turn 6♠ slows the action and on the river 5♥ leads Kuruc 16k. Kerky jams 23k that Kuruc called with 44, but Kerky holds 55 and doubles up.
Kerky: 55
Kuruc: 44
Board: 7-6-3-6-5
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 120,968, ent.: 62/150
20:52 Second barrel enough
After limp Kerky raises to 5k and Slávik from button 3bets to 12k that Kerky called. Flop K♠ 5♥ 2♥ cbets Slávik 9k that Kerky called, but on the turn 9♦ after second barrel 20k Kerky folds his cards.
20:42 Happy crashed
After minraise Gruszka 3bets to 10k, sb called and Happy from bb moves all in 80k that Gruszka snaps with AA. Happy holds kings and after board without K ends.
Happy: KK
Gruszka: AA
Board: Q-T-7-Q-6
20:35 Classic flip
Šmida ended up in preflop all in against Flešár. Šmida holds QQ, Flešár AKs who increases his outs after flop 5-3-2, turn J changes nothing but 4 on the river doubles Flešár´s 53,5k stack.
Flešár: AKs
Šmida: QQ
Board: 5-3-2-J-4
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 102,817, ent.: 74/146
20:27 Varga eliminates
He ended up in preflop for 32,5k that was Bural´s stack. Bural shows A6o but Varga AKo and after board without help Bural needs to use reentry.
Bural: A6o
Varga: AKo
Board: 9-9-2-5-3
20:10 Kings to muck
Kuruc M. minraises and Majka 3bets to 8k that Kuruc called. Flop T♥ 6♥ 4♥ cbets Majka 10k that gets called and on the turn 5♠ jams 32k that Kuruc snaps with 8♥ 7♦. Majka holds K♥ K♣ and after T♣ on the river ends.
Majka: K♥ K♣
Kuruc M.: 8♥ 7♦
Board: T♥ 6♥ 4♥ 5♠ T♣
Busy december in Banco Casino Košice! A lot of parties also with Polish Christmas Weekend!! Tournament with 70.000€ GTD and 150€ buyin is ready for you from 11.12.2023!!
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 86,875, ent.: 79/139
19:54 Abrudan eliminates
Six players were in game for 2,5k on the flop J♣ 6♣ 2♣, where action was checked to Nowinski, who moves all in 20k that only Abrudan snaps with K♣ 9♣. Nowinski holds A♣ J♠, but blank runout sends him for reentry.
Nowinski: A♣ J♠
Abrudan: K♣ 9♣
Board: J♣ 6♣ 2♣ 4♠ 3♥
19:45 Gets paid...
Kuruc M. opens to 2,5k that called Piga and Kerky on blinds. Flop Q♣ 6♣ 4♣ cbets Kuruc 1,5k and Kerky raises to 3,5k that gets called. Turn 8♦ Kerky slows down and check calls 6,5k and also 15k on the river 7♣, but when Kuruc shows A♣ 9♣ Kerky mucks his cards.
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 80,723, ent.: 83/134
19:30 Do you want call? ... Yes
After minraise Varga 3bets to 8k and Jarosz jams 41k. Action back on Varga who asks Jarosz, if he wants to call and he said yes, so Varga called with A6o. Jarosz shows AQo, but 6 on the flop and blank runout eliminates him.
Varga: A6o
Jarosz: AQo
Board: 8-6-2-A-T
19:20 Aces for Kurucsai
Banach K. gets her 40k stack into game with pocket queens, but Kurucsai finds aces under his hand and of course called. Board brings no help for Banach, who needs to go for reentry.
Banach K.: QQ
Kurucsai: AA
Board: T-9-2-3-4
19:10 Sudimák for reentry
Sudimák ended up in preflop all in for 35k against Goenczi. In showdown Sudimák holds pocket tens, but Goenczi higher pair JJ and after board without T Sudimák needs to use reentry.
Sudimák: TT
Goenczi: JJ
Board: K-Q-6-5-3
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 71,023, ent.: 88/125
OVERLAY STILL 25.000€!!!
Break 30 minutes
18:29 Drawing dead
Kuruc Michal opens to 2k from EP and another three players were interested. Flop 8♠ 6♠ 7♣ cbets Kuruc 3,5k that called Wolinski and Piga from sb. Turn 2♠ continues Kuruc for 8k, Wolinski jams 36k that after fold Kuruc snaps with Q♠ 9♠. Wolinski shows J♠ T♦ and needs to use reentry.
Kuruc: Q♠ 9♠
Wolinski: J♠ T♦
Board: 8♠ 4♠ 7♣ 2♠ 6♥
18:22 Kerky takes on the turn
Jarosz minraises and 5 players were in the game. Flop K♦ 5♦ 2♥ cbets Jarosz 4k that called Kerky and Kurucsai, turn K♥ after check Kerky bets 15,5k that convinced both opponents to fold.
18:10 Lets gamble
Sloma opens from utg, Mihalo called and Pošivák jams 10k. Sloma rejams 20k effective that Mihalo with words "lets gamble" called with Q♥ 8♥. Pošivák holds J♠ T♠ and Sloma shows pocket kings. Flop brings flushdraw for Mihalo, but blank runout eliminates 2 players.
Mihalo: Q♥ 8♥
Pošivák: JTs
Sloma: KK
Board: A♥ 9♣ 2♥ 5♦ 8♠
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 63,095, ent.: 84/106
17:58 Sloma in tank
Mihalo opens to 1,5k from EP and 4 players were in. Flop A♣ 9♣ 4♣ checked to Pošivák, who bets 2,2k that called Sloma and Mihalo, turn 5♥ continues Pošivák for 4k and after call Mihalo raises to 12k that only Sloma called. River 4♥ Mihalo moves all in 32,3k and Sloma gets into tank, but after that decides to fold his cards.
GPC vol.2 comming soon!!!
17:45 Majka for reentry
After series of raises Majka gets his 35k stack into game with A♣ K♣, but needs to hit three outs against KK under Berezowski´s hand. Safe board holds pair of kings and Majka needs to use reentry.
Majka: AKs
Berezowski: KK
Board: T-4-3-7-4
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 57,927, ent.: 82/95
17:17 Cooler
Varga opens from EP that called Mazurek in position. Flop A-K-T cbets Varga that gets called, turn continues for 5k and river moves all in 20k that Mazurek snaps. Varga holds AKs but Mazurek nuts straight QJo and doubles up.
Mazurek: QJo
Varga: AKs
Board: A-K-T-8-5
17:30 3-way
Kupiec opens from utg to 1,7k and after 4x calls Szylagyi from bb jams 16k. Kupiec rejams 18k stack and Zakhar 20k. In showdown Kupiec holds A9o, Zakhar QJo and Szylagyi TT, who hits set on the river and triples up.
Kupier: A9o
Szylagyi: TT
Zakhar: QJo
Board: Q-J-9-6-T
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 52,857, ent.: 71/74
16:55 Missclick
Pyzara raises by mistake from utg to 12k that called just Stefano. Flop T-8-7 after check Stefano bets 12k, what was enough to take this pot.
16:50 Mihalo moves all in
Haľko opens CO to 1,1k and Swieca with Mihalo on blinds called. Flop J♠ 6♠ 3♠ cbets Haľko 1,7k that both called, turn 7♥ Swieca leads 6k that only Mihalo called. River 5♠ bets Swieca 11,5k, but this time Mihalo moves all in and Swieca folds his cards.
16:34 New players...
Mihalo, Stefano, Kupiec, Jarosz M. and T., Janoszki or Gorz will try to advance today.
Polish Christmas Weekend schedule!
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 51/51
16:22 Pot for Gruszka
Three players were in the game for 5,5k on the flop 8♦ 8♥ 6♣, where Gruszka in position bets 4,5k and after fold Zakhar check raises to 12k that Gruszka called. Turn A♣ bets Zakhar 12k that gets also called and river J♠ was checked. In showdown Zakhar shows QQ, but Gruszka holds KK.
16:05 Flight 1C started!
Varga, Antal, Kepič, Partizán, Zakhar, Vaji or Bak on the start.
16:00 Another game day ahead of us
Today we will play two flights. 1C with regular length levels and 1D Turbo with a length of 15 minutes that starts at 22:00!
Level 1: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 27/27
Check our social media for new daily information about PROMO events and actions in Banco Casino Košice.
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If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:
Adress: Hlavná 1, Košice
Phone number cash manager: 0918 100 100
Phone number tournament manager: 0917 595 644
Reception: +421 552 850 333

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